
What was different about the American working class of the 1830s as compared to the American working class of the 1840s?
A) In the 1830s, most factory work was done by men, but by the 1840s, more women and children began to work in factories.
B) In the 1830s, most men worked in factories, but by the 1840s, they worked more as artisans as factory work decreased in general.
C) In the 1830s, the majority of male workers were farmers, but by the 1840s, most male workers were employed in factories.
D) In the 1830s, most male workers were artisans and few worked in factories, but by the 1840s, the proportion of male factory workers increased.
E) In the 1830s, most women and children did not work at all, but by the 1840s they worked side by side with men in factories.


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