
Which of the following is a way for teachers to make transitions more effective?
1) Sing a song at clean up time.
2) Practice a new physical skill to move from one area to another (for example, skip from group time to the cubby to get coats before going outside).
3) Help children come down the hall quietly by pretending to "creep" past the director's office, varying what they pretend on different days (creep one day, come quiet as a mouse on another, etc.)
4) Help children come down the hall quietly by holding their finger over their mouths in the "shhh" sign. Use this strategy every time they are in the hallway.
a. Sing or practice physical skill
b. Creep and use "shhh" sign
c. Sing, practice and use "shhh" sign
d. Sing, practice and creep


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