
What do UCC Sections 2-601 and 2A-509 indicate in reference to the perfect tender rule?

A. That if goods or tender of delivery fail in any respect to conform to the contract, the buyer/lessee has the right to accept the goods, reject the entire shipment, or accept part and reject part.

B. That if goods or tender of delivery fail in any material respect to conform to the contract, the buyer/lessee has the right to accept the goods, reject the entire shipment, or accept part and reject part.

C. That if goods or tender of delivery fail in any respect to conform to the contract, the buyer/lessee has the right to accept the goods or reject the entire shipment, but not the right to accept part and reject part.

D. That if goods or tender of delivery fail in any material respect to conform to the contract, the buyer/lessee has the right to accept the goods or reject the entire shipment, but not the right to accept part and reject part.

E. That if goods or tender of delivery fail in any respect to conform to the contract, the buyer/lessee only has the right to accept the entire shipment and sue for damages.


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