
Which of the following is the correct sequence of events leading to the polyuria and dehydration associated with diabetes mellitus?
A. Hyperglycemia glucose in urine raises osmolarity of tubular fluid glucose transport maximum exceeded glucose enters renal tubules osmotic diuresis
B. Hyperglycemia glucose enters renal tubules glucose transport maximum exceeded glucose in urine raises osmolarity of tubular fluid osmotic diuresis
C. Hyperglycemia glucose enters renal tubules glucose in urine raises osmolarity of tubular fluid osmotic dieresis glucose transport maximum exceeded
D. Hyperglycemia glucose transport maximum exceeded glucose enters renal tubules glucose in urine raises osmolarity of tubular fluid osmotic diuresis
E. Osmotic diuresis glucose enters renal tubules glucose transport maximum exceeded glucose in urine raises osmolarity of tubular fluid hyperglycemia


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