
Why did Margaret Chase Smith disagree with Joseph McCarthys anticommunist agenda?

a. The United States was winning the Cold War.

b. She showed that he actually downplayed the communist threat.

c. The Republican Party did not need political victories.

d. McCarthy was promoting hate and character assassination.

e. The Democrats needed to regain control of the Senate.

ANS: D TOP: Voices of Freedom | Primary Source Document DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 925 | Seagull pp. 936937 MSC: Remembering

OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.


Test 1

___ 1. Alger Hiss

___ 2. Walter Lippmann

___ 3. Joseph McCarthy

___ 4. Douglas MacArthur

___ 5. George Kennan

___ 6. Harry Truman

___ 7. Jackie Robinson

___ 8. Henry Wallace

___ 9. Rosenbergs

___ 10. Henry Steele Commager

___ 11. Whittaker Chambers

___ 12. Eleanor Roosevelt

a. accused Alger Hiss of being a spy

b. Korean War commander

c. 1948 Progressive Party candidate

d. critic of the Cold War

e. prosecuted by HUAC

f. Who Is Loyal to America?

g. author of containment doctrine

h. black baseball star

i. Fair Deal

j. senator from Wisconsin

k. chaired committee on human rights

l. convicted of spying


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