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When a government orders companies not to conduct business in another country because of a war, human rights violations, or lack of a legitimate government; these orders are called:
A. Government bailouts.
B. Political sanctions.
C. Economic sanctions.
D. Government stop-orders.
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Related questions
Supporters of advocacy advertisements believe that they:
A. Identify a company as an interested and active stakeholder.
B. Can help mold public opinion on a particular policy issue.
C. Increase union activity and long-term expenses for an organization.
D. Both A and B, but not C.
Companies have been permitted to contribute to political action committees since:
A. The early 1950s.
B. The mid-1970s.
C. The mid-1980s.
D. Never, they are prohibited by U.S. law.
Lobbyists, under U.S. law, must disclose their:
A. Political affiliation and expenses.
B. Earnings.
C. Expenses.
D. Earnings and expenses.
A corporate political strategy does not:
A. Hinder a competitors ability to compete economically.
B. Seek to continue the firms economic survival or growth.
C. Determine the legal limits allowed for campaign financing.
D. Exercise a firms right to a voice in government affairs.
The National Energy Plan signed into law by President Bush:
A. Extended daylight savings time 11 weeks.
B. Shortened daylight savings time 5 weeks.
C. Extended daylight savings time 4 weeks.
D. Was opposed by the barbecue industry.
Two or more participants joining together to act in concert in the political process is called:
A. A political coalition.
B. An ad hoc coalition.
C. Cooperation.
D. Regulation.
In a 2011 Harris poll, how many people believed that political action committees were seen as too powerful?
A. 87 percent.
B. 65 percent.
C. 47 percent.
D. 15 percent.
Proponents of business as a political participant argue:
A. A pluralistic system invites many participants.
B. It is businesss constitutional right to be involved.
C. Business is a vital stakeholder of government.
D. Both A and C, but not B.
Reregulation is:
A. The adoption of regulation in another country to promote trade.
B. Necessary since all regulation has a time limit.
C. The increase or expansion of government regulation.
D. The shifting of regulation to the state level from the national level.
Total social regulation costs are:
A. Slightly higher than total economic regulation costs.
B. Slightly less than total economic regulation costs.
C. Significantly higher than total economic regulation costs.
D. Equal to total economic regulation costs.
Employees in the United States have the right to organize and bargain collectively.
Which of the following is not a goal of consumer protection laws?
A. Encourage competitive pricing.
B. Facilitate consumers getting extended credit when making purchases.
C. Provide consumers with better information when making purchases.
D. Protect consumers against possible hazards from products purchased.
Which organization brings together 300 nonprofit groups to espouse the consumer viewpoint?
A. Consumers Union.
B. Consumer Federation of America.
C. National Consumer League.
D. Public Citizen.
A prime social responsibility of business is to safeguard consumers:
A. While continuing to supply them with goods and services they want.
B. While maintaining high profit margins.
C. By supplying consumers with products at the lowest possible cost.
D. By providing new technology.
Managing for product quality is an attempt by business to address its suppliers needs.
One alternative to product liability lawsuits is called:
A. Limited resolution.
B. Punitive damages reform.
C. Alternative dispute resolution.
D. Consumerism.
Advertising that is targeted to particular customers, based on their observed online behavior, is called:
A. Targeted advertising.
B. Tracking advertising.
C. Behavioral advertising.
D. Online advertising.
An identifying marker placed on a users computer hard drive during visits in order to identify the user during each subsequent visit and to build profiles of their behavior over time is called a:
A. Spy.
B. Virus.
C. Cookie.
D. Firewall.
The main responsibility of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is to:
A. Set a uniform national speed limit.
B. Set airline safety standards.
C. Set motor vehicle safety standards.
D. Safeguard consumers from altered odometers.
Describe a current trend in corporate governance, providing a real example.
What are the key features of effective boards of directors?
Which of the following is not an instance of insider trading?
A. An auditor using nonpublic information about the company to invest in its stock.
B. A marketing executive briefing stock analysts on the companys sales performance.
C. The CEOs cousin buying stock after the CEO mentioned a pending offer to buy the company.
D. A stock broker passing an inside tip to a client, but not trading for his or her own account.
Which of the following is not an example of fulfilling social objectives through stock ownership?
A. Selling stock of companies that did business in South Africa when it had a policy of racial discrimination.
B. Divesting from Chinese companies that made products using forced labor.
C. Selling stock of companies with a below-market rate of return.
D. Not investing in Burmese companies that had been accused of human rights abuses.
The main reason that American executives are paid so much is:
A. Pay is set by the compensation committees of the board, largely comprised of other CEOs who have an interest in pushing compensation up.
B. Qualified individuals are scarce, because most current CEOs were born during the baby bust years of the Great Depression.
C. High executive compensation in other nations puts upward pressure on the salaries of U.S. executives.
D. Most executives are paid based on their performance, and rising compensation reflects the excellent performance of their firms.
Which of the following statements is not true with respect to acid rain?
A. A primary source of acid rain is coal-fired utilities.
B. Acid rain occurs when carbon dioxide combines with water vapor in the atmosphere.
C. Acid rain is worse in some regions of the United States than others.
D. Acid rain degrades buildings.
Emissions of nearly all major pollutants have increased substantially since 1970.
The Clean Air Act of 1990 incorporated the concept of tradable allowances as a key part of its approach to pollution reduction.
By setting a common standard for all firms, government can take the cost of pollution control out of competition.
Scientists believe that if the Montreal Protocol is honored the ozone layer will recover by:
A. 2015.
B. 2035.
C. 2050,
D. Never.
The amount of land and water a human population needs to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes given prevailing technology is called:
A. Ecological footprint.
B. Technological innovation.
C. Sustainable development.
D. Consumption footprint.