
What advice does Chief Joseph offer the white man in his 1879 speech in Washington, D.C.?

a. to leave the continent because the Indians are sure to fight immediately and hold their own

b. to treat all men, including Indians, the same way in order to live in peace

c. to make verbal promises to the Indians regarding property and peace

d. to ignore the Indians entirely as had been done for most of American history

e. to deny Indians the ability to travel and trade in exchange for much-needed supplies

ANS: B TOP: Voices of Freedom | Primary Source Document DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 624 | Seagull p. 636 MSC: Understanding

OBJ: 2. Illustrate how the economic development of the Gilded Age affected American freedom.


Test 1

___ 1. Thomas Edison

___ 2. Nicola Tesla

___ 3. Andrew Carnegie

___ 4. John D. Rockefeller

___ 5. William G. Sumner

___ 6. Terence Powderly

___ 7. Edward Bellamy

___ 8. Walter Rauschenbusch

___ 9. Chief Joseph

___ 10. Sitting Bull

___ 11. Jacob Riis

___ 12. Henry George

a. a figure of the Social Gospel movement

b. a steel industry giant

c. the author of Progress and Poverty

d. the head of the Knights of Labor

e. the inventor of the electric motor

f. the author of How the Other Half Lives

g. winner at the Battle of Little Bighorn

h. a utopian novelist

i. a Social Darwinist

j. an oil industry giant

k. a member of the Nez Perc

l. inventor who opened the first electric generating system in Manhattan


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