
___ 1. white gold

___ 2. overseer

___ 3. Underground Railroad

___ 4. Brer Rabbit

___ 5. yeoman farmers

___ 6. Mason-Dixon Line

___ 7. silent sabotage

___ 8. peculiar institution

___ 9. paternalism

___ 10. gang labor

___ 11. Israel Hill

___ 12. Second Middle Passage

a. system to help slaves escape to the North

b. slave trade within the United States

c. poor work and breakage of tools

d. slavery

e. managed slaves in the field

f. community of freed Virginian slaves

g. treating slaves in a fatherly manner

h. working in the fields side by side

i. had one or two, if any, slaves

j. boundary line between Pennsylvania and Maryland

k. cotton

l. trickster tale


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