
What debate existed in the 1860s between whites in the East and West over what to do about Native Americans?
A) Easterners wanted a peaceful policy of assimilation, while those in the West who feared attacks, wanted a firmer control over Native Americans.
B) Easterners wanted Native Americans to be segregated on reservations, while those in the West wanted Native Americans to be assimilated into white society.
C) Easterners wanted Native Americans to move further west, while Westerners believed they should be allowed to stay where they were.
D) Easterners felt that until Native Americans were fully controlled, they could not have any rights, whereas Westerners wanted them to have equal rights.
E) Easterners felt that Native Americans should be allowed to live their traditional nomadic lifestyles, while Westerners wanted them to be assimilated into American culture.


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