
Under what condition or conditions will a court now find nondisclosure as having the same legal effect as an actual false assertion?

A. When a relationship of trust exists between the parties to the contract.

B. When there is a failure to correct assertions of fact that are no longer true in light of events that have occurred since the initial consent to the terms of the agreement.

C. When the transaction at issue is the first dealing the parties have undertaken together.

D. When a relationship of trust exists between the parties to the contract and when there is a failure to correct assertions of fact that are no longer true in light of events that have occurred since the initial consent to the terms of the agreement.

E. When a relationship of trust exists between the parties to the contract, when there is a failure to correct assertions of fact that are no longer true in light of events that have occurred since the initial consent to the terms of the agreement, and when the contract at issue is the first contract the parties have undertaken together.


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