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Which of the following was not part of Joseph Beuys performance How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare? a. Beuys touched the rabbits paw to each one of the viewers in the gallery. b. Beuys head was covered in honey and gold leaf. c. Beuys touched the rabbits paw to each one of his drawings and paintings. d. Beuys carried a dead hare in his arms. e. Beuys discussed the meaning of his pictures with the dead hare.
Why did Gauguin believe that he needed to move to Tahiti?
How does scale differ from proportion?
The Greek Hellenistic homeland was divided into relatively small states that competed with each other economically and sometimes politically. Despite this fragmentation, all of the following united the Greeks except ______. a. a common language b. a common religion c. a common leader d. a sophisticated literature and art e. a love of athletics
How did one artist describe minimalism?
During the 1985 Biennial Exhibition at the Whitney Museum in New York City, _______ created a Postmodern, raucous fun-house in a minor hallway of a major museum. a. Joseph Beuys b. Kenny Scharf c. Robert Smithson d. Nancy Holt e. Laurie Anderson
Who is described as the father of expressionism in the text and why?
What is the significance of hierarchical scale?
According to Greek mythology, the immortal gods lived on _____ even though they often visited earth. a. Mount Olympus b. the Acropolis c. the Parthenon d. the Pantheon e. none of these are correct
Why is art like therapy to Louise Bourgeois?
What was the subject matter for Andy Warhols Disaster Series?
When an artist creates living sculptural events that are ephemeral art experiences, they are making ______. a. earth art b. freestanding sculpture c. relief sculpture d. installation art e. performance art
How did the Impressionists become known as the Impressionists?
In a work of art, what is the picture plane?
What are the characteristics of the life-sized sculptures found in Qin-Shi Huangs tomb? a. They were painted. b. They are individual portraits of real soldiers. c. Each originally carried real weapons. d. Some of the sculptures bear the names of the sculptors. e. All of these are correct.
What was Robert Venturis response to the motto Less is More of the International Style?
Freestanding sculpture is described as ______. a. a sculpture that inhabits three-dimensional space b. a sculpture that does not have a single viewpoint c. a sculpture that has a single viewpoint d. a sculpture that is flat and two-dimensional e. both a and b are correct
What was so shocking and insulting about Gustave Courbets Two Girls on the Banks of the Seine?
In linear perspective, what determines where the horizon line is located? a. the setting sun b. the position of the eyes of the artist c. the type of subject matter portrayed d. the distance between major objects in the composition e. the spatial depth
Identified as the pharaoh of the Exodus, ________demanded a more powerful, formal style of Egyptian sculpture, as evidenced by the colossal statues erected at the pharaohs temple. a. King Mycerinus b. Akhenaton c. Tutankhamen d. Ramses II e. none of these are correct
Why did Andy Warhol use images of celebrities?
Alexander Calder is credited with inventing what type of sculpture? a. low relief sculpture b. high relief sculpture c. kinetic sculpture d. freestanding sculpture e. sculpture in the round
What past master influenced Manet? In what way did he do so?
How did Cubism change the way space was organized in the picture plane? a. It organized everything into the shape of a cube. b. It only used the shape of the cube. c. It presents multiple views at once. d. It used a fixed horizon line. e. The compositions became primarily horizontal.
Which of the following is not true about Emperor Qin Shi Huang? a. His dynasty was the first to unite a large portion of China under a single ruler. b. His tomb was surrounded by more than ten thousand life-size figures. c. His tomb was surrounded by an entire sculpted army, including horses and chariots. d. His tomb was surrounded by more than ten thousand life-sized figures, all bearing his likeness. e. His burial site is one of the most remarkable tombs ever discovered.
The portrait bust of Akhenatons wife, entitled Queen Nefertiti, has come to symbolize ______. a. the celebrity status of a pharaohs wife b. beauty standards for contemporary movie stars c. the idea that feminine beauty transcends time d. all of these are correct e. none of these are correct
The character Mr. DOB by Takashi Murakami is symbolic as _________. a. a self-portrait of the artist b. a self-portrait of the Japanese people c. American consumerism and pop culture d. the Japanese counterpart to Mickey Mouse e. the increased mechanization of society
In the plaque showing a king mounted on a horse with attendants from the Court of Benin, Nigeria, the central warrior chief is carved in _______________ or almost in the round. a. middle relief b. freestanding c. low relief d. high relief e. none of these are correct
All of the following are true of Paul Cezanne except ______. a. he had the biggest impact on twentieth-century art b. he used three of the most ordinary types of painting in his work c. he reconceived the way pictures were made d. he believed that perspective was a lie e. he concealed his brushstrokes to create a smooth painted surface
The place where the lines of convergence end is called the _________. a. horizon line b. vanishing point c. isometric area d. picture plane e. point of view
Following the death of his father-in-law Akhenaton, _____________ enjoyed a brief, six-year reign as pharaoh. a. King Mycerinus b. Tutankhamen c. Ramses II d. Queen Nefertiti e. none of these are correct
On what issue does artist Shazia Sikander comment in her work Pleasure Pillars (2001)? a. traditional Islamic court painting b. female identity c. military conflict d. conflicting styles from the East and West e. all of these are correct
A(n) _____, often used with architecture as wall decorations, grows out of a flat, two-dimensional background, and its projection into three-dimensional space is relatively shallow. a. installation b. kinetic sculpture c. relief sculpture d. sculpture in the round e. earth art
Which artist cut off part of his ear and painted some of his greatest works while battling mental illness? a. Van Gogh b. Degas c. Gauguin d. Cezanne e. Cassatt
How is depth implied in the Persian illuminated manuscript, The Court of Gayumars? a. The sultan is smaller than his subjects, who appear larger than their leader. b. The background is blurred, hazy, and in cool colors to suggest its further back in space. c. Those items that are supposed to be closest are placed toward the bottom of the picture plane. d. The use of isometric perspective creates the illusion of deep space. e. all of these are correct.
Which Egyptian pharaoh introduced monotheism to the polytheistic Egyptians? a. King Mycerinus b. Akhenaton c. Tutankhamen d. Ramses II e. none of these are correct
Which is NOT true of Julie Mehretus paintings? a. They are inspired by satellite imagery. b. They involve pencil, pen, ink, and acrylic paint. c. She sees each one as a whole cosmos. d. They have as many as twenty levels of movement. e. They depict her birthplace in Ethiopia.
Most Assyrian relief sculptures commemorate ______. a. military victories of Assyrian kings b. royal farms and livestock c. hunting expeditions of Assyrian kings d. portraits of the Assyrian kings family e. both a and c are correct
Ukiyo-e, or pictures of the floating world, set off a wave of _______________, of a love of all things Japanese in Western culture. a. Impressionism b. Postimpressionism c. Pointillism d. Japonisme e. none of these are correct
Linear perspective was discovered by the architect __________. a. Filippo Brunelleschi b. Donatello c. Michelangelo Buonarroti d. Sandro Botticelli e. Leonardo da Vinci
Which of the following is NOT true of Gauguins painting Spirit of the Dead Watching? a. It depicts his wife. b. It is based on his wifes experience. c. It shows a dead spirit. d. It uses a traditional compositional form. e. It is depicted in a rational space.
The sculpture, Tilted Arc, was originally placed in the Federal Plaza in 1981, but it was ___. a. relocated to a larger site where more people could enjoy it b. dismantled and removed in 1989 due to public demands c. recently destroyed by the effects of acid rain and vandalism d. only a temporary installation, lasting only two weeks e. none of these are correct
What are the differences and similarities between products of design, such as graphic design, and conventional notions of fine art? Use examples from the text.
Which artist was known for his brutally honest portraits such as his self-portrait Painter Working, Reflection (1993)? a. Petah Coyne b. Richard Diebenkorn c. Robert Rauschenberg d. Lucien Freud e. Anselm Kiefer
Who painted The Night Caf, and said of it I have tried to express the idea that the caf is a place where one can ruin oneself, go mad, or commit a crime? a. Toulouse-Latrec b. Gauguin c. Degas d. Van Gogh e. none of these are correct
In atmospheric perspective, what happens to the background the further back the depth goes? a. Forms become smaller. b. The color becomes more blue. c. The distance becomes paler in value. d. Details diminish. e. All of these are correct.
Which early Egyptian king is depicted along with his wife Kha-Merer-Nebty in a freestanding sculpture? a. King Mycerinus b. Akhenaton c. Tutankhamen d. Ramses II e. none of these are correct
Postmodern architecture is often considered neo-eclectic because it _______. a. is a completely new style of architecture b. contains proportions of classical architecture c. uses the concept of less is more in the lack of windows d. combines several different and contradictory styles within one building e. uses primitive building methods and techniques
Georges Seurat created a method of painting called _________, which consists of tiny dots. a. Impressionism b. Postimpressionism c. Pointillism d. Japonisme e. none of these are correct
Tilted Arc was 12 feet tall and _______ feet long. a. 20 b. 50 c. 100 d. 120 e. 500
Describe the ambitions of Walter Gropius and the Bauhaus school.
One of the main characteristics of Postmodern art is _______. a. rediscovering the past b. rejecting the past c. stripping art down to the basic essentials d. the emergence of new styles e. emotionless imagery
What is the theme of Nina Paleys animated video Sita Sings the Blues? What do her choices of style, both musically and visually, have to do with her choice of releasing the video on the Internet for free?
The history of art is filled with examples of new media transforming the way artists work. What is the impact of the computer, and the various tools associated with it, on artists and art making? Cite specific examples and artists from the text.
Postimpressionism refers to _______. a. what the Impressionists painted after their first exhibition b. the Italian movement that admired Impressionist works for the depiction of the passage of time c. anything painted in the avant garde style d. a group of unrelated artists who reacted to the ideas of the Impressionists e. the movement occurring right now where there is a reaction against the Impressionist philosophy
In what way does Georgia OKeeffe create a sense of harmony in Two Calla Lilies on Pink? a. sympathy of forms b. using only one primary color c. repeating one simple pattern d. using pastel colors e. both a and d are correct
Describe the ritual performance of the Japanese Tea Ceremony while paying specific attention to how handmade objects play a role in the ceremony.
The Guerilla Girls use posters, billboards, and on-site appearances to _______________. a. raise awareness for male artists b. raise awareness about animal rights, especially gorillas c. provide comic relief to the art world d. draw attention to up and coming galleries e. eliminate bias against women in the art world
Discuss the contributions of Ivan Sutherland to the field of computer graphics. Why is Sutherland considered one of the greatest teachers in the history of computer science?
Which best describes Toulouse-Latrecs painting At the Moulin Rouge? a. brightly lit b. open-aired c. aristocratic d. claustrophobic e. classical
The commission Richard Serra received for the sculpture Tilted Arc was funded by the _________. a. Art in Architecture program that was supervised by the GSA b. Works Progress Administration c. National Endowment for the Arts d. Civilian Corps of Engineers e. private financers that owned the building and the plaza that Tilted Arc was being set in
Compare and contrast the work of Kathy Butterly and Peter Voulkos.
Anselm Kiefer is associated with __________ due to his use of vigorous brushstrokes and emotion-laden imagery. a. Performance Art b. Happenings c. Neoexpressionism d. Pop Art e. Minimalism
Compare and contrast the work of Maggie Taylor and Stephanie Syjuco.
Which of his own sculptures did Rodin refer to as a huge knick-knack? a. The Gates of Hell b. The Kiss c. The Thinker d. none of these are correct e. all of these are correct
How does David Siquieros use scale and relative size to create emphasis in Echo of a Scream? a. The figure of the baby takes up little space in the picture. b. It is hard to tell how big objects are. c. The painting is very small. d. The enormous duplicate of the babys head amplifies the scream. e. Elements of the background dominate the scene.
Describe the dramatic impact mass production had on artists attitudes towards crafts and design.
How did Christo and Jeanne-Claude fund their large scale works of art? a. by selling off the parts of the works after they were dismantled b. entirely by themselves, through selling Christos drawings c. by receiving grants d. through private donors e. by using lots of help from volunteers
Superrealism is like Minimalism in that both ________. a. re-created very realistic, representational scenes b. depicted highly reflective surfaces c. are cool and calculated d. express the inner emotions of the artist e. all of these are correct
List at least 3 ways in which artists can input imagery into a computer.
The favorite subjects of Mary Cassatt were ______. a. men and boys shown in unguarded moments b. women and children shown in unguarded moments c. the city life in Paris d. all of these are correct e. none of these are correct
By tradition, the discovery of the Golden Mean is attributed to the ________. a. Roman architect Vitruvius b. Greek mathematician Pythagoras c. Egyptian king Tutankhamen d. Renaissance artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci e. Chinese Buddhists
What approach did the American Studio Craft Movement take regarding crafts?
What is true of Minnesotan artist Duane Hansons work? a. They are superrealistic sculptures. b. They are accessible to all viewers. c. They reflect life. d. Both a and c are correct. e. All of these are correct.
John Lasseter is considered to be a leader in computer animated film. To what does he contribute his success?
The Gates of Hell, originally designed as a doorway to be cast in bronze for a new Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, were sculpted by a. Claude Monet b. Toulouse-Lautrec c. Auguste Rodin d. Paul Gauguin e. Michelangelo
The ratio of 1:1.618 is known as the Golden _____. a. Mean b. Ratio c. Section d. Proportion e. all of these are correct
What do you think Elsa Schiaparelli meant by her comment In difficult times fashion is always outrageous?
Which of the following was the goal of artists involved with SITE (Sculpture in the Environment)? a. to preserve sculpture b. to search for a more socially significant content c. to use natural resources in their sculptural projects d. to replace public sculpture with objects from nature e. all of these are correct
Describe the Surrealist film by Luis Buuel and Salvador Dal entitled Un Chien Andalou. How does this film convey the ideas embraced by the Surrealists?