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In addition to usage bans by some mass media, the NCAA has also stepped up its pressure on colleges to drop any offensive indian names or nicknames used by their athletic teams.
Both the news and entertainment offered by Afghanistan’s Tolo TV network reflect the press freedom guaranteed by the country’s new constitution which was written in 2003.
New technologies create new legal questions. Betamax, for instance, raised the issue of consumers’ legal right to duplicate __________-protected television programs.
Rupert Murdoch, who controls News Corp. and other media ventures, is well known for his
A) disdain for opportunism.
B) lackadaisical approach in setting goals.
C) profit-driven motivation.
D) unwillingness to correct impetuous decisions.
Independently owned record-making companies, not part of the Big Four, are called
A) online outlets.
B) private labels.
C) A & Rs.
D) indies.
Disney’s first full-length, animated feature film was __________.
Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch controls a diverse media empire that includes the
A) Wall Street Journal.
B) New York Times.
C) Washington Post.
D Chicago Tribune.
How many global companies dominate the recorded music industry with corporate tentacles into other media?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 9
D) 12
Publick Occurrences was the first colonial newspaper published.
This is a packet provided to news reporters to tell the story in an advantageous way.
A) media kit
B) b-roll
C) video release
D)media package
Ads in video games often take the form of background __________.
Nicknames of mascots and teams that American Indians find insulting have been banned from some newspapers.
The Chinese government uses all of the following ways to monitor and control Internet communications EXCEPT A) automated scanning to detect prohibited words and phrases. B) chatroom coordinators who guide the discussions in politically acceptable directions. C) government-issued passwords are required to enter an Internet caf. D) Internet users must log on using their government-issued ID numbers.
The U.S. Supreme Court overturned as unconstitutional the law known as the __________ Act of 1996, which attempted to control indecent content on the Internet.
In the 1890s newspaper rivals Hearst and Pulitzer tried to outdo one another with hyped atrocity stories from Cuba.
A feature of advertising NOT shared by public relations is that
A) the organization controls the message.
B) messages are always self-serving.
C) messages that reach the audience may have been edited by the media.
D) time and space are purchased.
Google and other search engines charge advertisers a __________ every time a visitor clicks on a link to visit the advertiser’s page.
By using stereotypes, the mass media defuse their power and purpose.
Bloggers in China
A) operate about the same way as those in the U.S.
B) must register with the government.
C) must have their content screened by the government before publication.
D) are subject to semi-annual reviews of their sites.
Bans of sexually explicit material fail if they are challenged in courts unless the material is found to be legally __________.
The recession that began in 2007 resulted in
A) media conglomerates buying more companies.
B) media conglomerates experiencing increased profits.
C) media conglomerates merging with other conglomerates.
D) media conglomerates engaging in panic-driven divestiture.
The music and record industries have been connected since the
A) 1890s.
B) 1920s.
C) 1940s.
D) 1950s.
The traditional components of the movie industry are production, distribution and __________.
__________ is the largest satcom operator.
Edward R. Murrow helped bring Senator Joseph McCarthy to the forefront in the fight against communism in the 1950s.
Why is the success of a PR effort difficult to gauge?
A) PR tries to build good will which is intangible and hard to measure in concrete terms.
B) Advertising efforts always receive more attention and are more visible.
C) PR is too long-term a function to be measurable.
D) PR’s efforts are usually rooted in a larger advertising plan.
One advantage advertisers see in magazines is that they offer a longer __________ than newspapers.
The media helps perpetuate stereotypes in order to facilitate communication.
When government reviews content before dissemination, it’s called
A) pre-publication censorship.
B) post-publication sanctions.
C) instituting a firewall.
D) preventative protocols.
The Supreme Court has ruled that __________, which is any material aimed at sexual arousal, cannot be totally prohibited.
Conglomerates typically use all the following business practices EXCEPT
A) board-level micro-management of all aspects of their operations.
B) day-to-day decision-making is done by appointed middle managers.
C) major policy and profit-expectations are set by a board of directors.
D) performance-based evaluation systems treat under-achievers as expendable.
Airplay can be described as all of the following EXCEPT
A) broadcast time devoted to a piece of music, discussion topic, ad, or other specific message.
B) a commodity greedy DJs and radio executives thought they could sell.
C) the gain record companies sought to receive from payola.
D) radio or television game shows.
A key difference between PR and advertising is that PR
A) always pays for the placement of its messages.
B) controls what the media will do with a message.
C) is an upper-level management activity.
D) is always acting in a purely reactive role.
Compared to television, one disadvantage to radio advertising is that it cannot offer ___________ to its listeners.
Fad fashions are an example of role modeling behavior.
What is the name of the Chinese system to control internal Internet communications?
A) the Golden Shield
B) the Social System
C) Falun Gong
D) United System
The doctrine that permits criticism of performers and performances is called __________ comment and criticism.
One trait of media conglomerates is
A) eliminating boards of directors at any newly-acquired subsidiaries.
B) having day-to-day decisions for all subsidiaries made in one centralized, executive office.
C) ownership of subsidiaries that remain distinct operating entities.
D) ownership of some subsidiaries whose business does not involve communication.
Radio and the recording industry have a symbiotic relationship that
A) cuts into the profits of both as they share audiences and revenue.
B) is based on the recording industry’s need for to promote and sell its products.
C) offers the greatest benefit to radio stations by increasing their appeal to advertisers.
D) used to be based on the now-illegal practice of payola.
The person who created CNN, the first 24/7 cable news network, was __________ .
For better or worse, relying on the Bennett model of news tends to emphasize the official view of most news stories and relies on governmental authorities as prime sources.
Public relations practitioners doing their best work contribute to the common good of the whole society in all of the following ways EXCEPT
A) activating the social conscience of the organization for which they work.
B) communicating the interests of their organization to the public.
C) creating positive public impressions of everything their organization does.
D) seeking mutual adjustments among the institutions within society.
Because fewer young adults in the post-Baby-Boomer generations are reading them, __________ have become less valuable to advertisers.
The effect entertainment idols have on people’s actions and fashion is called stereotyping.
Recently, the Chinese government has expended major resources to limit exposure to what medium?
A) radio
B) Internet
C) television
D) newspaper
Public figures may sue for libel if they can show __________ disregard for the truth.
When Gannett Corporation diversified and began acquiring radio and television stations, billboards, magazines, and other enterprises in addition to newspapers, it
A) became a newspaper chain.
B) moved into the category of media conglomerate.
C) surpassed Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. in size and revenue.
D) was able to reach an audience larger than Facebook’s.
What is the greatest value radio provides to the music industry?
A) free airplay
B) fees paid to play songs
C) concert promotions
D) insightful interviews
Atlanta television station owner Ted Turner used satellite technology to deliver programming from his local station known as __________ to cable systems nationwide.
One of the biggest problems with Senator Joseph McCarthy’s anti-communist crusade in the 1950s was that reporters accurately reported exactly what the Senator said.
Except for major tragic events – e.g., 9/11 or Hurrican Katrina – that trigger sudden changes in public opinion, mass media effects on opinion are gradual and hard to study conclusively.
What was the stated purpose for China to propose the Emergency Response Law?
A) to provide Chinese citizens all the facts
B) to ensure only the true facts are released
C) to censor information
D) to ensure social stability
The landmark court case that helped safeguard the media from being sued for libel because of minor factual errors was The New York Times v. __________.
What advertisers are really paying the mass media for is
A) publicity and prestige.
B) access to potential customers.
C) protection against financial stagnation.
D) conglomeration.
What is the name of the Internet radio site on which users create a radio station by naming a performer and allowing the site to choose similar music?
B) Music4U
C) Pandora
D) SoFloRadio
The first television programming that was sent to local cable systems via satellite was __________.
Agencies create __________ to ensure that advertisements reach the right target audiences.
One of the most important features of the dialogic theory of public relations is
A) certainty.
B) commitment.
C) persistence.
D) self-assurance.
A recent marketing campaign by __________ raised eyebrows and objections from critics who complained about its “infusion of military trappings into children’s culture.”
The CIA set up its Open Source Center to track worldwide postings on social media and other Internet sites in response to a recommendation from the 9/11 Commission.
To rein in unrestrained journalism, China proposed an Emergency Response Law to
A) limit news reporting of disasters and thus ensure social stability.
B) promote fair and balanced coverage.
C) promote news competition.
D) better inform the people about events.
Saying or writing false and damaging things can lead to a(n) __________ suit.
Mass media industries earn most of their revenue from
A) subscriptions and advertising.
B) advertising and classifieds.
C) sales and subscriptions.
D) advertising and sales.
Identify and discuss three distinct losses our culture is likely to suffer if ink-on-paper newspapers and magazines cease to exist or, at best, substantially decline and have to exist primarily online.
The acronym “CATV” which stood for __________ was applied to the earliest cable systems that were designed to serve small towns beyond the reach of over-the-air television signals.
Because the Bennett model of news puts so much emphasis on reporting events, media that used it often failed to note and report on important social and political trends.
The dialogic theory of public relations stresses all of the following EXCEPT
A) awareness that the audience is a means to a desired end.
B) honesty and trust in communication.
C) openness as an ideal of the democratic tradition.
D) positive regard for other people and groups.
Radio and television content can be regulated because they use the public __________.
With rare exception, the primary goal of most U.S. mass media is to
A) make profits.
B) provide news and information to the masses.
C) entertain.
D) provide an exchange of ideas.
Briefly describe three advantages book publishing houses have over newspaper and magazine publishers in trying to transition into an online environment.
Public television is an alternative to __________.
In the Bennett model of news, it’s the reporters’ job to present the facts in a completely objective way, and then it’s left to the readers to make sense of them.
Among the major characteristics of dialogic theory in practice are all of the following EXCEPT
A) assurance.
B) empathy.
C) mutuality.
D) risk.
A(n) _________ contract pays ad agencies with shares in the advertiser’s company which can be very lucrative but which is also risky.
The CIA’s Open Source Center scans Facebook, Twitter, traditional news outlets, and other online sources to assess grassroots world opinion on a daily basis.
What country suppressed challenges to government authority with the most labor-intensive censorship initiative in history?
A) Iran
B) Iraq
C) India
D) China
In the past, advertising agencies traditionally earned __________ percent of what their clients spent on space and time.
Joshua Meyrowitz, a communication scholar, says that media have reduced generational and gender barriers through easy intergenerational eavesdropping.
Islamic radicals, including Al-Qaeda, have adapted this media technology to meet their needs and promote their cause to a global audience.
A) direct satellite television
B) the telegraph
C) low-cost digital media
D) remote publishing
__________ is offensive expressions, especially those directed at racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities.