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Identify three technological and three nontechnological e-commerce challenges.
List five general strategies for competitive advantage.
(p. 405) World Bank and IMF loans usually go to developing countries.
(p. 403) The great run of free trade ended with World War I, which inflamed global markets with national conflicts.
The analysis of clickstream data to understand visitor behavior on a website best defines
A) clickstream tracking.
B) cookies.
C) splogging.
D) web analytics.
With the balanced scorecard approach, the term balance arises because the combined set of measures is supposed to encompass indicators that are each of the following except
A) core and non-core.
B) financial and nonfinancial.
C) leading and lagging.
D) quantitative and qualitative.
(p. 399) NGOs are a major force in the ways that government and business operate.
Advanced performance measuring and analysis approach that embraces planning and strategy best defines
A) metric.
B) key performance indicator.
C) corporate performance management.
D) dashboard.
(p. 398) Only developed countries have been receptive to free market ideas.
A quantifiable measurement, agreed to beforehand, that reflects the critical success factors of a company, department or project best defines
A) key performance indicator.
B) dashboard measurement.
C) spot check.
D) splog.
(p. 397) When networks of economic, political, social, and scientific interdependence span worldwide distances, this is called globalization.
Identify five reasons why companies prefer to outsource some of the EC support services.
Discuss the relevance of the Alien Tort Claims Act.
Define reverse logistics. List five options.
(p. 377) Give two examples of actions reported by Global Compact participants.
How can order-taking activity be improved with IT? Discuss two ways and the benefit of each.
(p. 375-376) Discuss the United Nation's efforts to promote MNC social responsibility and to harness FDI for economic development.
(p. 369-370) Discuss the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
List three logistics characteristics and explain how e-logistics differs from traditional logistics on each characteristic.
Explain two reasons why an EC company's deliveries to retailers and customers may be delayed.
Briefly explain international codes of conduct with reference to the Sullivan Principles.
An agent or vendor who assembles the functions needed by enterprises and packages them with outsourced development, operation, maintenance, and other services best describes
A) collaborator.
B) application service provider.
C) transaction broker.
D) forwarder.
Discuss the negative economic and social effects of FDI.
Which of the following aggregates information about products and services from multiple providers at one central point?
A) transaction broker
B) content provider
C) collaborators
D) marketplace concentrator
(p. 363) What are the three most common reasons for corporations to make foreign direct investments?
Which of the following matches business clients with firms that provide a wide variety of IT services?
A) Lotus Domino
B) Bizrate
C) TechRepublic
D) VeriSign
What is portfolio investment? How is it different from FDI?
Which of the following B2B services creates revenue by providing content?
A) specialized directories
B) marketplace concentrators
C) transaction brokers
D) content providers
Why were the strategic advantages of the fourth-tier model less compelling for American manufacturers?
Which of the following is a large business directory organized by location and by product or service?
A) i-Stores
B) A2Z of B2B
C) Websters
D) ThomasNet
List the five tiers of internationalization.
Consulting firm categories include
A) firms that provide expertise in the area of EC but not in traditional business.
B) traditional consulting companies that maintain divisions that focus on EC.
C) EC hardware and software vendors that provide technology-consulting services.
D) all of the above.
(p. 378) Define bluewashing.
Project in which suppliers and retailers collaborate in their planning and demand forecasting to optimize flow of materials along the supply chain best describes
A) customer relationship management.
B) collaborate planning, forecasting, and replenishment.
C) directory services.
D) transaction management systems.
(p. 375) What is the Rio Declaration?
Tags that can be attached to or embedded in objects, animals, or humans and use radio waves to communicate with a reader for the purpose of uniquely identifying the object or transmitting data and/or storing information about the object best defines
A) radio frequency identification.
B) location chips.
C) wireless router.
D) goods locator chip.
(p. 369) What is soft law?
According to Melnyk, et al. 2010, supply chains of tomorrow must deliver varying degrees of
A) safety and security of goods delivered.
B) eliminating waste, reducing pollution, and improving the environment.
C) innovation.
D) all of the above.
(p. 362) Explain what is meant by foreign direct investment.
Using Web services, Dell schedules every line in every factory around the world every ________, and only brings ________ worth of materials into the factory.
A) day; 1 day's
B) 2 hours; 2 hours'
C) week; 1 week's
D) 12 hours; 12 hours'
Explain the three ratios that are used to compute a TNI index for a multinational company.
A logistics method in which products on the delivery truck are not preassigned to a destination, but the decision about the quantity to unload at each destination is made at the time of unloading best describes
A) rolling warehouse.
B) merge-in-transit.
C) bullwhip effect.
D) reverse logistics system.
(p. 380) Business groups say that the Alien Tort Claims Act:
A. brings justice for the oppressed.
B. victimizes the world's poor "by imposing an enormous tax on investment in developing countries at a time the world desperately needs such investment."
C. will restrict U.S. officials from going to different corners of the globe and exploiting the local populations.
D. gives "people in foreign countries comfort that U.S. corporations will abide by international standards."
A logistics model in which components for a product may come from two or more different physical locations and are shipped directly to the customer's location best defines
A) rolling warehousing.
B) merge-in-transit.
C) business process management.
D) B2C fulfillment.
(p. 379) What was the original intent of the 1789 Alien Tort Claims Act?
A. To make it illegal for U.S. citizens anywhere in the world to bribe foreign officials.
B. To set criminal penalties in abetting the overthrow of the U.S. government.
C. To protect the United States from enemy aliens.
D. To protect the rights of ambassadors and to try pirates.
Merge-in-transit and rolling warehouses are examples of
A) logistics postponement.
B) order fulfillment in services.
C) business process management.
D) B2C fulfillment.
(p. 379) This is a 1789 law permitting foreign citizens to litigate alleged violations of international law in U.S. federal district courts.
A. The Alien Tort Claims Act
B. The Sherman Antitrust Act
C. The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
D. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
The knowledge about where materials and parts are at any given time, which helps in solving problems such as delay, combining shipments, and more best defines
A) verification.
B) visibility.
C) risk avoidance.
D) product placement.
(p. 378) This is the act of a corporation cloaking its lack of social responsibility by insincere membership in the UN Global Compact.
A. Apartheid
B. Bluewashing
C. Snowballing
D. Astroturfing
According to (2006), the seven elements for optimal order fulfillment include each of the following except
A) utilize social engineering sites as much as possible.
B) integrate your systems.
C) incorporate sales and marketing into the process.
D) reduce or eliminate paperwork.
(p. 376) That businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining comes under which Global Compact principle?
A. Anti-corruption
B. Human rights
C. The environment
D. Labor standards
Each of the following is characteristic of order fulfillment except
A) B2B order fulfillment commonly uses business processes management (BPM) software to automate various steps in the process.
B) customers pressure suppliers to improve the order fulfillment process.
C) flexible systems are needed because customers might change an order after the order is sent to the warehouse.
D) B2C fulfillment may be more complex than that of B2B.
The Boston Consulting Group found that the ________ was the number-two reason shoppers cited for refusing to buy on the Web frequently.
A) absence of a good return mechanism
B) lack of security
C) inability to compare products
D) delay in receiving products
(p. 375) Principle 9 of the Global Compact Principles urges a precautionary approach to environmental risks, a philosophy rising from the _____ and accepted by regulators in Europe, but less so in the United States.
A. Earth Summit
B. Convention on Biological Diversity
C. Earth Charter
D. Rio Declaration
The pioneering approach by ________ was to produce the components of computers via mass production and to offer customization in the manner in which they were assembled.
B) Intel
C) Gateway
D) Dell
(p. 375) The Global Compact:
A. is a code of conduct.
B. enforces its principles.
C. advances its principles as an "aspirational" set of "shared values."
D. requires mandatory participation.
Intermediaries that prepare goods for shipping best describes
A) forwarders.
B) collaborators.
C) fulfillers.
D) vendors.
(p. 375) The single most conspicuous effort to promote MNC social responsibility and to harness FDI for economic development is the:
A. social contract.
B. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
C. Global Compact.
D. transnationality index.
An effective way to solve order fulfillment problems is for an organization to
A) build more local warehouses.
B) reduce the variety or types of products being sold.
C) use AutoCart.
D) partner with other companies, such as UPS, or distribution centers.
(p. 373) The treaty that requires nations to preserve biological diversity by promoting sustainable economic activity is known as the:
A. Convention on Biological Diversity.
B. 2010 Biodiversity Target.
C. Global Biodiversity Information Facility.
D. Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum.
Keys to successful inventory management include
A) low cost.
B) superior management.
C) employee satisfaction.
D) efficiency.
(p. 370) Which of the following is NOT a general policy of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises?
A. Enterprises should encourage human capital formation, in particular by creating employment opportunities and facilitating training opportunities for employees.
B. Enterprises should take disciplinary action against employees who make bona fide reports to management.
C. Enterprises should refrain from seeking or accepting exemptions not contemplated in the statutory or regulatory framework related to environmental, taxation, or other issues.
D. Enterprises should respect the human rights of those affected by their activities consistent with the host government's international obligations and commitments.
Which of the following was used by Shurman Fine Papers to improve its demand forecast and minimize both out-of-stocks and overstocking?
A) SQL Server
B) IntelliTrack
C) RedPrairie
D) TrueShip
(p. 369) Which of the following is true about the OECD Guidelines?
A. An informal process exists to "encourage" observance of the guidelines.
B. Each government that joins in the guidelines sets up an office, called a "national contact point."
C. Observance of the guidelines is obligatory.
D. There are legal sanctions and penalties for violations of the guidelines.
Automated warehouses include each of the following except
A) robots.
B) mass customization.
C) devices that expedite product pickup.
D) RFID and wireless technologies.
(p. 369) The main purpose of this code is to boost economic growth of its members by expanding trade.
A. The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
B. The Caux Round Table principles for business
C. The Business Charter for Sustainable Development
D. The FLA Workplace Code of Conduct
Benefits of warehouse management systems include each of the following except
A) increasing the bullwhip effect.
B) managing receiving.
C) decreasing the incidence of out-of-stocks.
D) reducing inventory.
(p. 369) The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises:
A. are a set of 16 broadly worded principles about protecting and conserving the natural environment.
B. reinforces capitalism by making it moral.
C. are global guidelines for socially responsible and ethical behavior based on ethical ideas in the great religions.
D. is the only comprehensive global code of corporate conduct endorsed by governments.
Implementing linkages between order-taking and payment systems can improve order fulfillment. Electronic payments can expedite both the order fulfillment cycle and the payment delivery period. With such systems
A) payment processing can be significantly more expensive, but fraud can be better controlled.
B) payment processing can be significantly less expensive, and fraud can be better controlled.
C) payment processing can be significantly less expensive, but fraud is less controlled.
D) payment processing costs remain the same, but fraud can be better controlled.
(p. 367) This is a 1977 code of conduct that required multinational corporations in South Africa to do business in a nondiscriminatory way.
A. The MacBride Principles
B. The Equator Principles
C. The CERES Principles
D. The Sullivan Principles
Order taking can be done via
A) EDI, EDI/Internet, the Internet, or an extranet, and it may be fully automated.
B) EDI, EDI/Internet, the Internet, or an extranet.
C) EDI, EDI/Internet, or the Internet.
D) the Internet or an extranet, and it may be fully automated.
(p. 367) These are aspirational statements of principles, policies, and rules for foreign operations that a multinational corporation voluntarily agrees to follow.
A. Industrial codes of conduct
B. Professional codes of conduct
C. International codes of conduct
D. Corporate codes of conduct
A software system that helps in managing warehouses best defines
A) decision support system.
B) risk management system.
C) warehouse management system.
D) reverse engineering system.
(p. 365) Which of the following is a negative economic effect of FDI?
A. Governments protect politically powerful industries with characteristic control.
B. MNCs in manufacturing are accused of exploiting factory workers.
C. Although competition from a new foreign affiliate can stimulate local firms, the new entry can also overwhelm them.
D. Multinational corporations are criticized for repatriating profits to host countries, so that local residents get limited benefit from their presence.
Solutions to order fulfillment problems along supply chains include
A) improvements in the order-taking activity.
B) warehousing and inventory management improvements.
C) speeding deliveries.
D) all of the above.
(p. 364-365) According to leading progressive, David C. Korten:
A. power on earth was being transferred from national governments to transnational corporations which by their nature serve only the short-term interests of citizens.
B. "a few hundred" multinational corporations are making daily business decisions which have more impact than those of most sovereign governments.
C. developing nations should set up a stable and enabling regulatory environment that indulges the "concern of the business sector for national policies that are enabling but not overly regulating."
D. in seeking return on capital invested, MNCs may build or buy facilities, contract with local suppliers, and hire workers.
Uncertainties, lack of coordination, and an inability or refusal to share information among business partners create EC ________ problems.
A) shipping and handling
B) supply chain fulfillment
C) product development
D) infrastructure
(p. 363) Which of the following is NOT one of the three most common reasons for corporations to make foreign direct investments?
A. They seek access to new markets.
B. They seek to introduce new management skills and technologies to foreign markets.
C. Companies in nations with small domestic markets enter foreign markets to grow.
D. Some companies create efficiencies and lower their costs by moving production across borders.
External, rather than in-house providers of logistics services best defines
A) third-party logistics suppliers.
B) outsourced development.
C) external settlement.
D) external sourcing.
(p. 362) A(n) _____ is a government entity that invests the savings of a nation.
A. angel investor
B. private investor
C. central bank
D. sovereign wealth fund