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(p. 588) Distinguish between natural rights and civil rights.
(p. 592) What was the separate but equal doctrine?
(p. 591) The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was based on which amendment to the U.S. constitution?
(p. 590) What were the Jim Crow laws?
What is racism?
(p. 588) Define civil rights.
(p. 617) A support network formed by employees who personify an attribute associated with discrimination, stereotyping, or social isolation is known as a(n) _____ group.
A. personal union
B. affinity
C. hierarchical
D. citizen
(p. 616) Which of the following is true regarding the common elements of diversity programs?
A. Leadership from the top is critical.
B. Changing the organization structure disrupts diversity efforts.
C. Measuring progress does not require data collection.
D. Training programs are not very popular.
(p. 614) Which of the following countries has a feminine culture wherein cooperation and compromise have much higher priority than assertiveness and ambition?
A. The United States
B. Japan
C. Mexico
D. Scandinavia
(p. 614) Systematic efforts made by a company to recruit from different groups, promote tolerance, and modify corporate cultures to include nonmainstream employees are known as:
A. tokenism.
B. diversity management.
C. ethnic nepotism.
D. meritocracy.
(p. 613) Which of the following is a reason for the persisting gender wage gap?
A. Occupational segregation places many women in female-dominated occupations that tend to be lower paying than male-dominated ones.
B. Employers never hesitate to invest heavily in training women, thus giving women an equal opportunity for promotions.
C. The earning gap does not reflect elements of sex discrimination.
D. Although globalization has narrowed gender wage differentials, especially in high-skill occupations, they persist due to cultural traditions that shape labor market characteristics.
(p. 612) Which of the following is true regarding the job scenario and compensation awarded to men and women currently?
A. Men's earnings have steadily grown, while women's have stagnated.
B. Women hold higher percentage of job in the static manufacturing and construction sectors.
C. Men predominate in rapidly growing service occupations.
D. Although women earn less than men, the gap is a narrow one.
(p. 611) _____ refers to an invisible barrier of sex discrimination thwarting the advance of women to top corporate positions.
A. Glass closet
B. Glass elevator
C. Glass ceiling
D. Bamboo ceiling
(p. 608) _____ is a situation where sexually offensive conduct is pervasive in the workplace, making work unreasonably difficult for an affected individual.
A. Hostile environment
B. Verbal abuse
C. Quid pro quo
D. Anti-social behavior
(p. 608) Which of the following is an example of quid pro quo?
A. The interviewer tells Brenda that her qualifications are excellent for a female employee.
B. Charles Inc., requires that all female employees wear high heels during work hours.
C. David is often asked to work overtime because he is a bachelor.
D. Ariana is denied a promotion because she refuses to go out with her boss.
(p. 608) _____ is a situation when submission to sexual activity is required to get or keep a job.
A. Stalking
B. Business necessity
C. Quid pro quo
D. Hostile environment
(p. 607) Sexual harassment is illegal under:
A. the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
B. Executive Order 11478.
C. the Federal Employers Liability Act.
D. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
(p. 602) According to which of the following is discrimination in favor of protected groups benevolent of intention?
A. Distributive justice
B. Compensatory justice
C. Ethical theories of rights
D. Utilitarian ethics
(p. 602) Which of the following requires that affirmative action payment be made to make up for past wrongs?
A. Utilitarian considerations
B. Norms of compensatory justice
C. Norms of distributive justice
D. Ethical theories of rights
(p. 601) According to norms of distributive justice:
A. fair criteria should be used to assign benefits and burdens of affirmative action.
B. affirmative action destroys the right of all individuals to equal treatment before law.
C. the overall benefit to society as a result of affirmative action should be calculated.
D. discrimination in favor of protected groups is benevolent of intention.
(p. 601) With regard to affirmative action, advocates of utilitarian ethics:
A. raise questions about the ultimate fairness of affirmative action.
B. say that discrimination in favor of protected groups is benevolent of intention.
C. say that ethics require calculations about the overall costs to society of affirmative action.
D. argue that preferential treatment policies benefit everyone by making fuller use of talent.
(p. 599) Affirmative action complemented the ideal of:
A. equality of result.
B. equality of opportunity.
C. achievement based on merit.
D. individual rights before the law.
(p. 598) _____ discrimination is a pattern or practice of individual acts or rules in a corporate culture that permits or condones discrimination.
A. Subtle
B. Reverse
C. Positive
D. Systemic
(p. 598) The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs:
A. establishes rigid hiring goals for all companies.
B. has mandated a goal of 10 percent females in the construction industry.
C. conducts zealous compliance reviews.
D. uses qualitative tools to target companies where discrimination is most likely to be uncovered.
(p. 598) Which of the following statements about Executive Order 11246 is NOT true?
A. It is the origin of most affirmative action in corporations.
B. It is a legal defense a company can use to fight a disparate impact charge.
C. It is enforced by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.
D. It requires all companies with federal contracts of $50,000 or more and 50 or more employees, to have a written affirmative action plan.
(p. 597) Policies that seek out, encourage, and sometimes give preferential treatment to employees in the groups protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are called:
A. affirmative action.
B. systematic discrimination policies.
C. anti-harassment policies.
D. quid pro quo.
(p. 597) The 80 percent rule is met if a company has hired:
A. at least 10 percent of black applicants if it has hired 20 percent of all white applicants.
B. at least 10 percent of white applicants if it has hired 20 percent of all black applicants.
C. minorities at the rate of at least 80 percent of the rate at which it hires from the demographic group.
D. minorities at the rate of at least 20 percent of the rate at which it hires from the demographic group.
(p. 597) Which of the following is used as a statistical test to measure disparate impact?
A. The one-eighth rule
B. The 80 percent rule
C. The 20 percent rule
D. The one-half rule
(p. 596) A company that uses business necessity as a justification must:
A. have programs to recruit from diverse groups and promote tolerance.
B. implement affirmative action.
C. practice systematic discrimination.
D. show how the practice in question is job-related and essential.
(p. 596) Which of the following is a legal defense that a company can use to fight a disparate impact charge?
A. Affirmative action
B. Systematic discrimination
C. Business necessity
D. The 80 percent rule
(p. 596) Discrimination caused by policies that apply to everyone and seem neutral but have the effect of disadvantaging a protected group is known as:
A. reverse discrimination.
B. disparate impact.
C. glass ceiling.
D. quid pro quo.
(p. 595) If an employer gives less favorable treatment to employees because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, he/she is indulging in:
A. disparate treatment.
B. separate but equal treatment.
C. reverse discrimination.
D. diversity management.
(p. 595) All companies with 15 or more employees fall under the jurisdiction of Title VII and must report annually to the _____ the number of minorities and women in various job categories.
A. Employment Development Department
B. Bureau of Labor Statistics
C. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
D. National Labor Relations Board
(p. 595) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 created the ____, an independent regulatory commission, to enforce its provision.
A. Bureau of Labor Statistics
B. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
C. National Labor Relations Board
D. Bureau of International Labor Affairs
(p. 594) _____ of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in any aspect of employment.
A. Title VII
B. Title IX
C. Title XI
D. Title V
(p. 592) Which of the following was the belief prevalent in the South that racially segregated facilities were not inherently unequal?
A. Balance of interest
B. Clear statement rule
C. Separate but equal
D. Racial steering
(p. 592) _____ is the inherent authority of the state governments to regulate economic and social relationships for the welfare of the citizens.
A. Prohibitionism
B. Martial law
C. Eminent domain
D. Police power
(p. 591) The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was based on the _____ Amendment.
A. Sixteenth
B. Thirteenth
C. Fourteenth
D. Fifteenth
(p. 591) Which of the following was passed to prevent racial discrimination in "inns, public conveyances on land or water, theaters and other places of public amusement"?
A. The Civil Rights Act of 1875
B. Executive Order 11246
C. The Civil Rights Act of 1866
D. Executive Order 10925
(p. 590) The _____ institutionalized the idea that whites were superior to blacks by creating segregated schools, restrooms, and water fountains.
A. Northern Black codes
B. Jim Crow laws
C. Nuremberg Laws
D. Blue laws
(p. 589) The belief that each race has distinctive cultural characteristics and that one's own race is superior to other races is called:
A. ethnocentrism.
B. ethnic essentialism.
C. sexism.
D. racism.
(p. 589) The Civil Rights Act of 1866 protected the blacks against:
A. discrimination in transportation and accommodations.
B. ethnic violence.
C. employment discrimination.
D. discrimination in practicing their religion.
(p. 589) The _____ Amendment of the U.S. constitution prohibited race discrimination in voting.
A. Fourteenth
B. Fifteenth
C. Sixteenth
D. Thirteenth
(p. 589) The Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. constitution:
A. intended to prevent Southern states from passing discriminatory laws.
B. prohibited race discrimination in voting.
C. abolished slavery.
D. prohibited the making of laws impeding the free exercise of religion.
(p. 589) Which of the following abolished slavery?
A. The Emancipation Proclamation
B. Executive Order 13526
C. The Sixteenth Amendment
D. The Thirteenth Amendment
(p. 589) President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that:
A. freed an estimated 4 million slaves.
B. totally abolished slavery.
C. was intended to prevent Southern states from passing discriminatory laws.
D. prohibited race discrimination in voting.
(p. 588) Rights that are given to citizens by their government are called:
A. unalienable rights.
B. moral rights.
C. civil rights.
D. natural rights.
(p. 588) Governments cannot grant or take away _____ rights.
A. civil
B. legal
C. statutory
D. natural
(p. 588) Which of the following is true regarding natural rights?
A. They are bestowed by governments on their citizens.
B. They have to be codified by the legislative body.
C. They exist on a higher plane than civil rights.
D. They are also called alienable rights.
(p. 588) Natural rights are:
A. limited within a community.
B. unalienable rights.
C. relative to specific cultures.
D. codified into statutes.
(p. 588) The rights to which a person is entitled simply because he/she is a human and that cannot be taken away by the government are known as _____ rights.
A. natural
B. civil
C. legal
D. statutory
(p. 617) Participation in affinity groups decreases an individual's sense of isolation in a work culture.
(p. 616) Leadership from the top is critical for the success of diversity management programs.
(p. 614) Ethnic nepotism refers to systematic efforts made by companies to recruit from diverse groups, promote tolerance, and modify corporate cultures to include nonmainstream employees.
(p. 613) Even today, occupational segregation places many women in female-dominated occupations that tend to be lower paying than male-dominated ones.
(p. 611) The invisible barrier of sex discrimination that thwarts the advance of women to top corporate positions is known as bamboo ceiling.
(p. 608) Quid pro quo is a situation, defined as illegal, when submission to sexual activity is required to get or keep a job.
(p. 607) Sexual harassment is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
(p. 602) Norms of compensatory justice require that fair criteria be used to assign benefits and burdens.
(p. 601) Utilitarian ethics require that fair criteria be used to assign benefits and burdens to affirmative action.
(p. 599) Affirmative action affronts the ideal of equality of opportunity by substituting equality of result.
(p. 598) A pattern of individual acts in a corporate culture that permits or condones discrimination is known as reverse discrimination.
(p. 597) The 80 percent rule is the statistical test to measure disparate impact.
(p. 596) Disparate impact exists if an employer gives less favorable treatment to employees because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
(p. 595) As originally enacted, Title VII required employers to redress racially imbalanced workforces or change established seniority systems.
(p. 594) The Civil Rights Act of 1960 is the cornerstone of the structure of laws and regulations enforcing equal opportunity.
(p. 592) The inherent power of state governments to regulate economic and social relationships for the welfare of all citizens is known as police power.
(p. 591) The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was based on the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
(p. 590) Measures enacted in the South from 1877 to the 1950s legalizing segregation in public places, buses, trains, restaurants, schools, and businesses were known as Jim Crow laws.
(p. 589) The Thirteenth Amendment was intended to prevent Southern states from passing discriminatory laws.
(p. 588) In the U.S. Declaration of Independence, "unalienable" rights are considered natural rights that cannot be taken away by government.
(p. 573) Which of the following is a worker protection goal?
A. Collective bargaining
B. Encourage investment
C. Allow turnover
D. Reduce regulatory burden
(p. 573) Research suggests that in heavily regulated labor markets:
A. firm size is bigger.
B. unemployment lasts longer.
C. companies invest more in new technology.
D. the labor force is more skilled.
(p. 572) Eliminating all forced or compulsory labor, abolishing child labor, eliminating employment discrimination, and guaranteeing the right of collective bargaining are part of the _____ standards.
A. second New Deal
B. fair labor
C. core labor
D. agency worker
(p. 572) The four fundamental standards to protect basic worker rights set forth in international labor conventions are known as _____ standards.
A. core labor
B. agency worker
C. fair labor
D. second New Deal
(p. 572) Nonwage costs, including payments for social security, health insurance, and payroll taxes that employers must pay to cover disability, unemployment, maternity leave, and similar benefits are known as:
A. externalities.
B. community firm costs.
C. social welfare costs.
D. superannuation costs.
(p. 571) The German term " _____ " refers to a program in which the government subsidizes worker pay to promote employment.
A. nenko
B. kurzarbeit
C. elterngeld
D. oportunidades
(p. 571) The _____ model is a form of industry-labor-government cooperation in which government strongly regulates the labor market to secure expansive rights and high benefits for workers.
A. social welfare
B. community firm
C. macroeconomic
D. surplus labor
(p. 570) The Japanese worker compensation system defines _____ as a syndrome marked by emotional and physical stress accumulated during six months or more of overwork.
A. nenko
B. keiretsu
C. karoshi
D. maquiladora
(p. 570) Which of the following is a Japanese word denoting death from the stress of overwork?
A. Maquiladora
B. Karoshi
C. Nenko
D. Datsusara