
Use these to construct a test measuring phonemic awareness. For example, the first letter sound to assess is /a/. In order to make a rhyming item, provide an example of a rhyming word that uses the sounds /a/ and /t/, or at. Words that can be formed using at with the consonants provided are sat, fat, mat, and rat.
Model: "Listen to this word: at. I know some words that rhyme with at: mat and fat."
Sound to be assessed is /i/.
Directions: "Now listen to this word: zip. Tell me a word that rhymes with zip."
(Acceptable responses: lip, rip, ship).
Continue constructing the test for the blending/segmenting of sounds in the words am, an, if, and at. To blend, direct the student to say sounds together that you first say in isolation. When the sounds are said together, they form a word (/a/ /m/ together is am). For segmenting items, provide an example of how a word sounds when spoken as one unit, then how it sounds when each sound is articulated individually (am followed by /a/ /m/).
1) Model (blending):
2) Directions:
3) Model (segmenting):
4) Directions:
Now construct test items measuring sound substitution skills. These items
make new words when one sound is replaced with another sound. For example,
when the /f/ sound is substituted with the /r/ sound, fat becomes rat. Use any of
the words presented in Figure 11.4 for the items.
5) Model (substitution):
6) Directions:


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