
Which statement best describes the product liability litigation process and the parties involved?

(A) Product liability litigation is the process of a business (offendant) filing a lawsuit against a firm (defendant) to be compensated for harm resulting from defective products.

(B) Product liability litigation is the process of a consumer (offendant) filing a lawsuit against a firm (defendant) to be compensated for harm resulting from defective products.

(C) Product liability litigation is the process of a consumer (plaintiff) filing a lawsuit against a firm (defendant) to be compensated for harm resulting from defective products or business actions.

(D) Product liability litigation is the process of a consumer (plaintiff) filing a lawsuit against a firm (defendant) to be compensated for harm resulting from defective products but not from business actions.

(E) Product liability litigation is the process of a consumer (plaintiff) filing a lawsuit against a firm (defendant) through the federal court system to be compensated for harm resulting from defective products.


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