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Informal groups are divided into ________ and ________.
A) committees; work teams
B) friendship groups; task groups
C) command groups; task groups
D) committees; interest groups
E) interest groups; friendship groups
A collection of individuals whose common work experiences result in the development of a system of interpersonal relationships that extend beyond those established by management is a/an ________.
A) work team
B) task group
C) informal group
D) command group
E) committee
________ comes naturally as the mutual acceptance of group members increases and communication and decision making continue within the group.
A) Conformance threat
B) Group polarization
C) Groupthink
D) Cognitive dissonance
E) Group solidarity
A natural result of group solidarity is ________.
A) social loafing
B) exclusion
C) group control
D) groupthink
E) group conflict
Identify the most mature stage of the formal group development process.
A) decision-making
B) acceptance
C) group solidarity
D) communication
E) group control
At which stage of the formal group development process do members find belonging to the group extremely satisfying and are committed to enhancing the group's overall success?
A) group solidarity
B) forming
C) acceptance
D) groupthink
E) communication
In the _____ stage of the formal group development process, group members attempt to maximize the group's success by matching individual abilities with group activities and by assisting one another.
A) groupthink
B) acceptance
C) group control
D) communication
E) decision-making
At which stage of the formal group development process do members become more involved in group activities and cooperate, rather than compete, with one another?
A) decision-making
B) communication
C) acceptance
D) groupthink
E) group solidarity
At which stage of the group development process suggested by Bernard Bass is mistrust of one another replaced by mutual trust?
A) group control
B) decision-making
C) group solidarity
D) communication
E) acceptance
Identify the correct sequence of the stages of formal group development suggested by Bernard Bass.
A) group control, acceptance, communication/decision-making, group solidarity
B) acceptance, group solidarity, group control, communication/decision-making
C) group solidarity, acceptance, communication/decision-making, group control
D) group control, group solidarity, acceptance, communication/decision-making
E) acceptance, communication/decision-making, group solidarity, group control
Which of the following statements about self-managed work teams is true?A) Members of a self-managed team learn specific tasks required to produce a product and avoid job rotation.B) Self-managed teams consist of 5 to 15 employees who work together to produce an entire product.C) Self-managed work teams evolved in the early to middle 1980s out of problem-solving teams.D) Self-managed work teams laid the foundation for the special-purpose teams that arose in the 1990s.E) Self-managed teams never take over managerial duties as scheduling work and vacations and ordering materials.
Contemporary work teams in the United States evolved out of the problem-solving teams based on ______.
A) scientific management principle
B) time and motion studies
C) assembly line models
D) Japanese-style quality circles
E) contingency approach
Which of the following statements about groupthink is true?
A) Groupthink cannot take place in a newly formed group.
B) A group with high levels of mistrust and conflicts is likely to be most susceptible to groupthink.
C) A group with a high level of cohesiveness is likely to be susceptible to groupthink.
D) Managers must help committees to establish groupthink to generate alternative problem solutions.
E) A group which is highly competitive will most probably result in groupthink.
The ________ stage of groupthink occurs when a group does not collect the needed information to make
an effective decision.
A) decision-making defects
B) antecedents
C) poor decision outcomes
D) symptoms of groupthink
E) concurrence seeking
Which stage of groupthink occurs when the group exhibits unsatisfactory performance?
A) poor decision outcomes
B) concurrence seeking
C) symptoms of groupthink
D) decision-making defects
E) antecedents
Which of the following stages of groupthink occurs when group members fail to make effective decisions?
A) antecedents
B) symptoms of groupthink
C) poor decision outcomes
D) decision-making defects
E) concurrence seeking
A team of experts at Cicada Inc. were asked to join hands to find ways of resolving an issue threatening to derail a key project. They have successfully worked together in the past. However, this time around, the solution they proposed was found to be less than satisfactory during implementation. Which of the following, if true, would best explain this disconnect?
A) The team members were also part of an informal group with common recreational interests.
B) The team members considered all aspects of the problem, including financial implications and time taken for implementation, while coming up with the solution.
C) The team consisted of members belonging to different age groups.
D) The team members were overly concerned about being too harsh in judging one another's ideas.
E) The team members spent a considerable amount of time asking and receiving suggestions and opinions from one another.
Which stage of groupthink occurs when group members feel pressure to conform and censor their own ideas?A) symptoms of groupthinkB) poor decision outcomesC) concurrence seekingD) antecedentsE) decision-making defects
In which stage of groupthink does a group member agree with the entire group's position, even when the group member might privately oppose the entire group's position?
A) antecedents
B) concurrence seeking
C) poor decision outcomes
D) decision-making defects
E) symptoms of groupthink
Which of the following is the correct sequence of the stages of groupthink?
A) antecedents, concurrence seeking, symptoms of groupthink, decision-making defects, poor decision outcomes
B) concurrence seeking, antecedents, symptoms of groupthink, decision-making defects, poor decision outcomes
C) antecedents, symptoms of groupthink, decision-making defects, concurrence seeking, poor decision outcomes
D) symptoms of groupthink, antecedents, concurrence seeking, decision-making defects, poor decision outcomes
E) concurrence seeking, symptoms of groupthink, antecedents, decision-making defects, poor decision outcomes
Which stage of groupthink describes what precursors are associated with the development of groupthink?
A) concurrence seeking
B) decision-making defects
C) antecedents
D) symptoms of groupthink
E) poor decision outcomes
________ is the mode of thinking that group members engage in when the desire for agreement so dominates the group that it overrides the need to realistically appraise alternative problem solutions.
A) Social loafing
B) Group polarization
C) Groupthink
D) Cognitive dissonance
E) Collective intelligence
Peter Parker, the HR vice president of a well-known IT firm, called his team members for a meeting to discuss the measures to be taken by the company to fight recession. Peter suggested downsizing the workforce and also cutting salaries and benefits of the rest of the employees. Peter's team reached a consensus without critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating his ideas. This is an example of ________.
A) groupthink
B) double think
C) cognitive dissonance
D) group polarization
E) collective intelligence
Which of the following is a purely procedural step that could be taken to increase the probability that a committee will be successful?
A) rephrasing ideas already expressed
B) specifying the authority of the committee
C) bringing all members into active participation
D) stimulating further thought by members
E) keeping the goals of the group flexible
According to the study conducted by McLeod and Jones, why did managers favor committees?
A) they could blame committees for their own failures
B) they got more information from committees than other organizational sources
C) the information they got from committees was more valuable than from other sources
D) committees arrive at solutions to problems more quickly
E) most executives do not favor committees or do not display qualified acceptance of them
One of the benefits of utilizing committees is that ________.
A) the decision-making process is much quicker than individual decision-making
B) there is no limit on the size of the committee
C) a committee does need a leader or a secretary
D) committees improve the quality of decision-making
E) decision-makers don't have to represent the group they come from
Which of the following is one of the major reasons to establish a committee?
A) to obtain status and social satisfaction that people might not enjoy without group membership
B) to perpetuate social and cultural values that group members consider important
C) to encourage groupthink
D) to handle routine organizational activities
E) to develop new ideas for solving existing organizational problems
A task group charged with performing some type of specific activity is a(n) ________.
A) committee
B) command group
C) in-group
D) transitory group
E) interest group
Which of the following statements about a task groups is true?
A) they typically handle routine organizational activities
B) they are a formal group outlined in the chain of command on an organizational chart
C) they are usually made up of members on the same organizational level
D) they cannot consist of people from different levels in the organizational hierarchy
E) interest group is a task group often established in organizations
Which of the following would be an example of a task group?
A) a group meeting to prepare the routine financial reports
B) a group set up to consider the feasibility of a new product
C) a group of employees forming an exercise group
D) a group of supervisors responsible for scheduling weekly work
E) a group of students coming together because of their music preferences
Two formal groups that are often established in organizations are ________ and ________.
A) transitory groups; recurrent groups
B) interest groups; committees
C) in-groups; out-groups
D) committees; work teams
E) interest groups; work teams
A formal group of organization members who interact with one another to accomplish some nonroutine task is a/an ________.
A) lobby
B) command group
C) interest group
D) task group
E) in-group
Formal groups that handle routine activities and are outlined on an organization chart are called ________.
A) task groups
B) committees
C) transitory groups
D) work teams
E) command groups
Which of the following is an example of a command group?
A) a group of employees focused on providing excellent customer service
B) a group meeting to consider the feasibility of a new product
C) a department head with managers reporting to him
D) students coming together to form a study group for a specific class
E) a group of employees forming an exercise group
Formal groups are commonly divided into ________ and ________.
A) transitory groups; recurrent groups
B) in-groups; out-groups
C) command groups; task groups
D) interest groups; friendship groups
E) primary groups; secondary groups
Which of the following statements about formal groups is true?
A) The placements of organization members in such areas as marketing departments and
personnel departments are examples of establishing formal groups.
B) Formal groups are a collection of individuals whose common work experiences result in the development of a system of interpersonal relations that extend beyond those established by management.
C) The coordination of and communication among the formal groups is the responsibility of employees commonly called "cotter pins."
D) Formal groups are divided into two general types: interest groups and command groups.
E) The formal relationships among group members are summarized using a sociogram.
A formal group is a group that ________.
A) is formed by management to perform organizational tasks
B) is normally defined but unstructured
C) is formed by the common interests of group members
D) is formed by the affiliation of the group members
E) is normally unstructured and undefined
Which of the following statements about a group is true?
A) They are characterized by occasional communication among members over time and a size small enough to permit face-to-face communication.
B) The most common technique for accomplishing work through people is dividing them into work groups.
C) Groups invariably cause desirable consequences within the organization.
D) Groups are a simple gathering of people consisting of 5 or more people.
E) Groups exist only in some organizational structures.
Which of the following is least accurate regarding groups?
A) They are found in all organizations.
B) An understanding of groups can help managers raise the probability that the groups will cause desirable consequences for the organization.
C) Groups inevitably form in all facets of organizational existence.
D) Groups invariably cause desirable consequences within the organization.
E) Groups are characterized by a size small enough to permit each member to communicate with all other members on a face-to-face basis.
Which of the following is one of the characteristics of a group as used in management-related discussions?
A) A group is simply a gathering of people.
B) Groups always work toward the accomplishment of an organizational goal.
C) A group must consist of 5 or more people.
D) Groups are characterized by occasional communication among members over time.
E) A group consists of members who are psychologically aware of one another.
The most fundamental ingredient of effective teams is member satisfaction.
A people-related step in building an effective team is setting stable goals and priorities for the team.
During the norming stage of team development, the team will finish its job and prepare to disband.
The performing stage of team development is characterized by the members focusing on solving organizational problems and meeting assigned challenges.
The first stage in team development is "storming."
Cross-functional teams must be self-managed.
Good managers constantly try to help groups become teams.
According to Homans' Model, the informal group is established to provide satisfaction and growth for its members.
The membership of friendship groups in an organization tend to remain static over long periods of time.
The procedure for conducting a sociometric analysis in an organization is highly complex, and managers should weigh the expected benefits, before embarking on it.
The most important step managers need to take in managing work groups is to determine what informal groups exist in the organization, and who their members are.
An interest group is an informal group that forms in organizations because of the personal affiliation members have with one another.
Once the interest or concern that caused an interest group to form has been eliminated, the group tends to disband.
An informal group is a collection of individuals whose common work experiences result in the development of a system of interpersonal relations that extend beyond those established by management.
The stage of formal group development in which group members attempt to maximize the group's success by matching individual abilities with group activities by assisting one another is the group control stage.
When a group reaches the group solidarity stage, the members are likely to compete with each other.
Problem-solving teams consist of 5 to 12 volunteer members from different areas of the department who meet weekly to discuss ways to improve quality and efficiency.
Groupthink is the mode of thinking group members engage in when the desire for agreement and the "we-feeling" is so dominant it overrides realistic alternative problem solutions.
The ideal number of committee members for most tasks seems to be from 15 to 20.
The larger the organization, the greater the probability that it will use committees on a regular basis.
A task group is a formal group outlined in the chain of command on an organization chart.
As used in management-related discussions, a group is simply a gathering of people.
Briefly explain Likert's management systems.
Define behavior modification and explain how reinforcement and punishment can be used to shape behavior.
What is flextime? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using flextime?
Discuss Herzberg's hygiene and motivating factors.
List the changes that take place as people naturally progress from immaturity to maturity, in accordance with Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum.
List the categories of needs identified by Alderfer in his ERG theory.
Briefly describe the basic needs of human beings, in accordance with Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Briefly describe equity theory of motivation.
List the process theories of motivation.
Define motivation and the two basic types of motivation theories.
XYZ Company offers its employees the opportunity to buy shares of company stock as a way to motivate them to boost production. This kind of a program is called ________.
A) job enrichment
B) self-actualization
D) an individual retirement account (IRA)
E) a non-monetary incentive
Which of the following statements is true about system 2 of Likert's management systems?
A) This style is characterized by substantial, though not complete, confidence in subordinates.
B) This style of management is characterized by a condescending master-to-servantstyle confidence and trust in subordinates.
C) This style of management is characterized by complete trust and confidence in subordinates.
D) Subordinates are motivated by fear, threats, punishments, and occasional rewards.
E) Subordinates feel fairly free to discuss their jobs with superiors and are motivated by rewards, occasional punishments, and some involvement.
In Likert's Management System, which style of management is characterized by complete trust and confidence in subordinates?
A) System 1
B) System 2
C) System 3
D) System 4
E) System 5
In Likert's Management System, which management style can be categorized by a lack of confidence or trust in subordinates, with the bulk of all decision-making being done at the top of the organization?
A) System 1
B) System 2
C) System 3
D) System 4
E) System 5
________ is the presentation of an undesirable behavior consequence or the removal of a desirable behavior consequence that decreases the likelihood the behavior will continue.
A) Positive reinforcement
B) Negative reinforcement
C) Punishment
D) Extinction
E) Manipulation
A reward that consists of the elimination of an undesirable consequence of behavior is ________.
A) punishment
B) negative reinforcement
C) positive reinforcement
D) omission training
E) extinction
________ is a reward that consists of a desirable consequence of behavior.
A) Positive reinforcement
B) Negative reinforcement
C) Punishment
D) Extinction
E) Omission training
Which of the following focuses on managing human activity by controlling the consequences of performing that activity?
A) job enrichment
B) needs-goal theory
C) behavior modification
D) reinforcement
E) flextime