
Which of the following would be a possible amino acid sequence for an oligopeptide given the experimental data below?

The amino acid composition is found to be [ala, lys, phe, met, cys, plus some decomposition products].
2.The peptide has a molecular weight around 700 Da and absorbs at 280 nm.
3.Treatment with carboxypeptidase results in tryptophan and a peptide.
4.CNBr treatment yields a tetrapeptide and a dipeptide.
5.Trypsin digestion produces an amino acid and a pentapeptide with met on the amino end.
6.Chymotrypsin digestion yields a dipeptide and a tetrapeptide.

a. trp-lys-met-cys-met-ala
b. lys-met-cys-phe-ala-trp
c. trp-ala-phe-cys-met-lys
d. lys-ala-cys-phe-met-trp
e. lys-met-cys-ala-phe-trp


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