
Warren G. Harding, the Republican candidate, won the 1920 presidential election. What was the basis of his campaign?

a. He planned to strengthen United States economic and military presence internationally.

b. He wanted to return to normalcy.

c. He intended to send missionaries to Europe to promote democracy and freedom.

d. He would continue Wilsons legacy.

e. He proposed a liberal agenda.

ANS: B TOP: 1919 DIF: Moderate

REF: Full p. 761 | Seagull p. 777 MSC: Understanding

OBJ: 5. Analyze the reasons why 1919 was a watershed year for the United States and the world.


Test 1

___ 1. Woodrow Wilson

___ 2. W. E. B. Du Bois

___ 3. Eugene Debs

___ 4. Alice Paul

___ 5. Marcus Garvey

___ 6. Theodore Roosevelt

___ 7. Randolph Bourne

___ 8. Jeannette Rankin

___ 9. William Howard Taft

___ 10. D. W. Griffith

a. arrested under the Espionage Act

b. liberal internationalism

c. The Birth of a Nation

d. first female member of Congress

e. Niagara Movement

f. Universal Negro Improvement Association

g. National Womans Party

h. Trans-National America

i. Monroe Doctrine corollary

j. Dollar Diplomacy


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