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A disadvantage of using flextime programs is ________.
A) higher commuting problems
B) decreased tardiness
C) inability to coordinate projects
D) increased absenteeism
E) decreased employee morale
Which of the following is a true disadvantage of using flextime programs?
A) decreased employee attitude and morale
B) increased absenteeism
C) higher commuting problems
D) difficulty in planning work schedules
E) increased turnover
Incorporating motivators into a job situation is ________.
A) job rotation
B) job enlargement
C) job enrichment
D) total quality management
E) project management
Juno XP is an event management firm. Being a startup, the firm is unable to offer its employees the best salaries but instead engages them by providing challenging work and regular training. Which of the following is most similar to this scenario?
A) Anchor Studios provides its executives with pay packages that are higher than the industry average.
B) Rolro Bus Services is an environmentally-conscious organization and ensures that all its vehicles meet emission standards.
C) M2M & Co. focuses on empowering its employees by allowing them to work independently and providing them with opportunities for promotion.
D) has a sprawling state-of-the-art campus, but the work performed by employees is routine and monotonous.
E) Man Inc. assigns a "buddy"a senior employee, to every new recruit who helps them assimilate into the organization.
When Jenn Williams joined Conrad Inc., as a business analyst, she was very happy with her job profile and the pay package. However, one year into the job has made her realize that this is not the right place to be. While the she has a good relationship with her co-workers and her supervisors are understanding, she feels that her hardwork often goes unnoticed. Being an ambitious person herself, this lack of acknowledgment is unsettling. Which of the following is most likely to be true in this scenario?
A) Jenn has a high need for affiliation.
B) Conrad Inc. promotes job enrichment.
C) Jenn has the tendency to blame external factors when things go wrong.
D) Jenn is motivated by extrinsic rewards.
E) Conrad Inc. focuses more on hygiene factors rather than motivating factors.
According to Herzberg, ________ influence the degree of job satisfaction.
A) hygiene factors
B) maintenance factors
C) motivating factors
D) Theory X factors
E) factors related to the work environment
According to Herzberg, which of the following is needed just to prevent the employee from becoming dissatisfied with work?
A) salary
B) responsibility
C) advancement
D) growth
E) opportunity for recognition
The process of increasing the number of operations an individual performs in a job is ________.
A) team management
B) job enlargement
C) job enrichment
D) cross training
E) job rotation
The process of moving workers from one job to another rather than requiring them to perform only one simple and specialized job over the long run is ________.
A) team management
B) job enlargement
C) job enrichment
D) job rotation
E) cross training
________ involves negative assumptions about people that managers often use as a basis for dealing with their subordinates.
A) Theory X
B) Theory Y
C) Theory Z
D) Theory XY
E) Equity Theory
Which theory proposes managers can be successful with any set of assumptions about human nature, depending upon the situation?
A) Theory X
B) Theory Y
C) Theory Z
D) Theory XY
E) contingency theory
Bill, manager in an IT company assumes his team members are inherently lazy, dislike work, and will avoid work if they can. He believes that his team members need to be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls developed. He also relies heavily on threat and coercion to gain their compliance. Bill is a ________ manager.
A) Theory Z
B) Type A personality
C) Theory X
D) Theory Y
E) Type B personality
Eddie Burns is the accounts manager of Avatar Inc., and a very optimistic person. He knows what he wants from his subordinates and believes that they will always do their best to get the work done. Even when work gets delayed, he assumes that they did their best. Eddie's behavior is consistent with ________.
A) Theory Y
B) Theory Z
C) Theory X
D) Type A personality
E) Type B personality
Which theory is a set of essentially positive assumptions about human nature?
A) Theory X
B) Theory Y
C) Theory Z
D) Equity Theory
E) Expectancy Theory
The most basic motivation strategy for managers is ________.
A) Theory X - Theory Y
B) behavior modification
C) managerial communication
D) nonmonetary incentives
E) job design
Which of the following behaviors is an attempt to relieve tension and frustration on the part of an employee who lacks motivation due to unsatisfied needs?
A) greater efficiency
B) increased aggression
C) increased productivity
D) competitive behavior
E) reduced absenteeism
According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, a manager who has a cooperative, team-centered management style, who prefers to influence subordinates to complete tasks through team efforts, probably has a high need for ________.
A) achievement
B) power
C) affiliation
D) control
E) efficiency
According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, an individual with which of the following need profiles would be comfortable in competitive situations and enjoy her decision-making role?
A) high need for achievement
B) low need for achievement
C) high need for power
D) low need for power
E) high need for affiliation
To maximize satisfaction, people with a high need for achievement are more likely to set goals that are ________.
A) challenging and achievable
B) achievable but not challenging
C) unachievable
D) realistic not challenging
E) challenging and very risky
Meg recently graduated from law school and joined Smith & Sons, a prestigious law firm that she has always wanted to be a part of. Like every other new research associate, she is assigned to a senior member of the firm whom she is required to assist. This typically involves spending several hours researching case histories and preparing briefs. She is well-paid and feels that her boss is supportive. However, Meg leaves the firm within two months. Which of the following, if true, would best explain this contradiction?
A) Meg is motivated by extrinsic rewards.
B) Smith & Sons recently acquired a competitor.
C) Meg's boss exemplifies Theory Y.
D) Meg has a low need for achievement.
E) Meg is more comfortable working in a team setup.
According to McClelland, people having the desire to maintain close, friendly, personal relationships have a high need for ________.
A) affiliation
B) power
C) achievement
D) existence
E) growth
According to McClelland, people having the desire to do something better or more efficiently than it has ever been done before have a high need for ________.
A) dominance
B) achievement
C) power
D) affiliation
E) acceptance
According to McClelland, people who are greatly motivated to influence other people and to assume responsibility have a high need for ________.
A) achievement
B) affiliation
C) power
D) dominance
E) acceptance
Which of the following motivation theories focuses on the personal and natural development of people to explain human needs?
A) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
B) Alderfer's ERG theory
C) the Vroom expectancy theory
D) Herzberg's two-factor theory
E) McClelland's acquired needs theory
According to Argyris' continuum, as individuals mature they are more likely to ________.
A) have increasing needs for more activity
B) have a short-term perspective
C) have casual and shallow interests
D) stay in a state of dependence
E) be passive
Which of the following theories was developed to counter the criticisms of and expand on Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
A) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
B) Porter-Lawler theory of motivation
C) the Vroom expectancy theory
D) Alderfer's ERG theory
E) McClelland's acquired needs theory
In Alderfer's ERG theory, ________ need refers to the need for continuing personal development.
A) growth
B) emotional
C) existence
D) relatedness
E) esteem
In Alderfer's ERG theory, ________ need refers to the need for satisfying interpersonal relationships.
A) esteem
B) existence
C) growth
D) emotional
E) relatedness
In Alderfer's ERG theory, which of the following refers to the need for physical well-being?
A) relatedness need
B) esteem need
C) existence need
D) growth need
E) goal need
Which of the following are the three basic categories of needs identified by Clayton Alderfer in his ERG theory?
A) esteem, relatedness, and goal
B) existence, relatedness, and growth
C) existence, recognition, and growth
D) esteem, recognition, and goal
E) existence, relatedness, and goal
When an individual leaves an organization to start up a company because the former did not provide room for the growth or development of his potential, Maslow's theory would predict that the individual is being motivated by ________.
A) self-actualization needs
B) esteem needs
C) social needs
D) security needs
E) physiological needs
In the nonprofit public setting of a high school, a principal who seeks to satisfy ________ needs would strive to become the best principal possible.
A) psychological
B) esteem
C) social
D) self-actualization
E) physiological
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has been criticized because ________.
A) it is questionable whether human needs can be arranged in such a hierarchy
B) the model is too complicated
C) no one ever reaches self-actualization
D) research suggests that esteem needs should be above all other needs
E) it is too objective a description of human needs
If an individual is driven to get respect from others, according to Maslow the person is being motivated by ________.
A) self-actualization needs
B) esteem needs
C) social needs
D) security needs
E) physiological needs
A self-actualization need ________.
A) relates to the normal functioning of the body
B) reflects a person's desire to be accepted by others
C) relates to the individual's desire to be free from harm, including both bodily and economic disaster
D) refers to the desire to maximize whatever potential an individual possesses
E) is divided into self-respect and respect from others
In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, ________ needs are generally divided into two categories: self-respect and respect from others.
A) esteem
B) psychological
C) physiological
D) social
E) self-actualization
Henry Robert's phenomenal contribution to the project he was working on was recognized by his boss. Appreciating Robert's achievements, his boss promoted him to the position of a team leader for their upcoming project and vested upon him the responsibility of heading a team of 15 members. In accordance with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs of Robert's has been satisfied under the given circumstance?
A) social need
B) physiological need
C) esteem need
D) psychological need
E) security need
According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, once someone has fulfilled his social needs, he would then be motivated to meet his ________.
A) security needs
B) self-actualization needs
C) esteem needs
D) physiological needs
E) safety needs
Traditionally, management has best helped employees satisfy their ________ needs through adequate wages or salaries.
A) security and self-actualization
B) physiological and self-actualization
C) social and psychological
D) physiological and security
E) self-actualization and social
According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a(n) ________ need reflects a person's desire to be accepted by others.
A) esteem
B) social
C) security
D) physiological
E) self- actualization
A tire manufacturing company's policy states that all employees working on machines and directly involved in production are entitled to an additional half an hour break along with a 40-minute lunch break. In this scenario, the company is satisfying the ________ need of the employees.
A) physiological
B) social
C) security
D) esteem
E) self-actualization
In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a social need ________.
A) relates to the individual's desire to be free from harm
B) is concerned with the desire for respect
C) includes the desire for love, companionship, and friendship
D) relates to the normal functioning of the body
E) refers to the desire to maximize whatever potential an individual possesses
A toy manufacturing company providing its employees working on the shop floor with security, health insurance, and retirement benefits is concerned about the ________ needs of its employees.
A) esteem
B) safety
C) physiological
D) social
E) self-actualization
A well-known brand management company is emphasizing on creating a sense of community within their organization via team-based projects and various cultural events to promote a friendly atmosphere. Under the given circumstance, which of the following needs of the Maslow's hierarchy is the company emphasizing on?
A) self-actualization need
B) esteem need
C) physiological need
D) social need
E) security need
In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a(n) ________ need relates to the individual's desire to be free from harm, including both bodily and economic disaster.
A) security
B) social
C) physiological
D) esteem
E) self- actualization
According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs includes the need for water, food, rest, sex, and air?
A) social need
B) physiological need
C) security need
D) psychological need
E) esteem need
The correct order of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is ________.
A) physiological, social, esteem, security, self-actualization
B) social, physiological, self-actualization, esteem, security
C) physiological, security, social, esteem, self-actualization
D) security, physiological, social, esteem, self-actualization
E) self-actualization, social, esteem, security, physiological
Which of the following theories is a content theory of motivation?
A) needs-goal theory
B) equity theory
C) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
D) Vroom expectancy theory
E) PorterLawler theory
Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic reward for an employee?
A) paying salary to the employee
B) providing a better work environment
C) fulfilling the security needs of an employee
D) providing an opportunity for achievement
E) providing employee bonuses
Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic reward?
A) personal satisfaction of helping a peer
B) providing an opportunity for advancement
C) paying salary to the employee
D) giving an employee a challenging responsibility
E) providing an opportunity for achievement
________ rewards are those that come directly from performing a task.
A) Equity
B) Piece-rate
C) Extrinsic
D) Intrinsic
E) Expectancies
The theory which stresses on the fact that the perceived value of a reward is determined by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards is ________.
A) Porter-Lawler theory of motivation
B) equity theory
C) expectancy theory
D) acquired need theory
E) needs-goal theory
Joe is disappointed when his team mate Tim gets promoted because he feels that he has worked harder and is more deserving of the promotion. Which of the following will most likely help Joe to overcome this sense of inequity?
A) He should encourage Tim to reduce his level of effort.
B) He should avoid distorting the status of his job.
C) He should reduce his level of effort.
D) He should not change his behavior.
E) He should increase his level of effort.
The theory based on the concept that individuals compare their inputs and outcomes with their co-workers to determine if they are being treated fairly is ________.
A) expectancy theory
B) ERG theory
C) equity theory of motivation
D) Porter-Lawler theory of motivation
E) acquired needs theory
The difference between needs-goal theory and Vroom's expectancy theory is that Vroom's theory ________.
A) addresses the issue of motivation strength
B) considers issues of equity
C) separates motivators into intrinsic and extrinsic rewards
D) establishes a hierarchy of needs
E) deals with how need are "acquired"
According to the Vroom expectancy theory, motivation strength ________.
A) depends on an individual's perceived fairness of an employment situation and finds that perceived inequities can lead to changes in behavior
B) is decreased as the perceived value of the result of behavior is increased
C) causes people to quit jobs if they perceive unfair treatment
D) is determined by the perceived value of the result of performing a behavior and the perceived probability the behavior will cause the result to materialize
E) only increases when people want to maximize their personal rewards over the short-term
The most fundamental motivation theory that begins with an individual feeling a need is ________.
A) ERG theory
B) equity theory
C) Herzberg's two-factor theory
D) needs-goal theory
E) Porter-Lawler theory
Which of the following theories describe how motivation occurs?
A) Maslow's hierarchy of needs
B) Vroom expectancy theory
C) Alderfer's ERG theory
D) McClelland's acquired needs theory
E) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
Which of the following is a process theory of motivation?
A) Porter-Lawler theory
B) Alderfer's ERG theory
C) Maslow's hierarchy of needs
D) McClelland's acquired needs theory
E) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
Content theories of motivation ________.
A) are explanations that emphasize peoples' internal characteristics
B) are explanations that emphasize how individuals are motivated
C) include the needs-goal theory and the Vroom expectancy theory of motivation
D) include Skinner's work on behavior modification
E) can collectively be used to identify all human needs
________ is an explanation of motivation that emphasizes how individuals are motivated.
A) A content theory of motivation
B) Behavior modification theory
C) A process theory of motivation
D) ERG theory
E) Theory X
________ is the inner state that causes an individual to behave in a way that ensures the accomplishment of some goal.
A) Cognitive dissonance
B) Motivation
C) Socialization
D) Leadership
E) Emotion
Employee stock ownership plans motivate employees to boost production by offering them shares of company stock as a benefit.
Use of punishment, although effective, may have undesirable side effects.
Behavior modification is a program that focuses on managing human activity by controlling the consequences of performing that activity, such as rewards and punishments.
Although flextime is generally desirable to employees, it rarely results in greater productivity.
According to Herzberg, the work itself should be considered a motivating factor.
Most job rotation programs are ineffective as motivation strategies.
Activities based on Theory Y assumptions are more apt to motivate organization members than are activities based on Theory X assumptions.
Theory Z is the effectiveness dimension that implies managers who use either Theory X or Theory Y assumptions when dealing with people can be successful, depending on the situation.
Theory X is a set of essentially positive assumptions about human nature.
In reality, managers do not motivate people. Rather, they create environments in which organization
members motivate themselves.
Individuals with a high need for affiliation generally make very effective managers.
An individual's early experiences will determine which of McClelland's three needs are the most highly developed, and therefore dominate their personality.
Argyris' continuum of needs is primarily a subjective explanation of human needs.
Alderfer's ERG Theory categorizes three basic categories of needs as Existence, Relatedness, and Goals.
Maslow proposed that after individuals fulfill their social needs, they would then be motivated to fulfill their physiological needs.
The Porter-Lawler Theory of Motivation is a simple combination of the Needs-Goal Theory and the Vroom Expectancy Theory.
According to equity theory, the only way people react when treated unfairly at work is seeking other employment.
According to the Vroom theory, motivation strength is determined by money.