
___ 1. Thomas Jefferson

___ 2. Adam Smith

___ 3. Samuel Sewall

___ 4. Benjamin Rush

___ 5. Phillis Wheatley

___ 6. Abigail Adams

___ 7. James Otis

___ 8. John Adams

___ 9. Joseph Brant

___ 10. John Carroll

a. was a black poet whose work was often printed with testimonials by prominent citizens

b. was a Pennsylvania radical who warned that slavery was a national crime

c. wrote Thoughts on Government, which insisted that the new constitutions should create balanced governments

d. was Americas first Roman Catholic bishop

e. wrote The Selling of Joseph, the first antislavery tract printed in America

f. wrote about universal freedom, including for blacks, and posed the question What man is or ever was born free if every man is not?

g. drafted Virginias Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom and sought to eliminate religious requirements for voting and officeholding

h. famously called on the founding fathers in a letter to Remember the ladies

i. wrote The Wealth of Nations and described the potential of the invisible hand of the free market directing economic life

j. was a young Mohawk who sided with the British in hopes of creating an Indian confederacy lying between Canada and the United States


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