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A film that examines an historical or current event or explains a natural or social phenomenon is called a
A) docu-ganda.
B) documentary.
C) fiction movie.
D) B movie.
Brothers Jules and Maxwell Boykoff analyzed 14-years of news coverage that four leading newspapers gave to the topic of
A) U.S. congressional politics.
B) global warming.
C) U.S. - Middle East relations.
D) expenditures for the exploration of space.
Black and hillbilly music merged to create rockabilly music, which became rock ‘n’ roll.
What is the charge Google collects from an advertiser each time it directs traffic to the ad?
A) link sponsorship fee
B) hit fee
C) click-through fee
D) traffic fee
The effects of the War of the Worlds broadcast were particularly amazing considering
A) how well educated the U.S. population was in 1938.
B) that H.G. Wells’ story was in most French literature anthologies.
C) scientific knowledge and understanding was so well understood at the time.
D) the announcer said the show was fiction at four points during the broadcast.
Legally, radio and television stations must sell ad time to candidates for U.S. President or for Congress, for governor or legislator of a state, or for mayor in cities with populations over 100,000.
The first documentary filmmaker was
A) Frank Capra.
B) Adolph Zucker.
C) John Warner.
D) Robert Flaherty.
Discuss the appeals of online gaming for advertisers and cite at least three examples of specific games in which they might want to advertise .
Rhythm and blues emerged during the Civil War.
Based on 2010 data, the most money was spent placing ads in what medium?
A) Internet
B) television
C) radio
D) magazines
Who produced the famous radio drama War of the Worlds?
A) Orson Welles
B) Paul Lazarsfeld
C) David Sarnoff
D) William Paley
These types of mass communication can all be described with the same Points Model EXCEPT
A) book publishing.
B) motion pictures.
C) radio broadcasting .
D) web communication.
One of the main ways newspapers played an important role in defending and promoting free expression was A) running letters to the editors presenting all viewpoints. B) hiring diverse newsroom staffs. C) filing lawsuits to support everyone’s First Amendment rights. D) keeping their prices low cost so everyone could afford the news.
Negativism in political campaigns is nothing new, but observers fear that television attack ads have demonstrated just how powerful and effective negativity on television can be.
Answer: TRUE, Topic: Intellectual Property
The World Wide Web has shifted much of the control of communication from the mass media to
A) Internet monitors.
B) message senders.
C) message recipients.
D) software designers.
Newspapers and magazines both play an important role in democracy because of their
A) in-depth financial reporting.
B) investigative reporting.
C) low cost.
D) legal advertising.
The 1920s animated cartoon character, Steamboat Willie, later became
A) Mickey Mouse.
B) Stewart Little.
C) Donald Duck.
D) Bugs Bunny.
Black and hillbilly music can be traced to the same roots.
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Internet advertising?
A) People can print the ads.
B) There is less “waste” from reaching disinterested consumers than in other media.
C) Advertisers can easily reach niche audiences.
D) Advertisers have less competition.
Describe the basic concept of prototype research and why it can be so useful and cost-effective to do it. Building on that explanation, more specifically explain and cite an example of prototype research as it is done in movies, print publications, and television.
Groups with 527 status can collect unlimited amounts of money independently and are NOT affiliated with candidates or political parties.
Copyright law protects the ownership rights of creative works.
Discuss the role Twitter, YouTube and other Internet sites that feature user-generated content have played in situations of political unrest and even revolution around the world in recent years. Be sure your answer includes information about the ways the ruling governments responded to these situations and the role the new media played in them.
Some storytelling genres have lasted through the centuries; others have been short-lived, quickly rising to peak popularity and then virtually dying out.
What is a major advantage of television advertising?
A) production costs
B) placing advertisements
C) targeting potential customers
D) impact through a moving and visual medium
Discuss the importance of having an effective moderator leading a focus group and describe some of the ways an ineffective or overly-authoritative moderator can distort the process and the results.
An attack ad differs from a negative ad in that a specific person is targeted.
Copyright protections are recognized in the U.S. Constitution.
The biggest problem in trying to apply older models of mass communication to 21st century mass communication is that
A) message preparation and transmission technology are now decentralized.
B) computers weren’t included in earlier models but are crucial for communication today.
C) the speed of communication today is faster than earlier theorists could have imagined.
D) audiences are much bigger today than they ever were in the past.
An e-book is to an e-reader as
A) a book is to a library.
B) an apple is to an orange.
C) a computer is to a software program.
D) an app is to smart phone.
The pioneer of animated films was
A) Al Jolson.
B) Walt Disney.
C) Frank Capra.
D) Adolph Zuker.
Instant feedback in the form of e-mails from viewers on a specific subject offer dubious results.
DVD-Jon was caught in a struggle between media conglomerates that own creative content and individuals who claim the right to do whatever they want with the media products they buy.
A speaker who slurs his speech during a televised address is creating A) channel noise.
B) environmental noise.
C) semantic noise.
D) articulated noise.
Kindle is an example of
A) a new way to bind paperbacks.
B) an e-reader.
C) the latest graphic novel genre.
D) an electronic textbook.
The blockbuster movie most often thought of as the first to use computer-generated imagery was
A) Jaws.
B) Star Wars.
C) Superman.
D) Stargate. -Men
Discuss what is meant by the democratization of the Internet with such tools as blogs, social networking sites and other user-generated sites. What impact do they have on society?
Among the earliest popular genres in U.S. television entertainment were variety and quiz shows.
Radio stations with narrow formats offer advertisers
A) lower prices than those with broad and diversified formats.
B) fewer competing advertisers and therefore more visibility.
C) better listener receptiveness.
D) easily identified target audiences.
Identify the three primary research tools used in measuring broadcast audiences and explain how each of them is used.
Which of these traits is both an advantage and a disadvantage of radio for advertising?
A) radio offers no opportunity for visual displays
B) radio time can be bought on short notice.
C) radio ad time is comparatively inexpensive.
D) radio is a mobile medium.
Discuss some of the problems that were encountered in using viewing or listening diaries to survey people to determine broadcast ratings and then describe some of the newer methods that have been developed to replace written diaries. .
Technology is a key component of a mediated performance.
Among the advantages that magazines offer over newspapers are better printing, a longer shelf-life, and
A) higher subscription.
B) a less demassified audience.
C) more flexibility in reservation and printing time.
D) pass-along circulation.
A photo-op, short for photo opportunity, is a staged event that offers good visuals for photos to attract media attention.
Once the trial of the Norwegian teen who published instructions for getting around the anti-copy protection on movie DVDs was over, Norway revised its laws to keep it from happening again.
In communication theory, “noise” is an impediment to communication that occurs before a message reaches a receiver and includes all of the following EXCEPT A) semantic noise. B) digitization noise. C) channel noise. D) environmental noise.
The challenges the book industry faces with e-books include all of the following EXCEPT
A) attracting sufficient advertisers to offset the cost of developing new e-readers.
B) creating well-edited, high-quality books people will be willing to pay for.
C) developing a pricing model that satisfies readers, distributors, and retailers.
D) growing concerns that young readers are drifting away from reading books.
What was the first movie that used color?
A) Gone with the Wind
B) The Black Pirate
C) The Jazz Singer
D) The Singing Fool
Made-for-TV movies are examples of authentic performance.
What is a disadvantage of magazines for advertising?
A) ads must be placed up to three months in advance
B) long magazine shelf life
C) high pass-along circulation
D) narrowly defined audiences
Discuss how the accuracy of a survey based on probability sampling is affected by each of the following factors: the sample size, sample selection method, acceptable margin of error, and desired confidence level.
A pseudo-event is an event staged to look like a social event.
Supporters of the hacker who broke the anti-copy protection on movie DVDs produced and sold t-shirts imprinted with his directions for ripping movies from DVDs for sharing.
A military censor who blocks a combat story from being released is acting as
A) an amplifier.
B) a gatekeeper.
C) a regulator.
D) a mediator.
What percentage of trade books lose money?
A) 5 percent
B) 30 percent
C) 60 percent
D) 75 percent
The studio that introduced the first successful movie with sound was
A) Disney.
B) Paramount.
C) 20th Century Fox.
D) Warner Brothers.
Briefly describe the evolution of the Internet from walled gardens to the newer and more accessible era of web browsers and search engines. Explain how this transition benefited users and online businesses.
Audience feedback is necessary for something to be an authentic performance.
The broad genre of films that tells a story is
A) documentary.
B) drama
C) fictional films.
D) narrative films.
Match each Internet entity on the left with the most appropriate characteristic on the right. . 1) Facebook A) Foundation for the Internet 2) America Online B) Ground-breaking browser 3) Netscape C) Site for posting photos 4) Google D) Embody the digital hub needed for a digital lifestyle 5) Yahoo E) Retailer without tangible products 6) ARPAnet F) Highly successful early walled garden 7) iTunes G) Results-ranking search engine 8) Flickr H) 140-character messaging 9) Twitter I) Enables behavioral targeting 10) iDevices J) Ground-breaking search engine
Mass media can change performance.
What is a disadvantage of newspaper advertising?
A) space for ads usually can be reserved as late as 48 hours ahead
B) newspaper readers are predisposed to consider information seriously
C) the level of income and education of most newspaper readers
D) declining readership among young adults
According to President Obama’s chief speech-writer, a speech that will resonate powerfully through the mass media needs to be loaded with clever phrases and word-trickery.
The hacker who posted online instructions for breaking the copy-protection code and ripping movies from DVDs was taken into custody but successfully fought extradition to the U.S. and was never put on trial.
Amplification in relation to mass communication theory means
A) increasing the number of people delivering the message.
B) increasing the type size in printed messages or the volume of spoken messages..
C) increasing the potential audience size through channel selection.
D) increasing the action or emotional appeal of a message to attract more people.
Which of these is a trade book?
A) World Atlas
B) Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
C) Merriam Webster’s College Dictionary
D) Interpretative Reporting by Curtis MacDougall
Movies with sound were called
A) talkies.
B) surround sound.
C) musicals.
D) speaking screens.
Describe the three distinct stages Steve Jobs uses to explain the evolution and impact of the Information Revolution that has occurred since 1984. Be sure to identify the new technology or application that Jobs saw as the enabling or distinguishing feature that triggered each of these successive stages.
Match each concept on the left with its description/characteristic on the right. 1) Probability sampling A) Respondents self select 2) Arbitron B) Focuses on lifestyle breakdowns 3) Quota sampling C) Each person has an equal chance of being chosen for a survey 4) Straw polls D) Prototype research 5) Black weeks E) Measures audience on a wide range of video platforms 6) Engagement ratings F) Measures radio audiences 7) A2/M2 G) Measures intensity and time spent with the media 8) Television pilots H) Sample’s demographics match the whole population’s 9) Cohort analysis I) No broadcast ratings are collected 10) Psychographics J) Identifies generational demographics
As President Obama’s speech-writer, Favreau was told of events that needed speeches, then come up with ideas, wrote the speeches, and gave them to the President who rarely made changes.
The teen-aged hacker who posted online instructions for breaking the anti-copying code and ripping movies from DVDs was prosecuted but found not guilty by the Norwegian courts.
Media people who make judgments about what to include in news broadcasts, newspapers, websites and other media products are called
A) regulators.
B) gatekeepers.
C) fact checkers.
D) subject matter experts.
What is the name for the book genre that includes encyclopedias, dictionaries and atlases?
A) trade books
B) textbooks
C) pulp fiction
D) reference books
People who attend a Broadway play are witnessing an authentic performance.
Studies show that readers of newspapers
A) pay little attention to advertisements.
B) are predisposed to seriously consider advertisements because reading requires focus.
C) rarely recall advertisements because the news consumes attention.
D) have short attention spans.
Lady Gaga’s “charitable contributions” are just part of her act, don’t really amount to much, and are only a miniscule portion of the revenue she brings in.
Media buyers verify circulation claims of printed mass media with
A) Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings.
B) Arbitron surveys.
C) the Audit Bureau of Circulations.
D) BookScan.
The PRIZM system identifies the overall demographic characteristics of people living in each __________.