
Which of the following is true regarding an award of attorney fees under Title VII?

A. Attorney fees are always awarded to the prevailing party in Title VII cases.

B. Attorney fees are never awarded to the prevailing party in Title VII cases.

C. Attorney fees may be awarded to a successful plaintiff in a Title VII case and are typically denied only when special circumstances would render the award unjust, but attorney fees are not awarded to prevailing defendants.

D. Attorney fees are not awarded to prevailing plaintiffs; but if it is determined that a plaintiff's action was frivolous, unreasonable, or without foundation, the courts may award attorney's fees to the prevailing defendant.

E. Attorney fees may be awarded to a successful plaintiff in a Title VII case and are typically denied only when special circumstances would render the award unjust; and if it is determined that a plaintiff's action was frivolous, unreasonable, or without foundation, the courts may award attorney's fees to the prevailing defendant.


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