
What does activity theory suggest for older adults?

Activity theory states that the more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives. Researchers have found strong support for activity theory, beginning in the 1960s and continuing into the twenty-first century. These researchers have found that when older adults are active, energetic, and productive, they age more successfully and are happier than if they disengage from society. A recent study found that older adults were happiest when they combined effortful social, physical, cognitive, and household activities with restful activities. Another recent study of Canadian older adults revealed that those who were more physically active had higher life satisfaction and greater social interaction than their physically inactive counterparts. Activity theory suggests that many individuals will achieve greater life satisfaction if they continue their middle-adulthood roles into late adulthood. If these roles are stripped from them (as in early retirement), it is important for them to find substitute roles that keep them active and involved.


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