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The most common problem one researcher identified when he looked at the oral responses of students was
a. Difficulty in answering questions
b. Vague answers
c. Failure to answer questions completely
d. Providing negative information about themselves
Using a hexagon to show interrelationships among components of the personality is associated with:
a. Ginzberg
b. Holland
c. Lofquist
d. Gottfredson
Private employment agencies typically charge for their services.
a. One month's salary
b. Two month's salary
c. Three month's salary
d. Usually none-fee paid by employer
If you wanted to pick a symbol that depicted Holland's realistic type a computer would be good choice,
Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of state employment offices?
a. Job counseling
b. Collecting labor market information
c. Operating the JTPA program
d. Providing services to veterans
In Holland's theory, identity has to do with clarity or self-understanding of interests and goals.
The argument about whether public schools should be involved in job placement can best be described as academic-they are involved.
It appears that the interest in developing theories for indifferent groups is on the wane.
The U.S. Employment Service was first put into place during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
The best theories contained carefully defined constructs.
Job recruiters are most impressed by candidates who have good oral presentation skills.
A good theory can be determined by the extent to which it identifies cause and effect relationships.
Job recruiters have a clear preference for chronological resumes that are one page in length.
The basic premise of trait and factor theories that have been presented since 1909 have changed.
Among people looking for work, the most important concern is occupational information.
Congruence in Holland's theory is analogous to correspondence in TWA.
When an industry relocates to another part of the world in order to hire cheaper labor the resulting unemployment is defined as frictional.
Holland's theory is, at least in terms of inventories sold, the most popular of the existing theories.
Research supports the idea that supported work programs are more cost effective than sheltered workshops.
Cultural values influence the career decision-making process according to Brown.
The statement that best typifies Harvard College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is
a. Harvard was the first private school and University of North Carolina was the first state supported school to open their doors to students
b. Both have outstanding academic and athletic traditions
c. Both were second; Harvard to Yale and UNC to the University of Georgia to open their doors to students.
d. Both were integrated racially in the nineteenth century
In Brown's theory values are defined as cognized interests.
The completion of a two-year program at a community college is usually recognized with
a. An associate's degree
b. A certification of attainment
c. A license to practice
d. Both an associate's degree and a license to practice
One unique aspect of Brown's values-based theory is that he suggests that job satisfaction may be primarily due to feedback from others.
Which of the following Internet service providers offers a helpful listing of educational institutions by state with links to their websites?
a. Google
b. Yahoo
c. Bing
d. Gmail
The two most important aspects of work adjustment are personal satisfaction and compatibility of work role and other life roles according to the Theory of Work Adjustment.
The number of apprenticeable occupations in the current civilian labor force is about
a. 600
b. 800
c. 1000
d. 1200
The Theory of Work Adjustment and Holland's theory are trait-and-factor theories
The typical apprenticeship program lasts
a. 18 months
b. 2 years
c. 4 years
d. 6 years
Personal characteristics such as abilities, attitudes, interests, limitations, and skills are classified as traits in trait and factor theory.
A basic assumption of the Bureau of Apprenticeship Training (BAT) is that
a. Apprenticeships will meet federal standards
b. Apprenticeships will be operated by businesses on the worksite
c. Both employers and employees will have input into the development of the apprenticeships
d. Apprenticeships will be directed by state level departments of labor
Parsons proposed his tripartite model of career choice in 1909.
Academies as one means of preparing for work have been initiated by ______________ to fill the need for workers with specialized skills.
a. Businesses
b. Community colleges
c. High schools
d. a & c above
In today's litigious society ethical and legal principles are most likely to conflict on the matter of
a. Sexual misconduct
b. Confidentiality
c. The general area of relationships to clients
d. The duty to warn parents and authorities of potential harm to others.
The statement that best reflects the Congress's legislative approach to dealing with preparation for work is that Congress has
a. Pushed for a European style educational system tracks people into college and non-college options.
b. Concentrated much of their effort on students who do not plan to go to college
c. Been more concerned about the college bound
d. Has taken a laissez faire approach to education; it's the states' responsibility
In the simplest terms possible privileged communication laws area. Guarantees to our clients that their information will be protected from disclosureb. Guarantees to career counselors that they cannot be forced to disclose confidential informationc. protection for counselors so longs as they follow the law.d. The same a ethical guidelines about confidentiality
Many person's believe that American schools are failing because their standardized test scores lag behind those of students in other countries, The author
a. Generally agrees with this perspective
b. Generally disagrees with the is perspective
c. Believes that schools are failing students from disadvantaged backgrounds
d. Believes that the gifted and talented students are receiving an inferior education
If you were asked to offer advice to a counselor who wished to avoid a successful liability suite it should be
a. Stay within the limits of your skills
b. Follow your code of ethics
c. Be aware of the laws that regulate your practice
d. All of the above
There are nearly 4000 occupations in the military. Approximately how many of them have civilian counterparts? (Do not include with # 4)
a. 2000
b. 2600
c. 3200
d. 3500
FERPA is a federal law that sets forth rules and regulations regardinga. Group test scoresb. Verbal communicationc. The maintenance of recordsd. All of the above
Currently the military trains enlistees in about 4000 occupations. How many of these have civilian counterparts?a. About halfb. About two-thirdsc. About three-quartersd. About 90%
The ultimate aim of advocacy as it pertains to career counseling is
a. Problem solving
b. Making a statement about social justice
c. Representing the client
d. Empowering the client
Apprenticeship programs are regulated by
a. Federal government
b. State government
c. Local agencies
d. Labor unions
Which of the following should not appear in advertisements offering career counseling services.a. Licenses and certificationsb. Degrees unrelated to the practice of career counselingc. Years of experienced. Consultations with business and industry.
Which of the following job training programs requires on-going counseling?
a. Job Corps
c. Apprenticeship
d. Vocational education
The author identifies conflicts in cultural values as potentially doing harm to the client. Assuming that the counselor is a white person with traditional Eurocentric values, what conflicts might they encounter with a Hispanic client?
a. Meeting on time
b. Importance of self-direction
c. Disclosure of pertinent material
d. a & b above
Which of the following is likely to be the most carefully organized and monitored job training program?
a. OJT
b. Work experience
c. Apprenticeship
The situation that best describes the status of licensing laws for counselors is that ________ states have enacted these laws.
a. 30
b. 40
c. 49
d. 50
There is a major trend for colleges and universities to eliminate entrance examinations such as the SAT and ACT.
Career counseling via the Internet is a relatively new idea. As a result
a. Few guidelines for practicing web-counseling are available.
b. Practice guidelines are available but ethical guidelines are not available
c. Practice guidelines have emerged from research in this area
d. None of the above
The CLEP program allows students to gain college credit by taking examinations.
Sub-sections of state level licensing laws for counselors and psychologist
a. Identify career counselors as a specialty but do not regulate them
b. Identify career counseling within the broad context of practice
c. Regulate career counseling as a specialty
d. Generally fail to regulate career counseling per s
Currently there are well over 1000 apprenticable occupations in the U.S.. (Number 5 on answer sheet)
The code of ethics most likely to be followed by career practitioners in private practice was developed by
a. ACA and APA
One of the weaknesses of JTPA is that it does not cover dislocated workers.
The statement that best describes the extent to which clients who seek career counseling are protected from unethical practice is
a. They are well protected because all 50 states have licensing laws for psychologists and counselors who provide career counseling
b. Clients who see psychologists in public institutions such as colleges are probably better protected than those who see counselees because of differences in the licensing laws for the two groups
c. They are well protected because of codes of ethics and licensing laws
d. None of the above reflect the current situation
JTPA varies from the program it replaced (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) in that the program is more tightly controlled by the officials administering the program.
With regard to the ethical issues involved in Internet-based career counseling, it is probably most accurate to say
a. The ethical issues are about the same as those in typical career counseling.
b. The ethical concerns are less because the privacy of the client can be protected more easily
c. The ethical issues involving Internet based career counseling are greater due to communication problems that may arise
d. We have too little information to draw conclusions about potential ethical issues involving Internet career counseling.
Many high schools allow students to work part-time during the school day.
Online career counseling may not allow which of the following?
a. The use of personality inventories
b. The use of sophisticated occupational information
c. In depth exploration of the career related problem
d. None of the above
Training can generally be divided into two broad categories: general education and specific vocational preparation.
The Career Development Facilitator credential was developed as
a. A means of recognizing people who qualify to be a Master Career Counselor but are working in administration
b. Have completed a post-masters course of study
c. Have 5 years of supervised on-the-job experience
d. Have completed a prescribed course of study to become a paraprofessional
The guidelines and ethical considerations involving online career counseling varies from face to face counseling in what critical way?
a. Confidentiality is assumed because of the security of the Internet
b. Records are assumed to be secure because they are stored on the hard drive of the computer
c. A back up support system must be put in place in the community where the client lives
d. None of the above
Which of the following is not a prerequisite to becoming a Master Career Counselor?
a. A master's degree in career counseling or closely related field
b. Three years of experience in career counselor
c. NCDA membership
d. Certification as a National Certified Counselor
Career counseling involving asynchronous chat involves the counselor and the client interacting at
a. The same time
b. Different times
c. Has been supported as a viable approach to career counseling
d. Chat sessions scheduled based on the availability of the counselor
The competencies needed by Master Career Counselors is essentially the same as those required for the Career Development Facilitator, but MCCs must study these areas in depth.
The use of online programs and software programs with __________ students should be approached carefully of at all
a. Students with low self-esteem
b. Students with low verbal ability
c. Students from poor families
d. All of the above
The newest code of ethics of the American Counseling Association makes no mention of the need for client advocacy.
People who do not plan for accessibility to the CC for disabled students are likely in violation of which law?
c. ADA
d. Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1972
Because of the of relatively low level of concerns dealt with by Career Development Facilitators the issue of doing harm to their clients is essentially a non-issue
One Stop Career Centers provide help with
a. Job openings by state
b. Job hunt strategies
c. Self exploration strategies
d. All of the above
Professional organizations tend to issue ethical guidelines to cover new areas of practice not included in their current code of ethics
With regard to the ethical issues involved in Internet career counseling, it is probably most accurate to say (Ch
a. The ethical issues are about the same as those in typical career counseling.
b. The ethical concerns are less because the privacy of the client can be protected more easily
c. The ethical issues involving Internet based career counseling are greater due to communication problems that may arise
d. We have too little information to draw conclusions about potential ethical issues involving Internet career counseling.
The Global Career Development Facilitator is a special category of Master Career Counselors
The Internet's role in testing can involve
a. All aspects of testing
b. Orientation to testing
c. Scoring tests
d. Computer generated profiles
The Master Career Development Professional was developed by the National Career Development Association as a special membership category for people who have many of the same types of skills and a similar educational credentials as the Master Career Counselor, but are not as actively involved in career counseling.
One approach to career counseling on the internet that would allow immediate interaction that approximates a verbal counseling sessions would involve
b. Synchronous chat
c. Website postings
d. a & b above
The ethnic group in America with the highest average family income is
a. Asian American
b Hispanic
c. Caucasian
d. African America
When establishing or renovation a career center the place to start is
a. Availability of technical support
b. The hiring of a coordinator
c. Gaining support from top level administrators
d. The nature of the physical space4.
The first comprehensive source of information about careers was
a. O*NET
b. The Dictionary of Careers in the U. S.
c The Dictionary of Occupational Titles
d. The Career Advisor's Handbook