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Specialized design firms tend to have highly developed processes that support the needs of particular industries.
Which of the following is most likely to be a characteristic of an organization that implements TQM?
A) The organization uses centralized decision-making.
B) The managers in the organization assume the role of supervisor rather than facilitator.
C) The employees in the organization are empowered.
D) The organization has tall hierarchy of authority.
A contract manufacturer is an organization capable of manufacturing and/or purchasing all of the components needed to produce a finished product or device.
Which of the following is the overall goal of total quality management (TQM)?
A) achieving radical innovation
B) increasing environmental richness
C) decreasing bargaining power of suppliers
D) achieving continuous improvement
A key tool of a quality function deployment team is the house of quality matrix.
The technique of total quality management (TQM) was developed by ________.
A) Kenneth Arrow
B) William Easterly
C) W. Edwards Deming
D) Kaoru Ishikawa
Which of the following is used for accomplishing revolutionary change?
A) implementing sociotechnical systems
B) reengineering
C) creating empowered and flexible work groups
D) implementing total quality management
In a concurrent engineering approach to product design and development, an integration team insures that various parts of the product are compatible with the needs of the target customer.
Which of the following statements is true regarding revolutionary change?
A) One of the methods used for accomplishing revolutionary change is creation of empowered flexible work groups.
B) Revolutionary change is gradual and incremental.
C) Revolutionary change involves a constant attempt to improve, adapt, and adjust strategy and structure incrementally to accommodate to changes taking place in the environment.
D) Revolutionary change is broadly focused.
DFMA stands for design for manufacturing and assembly.
Value analysis/value engineering has as its objective to increase product quality and reduce costs.
Which of the following methods is used for accomplishing evolutionary change?
A) reengineering
B) total quality management
C) innovation
D) restructuring
Which of the following statements is true regarding evolutionary change?
A) Evolutionary change is broadly focused.
B) Evolutionary change involves a bold attempt to quickly find new ways to be effective.
C) Evolutionary change is gradual and incremental.
D) One of the methods used for accomplishing evolutionary change is restructuring.
One of the methodologies that can aid in designing a new product for customers is a House of Quality matrix.
Designing a new product for aesthetics and for the user is generally termed industrial design.
Which of the following theories proposed the importance of changing roles and tasks to increase organizational effectiveness?
A) sociotechnical systems theory
B) force-field theory
C) value engineering theory
D) hierarchy of needs theory
According to the force-field theory, to get an organization to change, managers must find a way to ________.
A) increase efficiency of the organization
B) reduce resistance to change
C) reduce environmental dynamism
D) increase economies of scope
Quality function deployment involves listening to customers to determine the characteristics of a superior product.
Quality function deployment is an engineering analysis whose purpose is to simplify products and processes.
The ________ theory argues that two sets of opposing forces within an organization determine how change will take place.
A) hierarchy of needs
B) force-field
C) two-factor
D) acquired needs
The force-field theory of organizational change is developed by ________.
A) Frederick Herzberg
B) Kurt Lewin
C) Abraham Maslow
D) Douglas McGregor
The main purpose of concurrent engineering is to improve product quality.
Manufacturing defines target customers during "Phase 0: Planning" of the generic product development process.
According to the force-field theory, when the two sets of opposing forces, force for change and resistance to change, are evenly balanced in an organization, the organization ________.
A) attempts to grow by diversifying its business in unrelated areas
B) is operating at the optimum production level that maximizes economies of scale
C) is in a state of inertia
D) attempts to grow by engaging in vertical integration
The generic development process outlined in the textbook is followed by many, if not most, of the firms in the Fortune 500.
Which of the following terms refers to a pattern of faulty decision-making that occurs in a team when members discount negative information in order to arrive at a unanimous agreement?
A) selective perception
B) groupthink
C) omission bias
D) congruence bias
A team in an organization resists attempts by management to change its functions or its members. This resistance to change results from ________.
A) differences in functional orientation
B) omission bias
C) group cohesiveness
D) groupthink
A key decision point in the generic development process during "Phase 1: Concept Development" is project approval.
A key decision point in the generic development process during "Phase 4: Testing and refinement" is concept approval.
Which of the following statements is true regarding organizational change?
A) Competition is a force that resists organizational change.
B) As compared to mechanistic structure, organic structure is more resistant to change.
C) Change usually benefits some people, functions, or divisions at the expense of others.
D) Resistance to change increases an organization's effectiveness and its chances of survival in a changing environment.
Early prototypes of a new product, using the same geometry and material processes as the production versions are usually constructed during the concept development phase of the product development process.
Which of the following characteristics of organizational structure is most likely to resist organizational change?
A) decentralized decision-making
B) standardization of behavior through rules and procedures
C) flat hierarchy of authority
D) extensive use of mutual adjustment
Concept development is one of the typical phases of product development.
Which of the following characteristics of organizational structure is most likely to increase the responsiveness of the organization to environmental changes?
A) standardization of behavior through rules and procedures
B) tall hierarchy of authority
C) extensive use of mutual adjustment
D) centralized decision-making
Organizational inertia refers to the tendency of an organization to ________.
A) increasing the number of products produced so as to take advantage of economies of scope
B) increase the diversity of its workforce
C) decrease cost of production by using economies of scale
D) resist change and maintain the status quo
You have collected the data for a Time-Cost CPM Scheduling model analysis. The time is in days and the project "direct costs" are given below. The indirect costs for the project are determined on a daily duration basis. If the project lasts 16 days the total indirect costs are $400, 15 days they will be $250, 14 days they will be $200 and 13 days they will be $100. At what day do we achieve the lowest total project cost (i.e., direct plus indirect costs)?
A. 16 days
B. 15 days
C. 14 days
D. 13 days
E. 12 days
You have collected the data for a Time-Cost CPM Scheduling model analysis. The time is in days and the project "direct costs" are given below. The indirect costs for the project are determined on a daily duration basis. If the project lasts 16 days the total indirect costs are $400, 15 days they will be $250, 14 days they will be $200 and 13 days they will be $100. If you crash this project by one day what is the total (i.e., direct and indirect) project cost?
A. $2,150
B. $2,300
C. $2,400
D. $2,450
E. $2,500
Which of the following is the main reason behind companies losing their effectiveness?
A) depletion of resources
B) decreased bargaining power of suppliers
C) inability to change
D) decreased environmental dynamism
Which of the following is an impediment to change?
A) economic and political union among countries
B) competition
C) differences in functional orientation
D) workforce diversity
Below are the data for a Time-Cost CPM Scheduling analysis. The time is in days and the costs include both direct and indirect costs. If you crash this project to reduce the total time by four days, what is the total time of the project and total cost?
A. Total time is 10 days, total cost is $2,500
B. Total time is 9 days, total cost is $2,300
C. Total time is 8 days, total cost is $2,750
D. Total time is 8 days, total cost is $1,850
E. Total time is 9 days, total cost is $2,350
Below are the data for a Time-Cost CPM Scheduling model analysis. The time is in days and the costs include both direct and indirect costs. If you crash this project to reduce the total time by one day what is the total time of the project and total cost?
A. Total time is 13 days, total cost is $1,500
B. Total time is 12 days, total cost is $2,000
C. Total time is 12 days, total cost is $2,300
D. Total time is 11 days, total cost is $1,850
E. Total time is 11 days, total cost is $2,350
The European Union is a ________ force for change.
A) competitive
B) political
C) social
D) demographic
Below are the data for a Time-Cost CPM Scheduling model analysis. The time is in days and the costs include both direct and indirect costs. What are the total time of this project and total normal cost?
A. Total time is 13 days, total cost is $1,200
B. Total time is 12 days, total cost is $1,700
C. Total time is 11 days, total cost is $1,600
D. Total time is 10 days, total cost is $1,750
E. Total time is 9 days, total cost is $1,700
Which of the following is most likely to be an effect of adopting a new technology?
A) task relationships among workers change
B) selective perception of the organizational members increases
C) the production level of the organization decreases
D) the culture of the organization changes
You have the following time and cost information below for use in a Time-Cost CPM Scheduling model. What are the three costs per unit of time to expedite each activity?
A. A=$300, B=$200, C=$300
B. A=$100, B=$200, C=$400
C. A=$200, B=$200, C=$200
D. A=$100, B=$400, C=$300
E. A=$200, B=$300, C=$400
Organizations are constantly striving to ________.
A) increase environmental dynamism
B) achieve a competitive advantage
C) decrease environmental richness
D) increase bargaining power of suppliers
You are working on a project that has 12 activities and want to perform a CPM analysis on the project. You determine the critical path consists of only five activities. You then compute the variances for the five critical path activities and these variances are 3, 4, 2, 1 and 6 days. If the desired completion date for the project is 50 days and the expected completion date for the project is 40 days, what is the probability that the project will be completed by the desired completion date?
A. 0.99379
B. 0.99180
C. 0.99772
D. 0.91924
E. 0.67364
You have just computed a Z=2.55 in a CPM analysis of a critical path for a project. Based on this Z value what is the probability of completing this project on time?
A. 0.76543
B. 0.67543
C. 0.99061
D. 0.99461
E. You cannot tell based on the information given
Which of the following is an organization's most important asset?
A) environmental richness
B) organizational structure
C) environmental dynamism
D) human resources
You have determined the critical path in a CPM analysis. You would like to determine the probability of completing the project is a desired period of time. One of the activities on the critical path has an optimistic time of 5 minutes, a most likely time of 6 and a pessimistic time of 17. What is the variance estimate of this activity?
A. 0.5
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
Planned organizational change is normally targeted at improving effectiveness at one or more of four different levels: human resources, ________, technological capabilities, and organizational capabilities.
A) profitability of suppliers
B) environmental richness
C) bargaining power of customers
D) functional resources
If the pessimistic duration of an activity is 24, the most likely duration is 15 and the optimistic duration is 6, what is the variance for the activity time when using CPM analysis?
A. 6
B. 8.333
C. 9
D. 10.4
E. 12
Organizational change is the process by which organizations move from their current or present state to some desired future state to ________.
A) increase the bargaining power of their customers
B) increase environmental dynamism
C) increase their effectiveness
D) improve the performance of the related and supporting industries
If the pessimistic duration of an activity is 10 and the optimistic duration is 4, what is the variance for the activity time when using CPM analysis?
A. 1
B. 2.333
C. 4.777
D. 10.4
E. 12
Which of the following statements is true regarding organizational change?
A) Planned organizational change is normally targeted at increasing environmental dynamism.
B) Organizational change should take place only when the company is operating in loss.
C) Organizational change is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the organization.
D) Organizational change typically involves changing the technical capabilities of the company without changing its human and functional resources.
You ask your subordinates how long it will take to complete the job they are working on. The subordinates say, "If everything goes right it will take 6 hours, most likely it will take 8 hours and if everything goes wrong it will take until the end of tomorrow or another 16 hours". Since this job is a part of a larger project you must estimate the expected time it will take to complete the job. Using the three activity time estimation procedure for CPM, what is the expected time for this job?
A. 8 hours
B. 9 hours
C. 10 hours
D. 11 hours
E. 12 hours
Intergroup training is an OD technique that uses team building to improve the work interactions of different functions or divisions.
A company wants to use CPM analysis to manage their project. One of the activities that make up the project has an uncertain duration. Three estimates have been given to determine this activity's duration. The estimates are optimistically 1 hour, most likely 5 hours and pessimistic 6 hours. Using the three activity time estimation procedure for CPM, what is the expected time this activity will take?
A. 2.5 hours
B. 3.5 hours
C. 4.5 hours
D. 5.5 hours
E. None of the above
Process consultation is an organizational development technique in which a facilitator first observes the interactions of group members and then helps them become aware of ways to improve their work interactions.
If you have an optimistic time of 4 weeks, a most likely time of 6 weeks and a pessimistic time of 14 weeks on an activity in a CPM managed project, what is the expected time for this activity?
A. 4 weeks
B. 5 weeks
C. 6 weeks
D. 7 weeks
E. 8 weeks
Team building does not focus on what the group is trying to achieve.
A bottom-up change is a revolutionary change.
If you have an optimistic time of 4 weeks, a most likely time of 6 weeks and a pessimistic time of 8 weeks on an activity in a CPM managed project, what is the expected time for this activity?
A. 4 weeks
B. 5 weeks
C. 6 weeks
D. 7 weeks
E. 8 weeks
In general, top-down change is easier to implement than bottom-up change because it provokes less resistance.
You have just performed a Single Time Estimate CPM analysis and have found that more than one path through the project network has zero slack values. What can you conclude?
A. You have incorrectly performed the analysis
B. You have multiple critical paths
C. Only one path is optimal
D. More than one path is optimal
E. The project will not be completed by the desired time
E-engineering refers to companies' attempts to use all kinds of information systems to improve their performance.
Downsizing is a type of organizational restructuring.
A listing of immediate predecessor activities is important information in a single time estimate CPM analysis for which of the following reasons?
A. It specifies the relationships in the CPM network of activities
B. It provides useful timing information
C. It includes cost information
D. It is the probability information required in the final step of CPM
E. None of the above
For the process of reengineering to be successful, it is important to centralize decision-making.
For an activity in a Single Time Estimate CPM analysis the Early Finish time is 20 and the Late Finish time is 20. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The activity's late start must happen before its early start
B. The activity is on the critical path
C. The slack for this activity is 20
D. The duration of this activity is zero
E. The duration of this activity is 20
For successfully performing reengineering, it should be organized around outcomes, not tasks.
For an activity in a Single Time Estimate CPM analysis, the Early Finish time is 8 and the Late Finish time is 10. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The Late Start Time is 4
B. The Early Start Time is 4
C. The slack for this activity is 2
D. The duration of this activity is 2
E. The activity is on the critical path
A company must perform a maintenance project consisting of seven activities. The activities, their predecessors and their respective time estimates are presented below: Using the Single Time Estimate CPM procedure, which activities have slack in this project?
A. A, B, C
B. B, D
C. Only C
D. C, E
E. F, G
The process of reengineering is started with the product and not the customer.
A company must perform a maintenance project consisting of seven activities. The activities, their predecessors and their respective time estimates are presented below: Using the Single Time Estimate CPM procedure, what is the Latest Finish Time for the last activity in this project (i.e., the total time to complete the project)?
A. 9 days
B. 10 days
C. 11 days
D. 12 days
E. 13 days
Instead of focusing on an organization's business processes, the managers of a reengineered organization focus on the organization's functions.
A company must perform a maintenance project consisting of seven activities. The activities, their predecessors and their respective time estimates are presented below: Using the Single Time Estimate CPM procedure, which activities make up the critical path?
A. A, B, D, F, G
B. A, C, E, F, G
C. A, C, B, F, E
D. A, D, E
E. None of the above
A flexible work team is self-managed.
A simple project listing of five activities, their predecessors and their respective time estimates are presented below: Using the Single Time Estimate CPM procedure, which activities have slack in this project?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. C and E
TQM is a quick fix that can turn an organization around overnight.