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(p. 484) Exposure assessment establishes a link between a substance and human disease.
Each of the following apply to EC in developing economies except
A) developing economies often face power blackouts and unreliable infrastructure and delivery mechanisms creating limitations that make it difficult for firms to predict whether EC investments will pay off, and when.
B) developing economies, such as China and India, represent a significant opportunity for EC to connect businesses to customers, as well as other businesses.
C) developing economies struggle with various issues that create too many business and technology risks to justify investment in those economies at this time.
D) the potential volume of transactions in developed countries can make EC investments more attractive for established firms than new firms because established firms have already recovered the costs of their IT infrastructures.
One of the strengths of EC is the ease with which its adopters can reach a global population of consumers. However, EC-driven businesses must consider the critical elements affecting the value of EC across cultures. These elements include each of the following except
A) delivery delays.
B) perceived trust.
C) consumer loyalty.
D) political influences.
(p. 483) Extrapolation is the process of inferring the value of an unknown state from the value of another state that is known.
(p. 482) A dose-response assessment is a qualitative estimate of how a toxic a substance is to humans or animals at increasing levels of exposure.
Each of the following is a critical success factor (CSF) of the Old Economy except
A) deliver high-value products.
B) compete to sell product.
C) build market share to get economies of scale.
D) create new partnerships, stay with core competency.
A structured approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. It is an organizational process aimed at empowering employees to accept and embrace changes in their current business environment. This best describes
A) employee empowerment.
B) change management.
C) usability testing.
D) acceptance testing.
(p. 481) Carcinogen is an agent capable of initiating cancer.
Determining whether a website meets the original business objectives and vision best defines
A) acceptance testing.
B) feasibility testing.
C) usability testing.
D) unit testing.
(p. 480) The process of deciding what action to take regarding specific risks is called hazard assessment.
Referencing capabilities needed by Webstore users, sellers need the ability to do each of the following except
A) arrange product delivery.
B) provide an electronic shopping cart in which buyers can assemble their purchases.
C) track shipments to ensure that they are delivered.
D) select products to purchase and negotiate or determine their total price.
(p. 479) The scientific process of discovering and weighing the dangers posed by pollutants is called risk assessment.
Referencing the capabilities needed by Webstore users, buyers need the ability to
A) provide Web-based postsale support.
B) create the capability for cross-selling and up-selling.
C) track orders once they are shipped.
D) analyze purchases in order to customize buyers' experiences.
(p. 454) Emissions of manufactured gases containing chlorine and bromine, when released into the ____, persist and eventually rise into the ____, they are converted by chemical reactions into more reactive gases that destroy ozone.
A. lower atmosphere; stratosphere
B. higher atmosphere; troposphere
C. lower atmosphere; mesosphere
D. higher atmosphere; mesosphere
A Web-based seller of CDs carefully monitors the prices charged by its competitors for identical products. This company has the ability to change a given price within three minutes in response to changes by competitors. This is an example of EC
A) competitive advantage.
B) core competency.
C) product or service differentiation.
D) agility.
(p. 454) One of the dangerous indoor air pollutants is ____, an inert, colorless, odorless, radioactive gas found in soil and rock formations.
A. ozone
B. chlorofluorocarbon
C. methane
D. radon
The fair market value of a business or the price at which a property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller who are both informed and under no compulsion to act best describes
A) feasibility.
B) reusability.
C) agility.
D) valuation.
(p. 452) Acid rain is caused primarily by two air borne pollutants:
A. particulates and lead.
B. volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide.
C. sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen.
D. radon and ozone.
McAfee allows users of its VirusScan virus-detection software to automatically update the latest security patches online. This is an example of ________ to attract customers who value this automatic update.
A) competitive advantage
B) core competency
C) product or service differentiation
D) agility
(p. 451) Maximum achievable control technology is a performance standard used by the Environmental Protection Agency to control:
A. emissions of hazardous air pollutants.
B. emissions of criteria pollutants.
C. water pollutants.
D. land pollutants.
Costs incurred in ensuring that the agent performs tasks as expected best defines
A) opportunity costs.
B) agency costs.
C) time-on-task costs.
D) production costs.
(p. 450) Chemical emissions that pose a health risk of serious illness such as cancer with even small inhalation exposures are known as:
A. criteria pollutants.
B. hazardous air pollutants.
C. volatile organic compounds.
D. condensibles.
(p. 449) Small particles formed in the atmosphere by photochemical reactions of gases found in urban smog are known as:
A. inorganic compounds.
B. precipitants.
C. condensibles.
D. volatile organic compounds.
Transaction costs include each of the following except
A) production costs.
B) search costs.
C) negotiation costs.
D) monitoring costs.
An equation indicating that for the same quantity of production, Q, companies either can use a certain amount of labor or invest in more automation best describes
A) Q-model.
B) production function.
C) unit testing.
D) product valuation.
(p. 449) Which of the following, released by industrial activity and combustion, is composed of small fragments suspended in the air?
A. Methane
B. Particulate matter
C. Volatile organic compounds
D. Toluene
The average-cost curves (AVC) of physical products and digital products
A) are different because the AVC of digital products declines as quantity increases forming an L-shape, while the AVC of physical products is U-shaped.
B) are both U-shaped.
C) are both L-shaped.
D) are different because the AVC of physical products declines as quantity increases forming an L-shape, while the AVC of digital products is U-shaped.
(p. 449) Gases that evaporate from liquid or solid carbon-based compounds and, which, in sunlight react with other pollutants to form urban smog are known as:
A. particulate matters.
B. gas flares.
C. greenhouse gases.
D. volatile organic compounds.
Antivirus investments are easily justified because more than ________ percent of viruses enter business networks via e-mail.
A) 25
B) 33
C) 50
D) 85
(p. 448-449) _____ is formed in the air by chemical reactions between nitrogen dioxide and volatile organic compounds.
A. Methane
B. Ozone
C. Benzene
D. Ammonia
Justifying information security projects
A) is not needed because it is well-known that preventing network security problems is less labor intensive than cleaning up virus infections.
B) is not done because ROI calculators are not available.
C) should focus on defending against external threats such as hackers and malware.
D) should be done because employee security training is usually poorly done.
(p. 448) _____ refer to six natural substances that in large quantities cause the degradation of air quality.
A. Point source effluents
B. Greenhouse gases
C. Criteria pollutants
D. Hazardous air pollutants
Each of the following metrics indicates excellence in e-procurement except
A) increased order fulfillment rate.
B) decreased number of rejects received from suppliers.
C) increased production costs.
D) increased on-time deliveries.
(p. 448) The _____ is required to set national standards for air pollutants at levels that protect public health and the environment.
A. Environmental Protection Agency
B. Council on Environmental Quality
C. U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
D. U.S. Green Building Council
(p. 448) The primary air quality statute in the United States is the:
A. Air (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act.
B. Air Quality Act.
C. National Environmental Policy Act.
D. Clean Air Act.
Which of the following advanced methods for EC justification and evaluation uses a combination of brainstorming and consensus-reaching methodologies to determine how much a company should invest in large EC infrastructures?
A) management by maxim
B) balanced scorecard
C) benchmarks
D) scoring methodologies
(p. 447) The Environmental Protection Agency:
A. is a legislative branch regulatory agency.
B. was created in 1990 to consolidate environmental programs scattered throughout the federal government.
C. writes detailed, specific rules needed to make environmental laws work.
D. cannot enforce rules directly on corporations.
Which of the following advanced methods for EC justification and evaluation uses the idea of critical success factors and focuses on key organizational objectives and the potential impacts of the proposed EC project on each of them?
A) benchmarks
B) management by maxim
C) performance dashboard
D) information economics
(p. 446) Bias by humans toward members of their own class and prejudice against members of other kind is known as:
A. speciesism.
B. objectivism.
C. utilitarianism.
D. supremacism.
Types of appraisal and justification methods for IT investments include each of the following except
A) ratio approaches.
B) portfolio approaches.
C) real-time investment approaches.
D) financial approaches.
(p. 446) According to the theory of deep ecology:
A. people feel depressed when their home environment changes.
B. human interference with nature is now excessive and must be drastically reduced.
C. human beings have duties not only towards fellow humans but also towards nature.
D. rural life is superior to city life.
The disadvantage of the NPV method for evaluating EC and IT is
A) the true benefits are difficult to measure.
B) it is difficult to compare projects of unequal lives or sizes.
C) it assumes reinvestment at the same rate.
D) it may be difficult to classify outlays as expenses or investments.
(p. 446) The theory that rejects human domination of nature and holds that humans have only equal rights with other species, not superior rights, is the theory of:
A. agrarianism.
B. existentialism.
C. deep ecology.
D. land ethic.
Maximizing the value for unconstrained project selection is an advantage of
A) economic value added.
B) net present value.
C) payback period.
D) total cost of ownership.
(p. 446) The theory of land ethic:
A. holds that human domination of nature should cease.
B. indicates bias toward the members of one's own species and against those of members of other species.
C. means distributing land from the rich to the poor.
D. implies an ethical duty to nature as well as humanity.
The return on invested capital generated by a company minus the cost of the capital used in recreating the cash flow best describes
A) economic value added.
B) return on investment.
C) break-even analysis.
D) NPV analysis.
(p. 446) According to this theory, humans are part of an ethical community that includes not only other human beings but all elements of the natural environment.
A. Existentialism
B. Deep ecology
C. Land ethic
D. Agrarianism
Benefits of ownership that include both tangible and intangible costs best defines
A) economic value of ownership.
B) NPV analysis.
C) benefit-to-cost analysis.
D) total benefits of ownership.
(p. 445) _____ is the ethical philosophy of the greatest good for the greatest number.
A. Utilitarianism
B. Capitalism
C. Deep ecology
D. Moral responsibility
A formula for calculating the cost of owning, operating, and controlling an IT system best defines
A) payback period.
B) return on investment.
C) total cost of ownership.
D) total benefits of ownership.
(p. 445) Which of the following is an economic system in which private individuals and corporations own the means of production and, motivated by the desire for profit; compete in free markets under conditions of limited restraint by government?
A. Utilitarianism
B. Capitalism
C. Socialism
D. Fascism
Which of the following is the discount rate that makes the NPV of cash flows produced over time equal to zero?
(p. 445) The theory of _____ valued nature primarily as a commodity to be used in wealth-creating activity that increased the vigor, welfare, and comfort of society.
A. capitalism
B. socialism
C. altruism
D. utilitarianism
Traditional methods for evaluating EC investments include each of the following except
B) payback period.
C) discount rate.
(p. 445) The belief that history is a narrative of improvement in which humanity moves from lower to higher levels of perfection is known as:
A. capitalism.
B. speciesism.
C. progress.
D. sustainable development.
According to Gartner's hype cycle, which of the following stages is the point at which the technology becomes unfashionable and the media abandons the topic, because the topic did not live up to its inflated expectations?
A) trough of disillusionment
B) slope of enlightenment
C) plateau of productivity
D) peak of inflated expectations
(p. 445) The theory that humans are separate from nature because they have the power of reason and, unlike plants and animals, have souls is known as the theory of:
A. dualism.
B. atomism.
C. emergentism.
D. humanism.
According to Gartner's hype cycle, which of the following is the stage of overenthusiasm and unrealistic projections during which a flurry of publicized activity by technology leaders may result in some successes but more failures as the technology is pushed to its limits?
A) plateau of productivity
B) slope of enlightenment
C) trough of disillusionment
D) peak of inflated expectations
(p. 444) Which of the following is an important implication of the environmental Kuznets curve?
A. Society will not focus much on education.
B. Economic inequality decreases over time while a country is developing.
C. More economic growth will not necessarily lead to steadily increasing levels of pollution.
D. Environmental quality in growing economies will follow a path of long-term deterioration.
Gartner's hype cycle includes each of the following stages except
A) plateau of productivity.
B) technology trigger.
C) simplicity of method.
D) trough of disillusionment.
(p. 442) The environmental Kuznets curve is a(n) _____ curve.
A. S-shaped
B. J-shaped
C. inverted J-shaped
D. inverted U-shaped
A graphic representation of the maturity, adoption, and social application of specific IT tools best defines
A) Gantt chart.
B) hype cycle.
C) network diagram.
D) logic model.
(p. 442) Nonpolluting economic growth that improves the standard of living of people without depleting the net resources of the earth is called:
A. green development.
B. sustainable development.
C. environmental planning.
D. community building.
The major steps in the process of justifying large-scale EC and IT projects include each of the following except
A) lay an appropriate foundation for analysis with your vendor, and then conduct your ROI.
B) document and verify all figures used in the calculation. Clarify all assumptions.
C) do not leave out strategic benefits, including long-term ones.
D) be careful not to overestimate cost and underestimate benefits (a tendency of many managers).
(p. 441) Which of the following is NOT an example of an ecosystem service?
A. A coral reef that stabilizes seabeds.
B. Pollination of crops.
C. A land that has stopped producing water.
D. Pest control by birds.
EC costs and benefits can be classified into two broad categories
A) direct and routine.
B) short-term and capital.
C) tangible and intangible.
D) operational and strategic.
(p. 441) A(n) _____ is an animated, interactive realm of plants, animals, and microorganisms inhabiting an area of the nonliving environment.
A. niche
B. ecosystem
C. biotope
D. ionosphere
The relationship between EC investment and organizational performance is
A) direct.
B) indirect.
C) shared with other investments.
D) not measurable.
(p. 440) The slender margin atop the earth's surface that supports life is called the:
A. hydrosphere.
B. ionosphere.
C. lithosphere.
D. biosphere.
Productivity benefits from using EC are difficult to measure because
A) the payoffs are too short.
B) there is no time lag in EC gains.
C) EC gains in certain areas of the company may be offset by losses in other areas.
D) qualitative benefits do not count.
(p. 439-440) The estimated burden of disease caused by pollution is calculated as the percentage of deaths and:
A. average years of life lost.
B. expected years of life lost.
C. disability-adjusted life years.
D. quality-adjusted life years.
For governments, an example of an intangible EC metric is
A) reelection of candidates.
B) lower tax rates.
C) increase in participation in government programs.
D) risk reduction.
(p. 461) The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ensures that the thousands of abandoned toxic waste sites around the United States are cleaned up.
Tangible metrics include
A) lower tax rates.
B) ease of use of EC.
C) reelection of candidates.
D) flexibility in changing a purchase.
In B2C, an example of a tangible EC metric from the buyer's perspective is
A) ease of use of EC.
B) convenience in purchasing.
C) profit per customer.
D) cost/price of the product.
(p. 460) The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 gave EPA the authority to manage hazardous waste from the moment it is created to the moment it is finally destroyed.
(p. 458) The Clean Water Act is effective in eliminating polluted factory outflows.
Metrics are used to describe each of the following except
A) standards.
B) costs.
C) benefits.
D) the ratio of costs to benefits.
(p. 457) The United States is not a party to the Kyoto Protocol.
Metrics can
A) be the basis for specific goals and plans.
B) define the value proposition of business models.
C) assess the health of companies by using tools such as balanced scorecards and performance dashboards.
D) do all of the above.