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Art History
The art of the Middle Ages, such as Adam and Eve Reproached by the Lord in Hildesheim, Germany, appears to be almost obsessed with the ideas of ______. a. nirvana b. Adam and Eve c. death and sin d. karma e. the Annunciation
Compare/contrast Maya Lins Vietnam Veterans Memorial with Frederick Harts Statue for Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Which sculpture better meets the needs of the patrons? Why?
Discuss Cai Guo-Qiangs use of alternative media in his drawings. How does Cais work question the definition of drawing? In your answer, cite works from artists included in this chapter.
When Cai Guo-Qiang exploded a giant red flag on a Soviet-era truck, he stated that this symbolized________. a. the fervor and dangers of extreme nationalism b. a violent explosion c. a consignment of a period of totalitarian rule into history d. victory for Poland e. both a and c are correct
What kind of art was common for early medieval Germanic tribes? a. small figurines b. mosaics c. monumental architecture d. portable metalwork e. both b and d are correct
Cai Guo-Qiangs work at an air show in San Diego where he directed planes to draw a Chinese landscape, which then floated away, illustrates a. that Cai is not very creative b. that realistic rendering is not the only form of drawing c. that Cai cannot draw on his own d. the lack of imagination in the question, Can he draw? e. both b and d are correct
Elaborate illustration of manuscripts, especially of the Christian New Testament, were prepared in _________________ by individuals who had devoted their lives to the glorification of God. a. Rome b. monasteries c. temples d. San Miniato al Monte e. none of these are correct
What is the difference between a National Treasure and an Important Cultural Property?
Is drawing confined to being only pencil on paper?
The art and culture of the Americas before European contact is called ______. a. pre-Columbian b. pre-European c. pre-Mesoamerican d. pre-Christian e. pre-Classical
How did the Greeks balance the real with the ideal in their sculptures?
How did a team of restorers and art historians discover the lost drawings of Michelangelo?
All of the following are true about Mayan pyramids except ______. a. Mayan pyramids were a place where priests and rulers performed religious rites b. Mayan pyramids were part of a huge plan and surrounded by open spaces c. Mayan pyramids were religious sites d. Mayan pyramids were tombs e. none of these are correct
What is the first step in appreciating art?
What is the difference between graphite sticks and graphite pencils?
In Islamic architecture, the main axis of the building was oriented to face in the direction of Mecca, the holy city, and this direction was visually emphasized by a ___________, or niche. a. trumeau b. mosaic c. mihrab d. barrel vault e. minaret
Because they had no alternative artistic tradition of their own to draw from, early representations of Christ often show him as ______. a. a Roman Emperor b. the Good Shepherd c. a young man like the Greek god Apollo d. both b and c are correct e. none of these are correct
a. Cai Guo-Qiang b. Kara Walker c. Michelangelo d. Francesco Clemente e. none of these are correct
In which medium are the depictions of Justinian and Theodora in San Vitale made? a. panel painting b. low relief sculpture c. fresco d. mosaic e. freestanding sculpture
Modern Chinese and Japanese artists continue to be trained in centuries-old brush techniques, which require years of study because ______. a. a line made with ink cannot be changed or erased b. if one mistake is made, the drawing is ruined c. lines must be made with confidence and speed d. hesitation by the artist is easily revealed e. all of these are correct
Consider Elgin marbles. What is the controversy surrounding these sculptures? What are arguments for both side? What do you think should be done?
Diluted ink applied with a brush to add tonal values to a drawing is called a(n) ______. a. inking b. cross-hatching c. sanguine d. wash e. nib
Compare and contrast Discobolos, a Roman marble copy of a bronze by Myron, with Mycerinus and His Queen, from Giza.
The essential part of William Kentridges drawing process is ______. a. erasing b. coloring c. contrast d. fixative e. none of these are correct
Describe the features and function of the Column of Trajan.
The Age of Faith
____________ uses the silhouette to examine the conflict between images of slavery and romantic love in the South. a. Francesco Clemente b. Cai Guo-Qiang c. Henri Matisse d. Kara Walker e. Michelangelo
The ________________ faith forbids visual representations of Allah, and therefore consists of decorative motifs, and geometric or organic patterns. a. Buddhist b. Christian c. Jewish d. Moslem e. none of these are correct
The epic novel that served as a basis for Kara Walkers work entitled Gone, An Historical Romance of Civil War as it Occurred Between the Dusky Thighs of Young Negress and Her Heart was ______. a. Gone with the Wind b. The Guns of the South c. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn d. If the South Had Won the Civil War e. none of these are correct
The debate about whether or not to allow two-dimensional pictures in the early Christian Church, was settled by __________________, who said Painting can do for the illiterate what writing does for those who read. a. Pope Gregory the Great b. Constantine the Great c. Alexander the Great d. Emperor Justinian e. none of these are correct
Kara Walker uses a folk art technique, traditionally used for portraits and small landscapes, yet the size of her own work is ______. a. no more than 5 inches in any direction b. 20 24-inch prints c. wall-sized d. small enough to hold in your hand e. none of these are correct
What are some of the ways Augustus expresses his identity in the Augustus of Prima Porta?
In _______________, a series of parallel lines cross in a netlike fashion as they describe the contours of the subjects surface. a. cross-hatching b. scribbling c. hatching d. metalpoint e. all of these are correct
Discuss the importance of the artwork created during the rule of Akhenaten. How do the depictions of the pharaoh and his family differ from all preceding Egyptian art?
________ pens are made from bird feathers and have been popular since the Medieval period. a. Reed b. Quill c. Graphite d. Steelpoint e. Bamboo
A ____________ image is built up of tiny pieces, or tiles, of colored stone, ceramic, or glass, all fitted together in an intricate puzzle to form the desired pattern or picture. a. rotunda b. fresco c. villa d. mosaic e. none of these are correct
Describe the burial site of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Compare his burial site to that of an Egyptian pharaoh, such as King Tut or Ramses II. What are the similarities and differences between each cultures ceremonial burial of the dead?
When an artist works with charcoal, which can be easily erased, what can be done to ensure a permanent bond between the charcoal and the paper? a. Nothing can be done. b. The artist needs to choose paper that has a coarse grain. c. The drawing needs to be framed so that the charcoal cannot be wiped away. d. The drawing can be sprayed with a fixative. e. All of these are correct.
Which of the following is one of the most unique elements of the Arch of Constantine? a. It is the first use of an arch. b. It does not glorify an Roman emperor. c. It used previously existing sculptures from other monuments. d. It is an early Christian monument. e. It depicts violent scenes of battle.
____________ is credited with having kept the first modern sketchbook, which was filled with a collection of the artists current ideas and interests. a. Rembrandt van Rijn b. Michelangelo c. Kara Walker d. Jean Antoine Watteau e. Wu Chen
List the cultural characteristics used by historians when identifying civilizations. Egypt, Classical Greece and Rome all share these characteristics.
The substance that holds together the loose, dry pigment of pastels is referred to as the _______. a. binder b. fixative c. color d. stick e. media
Describe the coffin of King Tut in detail.
According to the text, many artists like working in pastels because ______. a. the range of available colors are as wide as in paints b. control is simpler than in any of the liquid media c. pastels are easily blended d. pastels are capable of showing brilliant color e. all of these are correct
Give an example of Hellenistic sculpture and describe the distinctly Hellenistic style it exhibits.
______________, which come in a variety of colors and degrees of hardness, have a waxy binder that enables them to adhere to paper better than charcoal or pastel. a. Quills b. Graphite pencils c. Cont crayons d. Inks e. Metalpoints
What is a stupa?
Pens have been in use since ancient times. The oldest pens were made from _________. a. small sticks from a nearby tree b. reeds in the West c. bamboo in the East d. tall grasses gathered along lakes and streams e. Answers b, c, and d are all correct.
The _______________, in which the arch was a key to the support of the structure, was a gift of the imperial family to the people of Rome. a. Parthenon b. Pantheon c. Acropolis d. Arch of Constantine e. Colosseum
Graphite sticks became popular among artists for which of the following reason(s)? a. They could make both light lines and bold, dramatic lines. b. The lines could be easily erased. c. They allowed for a more experimental type of drawing. d. They were more conducive to creativity. e. All of these are correct.
In addition to their use of the arch, the Romans developed the architectural feature of the dome. The most beautiful domed monument from ancient times is the ___________, a temple dedicated to all of the Roman gods and goddesses. a. Parthenon b. Pantheon c. Acropolis d. Arch of Constantine e. The Great Stupa
___________ charcoal is created when wood is heated until only carbon remains. a. Stick or vine b. Compressed c. Dark d. Graphite e. None of these are correct.
When making a sculpture out of clay, artists will often form the clay around a metal skeleton, called a(n) ___________, for extra strength. a. mobile b. armature c. casting d. maquette e. none of these are correct
Which Postimpressionist painter was most influential to the modern artists of the twentieth century? In what ways was that artist influential?
Discobolos, or Discus Thrower, originally cast in bronze by Myron, is an excellent example of _______, a philosophy of dignity and self-control. a. heroism b. stoicism c. naturalism d. all of these are correct e. none of these are correct
Discuss the role of performance art in the direction of later twentieth-century art.
There was significant controversy over the work Tilted Arc by Richard Serra. Briefly describe the controversy, and what part the artist, the public, and the government had in the removal of the work. State your opinion of the controversy as to how the event should have transpired.
What is a colonnade? a. a kind of lintel b. a series of arches c. a type of roof design d. a row of columns e. none of these are correct
Artists may use an altered sense of scale to produce dramatic effects in their work, such as Andrea Dezsos Gentle Beast Hiding Among Leaves and Robert Therriens Under the Table, both done in 1994. Compare the two works with differences in scale and the effect it leaves on the viewer.
Which of the following is characteristic of the Hellenistic style sculptures? a. more dramatic b. more complex c. more restrained d. more rigid e. a and b
Artists materials, like oil paint or clay, are referred to as __________. a. techniques b. media c. utensils d. metalpoint e. skills
British ________________ is credited with removing the sculptures from the pediment of the Parthenon. Today, these sculptures are housed in the British Museum. a. Lord Elgin b. Athena c. Trajan d. Emperor Augustus e. none of these are correct
Compare and contrast the style, subject matter, and intentions of Pop Art with Minimalism. Refer to one artwork from Pop Art and one artwork from Minimalism in your discussion.
In _________________ methods of sculpture, the sculpture is carved out of hard materials such as wood or stone. a. casting b. performance c. subtractive d. additive e. kinetic
Images from Japan had an enormous impact on nineteenth-century art. Using specific examples, explain some ways that it influenced Western art.
Evaluate how Pieter Paul Rubens unifies his work, Prometheus.
Greek statues represent the ideal beauty of the human formyouth, strength, grace; they do this by appearing more life-like, or ___________________, than statues of previous cultures such as the Egyptians. a. heroic b. stoic c. naturalistic d. all of these are correct e. none of these are correct
Lewis and Lewis state that The face of the art world has been changed by the works of Judy Chicago and many other women artists. In what ways did Chicago change the face of the art world?
Photography was invented in the mid-nineteenth century. Describe the effect, especially on painting, that photography had on the art world in the mid- to late nineteenth century.
How did Japanese prints influence Western painting?
Of all of the buildings constructed by Pericles on the Athenian Acropolis, the _____, which means to the virgin, is considered the most important. a. The Great Stupa b. Pantheon c. Parthenon d. Colosseum e. none of these are correct
In what ways was art seen like a commodity after WWII?
In _______________ methods of sculpture, the sculpture is built up by modeling a flexible material like clay or plaster or building an installation. a. casting b. relief c. subtractive d. additive e. performance
Painters in the nineteenth century often had a troubled relationship with the critics and the public. Using specific examples, describe this relationship.
Discuss how Donato Bramante created a sense of order in Tempietto.
What is the significance of hierarchical scale?
According to Greek mythology, the immortal gods lived on _____ even though they often visited earth. a. Mount Olympus b. the Acropolis c. the Parthenon d. the Pantheon e. none of these are correct
Why is art like therapy to Louise Bourgeois?
Art that leaves the gallery and interacts directly with nature is referred to as ______. a. casting b. performance art c. earth art d. installation e. none of these are correct
Describe how art patronage changed in the nineteenth century. What happened in cities like Paris, London, and New York?
What was Richard Serras main purpose in building Tilted Arc for the federal plaza?