
___ 1. Virginia Company

___ 2. An Act Concerning Religion

___ 3. Puritans

___ 4. tobacco

___ 5. Mayflower Compact

___ 6. headright system

___ 7. Quakers

___ 8. indentured servants

___ 9. House of Burgesses

___ 10. Half-Way Covenant

___ 11. Magna Carta

___ 12. Levellers

a. institutionalized the principle of toleration that had prevailed from Marylands beginnings

b. believed the spirit of God dwelled in all persons

c. gave five to seven years of service for passage to America and were subject to punishment

d. was the first elected assembly in colonial America

e. was the charter company that established Jamestown

f. was the first written frame of government in British America

g. was a religious compromise for the descendants of the Great Migration

h. was the primary crop of the Chesapeake colonies

i. argued that the Church of England was still too Catholic

j. granted fifty acres to anyone who paid his own passage

k. formed a political movement favoring expanded liberties

l. was a 1215 document that was said to embody English freedom


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