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All of the following are appropriate reasons for concluding a meeting except:
A. Controversy has arisen because people have different ideas about how to proceed.
B. The agenda has been covered.
C. The scheduled closing time has arrived.
D. The group needs additional information in order to make meaningful decisions.
What is the most accurate statement about infographics?
a. Infographics are not effective in explaining steps or processes.
b. Because they require expertise in graphic design, infographics are not commonly used in most businesses.
c. Infographics are most appropriate on paper.
d. Many infographics include a call to action.
The Japanese process of nemawashi means
A. ironing out issues in a series of one-to-one sessions prior to conducting a problem-solving meeting.
B. saving face by giving wishy-washy answers.
C. taking turns conducting the meeting.
D. a volatile exchange of competing ideas.
What is the most accurate statement about using books for business research?
a. Because books are obsolete, they should never be used for business research.
b. Books provide excellent historical, in-depth data.
c. Books are best for finding current data about technical trends.
d. Most business reports are based on research found in books.
All of the following are guidelines for constructive reframing except:
A. Ask the complainer to be quiet until they have something nice to say.
B. Restate personal attacks so the focus is on issues instead.
C. Point out that individual concerns are also group concerns.
D. Turn complaints about the past into hopes for the future.
A report that provides data or findings, analyses, and conclusions is a(n) ________ report.
a. analytical
b. informational
c. external
d. digital
Jeannine has been scheduled to attend a meeting that will cover only trivial matters. Jeannine does not want to waste time and is trying to decide how to respond. Which of the following actions would NOT be recommended?
A. Send a written report rather than attending the meeting.
B. Suggest that the task be delegated to a subcommittee rather than holding a meeting.
C. Tactfully explain your reasons for not wanting to attend.
D. Don't show up at the meeting.
A report that presents data without analysis or recommendations is a(n) ________ report.
a. analytical
b. informational
c. audit
d. persuasive
Sources of primary information include ________.
a. research databases
b. periodicals and newspapers
c. surveys and interviews
d. information on the Web
You can enhance the value of members' comments by
A. acknowledging the merits of their idea.
B. explaining any concerns you might have.
C. asking others for suggestions that build on the idea.
D. integrating all three of these into a three-part response.
The recommended method for responding to an apparently stupid idea is to
A. asking others to enhance its value by building on it.
B. explain why the idea won't work.
C. say, "That's a good idea."
D. take an immediate vote on the idea.
Business Source Premier (EBSCO) and Lexis Nexis Academic are examples of research ________.
a. periodicals
b. indexes
c. databases
d. reports
Relevancy challenges are appropriately used when
A. a committee member feels strongly about the subject under discussion.
B. a member gets off the subject.
C. no agenda exists.
D. the group is unable to reach consensus.
Short (eight or fewer pages) informal reports addressed to an internal audience are usually presented in _________.
a. memo format
b. manuscript format
c. letter format
d. template format
During a meeting, if the discussion rambles on after a decision has been made,
A. let the discussion occur, because it is beneficial.
B. ask the talkative member to be quiet.
C. summarize what has taken place in the meeting, then redirect the discussion.
D. change the subject.
Which of the following is the best advice for searching the Web?
a. Choose your favorite search tool and use it exclusively so that you can master it.
b. Use just one or two keywords when conducting a search.
c. Use quotation marks to search for phrases.
d. Include articles and prepositions to make your searches more accurate.
Which of the following is NOT a useful suggestion for keeping discussions on track?
A. Remind the group about time pressures.
B. If a remark is irrelevant, discuss its pros and cons, and then return to the task at hand.
C. If a remark seems irrelevant, challenge it.
D. Summarize the discussion and then suggest moving on to the next task.
Which of the following is an effective statement of purpose for an informational report?
a. To inform the reader of the many different features offered on the Apple iPad
b. To analyze ways to offer our customers the best service possible
c. To solve the problem of employee turnover at the company's Chamblee location
d. To determine which of three smartphones to purchase for our Sales Department staff
Which of the following is true?
A. It's wise to switch from overhead questions to other types of questions if a few people are dominating the discussion.
B. Direct questions are good for initially establishing an open atmosphere.
C. Overhead questions discourage overly talkative members of a group.
D. Reverse questions should be used when a leader senses that a member doesn't know what's going on.
You must write a business report for a client and want to use a formal writing style. Which of the following should you do?
a. Emphasize active-voice verbs.
b. Avoid including your own opinions and perceptions.
c. Use first-person pronouns.
d. Use contractions.
Melinda is evaluating the information she found on a website before she includes it in a proposal she is writing. She asks, Who publishes or sponsors this website? What is Melinda evaluating?
a. The currency of the website
b. The authority of the website
c. The content of the website
d. The accuracy of the website
A reverse question
A. occurs when a member asks the leader of the group a question, and the leader turns it back to the person asking the question.
B. occurs when the leader refers a question asked by one member to the entire group.
C. is directed to the group as a whole.
D. is aimed at no particular group member.
Which of the following reports is an example of an analytical report?
a. A report giving the details about a training workshop attended
b. A report showing that a public company is in compliance with SEC regulations
c. A report describing the new company dress code
d. A report recommending one of four building alarm systems
What type of questions would most likely encourage comments from normally quiet people?
A. overhead questions
B. direct questions
C. reverse questions rephrased as overhead questions
D. relay questions
The final part of an effective work plan for a business research project includes _______.
a. drafting
b. submitting
c. evaluating
d. researching
If Consuelo refers questions from individual group members back to the entire group instead of answering them herself, she is using ______________ questions?
A. overhead
B. direct
C. reverse
D. relay
When the conclusions and recommendations appear ________ of a report, the organizational strategy is indirect.
a. at the beginning
b. at the end
c. in the body
d. in the appendix
When Jordan asked a question, Jennifer repeatedly jumped in and voiced her opinion, cutting off other group members before they had a chance to speak. As a result, Jordan decided to aim his questions at specific individuals to allow for more sharing of information across the group. Jordan was using _______ questions.
A. overhead
B. direct
C. reverse
D. relay
Which of the following statements would need to be documented in a report?
a. The stock market can be volatile.
b. Many types of people invest in the stock market.
c. Last May, the Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered a 998-point loss, which the media called a Flash Crash.
d. Stock market fluctuation affects many investors' returns significantly.
Which of the following discussion methods tends to result in unbalanced participation?
A. nominal group technique
B. a loosely structured informal meeting
C. asking questions that draw out silent members
D. having members take turns
Which of the following should you do when using a long quotation in a report?
a. Break up the quote with your own analysis to keep the reader engaged.
b. Introduce and summarize the quote in your own words.
c. Avoid using quotation marks to increase visual flow.
d. Include the quotation as a footnote rather than in the text of your report.
Members of a meeting may participate in an unbalanced way for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
A. the facilitator addresses various members with questions.
B. different personalities.
C. a loosely structured meeting.
D. cultural differences.
The best choice for showing changes in a company's monthly sales during a fiscal year is a(n) ________.
a. pie chart
b. line chart
c. flow chart
d. organization chart
A good parliamentary procedure motion possesses all of the following characteristics except:
A. addresses a single issue.
B. presents two alternate proposals to be compared.
C. is clearly stated.
D. is brief.
Tara, a student who is researching forensic accounting, is preparing to interview an experienced accountant. To conduct an effective interview, Tara should ________.
a. learn as much as possible about the field before the interview
b. try to do most of the talking during the interview to put the interviewee at ease
c. ask as many yes-or-no questions as possible to make things easier for the interviewee
d. engage the accountant in a debate to display her knowledge
All of the following are true about a parliamentary procedure motion except:
A. A motion should address a single issue.
B. A motion can only be amended by its sponsor.
C. A public vote of the members is required in order for a motion to be adopted.
D. A motion cannot be acted on until it is seconded.
Which of the following graphics is commonly used for displaying trends?
a. Table
b. Line chart
c. Pie chart
d. Flow chart
You should begin most business report assignments with ________.
a. generation of primary data
b. determination of report length
c. evaluation of the available secondary data
d. selection of report format
When you are using parliamentary procedure, to introduce a motion means
A. to call the meeting to a close.
B. to decide to vote on an issue.
C. to give the floor to a new speaker.
D. to introduce a specific proposal for action.
Many readers prefer the ________ organizational strategy because it seems logical and mirrors the way we solve problems.
a. direct
b. indirect
c. alternating
d. formal
When a meeting is conducted according to parliamentary procedure, all of the following items are included on the standard meeting agenda except
A. old business.
B. new business.
C. unfinished business.
D. minutes.
Magazines, pamphlets, and journals are types of ________.
a. periodicals
b. primary research
c. websites
d. research databases
Which of the following is NOT one of the activities suggested for the opening moments of a meeting?
A. Outline the ways members can contribute during the meeting.
B. Explain the goals of the meeting.
C. Use relay questions to encourage all members to participate in the opening.
D. Identify how much time is structured for the meeting.
Freya is writing a purpose statement for a report she will submit to her supervisor. To express clearly what she intends to do in the report, she should use ________.
a. action verbs
b. strong adjectives
c. passive voice
d. noun phrases
The concept of a bell-shaped agenda means that
A. The group should appoint one member who will act as a timer, ringing a bell or buzzer when it is time to move on the next item.
B. Every third item on an agenda should be easy to complete so that the group will feel a sense of success as it moves through the agenda.
C. The more time-consuming and difficult agenda items should be handled in the middle third of the meeting.
D. The agenda should be distributed to the group three days before the meeting, and the minutes should be distributed three days after the meeting.
Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the organizer's pre-meeting preparation?
A. Advise members how to prepare for the meeting.
B. If individual members have specific assignments, remind them.
C. Decide on the order of the agenda items.
D. All of these are aspects of pre-meeting preparation.
The organizational strategy is indirect when the conclusions and recommendations, if requested, appear at the end of the report.a. Trueb. False
Goal descriptions for agenda items should be ________.
A. result-oriented
B. demanding
C. process-driven
D. generic
Business researchers can safely assume that the great majority of Web sources are reliable.
a. True
b. False
It's not important to include ____________ on an agenda.
A. the time, length, and location of the meeting
B. a list of participants
C. relevant background information
D. the Chair's recommendation for how to vote on each item
Katherine wants to illustrate how her company's sales have increased over the past five years. She should use a pie chart to do this.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following best meets the criteria for a well-written agenda item?
A. We'll decide on the menu for the fundraising meal.
B. Bring your survey results so we can select which items to include on our fundraiser menu.
C. The fundraiser.
D. The purpose of our meeting is to discuss our menu.
You are reading an article in The Wall Street Journal that discusses the research findings of a Centers for Disease Control study on workplace hazards. This newspaper article is an example of primary data.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following questions is NOT recommended as a starting point for building an agenda?
A. What information will we need?
B. How can I prevent others from raising controversial points during the meeting?
C. What do we need to do in the meeting to achieve our objective?
D. What conversations will be important to the people who attend?
All business reports have one or more of the following purposes: to convey information, to answer questions, and to solve problems.
a. True
b. False
A meeting is advisable when
A. each person on the team has a separate assignment and doesn't need to consult with others to complete it.
B. each members fills a different role, such as information-giver, diagnoser, reality tester, and empathic listener.
C. an agenda has not been distributed ahead of time.
D. the CEO has already decided what will be done, and wants a blanket approval.
An example of a simple statement of purpose for a business report might be To recommend a new procedure for preparing quarterly financial statements.
a. True
b. False
Handle decisions without a meeting when
A. there is only one correct answer to the question under consideration.
B. the task will require more time than any single person has available.
C. an agenda has been distributed ahead of time.
D. knowledge from several professions is needed.
Research reports prepared by consultants for their clients tend to be rather formal.
a. True
b. False
In which of the following situations would it be best to call a meeting rather than to send a memo?
A. The information that is being communicated is controversial.
B. Some key people are not available to attend the meeting.
C. Members do not have time to prepare for the meeting.
D. The reason for meeting would be routine (e.g., reading progress reports).
Most research projects should begin with looking for secondary (vs. primary) data.
a. True
b. False
A meeting should probably be avoided if
A. the items to be covered don't require discussion or decision.
B. the job requires input from a variety of people.
C. participants are likely to suggest controversial solutions.
D. the decision to be made will require creative solutions.
Based on their function, most business reports fall into two broad categories: informational or analytical.
a. True
b. False
Les and his colleagues are working on a large construction project. The environmental, architectural, and marketing specialists are located in three different geographic locations. Team members don't have time to fly to a central location every time a meeting is needed, yet they want to see each other's nonverbals. Which of the following types of virtual meetings would you suggest to this team?
A. teleconference
B. chat room
C. videoconference
D. listserve
Are you in favor of banning texting while driving to save lives? is an example of a leading question.
a. True
b. False
All of the following are useful guidelines for conducting videoconferences EXCEPT:
A. Participants should identify themselves and their location at the beginning of the meeting.
B. Turn off cell phone ringers before the meeting begins.
C. Any documents that will be discussed should be sent ahead of time to all participants.
D. To allow participants of any socioeconomic status to participate, use the least expensive equipment you can find.
Evan's boss has asked him to research and to recommend a new insurance provider for employees' health insurance. Everett should write an analytical report.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is true about telephone conferences?
A. Telephone conferences are quite expensive to operate.
B. Telephone conferences are a useful way for groups with distant members to hash out details.
C. Members must go through extensive training before using a telephone conference.
D. Meetings conducted by telephone conferences require more time than meetings conducted by e-mail.
Formal experimentation produces data suggesting causes and effects.
a. True
b. False
The table is the most frequently used graphic in reports because it can clarify large quantities of data in small spaces.
a. True
b. False
All of the following are the intended purposes of ritual activity meetings except:
A. They reaffirm members' commitment.
B. They provide a chance to swap useful ideas.
C. They are just a waste of time.
D. They can function as a perk or status symbol.
Brad started his report with a description of the problem. He followed this with his facts and findings. Finally, he ended his report with his conclusions and recommendations. Brad has used the indirect pattern to write his report.
a. True
b. False
As the owner of a small computer store, Sandra decided that the best way to improve company morale was to hold weekly meetings to allow her employees to interact on a social level. As a result, Sandra's employees became more committed to the company and to one another because they began to form interpersonal relationships with one another. Which of the following types of meetings did Sandra organize?
A. ritual activity
B. problem-solving
C. decision-making
D. information-sharing
Malcolm wants to create a visual that will clearly show new staff members how a customer's order proceeds from sales to delivery. The best graphic for him to use is a flowchart.
a. True
b. False
If a meeting served a social rather than a task function, which type of meeting would it be?
A. information-sharing
B. problem-solving
C. decision-making
D. ritual activity
Yes-no questions produce the best results in an interview with an expert.
a. True
b. False
A small team of salesmen were having a problem with their current product. They decided to have a meeting to develop potential solutions and to eliminate the existing flaws. As a result of their meeting, the company implemented the suggestions they offered, which led to a significant increase in their sales. According to the text, which of the following types of meetings did this group of salesmen engage in?
A. information-sharing
B. problem-solving/decision-making
C. ritual activity
D. elimination protocol
Loretta is a member of a small research team that is working on developing a vaccine for swine flu. Once a week team members meet to share their most recent findings. These gatherings illustrate the _________________ function of meetings.
A. information-sharing
B. problem-solving
C. decision-making
D. ritual activity
The first step in the report-writing process is preparing a work plan.
a. True
b. False
Including a footnote to a source prevents copyright infringement.
a. True
b. False