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Which of the following technologies is most likely to be used for producing huge volumes of standardized products, such as cars, razor blades, aluminum cans, and soft drinks?
A) sequential-process technology
B) large-batch technology
C) continuous-process technology
D) small-batch technology
Various financial data for SunPath Manufacturing for 2008 & 2009 follow. What is the percentage change in the labor partial productivity measure for SunPath between 2008 & 2009?
A. 9.22
B. 2.33
C. 0.53
D. 2.88
E. 10.39
With reference to the types of production technologies identified by Joan Woodward, which of the following technologies is most likely to be used by an Internet software company?
A) small-batch technology
B) mass production technology
C) sequential-process technology
D) continuous-process technology
With reference to the types of production technologies identified by Joan Woodward, which of the following technologies is the most suitable to producing new or complex products?
A) sequential-process technology
B) small-batch technology
C) continuous-process technology
D) mass production
Various financial data for SunPath Manufacturing for 2008 & 2009 follow. What is the percentage change in the energy partial productivity measure for SunPath between 2008 & 2009?
A. 9.22
B. 2.33
C. 0.53
D. 2.88
E. 10.39
Small-batch technology is typically characterized by ________.
A) high technical complexity
B) flexibility
C) low costs
D) the ability to be programmed
Various financial data for SunPath Manufacturing for 2008 & 2009 follow. What is the percentage change in SunPath's total productivity measure between 2008 & 2009?
A. 9.22
B. 2.33
C. 0.53
D. 2.88
E. 10.39
With reference to the types of production technologies identified by Joan Woodward, which of the following technologies gives an organization the capacity to produce a wide range of products that can be customized for individual customers?
A) continuous-process technology
B) mass production technology
C) small-batch technology
D) sequential-process technology
Larry's Auto Body Repair Shop had revenues that averaged $60,000 per week in April and $50,000 per week in May. During both months, the shop employed six full-time (40 hours/week) workers. In April the firm also had four part-time workers working 25 hours per week but in May there were only 2 part-time workers and they only worked 10 hours per week. What is the percentage change in labor productivity from April to May for Larry's Auto Body Repair?
A. 17.65
B. 15.84
C. 8.97
D. 1.76
E. 19.23
Which of the following statements is true regarding small-batch and unit technology?
A) The conversion process that results from this technology is typically flexible.
B) This technology is used by companies to produce massive volumes of standardized products.
C) This technology is characterized by highest level of technical complexity.
D) This technology is used in the production of oil-products and chemicals.
The total output from a production system in one day is 900 units and the total labor necessary to produce the 900 units is 900 hours. Using the appropriate productivity measure, what is the resulting productivity ratio?
A. 1.000
B. 1.428
C. 0.700
D. 0.411
E. None of the above
A furniture maker that constructs furniture customized to the needs and tastes of specific clients is most likely to use ________ technology.
A) mass production
B) small-batch and unit
C) standardized production
D) continuous-process
The total output from a production system in one day is 500 units and the total labor necessary to produce the 500 units is 350 hours. Using the appropriate productivity measure, which of the following numbers represents the resulting productivity ratio?
A. 1.000
B. 1.428
C. 0.700
D. 0.411
E. None of the above
Which of the following types of production technologies, as identified by Joan Woodward, scores lowest on the dimension of technical complexity?
A) continuous-process technology
B) large-batch and mass production technology
C) small-batch and unit technology
D) sequential-process technology
If all you knew about a production system was that total daily output was 400 units and the total labor necessary to produce the 400 units was 350 hours and the total materials used were 425 units, what kind of productivity measure could you use to compute productivity?
A. Partial measure
B. Multifactor measure
C. Total measure
D. A and B above
E. B and C above
According to Joan Woodward, the ________ of a production process is a measure of the extent to which a production process can be programmed so that it can be controlled and made predictable.
A) technical complexity
B) resource customizability
C) situational adaptability
D) environmental compatibility
If all you knew about a production system was that total daily output was 400 units and the total labor necessary to produce the 400 units was 350 hours, what kind of productivity measure could you use to compute productivity?
A. Partial measure
B. Multifactor measure
C. Total measure
D. Global measure
E. All of the above
Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding a process that has a high technical complexity?
A) Such processes rely more on human skills and less on machines.
B) In such a process, work activities cannot be programmed in advance.
C) Outputs that result from such processes can be predicted accurately.
D) Such processes are very costly and they cannot be changed once established.
Which of the following is a total measure of productivity?
A. Output/Materials
B. Output/(Labor + Capital + Energy)
C. Output/Labor
D. Output/Inputs
E. All of the above
Which of the following is a multifactor measure of productivity?
A. Output/(Materials + Labor)
B. Output/(Labor + Capital + Energy)
C. Output/All resources used
D. Output/Inputs
E. All of the above
Organizations that employ ________ technology make one-of-a-kind customized products.
A) sequential-process
B) small-batch and unit
C) continuous-process
D) large-batch and mass production
Which of the following is a partial measure of productivity?
A. Output/Materials
B. Output/(Labor + Capital + Energy)
C. Output/All resources used
D. Output/Inputs
E. All of the above
An organization that uses the internal systems approach to measure organizational effectiveness will most likely employ technology to ________.
A) reduce costs
B) improve quality
C) improve customer service
D) reduce product development time
In the operations and supply strategy framework presented in the textbook, which of the following is a support platform?
A. Sales force management
B. Information management
C. Production scheduling
D. Corporate management
E. Customers
A company uses new technological developments to improve its service to customers and to increase products' quality and reliability. This information indicates that the company is taking the ________ approach to measure organizational effectiveness.
A) external resource
B) technical
C) internal systems
D) competitive
Which of the following is not an enterprise capability presented in the textbook as part of the operations and supply strategy framework?
A. Technology
B. Systems
C. People
D. R&D
E. Price
Ford increased his organization's effectiveness by organizing its functional resources to create better quality cars at a lower cost for both manufacturer and consumer. This information indicates that Ford is taking the ________ approach to measure organizational effectiveness.
A) environmental
B) internal systems
C) competitive
D) technical
The operations and supply strategy framework presented in the textbook includes which of the following enterprise capabilities?
A. Customer Satisfaction
B. Product Leadership
C. Distribution
D. Price
E. Dependability
________ is the technology that involves groups of skilled workers who interact closely to produce custom-designed products.
A) Mass production
B) Engineering technology
C) Craftswork
D) Progressive manufacturing
________ is the organizational technology that uses conveyor belts and a standardized progressive assembly process to manufacture goods.
A) Craftswork
B) Mass production
C) Customization
D) Differentiated production
The operations and supply strategy framework presented in the textbook includes which of the following enterprise capabilities?
A. Quality
B. Dependability
C. Flexibility
D. Price
E. People
An activity-based map is which of the following?
A. A network guide to route airlines
B. A listing of activities that make up a project
C. A network that shows how a company's strategy is delivered to customers
D. A facility layout schematic noting what is done where
E. A timeline displaying major planned events
The interactions of the members of a surgical operating team, the cooperative efforts of scientists in a research and development laboratory, and techniques developed by assembly-line workers are all examples of competences and technology at the ________ level.
A) functional
B) external resource
C) environmental
D) organizational
A computer-integrated manufacturing system eliminates the need to retool machines physically.
When a company seeks to match the benefits of a successful position while maintaining its existing position in offering customers a variety of differing services, what is this process called?
A. Operations capability analysis
B. Straddling
C. Order qualifier
D. Order winners
E. Inter-functional analysis
A just-in-time inventory system increases task interdependence between stages in the production chain.
In developing an operations and supply strategy, which of the following would be an important product-specific criteria to consider?
A. Focused factory
B. Production lot-size
C. Supplier after-sale support
D. Learning curve
E. Total quality management
Advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) tries to protect the conversion process from disruptions at the input and output stages by using stockpiles of inventory as buffers to increase control and reduce uncertainty.
In developing an operations and supply strategy, which of the following would be an important product-specific criteria to consider?
A. Technical liaison
B. Product life cycle
C. Union status of workforce
D. Production lot-size
E. Total quality management
Intensive technology is less expensive to manage than either mediating or long-linked technology.
A major competitive dimension that forms a company's strategic operational competitive position in their strategic planning is which of the following?
A. Cost or price
B. Trade-offs
C. Focus
D. Straddling
E. Activity-system maps
Intensive technology is characterized by a work process where input, conversion, and output activities are inseparable.
Which of the following is not one of the major strategic operations and supply competitive dimensions that form a company's competitive position?
A. Cost or price
B. Delivery speed
C. Delivery reliability
D. Management acumen
E. Coping with changes in demand
Long-linked technology is characterized by work process in which input, conversion, and output activities can be performed independently of one another.
The primary job of operations and supply strategy is to deliver the most feature-rich, highest quality product at the lowest price within specified parameters of delivery time and customization.
Mass production technology is based on sequential task interdependence.
The operations and supply activities of the firm need to strategically support the competitive priorities of the firm.
Mediating technology at the organizational level is also found in organizations that use franchise arrangements to organize their businesses.
In a multifactor measure of productivity the numerator of the ratio would include all resources used or all inputs.
Typically, organizations performing nonroutine tasks have organic structures.
In a partial measure of productivity the denominator of the ratio would include all resources used or all inputs.
Typically, organizations performing routine tasks have flat hierarchy of authority.
Productivity is a relative measure.
Engineering production technology is characterized by low task variability and low task analyzability.
Wall Street analysts are not particularly concerned with how efficient companies are from an operations and supply management view.
The low-cost advantages of mass production are obtained by making tasks low in variability and high in analyzability.
Highly efficient firms usually fare poorly when demand drops during a recession since their low-cost structure requires a very large demand to maintain efficiency.
Routine manufacturing is characterized by high task variability and low task analyzability.
In operations and supply strategy, a strategic priority does not have to make compromises with other priorities.
Task variability is low when a task is highly standardized or repetitious so a worker encounters the same situation time and time again.
Process-based capabilities in service operations involve the ability to master new technologies, design and introduce new products and bring new plants on line significantly faster than one's competitors.
According to Aston Studies, an organization's technology is more important than organizational size in determining the organization's choice of structure.
Central to the concept of operations and supply strategy are the notions of focus and trade-offs.
A mechanistic structure is the appropriate structure for managing continuous-process technology.
Once an operations and supply strategy is adopted and articulated, the primary emphasis becomes perfecting the system of activities that make up the strategy through detailed refinements over a long period of time.
Continuous-process technology is associated with the tallest hierarchy of authority.
Core capabilities are the skills that differentiate the service or manufacturing firm from its competitors.
The most appropriate structure for unit and small-batch technology is an organic structure.
In the operations and supply strategy framework proposed in the textbook, financial management is considered a support platform.
Continuous-process production is more cost efficient than both unit and mass production.
Infrastructure decisions within operations and supply strategy include the selection of the appropriate technology, the role of inventory and the location of facilities.
Continuous-process technology is typically used for producing one-of-a-kind customized products.
An operations and supply strategy involves decisions that relate to the design of a process and the infrastructure needed to support the process.
In the case of small-batch technology, production continues with little variation in output and rarely stops.
Operations and supply strategy must be linked horizontally to the customer and vertically to other parts of the enterprise.
An operations and supply strategy is a long term commitment that must resist change.
The conversion process that results from small-batch and unit technology tends to be flexible.
Small-batch and unit technology scores highest on the dimension of technical complexity.
Activity-system maps depict the geographic reach of a company's business strategies.
A conversion process that is fully automated and that can be programmed in advance is considered to be having low technical complexity.