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technically speaking, the health information technology for economic and clinical health act (hitech) is actually part of: a. the american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (arra) b. the medicare improvements for patients and providers act (mippa) c. an office of the national coordinator for health information technologys initiative d. none of the above
the electronic advances of today are possible because of two major steps that were accomplished many years ago. these steps included which of the following: a. create a standardized claim form (a national claims format) that could be sent and received electronically b. implement the ability to make electronic funds transfers (efts) so payments could be sent and received electronically c. create the first electronic prescribing incentive program d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
the centers for medicare and medicaid services (cms) was originally called the: a. health and human services department (hhs) b. health care financing administration (hcfa) c. office of the inspector general (oig) d. none of the above
according to the illustration of leadership decision stages process flow, the makes a decision stage will result in: a. a positive decision (yes: will adopt and implement) b. a negative decision (no: will not adopt) c. either of the above d. none of the above
within the leadership decision stages process flow, how many of the following are correct? a. gathers information represents stage 1 of the process flow b. gathers information represents stage 2 of the process flow c. makes a decision represents stage 2 of the process flow d. makes a decision represents stage 3 of the process flow e. a & c f. a & d g. b & d e. none of the above
which of the following statements about an health information exchange (hie) are correct? a. the hie system can be centralized b. the hie system cannot be decentralized c. the hie system typically requires a health information organization (hio) to oversee it d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
a health information exchange (hie) is properly defined as: a. the electronic movement of health-related information among organizations according to nationally recognized standards b. the electronic movement of health-related information among organizations according to version 5010 standards c. the electronic transfer of information in a standard format between trading partners d. any of the above e. none of the above
ehr incentive program payments are intended for: a. purchasing an electronic health records program b. replacing an electronic health records program c. achieving meaningful use while using certified electronic health records technology d. a & c e. b & c f. all of the above g. none of the above
private sector organizations means organizations that are part of the health care industry and may be: a. part of a government entity b. a proprietary organization c. a non-profit organization d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
when a typical healthcare organization adopts the ehr incentive program, how many of the following statements will apply? a. appropriate incentive payments will be received upon qualification b. cash expenditures will have to be made in order to qualify c. a time lag will inevitably occur between cash coming in and cash going out d. incentive payments are not expected to cover the full cost of ehr adoption e. a & b f. a, b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
eligible professionals must recognize various initiatives that often have different requirements and varying timelines. which of the following represent quality improvement programs that are currently in place? a. the medicare ehr incentive program (under the hitech act) b. the physician quality reporting system (pqrs) c. the medicare improvements for patients and providers act (mippa) e-prescribing d. incentive program e. a & b f. a & c g. b & c h. all of the above
healthcare organizations who adopt and implement the ehr incentive program will typically incur certain related costs. the major program adoption costs will generally be related to: a. acquiring health information systems that provide certified ehr technology b. updating existing health information systems in order to provide certified ehr technology c. converting existing health information systems to accept icd-10 code sets d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above
healthcare organizations who participate in the ehr incentive program will have to meet certain program requirements. to comply with one primary program requirement, the organization must: a. adopt certified electronic health record technology b. be able to utilize health information technology c. be able to utilize version 5010 standards conversion d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above
benefits of the medicare and medicaid ehr incentive program may include how many of the following: a. decreases in length of stay b. reductions in repeat tests c. increased patient safety d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above
benefits of the medicare and medicaid ehr incentive program may include reductions in how many of the following: a. medical errors b. medical recordkeeping costs c. nursing staff costs d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above
hospital incentives under the hitech act are based upon inpatient hospital services, and the hospital must be a "meaningful electronic health records (ehr) user" to be eligible for payment. in general, an eligible hospital can receive a base amount payment plus discharge-related payments that span a four-year period. the hospital base payment amount (at the time of this writing) is: a. $1,000,000 b. $2,000,000 c. $3,000,000 d. none of the above
the final compliance date for adoption of icd-10-cm and icd-10-pcs codes (as of the date of this writing) is october 1: a. 2013 b. 2014 c. 2015 d. none of the above
three compliance requirements regarding electronic health records that may force change include the adoption of: a. icd-10-cm and icd-10-pcs codes b. electronic prescribing for physicians and other prescribing professionals c. electronic health records initiated by the arra d. centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) requirements e. all of the above f. a, b and c g. none of the above
according to the hitech act, "health information technology" means: a. hardware, software, integrated technologies or related licenses, intellectual property, upgrades or packaged solutions b. services designed for, or supporting the use by, health care entities or patients c. services intended for the electronic creation, maintenance, access, or exchange of health information d. all of the above e. b and c only f. none of the above
according to the health information technology for economic and clinical health act (hitech), a part of the american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (arra), a qualified electronic health record has the capacity to: a. capture and query information relevant to health care quality b. support physician order entry c. provide clinical decision support d. exchange electronic health information with, and integrate such information from, other sources e. all of the above f. b and c only g. none of the above
the marketing segment of the business plan should describe the __________ market as well as that portion of the market your service or equipment should attract.
a good business plan should answer the __________ that occur to a knowledgeable reader.
of all areas of the business plan, the __________ segment is most likely to be overoptimistic in its assumptions.
a tradition business plan typically contains three major elements, including the marketing plan, the financial plan and the __________ plan.
the overall level of sophistication for a particular business plan should depend upon those decision makers who will be its secondary audience.
the business plan's financial analysis segment should contain a forecast of operations.
an appendix to the business plan (although optional) should always contain detail that adequately supports selected contents in the main part of the business plan.
the executive summary should tell the entire story of the business plan in a compelling manner. it is recommended that it not be longer than four to six pages.
a business plan is a document typically prepared in order to obtain funding and/or financing.
how many of the following are income statement assumptions? a. what types of revenue b. cost of drugs, supplies and/or devices c. how much labor will be required d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
how many of the following are balance sheet assumptions? a. cash inflow b. cash on hand c. long-term liabilities d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
how many of the following are balance sheet assumptions? a. space occupancy b. cash inflow c. overhead d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
how many of the following are income statement assumptions? a. space occupancy b. property and equipment c. overhead d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
how many of the following are cash flow statement assumptions? number of years in the future to forecast a. cash outflow b. capital asset salvage value (if any) c. a & b d. a & c e. b & c f. all of the above g. none of the above
how many of the following are cash flow statement assumptions? a. number of years in the future to forecast b. capital asset purchase or lease information c. special equipment requirements to offer the service d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
how many of the following should also be considered when forecasting equipment acquisition? a. certification requirements b. special consideration given to a specific company c. amount of staff training required d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
how many of the following should be considered when forecasting equipment acquisition? a. required square footage b. availability of square footage c. location d. compatibility e. .a, b & c f. a, b & d g. all of the above h. none of the above
your organizations strategic plan and your business plan must not contradict each other. therefore your plans: a. proposed resource use should fit into the strategic plans available funding resources b. time frames should coincide c. discussion of external competition should be compatible with that of the strategic plan d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above h. none of the above
the directly responsible supervisor should be named in the information located in the plans: a. financial segment b. organization segment c. marketing segment d. any of the above e. none of the above
information about any applicable required training should be included in the: a. financial segment b. marketing segment c. service or equipment description d. any of the above e. none of the above
if the subject of the plan is a new service, patient information about who will use it should include: a. new patients only b. established patients only c. both new and established patients d. none of the above
basic information about what the proposed service or equipment does and why it is special should always be included in the: a. organization segment b. financial segment c. service or equipment description d. any of the above e. none of the above
the competition and its impact is information located in the plans: a. organization segment b. marketing segment c. financial segment d. any of the above e. not applicable
regulatory impact and/or regulatory requirements should be included in the: a. service or equipment description b. financial segment c. organization segment d. any of the above e. none of the above
the physicians who will use the service or the equipment represents information located in the plans: a. organization segment b. marketing segment c. financial segment d. any of the above e. not applicable
according to the sample format provided in the text, a business plan should: a. always contain the organizational, marketing and financial plans b. always contain the organizational and financial plans, but marketing is optional c. always contain an appendix d. the appendix is optional e. a & c f. a & d g. b & c h. b & d
the physical location of the proposed equipment is information located in the plans: a. organization segment b. financial segment c. marketing segment d. either a or b e. any of the above
information about patients who will use the service is located in the plans: a. organization segment b. marketing segment c. financial segment d. any of the above e. not applicable
the physical location where the service will be provided is information located in the plans: a. organization segment b. marketing segment c. financial segment d. either a or c e. any of the above
in the sample business plan format provided in the text, the executive summary appears: a. immediately before the appendix b. immediately after the title page c. preceding the service and/or equipment description d. a & c e. b & c f. none of the above
within the business plan, a discussion of who may use the service belongs in the: a. organization segment b. marketing segment c. financial segment d. all of the above e. none of the above
the department responsible for the budget is information located in the plans: a. organization segment b. marketing segment c. financial segment d. either a or c e. any of the above
when preparing the financial analysis for a business plan, the required statements and schedules will depend on the following factors: a. the size of the particular project b. the plans presentation procedure that is expected in your own organization c. the projects complexity d. a & c e. a & b f. all of the above
the financial analysis for a business plan should consist of a forecast of operations. this forecast may contain: a. a cash flow statement only b. a balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement c. an income statement and cash flow statement d. a & b e. a & c f. any of the above
the forecasted or projected periods of time for high-tech equipment: a. often cover a short period such as three to five years b. often cover a long period such as ten years c. often are in accordance with your own organizations acceptable standard length of time for such forecasts or projections d. a & c e. b & c f. all of the above
the financial segment of a business plan will cover a specific period of time. the length of this projected period may be: a. for one year, which may be too short to show true outcomes b. for ten years, which may be too long to meaningfully forecast c. over a range of one year to as much as ten years d. all of the above
if the business plan's financial analysis segment contains a projected income statement, one line item may be "space occupancy". if so, "space occupancy" may include: a. annual depreciation expense or rent expense b. utilities c. insurance d. all of the above e. a and b only
in addition to the composition of the overall management team, the business plan's organization segment should include the: a. division responsible for operations b. directly responsible supervisor c. department responsible for the budget d. competition and its impact e. all of the above f. a, b and c only g. a and b only
if the business plan involves equipment, basic information within the plan should include at least: a. what the equipment specifically does b. why it is special or different c. whether operational training is required d. whether there are regulatory requirements involved e. all of the above f. a, b and c only
the six major components of a strategic plan include the following: mission statement, vision statement, organizational values, _________, ________, and __________.
the ultimate result of strategic planning is an actual plan, presented in __________.
a mission statement explains the _________ of the organization, while values express the organizations __________.
a swot analysis, properly performed, can be an excellent strategic tool. the four components of a swot analysis include (1) strengths; (2) __________; (3) opportunities; and (4) __________.
within the planning cycle and process flow, broad goals become narrower objectives, and narrower objectives become detailed vision statements,
a strategic objective further defines intended outcomes in order to achieve a goal.
projections are based on assumptions that are expected to exist. they reflect actions that are expected to occur.
a vision statement is the same as a mission statement.
within the strategic planning cycle, stakeholders can be both internal and external.
the va planning cycles process flow example also provides va definitions for components within the cycle. which of the following are contained in the vas definition of strategic goals? a. a goal is a statement of aim or purpose included in a strategic plan b. most strategic goals are outcomes c. most strategic goals are short term in nature d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above
an it management accountability report is illustrated within the va planning cycles process flow example. how often does the accountability report in this example have to be submitted? a. at the end of each 5-year planning cycle b. at the end of each 3-year planning cycle c. by the annual end of each fiscal year d. any of the above e. none of the above
federal governmental agencies must comply with legislative requirements pertaining to their strategic plans. which of the following subjects are required to be present in each agencys strategic plan? a. a comprehensive mission statement b. general goals and objectives for major functions and operations c. a description of how action plans are to be achieved d. key external factors that might significantly affect achievement of the goals and objectives e. a & b f. a, b & c g. a, b & d h. all of the above
which of the following legislative acts contain compliance requirements for current strategic planning by federal governmental agencies? a. the government performance and results act (gpra) of 1993 b. the government performance and results modernization act of 2010 c. the health information technology for economic and clinical health act of 2009 d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above
in regard to strategic planning by agencies in the u.s. federal government, how many of the following statements are correct? a. agency performance plans are required b. agency performance reports are required c. requirements make the strategic plan operational because they hold the agencies accountable d. unmet goals may require a performance improvement plan e. a & b f. c & d g. a, b & c h. all of the above
how many of the following statements are correct regarding agencies in the u.s. federal government? agencies in the federal government are: a. required by law to prepare strategic plans b. required by law to provide reports on performance that tie to the strategic plans c. are allowed to prepare strategic plans but are not required to do so d. are allowed to provide performance reports but are not required to do so e. a & b f. a & d g. c & d
performance measures are an integral part of the strategic planning cycle and its process flow. how many of the following statements about such performance measures are correct? a. performance measures can be reported as outcomes b. accountability is achieved by reporting performance measures as outcomes c. a single action plan is linked to a series of performance measures d. a single performance measure is linked to a series of action plans e. a & b f. a, b & c g. a, b & d
likewise, the purpose of mission, vision and value statements is not realized if the message itself is not relayed. how many of the following are acceptable methods of relaying the message? a. provide summaries downloadable from the web b. provide visuals downloadable from the web c. express the mission as a motto d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above
the purpose of mission, vision and value statements is not realized if the message is not understood. how many of the following are acceptable methods of transmitting the message? a. explain the terms that are used b. introduce the message c. emphasize the area of focus d. a & b e. a & c f. b & c g. all of the above
how many of the following statements about the components of a strategic plan are correct? a. any goal should tie directly into an element of the mission statement b. any action plan must support a subcomponent of the overall objective c. any objective should support and tie directly into a particular strategic goal d. there are typically several goals associated with each objective e. a & d only f. a, b & c g. a, b & d h. all of the above
initiatives,targets and operational plans are alternative terms that apply to which of the following components of a strategic plan? a. goals b. objectives c. action plans d. vision statement e. any of the above none of the above
the mission statement will typically cover which of the following? a. a near-future period b. a three-to-five-year period c. as much as ten years from now d. a & b e. any of the above