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State agency data for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas will usually be more current than census data.
The Interest Profiler, which is a part of the O*NET system measure
a. Kuder's constrtucts
b. Super's constructs
c. MBTI constructs
d. Holland's constructs
Card sorts are a good example of a
a. Quantitative assessment device
b. A qualitative assessment device
c. An assessment device that that be used either quantitatively or qualitatively
d. None of the above. It is used as a clinical assessment device.
Goldman and other pronounced the marriage of tests and inventories as dead. This pronouncement appears to be.
a. On target
b. Off base. The marriage is alive and well
c. In agreement with current postmodern thinking
d. b & c above
The individual who has had the greatest impact on the assessment of interests appears to be
a. Super
b. Lent
c. Holland
d. Rotberg
Which of the following philosophical and measurement constructs are correctly paired?
a. Postmodernism and qualitative assessment
b. Logical positivism and qualitative assessment.
c. Constructivism and qualitative assessment
d. a & c above
Many of the constructs of interest to career counselors such as interests, values, and self-efficacy can be assessed quantitatively or qualitatively. Which of the following constructs has received the greatest attention in the last few years by people interested in qualitative assessment?
a. Values
b. Needs
c. Self-efficacy
d. Decision-making style
The Internet is potentially a valuable tool in the assessment process. Of the following uses of the Internet, which one seems to have the least potential for use with tests?
a. Test selection
b. Orientation to testing
c. Test administration
d. Test interpretation
Tinsley and Bradley stress that perhaps the essential aspect of test interpretation is
a. Integrating results with other data
b. Checking on past test results
c. Going over the technical weaknesses of the instruments
d. Softening "bad news"
In the area of test interpretation, which of the following is most likely to be true?
a. Some approaches to test interpretation are better than others according to research
b. Clients prefer individual interpretation to group interpretation, but in terms of what is learned, individual interpretation is not superior
c. Clients prefer individual interpretation to other approaches and it is better when considering what clients learn
d. Clients prefer group interpretation of some types of tests and inventories and individual interpretation of inventories that contain sensitive material
Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to be a source of bias in the assessment process?
a. The content of the device
b. Motivation on the part of the client
c. Language
d. The counselor's attitude
The chief difference between values and needs is:
a. Needs are more difficult to measure
b. Values are more likely to be determinants of behavior
c. Values are learned; needs are not
d. Values and needs are essentially the same
Which of the following does not qualify as a qualitative assessment device?
a. Genogram
b. Personality inventory
c. Card sort
d. Role playing
Qualitative assessment devices
a. Are interpreted ideographically
b. Eliminate dialectic barriers to interpretation
c. Are typically interpreted more subjectively
d. a & c above
Which of the following distinguishes between tests and inventories?
a. Inventories are measures of optimal performance while tests measure typical or average performance
b. Inventories have lower reliability coefficients
c. Tests are usually time limited and inventories are not
d. Most inventories are self-scored
Which of the following has NOT been identified as a deficiency of the trait and factor approach to assessment?
a. Clients are placed in a dependent role
b. Clients' ability to self-assess is not strengthened
c. T & F emphasizes finding a career that "fits" rather than actively involving clients in an active search for a career
d. T & F advocates have not been concerned about test bias
It is safe to say that in the past personality inventories have not been widely used in career counseling and this is a trend that is likely to continue.
One of the controversies surrounding the SDS focuses on the use of raw scores versus scores derived from norms. The essence of this argument is that the proponents of norm based scores believe that women in particular are underrepresented in the Social, Artistic, Conventional areas because of the use of raw scores.
Of the currently available interest inventories, the SII was the first available and is still one of the most useful.
From a psychometric point of view interest inventories such as the SDS and the SII are quite sound.
The use of values inventories and qualitative approaches to assessing values has been supported empirically
Needs and values are synonymous terms.
The genogram was originally developed by Norman Gysbers to use as a tool in career counseling.
Card sorts have been used almost exclusively as a substitute for paper and pencil interest inventories.
Role playing can be used to assess a client's social skills as well as to remediate or strengthen them.
Self-efficacy expectations are roughly analogous to self-confidence ratings.
One of the major points made by those who favor qualitative assessment over quantitative approaches is that the client is more a collaborator in the qualitative approach to assessment.
It is widely acknowledged that Goldman's stance that the marriage between testing and counseling has failed is correct.
Educators have long touted education as one of the answers to reducing poverty in the U. S. Based on the latest statistics this assertion seems to be most accurate
a. Accurate if workers earn at least a bachelor's degree
b. Accurate if workers earn a post bachelor's degree
c. Accurate if workers complete high school
d. Generally accurate. Workers make more money as their education increases.
Placing jobs offshore is a common phenomenon in today's global economy. What can accurately be said about the United States and offshoring?
a. The U. S. has lost many manufacturing jobs to China and Mexico
b. The U. S. has gained manufacturing jobs from Europe
c. Overall manufacturing jobs continue to decrease in the U. S.
d. All of the above
The industry first hit by widespread worker displacement because of technology was
a. Textiles
b. Mining
c. Electronics
d. Agriculture
The program that is designed to move workers with disabilities who are receiving social security benefits without fear of losing their benefits is
a. Ticket to work
b. America works
c. Disabled workers entitlement act
d. American with disabilities act.
Zunker identified which of the following aspect of the career counseling process that may be particularly problematic when the clients have disabled?
a. Relationship development
b. History taking because of the limited experience
c. Assessment
d. Termination
The percentage of the U. S. population that is classified as disabled is approximately
a. 5
b. 8
c. 10
d. Over 15
Which of the following trends among older workers is changing?
a. Taking early retirement
b. Starting small businesses after retiring from their careers.
c. Volunteering after retirement.
d. Rejoining the workforce after a year or so of retirement.
The largest minority group in the US
a. Hispanics
b. African American
c. Asian Americans
d. Native Americans
When engaging in career counseling with culturally different clients, which of the following can be disregarded?
a. Language differences
b. Acculturation
c. Gender
d. None of the above
Of the following statements about older workers, which is true?
a. They are less productive.
b. They have higher incidence of mental health problems.
c. They have more serious health problems
d. b & c above.
In the following list, which individual is least likely to find a program or agency to assist them with their career related problems?
a. The widow or divorcee without children.
b. The released offender.
c. The veteran.
d. The school dropout.
People who leave the military may encounter a number of problems because of
a. lack of salable job skills
b. age discrimination
c. personal problems acquired in the military
d. discrimination against the military
Rehabilitation services are available to person who are at least
a. 14 years old
b. 16 years old
c. 18 years old
d. Not age restricted
The sheer number of people in this country who have criminal records makes this a major problem for career development specialists.
Sexual harassment in the workplace occurs when members of one sex create a hostile environment that limit the functioning of members of the opposite sex.
The culturally different category can, and often does, include people who have been in this country for several generations.
Increased educational attainment has not substantially lowered the earnings gap between men and women.
Research supports the idea that rehabilitation services pays for itself because of the increased earning power of the clients and the taxes they pay.
Federal and state governments contribute about the same amount to the rehabilitation of people across the US.
At present there are approximately 2500 rehabilitation counselors in the US and the number is growing rapidly.
The unemployment rate is currently at approximately 7 percent as contrasted to 10 percent a few years earlier. What can we conclude based on these numbers?
a. The number of people working has increased
b. The number of people looking for work has decreased
c. There is a decrease in the mismatch between the skill sets of workers and those required by employers.
d. None of the above
The American with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires vocational rehabilitation for all people with a physical disability.
A high national debt hasa. Little impact on the overall availability of jobs in the long termb. Little impact of the overall availability of jobs in the short termc. An impact on the availability of jobs both in the short and long termd. The relationship between national debt and job availability has not been determined
In the US approximately one in ten people has some form of disability.
The decline in the number of specific jobs is often an indicator of the overall decline of the industry in which the jobs are located. If this is true which of the following group(s) seemed most likely to decline between now and 2010?
a. Clerical workers
b. Textile workers
c Machine operators " manufacturing and related
d. All of the above
The term disabled refers to a person with a physical or mental impairment.
Job growth as measured by numbers is occurring most rapidly in which the following groups
a. Teachers
b. Retail sales
c. Cashiers
d. Wait staff
The primary purpose of the ASVAB assessment program is
a. Recruitment into the military
b. Provide the basis for enlistees into military job
c. Serve as a basis for exit career counseling for people leaving the military
d. Earn the support of career counselors, career counselorspublic relations
Although it is a bit of a guess, the estimate of the number of workers in this country who entered the country illegally appears to be
a. 4 million
b. 7 million
c. 9 million
d. 11 million
Career counselors for which group are required by law to become their advocates?
a. Displaced workers
b. Disabled workers
c. Ethnic minorities
d. Racial minorities
In 2020 white people of non-Hispanic origin are expected to make up what proportion of the labor force?
a. 92
b. 82.
c. 72
d. 62
The group with the lowest high school graduation rate is
a. Asian Americans
b. African Americans
c. Whites
d. Hispanics
Job growth is occurring most rapidly in which of the following occupations
a. Home health aides
b. Retail sales
c. Administrative support.
d. Nursing (RN and LPN)
Pattern identification, an assessment device devised by Amundson has at is aim the
a. Identification of achievement profiles
b. Sources of satisfaction
c. The ups and down of the client's life
d. The values that guide their behavior
The U. S. debt is expected to reach 20trillion dollars in 10 years. The implication of that amount of debt on job creation is likely to be
a. No appreciable impact
b. Stimulation of job creation because the money borrowed is place into the general economy and becomes a stimulant to job creation,
c. A slowing of job creation because of the need for the federal government to use tax money to service (pay the interest and pay back the money) the debt.
d. Unknown
The most often occurring social value in the world is
a. Lineal
b. Collateral
c. Individual
d. Lineal/collateral
The largest increase in numbers in work force participation is expected to be made by:
a. African Americans
b. Hispanics
c. Asians and other
d. Other ethnic groups.
The acronym SOLER is sometimes used as an outline for the communication process favored by white clients. Which aspect of SOLER may not apply to Asian clients?
a. L Forward lean
b. E Eye contact
c. R Relaxed posture
d. a & b above
The age group in the work force that is expected to change most in terms of percentages in the next 10 years is:
a. 24-34 age group.
b. 35-44 age group.
c. 45-54 age group
d. 55 and over age group
With regard to cultural values of the major cultural/ethnic/racial groups in the U. S., which of the following best depicts the view that career counselors should take?
a. There is great diversity within and among cultural groups
b. Often language usage and certain external indicators can be used as indicators of cultural values
c. Third generation minorities in this country have typically adopted the cultural views of the dominant culture
d. No assumptions should be made about the cultural values of people who come for career counseling
The educational level required for most of the fastest growing occupations according to the BLS is
a. Less than high school
b. High school graduation
c. Associates degree
d. 4-year college degree
Which of the following non-verbal communication strategies typically employed by white counselors is most likely to cause difficulty in cross cultural career counseling?
a. Squarely facing the client.
b. Open posture
c. Facial expressions
d. Eye contact
The driving force in the global economy, at least so far as U. S companies are concerned, appears to be a search for cheaper labor.
At this time the only group that is required to advocate for their clients by their code of ethics is
a. School counselors
b. People who subscribe to ACA code of ethics
c. Rehabilitation counselors
d. All of the above
Overall the proportion of the labor force employed in manufacturing is expected to decrease in the next 10 years
Developing your own theory of career counseling begins with
a. Study of theories of human development
b. Study of career development theory
c. Examining your personal belief system
d. a & b above
In the next 10 years the ethnic group with the largest increase in numbers of workers in the labor force is projected to be Hispanic.
Long pauses in the career counseling sessions are most likely to be acceptable to
a. Hispanic Americans
b. Asian Americans
c. Native Americans
d. African Americans
When considering the growth of an occupation percent increase is the most important concern.
Which of the following groups are most likely to have similar cultural values if they have not adopted the values of another culture?
a. Asian Americans and Native Americans
b. Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans
c. Native Americans and Asian Americans
d. African Americans and Hispanic Americans
Transportation and utilities are examples of service producing industries.
One of the objectives of career counseling is to help clients establish career goals. Which of following SHOULD NOT be a characteristic of a client's goal who values individualism?
a. Highly specific
b. Long range
c. Short range
d. Based upon the opinions of others