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Data pertaining to the enterprise included in the law that can be used for the purpose of implementing or validating compliance best defines
A) ethical data.
B) research data.
C) digital data.
D) compliance data.
(p. 522) Laws that prohibit retail stores from being open for business on Sundays are called blue laws.
According to an ExecuNet survey, what percentage of hiring managers now use social media sites to check out job candidates?
A) 55 percent.
B) 77 percent.
C) 88 percent.
D) 66 percent.
(p. 521) According to critics of consumerism, it makes people judge other people for their external possessions rather than their interior qualities.
Examples of electronic signatures to help distinguish between legitimate and fraudulent transactions include each of the following except
A) a name typed at the end of an e-mail message by the sender.
B) a digitized image of a handwritten signature attached to an electronic document.
C) a secret code or PIN to identify the sender to the recipient.
D) a Web site development agreement.
(p. 520) Economist Thorstein Veblen argued that in the new industrial society, people earned their status by conquest in warfare.
EC sellers need to protect against fraud and each of the following except
A) public keys.
B) customers who deny that they placed an order.
C) customers who give false credit card or bad check information in payment for products and services provided.
D) use of their name by imposter sellers.
(p. 518) According to historian Gary Cross, consumerism expresses a less powerful worldview than political ideologies.
(p. 516) Enlightenment led to the rise of the idea that human beings are ends in themselves.
A major computer crime law to protect computers and other Internet-connected computers best describes
A) Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
B) Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
C) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
D) Dodd-Frank Act.
(p. 515) Consumerism is a term that describes a society in which people define their identities by acquiring and displaying material goods beyond what they need for subsistence.
Important EC issues include
A) time and place.
B) liability.
C) defamation.
D) all of the above.
What are the different approaches that companies can adopt to implement an environmental management system?
Discovery in civil litigation that deals with information in electronic format best describes
A) electronic delivery.
B) electronic case files.
C) metadata.
D) electronic discovery.
Which of the following is the European Union's directive that aims to regulate the activities of any person or company that controls the collection, storage, processing, or use of personal data on the Internet?
A) EU Privacy Enforcement Act
B) EU Information Control and Disbursal Act
C) EU Data Protection Directive
D) EU Internet Data Collection Act
(p. 500) Define environmental management system. What are its core elements?
What are carbon offsets?
A protocol allowing websites to declare their intended use of information they collect about browsing users best defines
A) Platform for Privacy Preferences Project.
C) Internet Data Collection Protocol.
D) Cyberawareness Authentication Signature.
Which of the following requires the FTC to enforce online privacy rights in EC, including the collection and use of personal data?
A) Communications Privacy and Consumer Empowerment Act
B) USA Patriot Act
C) Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
D) Dodd-Frank Act
Discuss the process of emissions trading.
Ethical principles commonly applied to the collection and use of personal information include
A) choice or consent.
B) access or participation.
C) integrity or security.
D) all of the above.
How are environmental taxes important as policy tools? What is main drawback of these taxes?
All unwanted software programs designed to steal proprietary information or that target data stores containing confidential information best defines
A) viruses.
B) target emails.
C) spyware.
D) cybersniffers.
Define command-and-control regulation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the command-and-control regulation?
Based on Richard Clarke's 2010 definition, which of the following refers to actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation's computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption?
A) cybercombat
B) cyberwarfare
C) cyberintrusion
D) cyberlashing
What is the method used by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to calculate the value of a statistical life? What are its criticisms?
Which of the following is one of the most common ways of gathering information on the Internet?
A) using spyware, keystroke loggers, and similar methods
B) wiretapping wireline and wireless communication lines
C) reading an individual's e-mail, IM, or text message
D) reading an individual's blogs or newsgroup postings
(p. 489-490) Explain the process of contingent valuation.
Methods used for collecting data about people include
A) search engines.
C) site transaction logs.
D) all of the above.
What is cost-benefit analysis? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a cost-benefit analysis?
Which of the following mandated the use of filtering technologies in schools and libraries that receive certain types of U.S. federal funding?
A) Communications Decency Act
B) Federal commuter Fraud and Abuse Act
C) Lanham Act
D) Children's Internet Protection Act
Define exposure assessment. What does it involve?
An agreement that requires computer users to take specific steps to allow the collection of personal information best defines
A) opt-out.
B) information submission clause.
C) opt-in.
D) cyberawareness.
(p. 483) Define threshold.
The business practice that gives consumers the opportunity to refuse sharing information about themselves best defines
A) opt-in.
B) opt-out.
C) right of refusal.
D) freedom of information.
(p. 482) Define dose-response assessment.
Companies can improve their responsibility as custodians of customers' personal data by implementing
A) opt-in and opt-out information practices.
C) e-mail monitoring.
D) firewalls.
(p. 481) What are epidemiological studies?
Section 5 of the FTC Act does each of the following except
A) prohibits unfair or deceptive EC practices.
B) gives the FTC authority to take action against companies whose lax security practices could expose customers' financial information to theft or loss.
C) protects privacy.
D) requires monitoring of employees' e-mail.
(p. 480) What does hazard assessment do?
Each of the following statements apply to hate Web sites except
A) web sites that contain legitimate complaints that are not defamatory, sponsored by competitors, or infringe upon trademark rights by confusing consumers are usually protected by the First Amendment.
B) many hate sites are directed against large corporations such as Wal-Mart, Microsoft, and Nike.
C) cyberbashing is the registration of a domain name that criticizes an organization or person.
D) the intent of most hate Web sites is to commit fraud.
(p. 479) Explain the term "risk."
A domain name that criticizes an organization or person best defines
A) repudiation site.
B) cyberstalking.
C) cyberbashing.
D) cyberflaming.
(p. 501) The _____ principle holds that when industrial activity poses a risk, even if the threat is as yet poorly understood, prudence calls for restraint.
A. proactionary
B. postcautionary
C. maximin
D. precautionary
The use of famous trademarks in public that diminishes the capacity of the mark to distinguish goods or services, or tarnishes the mark in the eyes of the consumer best definesA) copyright infringement.B) trademark dilution.C) patent theft.D) social use.
(p. 500) The _____ is a standard for environmental management created by the International Organization for Standardization that allows companies to claim state-of-the-art ecological responsibility.
A. ISO 12207
B. ISO 11940
C. ISO 14001
D. ISO 13485
Fair use meansA) copyrighted material can be used for noncommercial purposes without paying royalties or getting permission.B) a copyright holder has exclusive rights to the invention for a fixed number of years.C) the author or creator of a book, movie, or musical composition can use his or her creations for an unlimited number of years.D) copyrighted material can be digitally protected against misuse.
(p. 500) Which of the following is a set of methods and procedures for aligning corporate strategies, policies, and operations with principles that protect ecosystems?
A. Superfund
C. The environmental management system
D. The Clean Development Mechanism
An umbrella term for any of several arrangements that allow a vendor of content in electronic form to control the material and restrict its usage best defines
A) fair use.
B) electronic conservatorship.
C) digital rights management.
D) digital patent.
(p. 499) The Energy Star program:
A. advances control strategies that regulate greenhouse gases.
B. identifies household and commercial products with high energy efficiency.
C. reduces emissions by purchasing alternative energy and buying emissions offsets.
D. eliminates waste and warming gas emissions.
Each of the following statements about digital rights management (DRM) is true exceptA) DRM are technology-based protection measures.B) DRM technologies were developed with strict regard for privacy protection.C) typically, the content is a copyrighted digital work to which the vendor holds right.D) DRM is an umbrella term for any arrangement that allows a vendor of content in electronic form to control the material and restrict its usage.
(p. 498) When the political will for stringent command rules is absent, _____ regulation is used.
A. command-and-control
B. voluntary
C. market incentive
D. required disclosure
Which of the following gives the authorities dramatic new copyright enforcement powers allowing them to take down entire domains dedicated to online piracy rather than just targeting files that actually infringe copyright law?A) Federal Trademark Dilution ActB) Communications Decency ActC) Copyright Enforcement BillD) Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act
(p. 498) _____ regulations do not require legal compulsions or sanctions.
A. Voluntary
B. Market incentive
C. Required disclosure
D. Command-and-control
Use of the work without permission or contracting for payment of a royalty best defines
A) fair use.
B) infringement.
C) cyberlifting.
D) digital rights violation.
(p. 497) The EPA program that requires facilities handling any of 650 hazardous chemicals to disclose amounts each year that are released or transferred is the:
A. Waste Management Inventory.
B. Resource Conservation and Recovery Information Inventory.
C. Toxics Release Inventory.
D. Criteria Pollutant Emissions Database.
Which intellectual property law is correctly matched with its protection?
A) Patent law protects inventions.
B) Trade secret law protects creations of the mind.
C) Copyright law protects confidential business information.
D) Trademark law protects discoveries.
(p. 496) What is the major advantage of a cap-and-trade system?
A. It reduces costs for companies under the cap.
B. It puts companies under the cap at a competitive advantage when foreign competitors are outside the cap.
C. It allows developed countries to meet greenhouse gas reproduction pledges by paying for carbon offset projects in developing nations.
D. It actually reduces overall emissions as the cap is lowered.
Which of the following intellectual property laws protects inventions and discoveries?
A) patent law
B) trade secret law
C) law of licensing
D) trademark law
(p. 496) Which of the following is a carbon offset program set up under the Kyoto Protocol that allows developed countries to meet greenhouse gas reproduction pledges by paying for carbon offset projects in developing nations?
A. The Emissions Trading Mechanism
B. The Clean Development Mechanism
C. The environmental management system
D. ISO 14001
Which of the following intellectual property laws protects confidential business information?
A) patent law
B) trademark law
C) law of licensing
D) trade secret law
Which of the following extends a copyright to 70 years after the death of the author?A) Carry Grant Copyright Extension ActB) Communications Privacy and Consumer Empowerment ActC) Sonny Bono Copyright Extension ActD) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
(p. 495) Projects that compensate for all or part of a company's greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating the equivalent sum of those emissions from another source are known as carbon:
A. footprints.
B. sequestrations.
C. offsets.
D. management systems.
An exclusive right of the author or creator of a book, movie, musical composition, or other artistic property to print, copy, sell, license, distribute, transform to another medium, translate, record, perform, or otherwise use best definesA) patent.B) copyright.C) fair use.D) trademark law.
(p. 495) _____ is a mechanism in which a ton of CO2e is a traded commodity with a price that fluctuates based on changes in supply and demand.
A. Clean Development Mechanism
B. Green market
C. Greenwashing
D. Carbon market
Intellectual property law is the area of law that is associated with each of the following exceptA) business contracts.B) visual and performing arts.C) patent law, copyright law, trademark law, and trade secret law.D) electronic databases, advertising, and video games.
(p. 494) A universal measure that uses the warming potential of CO2 as a reference for the relative warming potential of the six greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol is the:
A. CO2 equivalent.
B. carbon dioxide equivalent.
An Internet acceptable use policy (AUP) is an important safeguard because
A) it is required by the FTC.
B) it includes a corporate code of ethics.
C) without a formal AUP, it is much more difficult to enforce acceptable behaviors and eliminate unacceptable behaviors and punish violators.
D) employees may be using company e-mail to advertise their own businesses.
(p. 493) _____ is a market-based pollution abatement scheme in which emissions are limited and sources must hold tradable permits equal to the amount of their discharges.
A. Command-and-control
B. Carbon tax regime
C. Cap and trade
D. Carbon fees with rebates
Corporate Web policy guidelines include each of the following exceptA) issue word-of-mouth acceptable use policies (AUP).B) make it clear to employees that they cannot use copyrighted or trademarked material without permission.C) post disclaimers concerning content.D) have attorneys with cyber law expertise review Web content.
(p. 493) Emissions trading programs are also known as:
A. command-and-control systems.
B. cap and trade.
C. carbon tax regimes.
D. carbon fees with rebates.
Which of the following states the rules and expected behaviors and actions?
A) citizenship
B) job description
C) company mission statement
D) corporate code of ethics
(p. 493) The substitution of revenues from taxes on pollution for revenues from taxes on productivity is known as:
A. pro-market tax reform.
B. capital gains tax reform.
C. environmental tax reform.
D. alternative minimum tax reform.
According to a study by Robert Half Technology, the top time waster is
A) online games.
B) personal email.
C) social networks.
D) gambling.
(p. 492) The practice of harnessing market forces to motivate compliance with regulatory goals is known as:
A. cap-and-trade regulation.
B. command-and-control regulation.
C. market incentive regulation.
D. voluntary regulation.
The right to be left alone and free from unreasonable personal intrusions best defines
A) intrusion protection.
B) privacy.
C) social law.
D) patent law.
(p. 492) _____ regulation gives polluters financial motives to control pollution while also giving them flexibility in how reductions are achieved.
A. Command-and-control
B. Market incentive
C. Cap-and-trade
D. Voluntary
The branch of philosophy that deals with what is considered to be right and wrong best defines
A) ethics.
B) due process.
C) intellectual property law.
D) business law.
(p. 492) Command-and-control regulation:
A. gives polluters financial motives to control pollution.
B. does not grant abatements.
C. helps determine the value of statistical life.
D. can increase costs without commensurate increases in benefits.
Some believe that exposure to cellular mobile communication radiation may cause health problems; however, it may take years before the truth of this claim is known.