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Automating an industry usually results in unemployment of workers with lower levels of skill.
Clinical assessment can best be defined as
a. A continuous process that involves using data supplied by tests to assess the client's problem
b. A process that occurs early in counseling aimed at assessing the client's problem
c. An ongoing process that uses all available data to assess a client's problem
d. A process used in assessing a client's personal problem.
Human calamities, natural disasters, fashion changes, and seasonal variations are all causes of short-term trends in the workforce.
Career counseling is increasingly viewed as
a. Career adjustment counseling
b. Synonymous with personal counseling
c. A process that involves leisure issues
d. A process that involves personal as well as life role issues
Lowe wages in the U. S. is the primary reason auto manufacturers from around the world have built assembly plants in this country.
If a family member arrives with the client the first step is to ask if they plan to participate in the career co
The wage differential between the U. S. and other countries is often cited as the basis for jobs being offshored and thus lost to U. S. workers. However, wages in Japan and South Korea are essentially the same as those in the U.S. which point to the fact that other factors account for offshoring in many cases.
Culturally appropriate goals are those usually selected by the individual regardless of social values
The fact that much of the petroleum used in this country is imported is a drain on the economy and job development.
Amundson suggests that one way to identify career options is to examine patterns of achievement.
Although there is no accurate count of the number of people who are in this country illegally, it estimated that the number exceeds 10 million.
It seems likely that a majority of the world's population holds a collateral social vie
The focus of the public discussion about immigration often focuses on people who enter the country illegally and ignores the 700, 000 to 900,000 people who come into this country legally.
Postmodern approaches to career counseling place less emphasis on traditional assessment strategies than do approaches rooted in logical positivism.
It seems clear that the author prefers which of the following program evaluation designs?
a. Experimental
b. Survey
c. Mixed (both quantitative and qualitative)
d. Qualitative
Using guided fantasies to explore career option is may be unwise with some Asian Americans.
The first step in designing a focus group evaluation is
a. Select the group comprised of 6-12 people
b. Determine the objectives of the program
c. Draft a set of questions to guide the group
d. Consider what data are needed for evaluation reports
The theoretical approach of most counselors starts with their own informal theory to which they add formal counseling theory.
Sooner or later program designers and evaluators must conduct needs assessments. Which of the following designs could be used for this purpose?
a. Survey
b. Focus groups
c. Correlational
d. a & b above
An individual's worldview is, at least initially, based upon enculturation.
Evaluation designs that focus on the process of the program such as decision making or communication are called ______________ designs.
a. Summative
b. Evidence-based
c. Formative
d. Qualitative
Most career counselors accept the idea that career counseling involves some consideration of other lifer roles.
The research design that is probably most used by program evaluators is
a. Focus groups
b. N=1 designs
c. Survey designs
d. Quasi-experimental designs
Structural discrimination is a program or institution that shunts minorities and women into lower SES trajectories than white men. An example of this is
a. The policy: first hired, last fired
b. Ability tracking in middle school
c. A & B above
d. Neither A or B
Which of the following designs is most difficult to implement in an applied setting?
a. Pre-experimental
b. Experimental
c. Quasi-experimental
d. Qualitative
If a client declares, I want the STEM career that is most likely to allow me to become employed, what would you tell her to pursue educationally as she looks ahead?
a. Pursue an electrical engineering degree
b. Major in computer science
c. Major in engineering with an emphasis in computing
d. Major on engineering
Correlational designs are rarely used in evaluation studies because
a. Sophisticated computers are not available to evaluators
b. The data are difficult to interpret
c. They do not produce cause and effect data
d. Most professionals are unfamiliar with the design
Based on the available research which of the following women are most likely to choose a STEM career?
a. One with high math and verbal skills
b. One with low verbal and high math skills
c. One with moderate verbal and high math skills
d. One with moderate math and verbal skills
A pretest --posttest design is classified as what type of design
a. Experimental
b. Quasi-experimental
c. Pre-experimental
d. Qualitative
There are several reasons why sexual minorities may not choose a particular occupation. One of these is counterintuitive, that is it would not seem obvious.
a. Fear of discrimination
b. Under representation of sexual minorities in the occupation
c. Stereotypes
d. Over representation of sexual minorities in the occupation.
The design of an evaluation study should begin with
a. The theory underpinning the interventions
b. The guidelines set forth by professional associations
c. The program objectives
d. The limitations imposed by the budget for the study
Women, ethnic and religious minorities are protected from discrimination by federal civil rights legislation. Sexual minorities are not protected by this legislation, but many states have passed legislation to protect them from discrimination. Which of the following states does not protect sexual minorities in the workplace via legislation.
a. Vermont
b Illinois
c. Iowa
d. Indiana
The ecological validity of an intervention is established by the process of
a. Expert review of the design
b. Replication
c. Use of multiple regression
d. All of the above
The group identified as most likely to experience the "triple whammy" of discrimination is
a Lesbians of color
b. Gay men
c. Bisexual women
d. Transgender men
An intervention or program has ecological validity when
a. It is culturally sensitive
b. Accepted by administrators and managers
c. The data generated predict future events
d. Can be applied across settings and yield similar outcomes
Women hold a majority of the jobs in three of the STEM occupations. Nursing is one of these. Which of the following are also made up of mostly women?
a. Accountants
b. Laboratory technicians
c. Biologists
d. a & b above
One hallmark of a qualitative study is
a. Randomly selected samples
b Samples that are related to the goals of the evaluation, typically non-random
c. Sophisticated statistical analyses
d. Evaluators are non-participants in data collection
Two occupational groups will make up the vast majority of STEM occupations according to BLS projections:
a. Nursing and engineering
b. Engineers and computing related
c. Computing and accounting
d. Engineers and science teachers
Qualitative evaluation studies should be used to evaluative the outcomes of programs and interventions based on
a. Postmodern thinking
b. Modern philosophy
c. Mandates to produce evidenced-based practices
d. None of the above
Advocates for better career counseling for women have lobbied for
a. Gender-based norms for the Self-Directed Search
b. Minimization of reliance on theories based on research on males.
c. Making women aware of STEM occupations
d. All of the above
The reason that control groups are used is to guard against
a. The impact of external events on the outcomes of the evaluation
b. To help guarantee that the outcomes are a result of the treatment, not maturations
c. Simply put: to make sure results are due to the treatment
d. All of the above
Which of the following factors tend to limit salary and advancement for women
a. Raises and promotions based on seniority
b. Tenure and other contractual guarantees of employment
c. Limited leave policies for elder care
d. a & c above
In order for an evaluation study to be classified as experimental subjects must be
a. Randomly assigned to treatment and control groups
b. Use sophisticated statistical analysis
c. Make sure subjects are unaware of the goals of the study
d. a & c above
Some of the barriers to the entry to and advancement in some careers doesn"t involve our traditional ideas about discrimination, that is, discriminatory actions on the part of a hiring agent or supervisor. Discriminatory practices are built into the entire employment process in some industries. This is called
a. Structural unemployment
b. Regulatory discrimination
c. Illegal employment practice
d. Structural or institutional discrimination
Quasi-experimental designs may employ what are termed equivalency control groups.
Chapters 3 through 6 were dedicated to career development theory and its applications. One of these theories has come under fire, suggesting it has less utility for women. This theory was developed by
a. Brown
b. Lent
c. Super
d. Holland
N=1 studies are quasi-experimental designs
Mortimer and Johnson suggest that both boys and girls may benefit from participating in non-traditional careers. This idea is supported by SCCT studied in Chapter 5.
Ethnographic studies are commonly used by program evaluators
Generally speaking white women are now better educated than men as supported by the fact that they earn more college degrees at every level than men, but this is not the case for minority women: men are better educated.
Quasi-experimental designs with a treatment group only provide very little useful data.
Stem jobs show great promise for people who are living in what are now less populated states because of the relocation of high tech businesses.
The most powerful approach to evaluation has traditionally been seen as using experimental designs.
Careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) will be among the most prevalent and higher paid occupations in the future. As things stand, women seem to be moving into these occupations at about the same rate as men.
It may well be that the essential players in helping employees assess their potential as it pertains to the organization is
a. The HRD manager
b. The career counselor
c. External consultants who design and deliver workshops
d. First line managers and supervisors
One woman, Linda Gottfredson, believes that inherited traits shape men and women's perceptions of the work environment.
Which of the following functions isnot typically included in a business career development program?
a. Outplacement
b. Assessment
c. Career counseling
d. Small group activities
The role of heredity in the development of personality traits including interests is controversial and is often ignored because of the possibility that heredity shapes perception of the environment and thus occupational choice.
The initiation of a fully developed career development program may cost the business as much as
a. $100, 000
b. $200,000
c. $250,000
d. $300,000 or more
The military has opened up opportunities for men, women, and minorities, but military service has been a double-edged sword for women because of sexual harassment.
According to Knowdell career development programs in business developed primarily as a means of
a. Increasing profits
b. Improving succession planning
c. Humanizing the organization
d. Responding to criticism of discrimination against women and minorities
Religion is identified as a tradition source of oppression of women, but career counselors are advised to ignore their client's religious beliefs because of the explosiveness of the issue.
Career development specialists working in business and industry must first be
a. Orient themselves to human development
b. Orient themselves to career development in the organization
c. Fully aware of the functioning of industrial psychologies
d. Orient themselves to the needs of the business
Women are paid, on average, 20 percent or more less than men when all occupations are considered.
Osipow's description of an ideal career development program forty years ago identifies him as an
a. Industrial psychologist
b. Vocational psychologist
c. Management specialist
d. Career counselor
Sexual orientation is the persona presented to the public whether it be gay or straight, transgender or bisexual.
One of the noticeable trends in career development of career development in business organizations has been
a. Outsourcing of the programs
b. Greater interest in career development on the part of managers
c. Union-management cooperation to develop career development programs
d. A decline in the programs because of the downturn in the economy
Which of the following is not an assumption of Chaos Theorya. Open systems such as families are unpredictableb. Feed back to a system makes it more stablec. Fractals are complex patters that repeat themselves recursivelyd. Small effects can cause large reactions
Industrial Psychologist are most concerned with
a. Individual development
b. Individual adjustment to business situations
c. Both a & b
d. Neither a or b
Savickas' five step career counseling model does not include which of the following/
a. Construction
b. Destruction
c. Reconstruction
d. Interpretation
If a comprehensive career development program is begun it is likely that over _____ % of the employees will participate in the program.
a. 40
b. 50
c. 60
d. 70
Savickas seems to borrow which of the following constructs from Donald Super
a. Career concern (career awareness)
b Self-control (self-confidence)
c. Career curiosity (career exploration)
d. All the above
Career resilience is
a. The same as career motivation
b. Not related to career motivation
c. Synonymous to career identity
d. None of the above
Savickas theorizes that the development of the self begins in childhood as the child acts out various roles. Parents also model certain behavior which is incorporated into the self through a process he terms
a. Assimilation
b Copying
c. Introjection
d. Identification
A career ladder can best be described as
a. A historical representation of how employees advanced
b. A forecast of how employees will advance
c. A part of the MIS
d. A part of the job posting process
The key to self-construction according to Savickas is
a. Cognitions such as expectations
b. Reflections based on contextual experiences
c. Life style
d. Self-prompting narratives
Which of the following would NOT be an expected outcome of an business career development program?
a. Increased profit
b. Increased motivation
c. Decreased employee conflicts
d. Decreased turn over
Savickas is an avowed postmodernist. However, he incorporates the thinking of which of the following into his theorizing?
a. Alfred Adler
b. John Holland
c. Sigmund Freud
d. a & b above
The most accurate statement about the career development programs and HRD is
a. The career development program is the umbrella under which HRD fits.
b. Career development is a part of HRD
c. Career development and HRD are unrelated
d. Career development and HRD are co-equals in business with each program having separate goals.
To young and his associates implementing a career choice is
a. An action
b. A project
c. A narrative
d. An endeavor