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With respect to counseling minor clients who are considering abortiona. counselors should be aware that most teens avoiding talking to their parents about pregnancy because
adolescents need to rebel against parental authority
b. that these clients may need to process issues of abuse, loss, love, and hopes for the future
c. counselors should advocate their own moral position regarding abortion
d. counselors should exercise care when assisting a minor to obtain an abortion
e. counselors should immediately refer these clients to medical professionals
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Related questions
In regard to giving credit to contributors to research projects in published reports
a. a footnote is sufficient.
b. every person who contributed must be listed as a co-author.
c. the major professor of a dissertation study must be listed as first author.
d. appropriate credit must be given, but there are no firm rules.
e. individuals who were paid to assist do not have to be given any credit.
Do you think a sexual relationship between a counselor and a former client is ever acceptable? Why or why not?
What are differences between a friendship and a counseling relationship?
The requirement that universities establish committees to review research proposals to ensure that human participants are protected is
a. a state law in all states.
b. required by the U.S. Constitution.
c. voluntarily adhered to throughout the United States.
d. a federal law that carries with it the penalty of loss of federal funds if violated.
e. a federal law that makes it a crime to do otherwise.
When a counselor who is working under supervision shares confidential information about clients with her or his supervisor
a. the counselor is legally responsible if the supervisor inappropriately discloses the confidential information to a third party
b. privileged communication is destroyed
c. this is acceptable behavior because the supervisor needs the information in order to supervise effectively
d. the information should be shared verbally, but not put in writing
e. the counselor is unethically breaching client confidentiality
Evaluation as an end in itself is a very different process from counseling. Why would a counselor want to be an evaluator?
How would you define "social justice"?
How should you get legal advice when a legal issue presents itself?
According to the United State Small Business Administration, the percentages of business that fail are
a. over 5% fail in the first year, and 15% fail within the first 5 years.
b. over 50% fail in the first year, and 95% fail within the first 5 years.
c. over 10% fail in the first year, and 25% fail within the first 5 years.
d. over 95% fail in the first year, and 99% fail within the first 5 years.
e. over 15% fail in the first year, and 35% fail within the first 5 years.
If a counselor were to purposefully make false oral statements that damaged the reputation of another mental health professional, the counselor could be sued for
a. slander.
b. libel.
c. malicious harm.
d. absolute privilege.
e. insubordination.
In the process of explaining informed consent in family counseling, counselors should
a. describe possible changes in family relationships that could occur as a result of family counseling.
b. explain that one family member will be designated as the "identified patient" for insurance reimbursement purposes.
c. assure family members that any changes made in family functioning as a result of counseling will be acceptable to all family members.
d. counsel separately, on an individual basis, any family member who expresses reluctance to participate in family counseling.
e. require each family member to sign a confidentiality pledge and agree not to discuss topics raised in session during the intervals between sessions.
When one spouse in a married couple demands that a counselor testify in court as to what occurred in counseling sessions, and the other spouse insists that the counselor not testify, the best course of action is for the counselor
a. to agree to testify because one spouse is demanding that.
b. refuse to testify because one spouse is insisting that the counselor not testify.
c. call the state licensure board for advice.
d. contact the ACA Ethics Committee and request an opinion.
e. consult with an attorney and follow his or her advice.
Pre-screening of group members
a. is a good idea, but is not required by the ACA Code of Ethics.
b. is required by the ACA Code of Ethics.
c. is recommended, but not required by the ACA Code of Ethics.
d. is an ethical practice that all counselors adhere to.
e. is an ethical standard that is meant to protect counselors from being sued.
A counselor who is beginning a group
a. should require all group members to sign a pledge to keep information from the group confidential.
b. should explain that nothing is confidential because group members do not have the same obligation as professional counselors to keep information private.
c. should explain that while the counselor will keep things confidential, there is no guarantee others in the group will do the same.
d. should guarantee all information in the group will remain private.
e. should explain that group members who violate the confidentiality of other group members will be reported to the counselor licensure board.
Family counselors often view the family system as their client and treat the family as one entity, as opposed to treating individual family members, and our laws
a. favor the rights of families as a whole over the rights of individual family members.
b. support family counselors by also viewing the family system as one entity.
c. create a "fiction" that a family is a person under the law.
d. view family members as having separate and distinct rights and responsibilities that are individual in nature.
e. do not recognize that families exist in our society.
Research has shown that school counselors are unanimous in believing that
a. confidentiality must be breached when students reveal they are using cocaine
b. "delicate cutting" is such risky behavior that parents must be notified
c. even young children are capable of giving informed consent to counseling
d. suicidal behavior poses a level of threat that requires breaching confidentiality
e. they should refer all children with serious depression when possible
As a professional counselor, you are required by law in all states to report
a. a client's threat to commit a burglary.
b. suspected child abuse or neglect.
c. unethical behavior of a colleague.
d. knowledge that a client has tested positive for HIV.
e. all of the above.
In determining whether a child is a danger to self or others, the counselor should do all of the following EXCEPT
a. consult with a colleague.
b. consider the age and maturity level of the client.
c. follow the institutional policy on the issue.
d. assure the client of complete confidentiality.
e. document any actions taken.
The ÂÂÂ_____________ credential is offered through the Center for Credentialing and Education by NBCC for those interested in specializing in distance counseling.
a. Distance Certified Counselor (DCC)
b. National Distance Counselor (NDC)
c. Certified Distance Counselor (CDC)
d. National Certified Distance Counselor (NCDC)
e. Distance Certified Counseling Specialist (DCCS)
When communicating with clients over the phone, counselors shoulda. inform the client that he or she must speak to the counselor face-to-face because phone communication of confidential issues is unethical.b. assume that the conversation cannot be intercepted due to encryption software on cell phones.c. acknowledge that the client is receiving services to unknown callers reporting that they know the client.d. state information off the record and informally if the client and counselor have good rapport.e. attempt to verify the client's identity, and demonstrate caution and professionalism when discussing confidential information.
Counselors may view a client's social media profile
a. never.
b. when the client has given the counselor consent to view the information.
c. if the counselor has concerns about a client's safety.
d. to determine whether the client shares acquaintances with the counselor.
e. to verify a client's identity.
All of the following statements regarding dual relationships are true, EXCEPT
a. it can be difficult to recognize potential dual relationships before they occur
b. the counseling profession has little consensus about their propriety, with the exception of sexual dual relationships
c. all dual relationships are avoidable if the counselor practices conscientiously
d. traditional notions about the propriety of dual relationships are being challenged by newer, innovative approaches to counseling
e. the potential outcomes of dual relationships range from beneficial to harmful
Alice is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has counseled Thomas for several months. An issue to which they have devoted considerable time is Thomas' fear of failure, particularly in terms of his ability to succeed academically and complete his G.E.D. When Thomas learns that he has passed his G.E.D. exam, he asks Alice to attend the ceremony at which he will receive his G.E.D. diploma, and she accepts the invitation. This is an example of
a. poor professional judgment.
b. a boundary violation.
c. a boundary crossing.
d. a detrimental dual relationship.
e. a violation of the code of ethics standard on non-professional relationships.
Regarding dual relationships between counselors and clients
a. counselors are in agreement that such relationships are always wrong.
b. experts all agree that such relationships are always harmful to clients.
c. there is no consensus among professionals as to which dual relationships are acceptable and which are not.
d. most counselors agree that dual relationships invite greater authenticity and congruence from counselors and can improve their professional judgments.
e. experts agree that if clients assent to dual relationships, the dual relationships are acceptable to the profession.
When an ethical complaint is filed against a counselor and is pending an investigation, an employer may not:a. complete their own investigation into the ethical complaintb. allow the counselor to continue to provide servicesc. deny a promotion solely based upon the filing of an ethical complaintd. allow the counselor to practice without supervisione. hire the counselor as a new employee
When local chapters, state branches, regions, and divisions of ACA receive ethical complaints against members, they refer them to
a. the supervisor of the counselor.
b. the American Psychological Association ethics committee.
c. the state licensing board.
d. a certification board.
e. the national ACA ethics committee.
Counselors engage in many activities that could result in ethical complaints against them. They must report
a. cases of suspected child abuse.
b. clients who commit minor crimes.
c. child custody evaluators who are biased.
d. breaches of confidentiality by counseling group members.
e. directives from a supervisor that seem ill-advised.
When you have an ethical question and you are having trouble making a decision, you should
a. consult with colleagues.
b. take advice from an attorney.
c. ask the ethics committee of the state branch of ACA.
d. consult a licensing board.
e. avoid mention of your decision-making process in your case notes.
Most legal issues faced by counselors involve
a. improper conduct complaints filed against them.
b. malpractice.
c. acting as a witness in litigation concerning other people.
d. law suits involving insurance fraud.
e. sexual relationships with clients.
Legislators agree to license a professional group, such as counselors, only when it can be shown that
a. other professional groups that are already licensed do not oppose the licensing of this new group.
b. the public cannot determine which practitioners are competent, and they might be harmed by incompetent members of that profession.
c. the public cannot determine which practitioners are competent, and the services the professional group provides require extensive education.
d. the rates for services of the professional group will go down if they are licensed.
e. the professional group needs to be licensed in order to gain the recognition it needs to be recognized as a legitimate profession in society.