
The Second Amendment concerns American citizens' "right to bear arms" yet this amendment has long been a source of heated debate, confusion, and litigation. What has been the stance of the Supreme Court on Second Amendment issues in the past few decades?
A.The Supreme Court has refused to rule on Second Amendment matters on the grounds that it is perceived as a state issue instead of a federal issue.
B.Generally the Supreme Court has refused to restrict the right to bear arms, with only few exceptions, such as in the use of assault rifle bans.
C.The Supreme Court has consistently chipped away at private ownership and use of guns.
D.The Supreme Court has historically avoided the subject of private gun ownership, but recently appointed justices have signaled a dramatic shift toward strict gun control.
E.The Supreme Court believes that retreat on the Second Amendment will set a dangerous precedent that will create a "slippery slope" on which retreat on First Amendment issues will be imminent.


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