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All organization members should always be thinking about their individual performance.
The establishment and growth of culture within an organization can be influenced by specific actions taken by management.
An organization with a market culture focuses exclusively on its customers.
Individuals within the workplace with a hierarchy culture are more concerned about efficiency and let formal rules and policies govern how they operate.
An adhocracy culture is characterized by a pyramidal structure in which leaders are considered all-important.
In an adhocracy culture, leaders are seen more as mentors and perhaps even parent figures.
A clan culture is an organization culture with a strong external focus coupled with a high degree of flexibility and discretion.
Given an explicit organization culture, organization members tend to make decisions that are consistent with the values embedded in that culture.
Subcultures can affect management efforts both positively and negatively.
Organization culture is established by a manager or the founder of the organization at the time of its creation.
Give a brief description of the organizational socialization process for new employees.
Briefly explain the role of organizational rewards as a cultural artifact.
What can managers do to increase the probability that ethics training influences organization members to act ethically over time?
Write a short note explaining the concept of organizational commitment.
How does building a hierarchy of objectives help build a high-performance organization culture?
How are organization cultures classified? What are the different types of organization culture that exist?
What are the functions of organization culture?
Write a short note on the importance of organization culture.
What is an organization subculture? What is its significance for an organization?
Provide a brief description of organization culture.
Which of the following characteristics is found in a healthy organization culture?
A) strong results-orientation
B) profit-driven business practices
C) commitment to getting work done by any possible means
D) avoidance of risky business practices
E) unquestioned integrity and consistency
An organization culture is said to be ________ if it does not facilitate the accomplishment of the organization's mission and objectives.
A) diverse
B) irrelevant
C) homogeneous
D) unhealthy
E) omnipresent
What aspect of organization culture is reflected in the extent to which it facilitates the achievement of organizational mission and objectives?
A) homogeneity
B) profitability
C) economy
D) diversity
E) health
Which of the following is a characteristic of new recruits during their first year in an organization?
A) exceptionally high productivity rates
B) low incidence of mistakes
C) struggle to fit within the organization
D) greater likelihood to break organizational rules
E) good acquaintance with organization culture
Which of the following is the final step in an organizational socialization process?
A) providing initial work experiences
B) knowledge transfer to the new employees
C) defining informal organization
D) providing role models
E) evaluating the cultural fit
Which of the following is the first step in an organizational socialization process?
A) providing initial work experiences
B) recruiting new employees
C) defining informal organization
D) providing role models
E) evaluating the cultural fit
Organizational ________ is the process by which management can appropriately integrate new employees within an organization's culture.
A) restructuring
B) identification
C) resilience
D) socialization
E) configuration
________ refers to a formal activity conducted on important organizational occasions.
A) Organizational storytelling
B) Organizational saga
C) Organizational myth
D) Organizational ceremony
E) Organizational identification
In which of the following examples is the use of organizational language as a cultural artifact most evident?
A) Lee Iacocca's efforts to save Chrysler Corporation from bankruptcy
B) Henry Ford's famous line: "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black."
C) Prudential Life Insurance Company's use of the Rock of Gibraltar as a symbol of the company's dependability, strength, and unchanging commitment to customers
D) Google's popular slogan: "Don't be evil."
E) Mary Kay Cosmetics' annual sales celebrations for employees
A(n) organizational ________ is an object that holds meaning beyond its intrinsic content.
A) saga
B) symbol
C) myth
D) jargon
E) anecdote
The act of passing organizational myths and sagas to other organization members is known as organizational ________.
A) mentoring
B) identification
C) storytelling
D) configuration
E) proactivity
The purpose of an organizational saga is to ________.
A) clarify the purpose of the organization
B) explain organizational beginnings or events that are of great significance to the organization
C) identify and perpetuate the organization's shared values
D) build employee commitment reflected by organizational myths
E) appropriately integrate new employees within an organization's culture
An organizational ________ is a narrative describing the adventures of a heroic individual or family significantly linked to an organization's past or present.
A) myth
B) saga
C) symbol
D) emblem
E) jargon
An organizational ________ is a popular belief or story that has become associated with a person or institution that is considered to illustrate an organization culture ideal.
A) saga
B) ceremony
C) myth
D) emblem
E) jargon
A ________ is a formally drafted document that summarizes the primary beliefs within the culture of a specific organization in which they have an emotional investment.
A) values statement
B) guidance document
C) bench memorandum
D) testament
E) green paper
A(n) ________ is a belief of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment.
A) more
B) value
C) aesthetic
D) virtue
E) vice
A(n) ________ is a dimension of an organization that helps to describe and reinforce the beliefs, values, and norms in which an artifact exists.
A) archaeological artifact
B) cultural artifact
C) mentifact
D) family artifact
E) biofact
The ________ dimension of organization culture is a facet of organization culture that focuses on catering to the needs of those individuals who buy goods and services produced.
A) customer
B) innovation
C) technological
D) spirituality
E) ethics
Which of the following is an advantage to organizations that emphasize the diversity dimension of their culture?
A) increased perspectives on problem solving
B) lower organizational expenditure
C) greater customer loyalty towards their products
D) improved homogeneity of the workforce
E) higher levels of creativity among employees
The ________ dimension of organization culture is a component of organization culture that encourages the existence of basic human differences among organization members.
A) spirituality
B) customer
C) diversity
D) innovation
E) ethics
The ________ dimension of organizational culture is an aspect of organizational culture that encourages organization members to integrate spiritual life and work.
A) innovation
B) spirituality
C) quality
D) diversity
E) ethics
The ________ dimension of organization culture is an aspect of organization culture that encourages the application of new ideas to the improvement of organizational processes, products or services.
A) spirituality
B) quality
C) customer
D) innovation
E) diversity
Define the six task-related steps that help managers build effective work teams.
Distinguish between a group and a team.
What is a sociogram? How would a manager construct a sociogram, and why might it be useful?
List the benefits of informal group membership.
List the stages of formal group development.
Define a committee. Explain the four major reasons for establishing committees within an organization.
Distinguish between a formal and an informal group within an organization.
Briefly describe the two kinds of formal groups.
Define a group as used in the context of management. Why is study of groups important to managers?
Which of the following would be least likely to build trust within a group?
A) provide differential rewards based on subjective criterion
B) show respect for team members
C) demonstrate competence
D) communicate often to team members
E) be predictable
The most fundamental ingredient for an effective team is ________.
A) monetary compensation
B) self-management
C) common interests
D) trust
E) talent
Which of the following is considered a people-related factor that leads to effective team performance?
A) mutual trust and team spirit
B) stable goals and priorities
C) high power struggle within the team
D) proper technical direction and leadership
E) organizational stability and job security
The ________ stage of team development normally occurs only in teams established for some special purpose to be accomplished in a limited time period.
A) adjourning
B) performing
C) norming
D) storming
E) forming
Which stage of team development is characterized by a focus on solving organizational problems and meeting assigned challenges?
A) forming
B) storming
C) acceptance
D) performing
E) adjourning
During the ________ stage of team development, managers should recognize the team's accomplishments regularly, for productive team behavior must be reinforced to enhance the probability that it will continue in the future.
A) performing
B) adjourning
C) storming
D) forming
E) learning
Linda, a project manager at a cosmetic company, is handling an assignment to rejuvenate the company's supply chain management. Linda is working with a new team of experts who have never worked with each other before. Linda, having the experience of handling different kinds of teams helped her team members sort out their difference of opinion on how to update the company's supply chain. Eventually, her team started respecting each other's opinions and valuing their differences. Linda was no more involved in decision making and problem solving since her team members were working better together and were in a position to take on more responsibility. This is an example of ________ stage of team development.
A) learning
B) storming
C) norming
D) adjourning
E) forming
During the ________ stage of team development, there is an agreement among team members on role, rules and acceptable behavior.
A) forming
B) norming
C) storming
D) learning
E) acceptance
Which of the following is the correct sequence of the stages for team development?
A) acceptance, communication/decision-making, solidarity, control
B) forming, norming, storming, performing, adjourning
C) forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
D) norming, forming, storming, performance, adjourning
E) forming, norming, performing, storming, adjourning
Linda, a project manager at a cosmetic company, is handling an assignment to rejuvenate the company's supply chain management. Linda is working with a new team of experts who have never worked with each other before. In a recent meeting, her team members expressed radically different opinions on what should be done to update the company's supply chain. Linda had to intervene a couple of times during the meeting to bring the discussion back on track. Linda's team is in the ________ stage of team development.
A) storming
B) learning
C) adjourning
D) performing
E) norming
Which stage of team development is characterized by conflict and disagreement as team members try to clarify their individual roles and challenge the way the team functions?
A) forming
B) norming
C) performing
D) storming
E) adjourning
Jane, a project manager at Global Business Solutions, has decided to have a team meeting on a daily basis for a week to help the team members from different departments get accustomed to each other and assist them in learning about the opportunities and challenges coming their way through a new project. Jane's team is in the ________ stage of development.
A) forming
B) storming
C) norming
D) adjourning
E) performing
The ________ stage of team development is usually characterized by uncertainty and stress, because the team is new.
A) performing
B) adjourning
C) storming
D) norming
E) forming
A work team composed of people from different functional areas of the organization who are all focused on a specified objective is known as a ________.
A) a task group
B) cross-functional team
C) a command group
D) special-purpose group
E) self-directed team
Which of the following statements about a problem-solving team is true?
A) It is typically formed to discuss ways to improve quality in all phases of the organization, to make organizational processes more efficient, or to improve the overall work environment.
B) It is a creative team which involves a highly integrated group of several skilled individuals who are cross-trained and have the responsibility and authority to perform some specified activity.
C) Management must respond to the problem-solving team's recommendations by implementing them in their entirety.
D) Generally responsible for whole tasks as opposed to "parts" of a job, the problem-solving team is an important new way of structuring, managing, and rewarding work.
E) It is generally permanent in nature, with the focus of the team shifting from one problem to another over time.
An organizational team established to help eliminate a specified issue within the organization is a ________.
A) committee
B) virtual team
C) problem-solving team
D) cross-functional team
E) self-managed team
Which of the following statements is true?
A) A team qualifies as a group only if its members focus on helping one another accomplish organizational objectives.
B) The terms group and team are not synonymous.
C) A team consists of any number of people who interact with one another, are psychologically aware of one another, and think of themselves as a team.
D) Not all teams in organizations are groups, but all groups are teams.
E) A team is a group whose members influence one another toward the accomplishment of an organizational objective.
According to ______, the feedback on the functioning of the informal group can give managers ideas about how to modify the formal group so as to increase the probability that informal group members will achieve the satisfaction and growth they desire.
A) Bernard Bass
B) the sociometric framework
C) Maslow's heirarchy
D) Homans model
E) the group communication framework
The model of the evolution of informal groups proposed by George Homans suggests that ________.
A) once established, informal groups will resist changes in the formal work group that threaten the satisfaction of the informal group's members
B) informal groups will naturally evolve into problem-solving groups
C) the sentiments and activities that emerge within an informal group rarely result from the sentiments, interactions, and activities that already exist within a formal group
D) managers should refrain from implementing ideas generated from the feedback received from informal groups as they tend to be biased
E) informal groups instituted at the behest of the management are more fruitful from an organizational perspective than ones that naturally evolve
The HR team of Graphix, a web designing company decides to conduct an online survey within the company to analyze the informal relationships among the employees by sending them a questionnaire consisting of simple questions like naming some organization members with whom they would like to spend their free time and listing the members of their lunch groups at work. Which of the following analytical tools can be used by the HR team for conducting the survey?
A) Myers-Briggs type indicator
C) Pareto chart
D) sociometry
E) Wechsler intelligence tool
A sociometric diagram that summarizes the personal feelings of organization members about the people in the organization with whom they would like to spend free time is a ________.
A) social audit
B) sociogram
C) social network diagram
D) formal group development diagram
E) friendship chart
Which of the following is an analytical tool that can be used to determine what informal groups exists in an organization and who the members of those groups are?
A) informal matrix
B) sociometry
C) social network diagram
E) reciprocity diagram
Which of the following is one of the primary benefits of informal group membership?
A) developing new ideas for solving existing organizational problems
B) promoting discipline in the organization
C) perpetuating social and cultural values that group members consider important
D) providing basic structure of division of work and responsibilities
E) generating clarity on what support and input each employee can expect from others
Informal groups that form in organizations because of the personal affiliation members have with one another are called ________.
A) interest groups
B) friendship groups
C) formal groups
D) work groups
E) task groups
Interest groups are ________.
A) command groups
B) self-managed work teams
C) formal groups
D) task groups
E) informal groups
Personal factors as recreational interests, race, gender, and religion serve as foundations for ________.
A) interest groups
B) work teams
C) friendship groups
D) committees
E) special-purpose teams
An informal group that gains and maintains membership primarily because of a common concern members have about a specific issue is called ________.
A) a work team
B) a friendship group
C) a command group
D) an interest group
E) a committee
Betty, working for Creative Minds Advertising, decided with few of her colleagues to have a potluck lunch once in a month. This is an example of ________.
A) a friendship group
B) an interest group
C) a committee
D) a task group
E) a special-purpose team
Which of the following is an example of an interest group?
A) a group of friends interested in interested in rock music
B) a quarterly work planning group
C) a group meeting to consider the feasibility of a new product
D) a group meeting to prepare the monthly financial reports
E) a group of workers pressing management for better pay