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A Japanese organization has just moved into the U.S. to expand its operations there. The management of the company places significant emphasis on Japanese culture and ways of working. As a result, even after moving to the U.S., the company prefers to hire more Japanese people than Americans. The company is said to have a(n) ________ attitude.
A) ethnocentric
B) objective
C) relativistic
D) subjective
E) pluralistic
The belief that one's own group, culture, country, or customers are superior to that of others is known as ________.
A) pluralism
B) bicultural stress
C) ethnocentrism
D) role conflict
E) tokenism
The changing demographics of a population over an extended period can give managers insight into future ________.
A) diversity management challenges
B) competition level in the market
C) prices that their product will command
D) changes in the technological environment
E) legislature they will have to deal with
Which of the following is one of the demographic facts established in the Hudson Institute report?
A) fewer women will enter the workforce
B) the average age of the workforce will decrease
C) the population and workforce will grow more rapidly than at any time since the 1930s
D) the pool of young workers entering the workforce will shrink
E) minorities will make up a smaller share of new entrants into the labor force
________ are statistical characteristics of a population.
A) Biographics
B) Demographics
C) Psychographics
D) Chronographics
E) Reprographics
Which of the following is an advantage of a diverse workforce?
A) less resilience to change
B) decreased market share
C) decreased innovation
D) decreased costs
E) lower productivity
Staffing an organization with nontraditional employees ________.
A) hampers the organization's ability to withstand change
B) demotivates the minority employees in the organization
C) increases costs in the organization
D) increases customer dissatisfaction
E) improves the quality of management
Three years ago, Bluebird Retail recruited a large number of employees from nontraditional sources, to offset a cash crunch. Most of these employees were hired for positions at lower levels in the organization. Over the past three years, the employees have gained experience and are familiar with the running of their departments. Though they have no management or supervisory backgrounds, the company is considering training some of these employees for management roles. Which of the following offers the strongest argument for this decision?
A) The company offers goods of mass appeal and caters to a wide customer base across the country.
B) Sales have been increasing over the past quarter and Bluebird is opening more outlets in three cities.
C) Innovation has been high and productivity has been increasing steadily.
D) Employee turnover at Bluebird Retail is at an all-time low.
E) Studies into customer satisfaction at Bluebird outlets indicate that most customers are happy with the product line-up.
Which of the following is true for organizations that welcome diversity?
A) A diverse organization will lead to reduced customer insight.
B) The organization will see lower productivity and increased costs as a result of this.
C) It will be difficult to develop and implement innovations to the organization's products and services.
D) Employee retention will increase, resulting in lower recruitment costs.
E) The organization will have to hire less competent employees and training costs will increase.
Promoting diversity within the organization ________.
A) increases costs associated with employee retention
B) reduces the ability of the company to capture market share
C) reduces the amount spent on discrimination lawsuits
D) decreases the commitment level of employees at the lower levels
E) increases the expenses associated with turnover of employees
A diverse workforce in a company ________.
A) alienates the company's customers
B) enhances the company's credibility with customers
C) hampers innovation and decision-making
D) increases operational costs and expenditure
E) reduces the market penetration ability of the company
95% of workers at Minipax Packaging Services are low-skilled workers, many of whom are from ethnic minorities. The turnover among workers is high and most decisions in the company are made by the top management, which makes up only 5% of the workforce. Which of the following statements is true for Minipax?
A) The workers form the majority group as they outnumber top management by 19 to 1.
B) The minority group in Minipax has control of the resources and decision-making power.
C) The top management constitutes a majority group that commands decision-making power.
D) The majority group in Minipax lacks social status and acceptance.
E) The majority group in Minipax outnumbers the minority group.
Which of the following is true regarding the majority and minority groups in an organization?
A) The minority group can have more people than the majority group.
B) The majority group has more people than the minority group.
C) The top management constitutes a minority group that commands decision-making power.
D) The majority group in any organization lacks social status and acceptance.
E) The minority group possesses decision-making power in most organizations.
In an organization, the group of people who lack critical resources, acceptance, and social status is known as the ________.
A) prime group
B) advocacy group
C) minority group
D) special interest group
E) majority group
The Finance department at Lewis & Sons only accounts for 10% of the employees, but wields the most decision-making power and controls resources and information. As a result, the Finance department is considered to be a ________ within the organization.
A) determinant group
B) majority group
C) secondary group
D) splinter group
E) model minority
In an organization, the group of people who hold most of the positions that command decision-making power is known as the ________.
A) majority group
B) model minority
C) determinant group
D) functional group
E) working group
Managers who have progressed to Donaldson's "unconscious competence" stage will be most effective in managing a diverse workforce.
Managers who have progressed to Donaldson's "conscious incompetence" stage learn how to interact with diverse groups and cultures by deliberately thinking about how to behave.
The multicultural approach gives employees the opportunity to develop an appreciation for both differences of culture and variations in personal characteristics.
The culture-specific approach to encouraging diversity gives employees a genuine appreciation for the culture they are about to encounter.
The assimilation approach advocates shaping organization members to fit the organization.
The major advantage of the "Golden Rule" approach to achieving workforce diversity is that individuals approach it from their own particular frame of reference.
Pluralism refers to an environment in which differences are acknowledged, accepted, and seen as significant contributors to the entirety.
Reverse discrimination is the term used to describe inequities affecting members of the minority group as an outcome of programs designed to assist the majority group.
Role conflict refers to the situation in which a person has too many expectations to comfortably fulfill.
The glass ceiling refers to a barrier to advancement for minorities in organizations.
Gender-role stereotypes are negative perceptions of women based on what society believes are appropriate behaviors for them.
"Token" employees are always given very high visibility in an organization.
Discrimination is a preconceived judgment, opinion, or assumption about an issue, behavior, or group of people.
A stereotype is a positive or negative assessment of members of a group or their perceived attributes.
The belief that one's own group, culture, country, or customs are superior to that of others is known as ethnocentrism.
One of the advantages of a diverse workforce is that it is more resilient when faced with change.
Including nontraditional employees in fair competition for advancement decreases the quality of management in the organization.
Diversity in the managerial ranks can enhance decision-making, but has little influence on gaining market share.
The term "majority group" does not necessarily refer to the group with a numerical majority.
The minority group in an organization lacks critical power, resources, acceptance, and social status.
Which of the following actions suggests that an individual is following the golden rule?
A) Acting in a way you would expect others to act toward you.
B) Taking actions that would be viewed as proper by a disinterested panel of professional peers.
C) Acting in a way that results in the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
D) Taking actions that abide by the laws of the state.
E) Acting in a way that the action taken under the circumstances could be a universal law of behavior.
________ is a formal statement that acts as a guide for the ethics of how people within a particular organization should act and make decisions.
A) A social audit
B) A whistleblower's policy
C) Corporate governance
D) A code of ethics
E) A mission statement
Which of the following suggests that an organization is acting unethically?
A) The customers are unhappy with one of the products manufactured by the organization.
B) The public pressures legislators and other government officials to enforce existing regulations.
C) The organization looses its customers to competitors due to lack of after-sale services for its products.
D) The public pressures the organization to conduct social responsibility activities.
E) The union members of the organization declare a strike to demand a hike in salaries.
________ can be categorized as "outside" stakeholders of an organization.
A) Stockholders
B) Managers
C) Employees
D) Customers
E) Shareholders
In business, ethics can be defined as ________.
A) the capacity to reflect on customer preferences in the corporate decision-making process
B) the capacity to reflect on competitive strategies in the corporate decision-making process
C) the capacity to reflect on values in the corporate decision-making process
D) the capacity to reflect on production bottlenecks in the corporate decision-making process
E) the capacity to reflect on workforce diversity in the corporate decision-making process
The study of ethics in management can be approached from many different directions. A practical approach is to view ethics as catalyzing managers to ________.
A) abide by the laws
B) fulfill stockholders needs
C) encourage workforce diversity
D) discourage whistleblowing
E) take socially responsible actions
Which of the following statements is true about a social audit?
A) It is the process of measuring the increase in a firm's brand awareness after it conducts social responsibility activities.
B) It is the process of forecasting the impact of an organization's social responsibility activities on the society to decide its feasibility.
C) It is the process of measuring the increase in an organization's profits after it has conducted social responsibility activities.
D) It is the process of measuring the present social responsibility activities of an organization to assess its performance in this area.
E) It is the process of measuring the impact of an organization's social responsibility activities on the society.
A firm that is participating in long-range community planning is conduction a social responsibility measurement in the ________ area.
A) problem-solving
B) economic function
C) social investment
D) problem-recognition
E) quality-of-life
Which of the following activities performed by an organization indicates that it is conducting a social responsibility measurement in the problem-solving area?
A) ensuring worker safety
B) conducting studies to pinpoint social problems
C) dealing fairly with employees and customers
D) producing goods and services that people need
E) investing human resources to solve community social problems
Which of the following is an example of an organization undertaking social responsibility measurements in the social investment area?
A) Blanc Co., a mobile manufacturer, donates $10 million to Lance Armstrong Cancer Foundation.
B) Caterpillar, the world's largest manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, replaces its old machinery and equipments to reduce workers injuries.
C) Glance, a textile manufacturing company, increases its workers pay after its union declared a strike to demand pay hikes.
D) Glasco Computers, a computer hardware manufacturer, makes sure that it abides by the law while catering to its customers' needs.
E) UCB, a fashion and apparel company, opens six factories in different locations in China.
A firm that is involved in assisting community organizations dedicated to education, charities, and the arts is conducting a social responsibility measurement in the ________ area.
A) problem-solving
B) economic function
C) social investment
D) problem-recognition
E) quality-of-life
Which of the following activities performed by an organization indicates that it is conducting a social responsibility measurement in the social investment area?
A) putting in money and human resources to solve community social problems
B) participating in long-range community planning
C) conducting studies to pinpoint social problems
D) ensuring worker safety
E) dealing fairly with employees and customers
The social responsibility measurement in the ________ area includes tasks like making an effort to preserve the natural environment.
A) problem-solving
B) economic function
C) social investment
D) problem-recognition
E) quality-of-life
Which of the following activities indicates that the organization is conducting a social responsibility measurement in the quality-of-life area?
A) conducting studies to pinpoint social problems
B) ensuring worker safety
C) dealing fairly with employees and customers
D) participating in long-range community planning
E) producing goods and services that people need
Manga, a fashion and apparel company, opens a new factory in India. By performing this activity, Manga conducted a social responsibility measurement in the ________ area.
A) social investment
B) quality-of-life
C) problem-recognition
D) economic function
E) problem-solving
Remington Steel Co. is a steel manufacturing company that has seen an increased number of work-related injuries in its factories and, recently, an accident that resulted in the death of a worker. To correct this problem, Remington replaced all its old machinery and equipment, restricted workers' access to dangerous machinery, and made safety costumes mandatory for workers at all times. This resulted in a drastic decrease in work injuries. By performing these activities, Remington conducted a social responsibility measurement in the ________ area.
A) problem-solving
B) economic function
C) problem-recognition
D) social investment
E) quality-of-life
The social responsibility measurement in the ________ area includes performing tasks like producing goods and services that people need, paying fair wages, and ensuring worker safety.
A) problem-recognition
B) quality-of-life
C) social investment
D) economic function
E) problem-solving
Which of the following activities indicates that the organization is conducting a social responsibility measurement in the economic function area?
A) creating jobs for society
B) dealing fairly with employees and customers
C) investing money to solve community social problems
D) conducting studies to pinpoint social problems
E) participating in long-range community planning
Which of the following occurs during the controlling process?
A) establishing orderly uses for all the organization's resources
B) guiding the activities of organization members to help attain organizational objectives
C) determining how the organization will achieve its objectives
D) making things happen as they were planned to happen
E) determining how the organization will get where it wants to go
In which of the following stages of performing social responsibility activities does a manager lead, communicate, motivate, and work with groups to attain the organization's social responsibility objectives?
A) influencing
B) controlling
C) implementing
D) planning
E) organizing
As applied to the social responsibility area, influencing is the process of ________.
A) determining how the organization will achieve its social responsibility objectives
B) guiding the activities of organization members to help attain the organization's social responsibility objectives
C) making things happen as they were planned to happen
D) determining and reporting progress in the attainment of social responsibility objectives
E) establishing for all organizational resources logical uses that emphasize the attainment of the organization's social objectives
________ is defined as the management process of guiding the activities of organization members to help attain organizational objectives.
A) Implementing
B) Organizing
C) Controlling
D) Planning
E) Influencing
Organizing for social responsibility activities entails ________.
A) making things happen as they were planned to happen
B) guiding the activities of organization members to help attain the organization's social responsibility objectives
C) determining how the organization will achieve its social responsibility objectives
D) establishing for all organizational resources logical uses that emphasize the attainment of the organization's social objectives
E) determining and reporting progress in the attainment of social responsibility objectives
Which of the following statements is true about organizing?
A) It is the process of determining how the organization will achieve its objectives.
B) It is the management process of guiding the activities of organization members to help attain organizational objectives.
C) It is the process of making things happen as they were planned to happen.
D) It is the process of establishing orderly uses for all the organization's resources.
E) It is the process of determining how the organization gets where it wants to go.
Planning social responsibility activities involves ________.
A) establishing all organizational resources that emphasize the attainment of the organization's social objectives
B) determining how the organization will achieve its social responsibility objectives
C) guiding the activities of organization members to help attain the organization's social responsibility objectives
D) making things happen as they were planned to happen
E) determining and reporting progress in the attainment of social responsibility objectives
________ is defined as the process of determining how the organization will achieve its objectives, or get where it wants to go.
A) Influencing
B) Organizing
C) Planning
D) Controlling
E) Implementing
Which of the following statements is true about the social responsiveness approach?
A) It sees business as having societal goals, but lacking economic goals.
B) It considers business as having both societal and economic goals as well as the obligation to anticipate potential social problems and work actively toward preventing their occurrence.
C) It sees business as having societal goals and the obligation to anticipate potential social problems, but lacking economic goals.
D) It considers business as having primarily economic purposes and confines social responsibility activity mainly to existing legislation.
E) It sees business as having both economic and societal goals.
The social responsibility approach sees business as having ________.
A) both societal and economic goals as well as the obligation to anticipate potential social problems and work actively toward preventing their occurrence
B) societal goals and the obligation to anticipate potential social problems, but lacking economic goals.
C) both societal and economic goals as well as the obligation to anticipate potential social problems
D) primarily economic purposes and confines social responsibility activity mainly to existing legislation
E) both economic and societal goals
Which of the following statements is true about the social obligation approach?
A) It sees business as having both economic and societal goals.
B) It considers business as having both societal and economic goals as well as the obligation to anticipate potential social problems.
C) It sees business as having societal goals and the obligation to anticipate potential social problems, but lacking economic goals.
D) It considers business as having primarily economic purposes and confines social responsibility activity mainly to existing legislation.
E) It considers business as having both societal and economic goals as well as the obligation to anticipate potential social problems and work actively toward preventing their occurrence.
Tangarine, a detergent manufacturer, realizes that a malfunction of one of its automated machines has significantly altered the composition of the detergent. Continued exposure to this altered detergent can cause skin cancer in the long-term. The social obligation to which of its stakeholders is Tangarine violating?
A) the suppliers
B) the employees
C) the stockholder
D) the customers
E) the unions
Managers can fulfill their social obligation towards government agencies by ________.
A) providing safe products
B) repaying debts to banks
C) abiding by the laws
D) increasing the value of the organization
E) providing safe working environments
Managers who have successfully increased the value of the organization have fulfilled their social obligation towards ________.
A) stockholders
B) consumers
C) government agencies
D) employees and unions
E) banks and other lenders
Managers can fulfill their social obligation towards consumers by ________.
A) abiding to the laws
B) providing safe working environments
C) repaying debts
D) increasing the value of the organization
E) providing safe products
Social responsiveness can be defined as ________.
A) the speed with which an organization adapts to the changing societal culture
B) an organization's effectiveness in abiding by the laws of the society
C) the degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which an organization fulfills its stockholders' needs while benefitting the stakeholders
D) the degree of effectiveness and efficiency an organization displays in pursuing its social responsibilities
E) the degree of effectiveness with which an organization can predict the changes in a society, such as the consumers changing preferences
Lebron wants to file a complaint against EatFry, a fast-food restaurant, because he was rejected in a job interview with the firm. Lebron believes that he was discriminated because of race. Which of the following federal agencies should he approach?
A) Consumer Product Safety Commission
B) Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration
C) Occupational Safety and Health Administration
D) Environmental Protection Agency
E) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Which of the following is the primary function of the Consumer Product Safety Commission?
A) It ensures that employers holding federal contracts abide by the product safety standards.
B) It strives to reduce consumer misunderstanding of manufacturers' product design, labeling, and so on, by promoting clarity of these messages.
C) It formulates and enforces environmental standards in such areas as water, air, and noise pollution.
D) It regulates safety and health conditions in nongovernment workplaces.
E) It investigates product safety concerns prior to the launch of a product.
The primary function of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs is to ensure that employers holding federal contracts ________.
A) abide by the safety and health regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
B) improve safety conditions for workers by enforcing all safety and equipment standards
C) grant equal employment opportunity to people regardless of their race or sex
D) strive to reduce consumer misunderstanding of its products
E) abide by the environmental standards enforced by the Environment Protection Agency
Which of the following is the primary function of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?
A) It ensures that employers holding federal contracts grant equal employment opportunity to people regardless of their race or sex.
B) It strives to reduce consumer misunderstanding of manufacturers' product design, labeling, and so on, by promoting clarity of these messages.
C) It formulates and enforces environmental standards in such areas as water, air, and noise pollution.
D) It regulates safety and health conditions in nongovernment workplaces.
E) It investigates and conciliates employment discrimination complaints that are based on race, sex, or creed.
Which of the following arguments provided by Milton Friedman suggests that corporate social responsibility may be unethical?
A) Corporate social responsibility compels managers to spend money on some individuals that rightfully belongs to other individuals.
B) Corporate social responsibility is not mandated by law, which means that it has to be done by will, not by compulsion.
C) Empirical studies have not yet demonstrated a definitive relationship between corporate social responsibility and profitability.
D) Profitability and growth go hand-in-hand with responsible treatment of employees, customers, and the community.
E) Firms use corporate social responsibility to increase their brand awareness.
Which of the following propositions of the Davis Model of Corporate Social Responsibility states that business cannot be expected to completely finance activities that may be socially advantageous but economically disadvantageous?
A) Proposition 5: Business institutions, as citizens, have the responsibility to become involved in certain social problems that are outside their normal areas of operation.
B) Proposition 1: Social responsibility arises from social power.
C) Proposition 3: The social costs and benefits of an activity, product, or service shall be thoroughly calculated and considered in deciding whether to proceed with it.
D) Proposition 4: The social costs related to each activity, product, or service shall be passed on to the consumer.
E) Proposition 2: Business shall operate as a two-way open system, with open receipt of inputs from society and open disclosure of its operations to the public.
In the Davis Model of Corporate Social Responsibility, Proposition 1 states that social responsibility arises from social power. This proposition is derived from the premise that ________.
A) business should consider the long- and short-term societal consequences of all business activities before technical feasibility and economic profitability
B) business must be willing to listen to what must be done to sustain or improve societal welfare
C) if a business possesses the expertise to solve a social problem with which it may not be directly associated, it should be held responsible for helping society solve that problem
D) business needs to completely finance activities that may be socially advantageous but economically disadvantageous
E) business has a significant amount of influence on critical social issues such as minority employment and environmental pollution
Which of the following statements is true about corporate social responsibility?
A) It is the managerial obligation to ensure the accountability of certain individuals in an organization through mechanisms that try to reduce or eliminate the principal-agent problem.
B) It is the managerial obligation to cater to the needs of the stockholders, while abiding by the laws of the society.
C) It is the managerial obligation to take action that protects and improves both the welfare of society as a whole and the interests of the organization.
D) It is the managerial obligation to abide to societal laws when pursuing organizational goals.
E) It is the managerial obligation to ensure ethical decision-making in an organization to benefit its customers.
Managers pursue sustainability because it serves as a catalyst for innovation.
The term triple bottom-line emphasizes that managers should focus on building organizations that are sustainable in economic, environmental, and societal activities.