
Theodore Roosevelts New Nationalism

a. embraced womens suffrage.

b. included old and new immigrants to the nation.

c. argued that the government should not provide for the poor.

d. promoted the growth of large corporations.

e. counteracted antitrust laws.

ANS: A TOP: The Progressive Presidents

DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 715 | Seagull 729

MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.


Test 1

___ 1. Jane Addams

___ 2. Henry Ford

___ 3. Eugene Debs

___ 4. Frederick W. Taylor

___ 5. John Muir

___ 6. Margaret Sanger

___ 7. William Big Bill Haywood

___ 8. Theodore Roosevelt

___ 9. Robert M. La Follette

___ 10. Louis Brandeis

___ 11. John Mitchell

___ 12. Charlotte Perkins Gilman

a. scientific management

b. birth-control movement

c. Industrial Workers of the World

d. Supreme Court justice

e. Hull House

f. United Mine Workers

g. moving assembly line

h. Wisconsin Progressive

i. socialist leader

j. Square Deal

k. Women and Economics

l. Sierra Club


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