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The penny papers shifted the primary revenue stream for newspapers from advertising to subscriptions.
Ivy Lee, an early public relations practitioner, encouraged his clients to deal with negative publicity by
A) spin mastery and releasing counteracting positive stories.
B) aggressively denying the problem.
C) stonewalling and refusing to talk with reporters.
D) telling the truth while putting a human face on their organization and its accomplishments.
Having someone describe what a product did for them or how satisfied they are with it, this ad technique is called a(n) ___________.
Cultural imperialism refers to the phenomenon that an individual’s values can spread quickly through his culture via the Internet.
Mass media reflect a nation’s political system.
Established in 1908, the Christian Science Monitor is sponsored by the
A) United Church of Christ.
B) Clergy for Science.
C) Christian Science Church.
D) Scientists for Christ.
Sony Music BMG is based in which country?
A) U.S.
B) England
C) France
D) Japan
The first successful independent production company was __________ which was formed by three Hollywood stars and a great director who broke away from the studio system in 1919 seeking creative control of their own movies.
Publisher Herbert Gans launched the New York Sun as the first Penny Press and changed the content and revenue stream of newspapers.
One problem railroads faced during the late 1800s that was corrected by solid public relations was
A) secretive policies.
B) excessively high fares.
C) adversarial government relations.
D) poor safety records.
__________ means promoting a product in a limited period, such as pitching cold medicine during the winter months.
Newspaper reports and other media activities during the American Revolution demonstrated how contemporary transmissions result in the diffusion of innovations.
A major challenge to launching Tolo TV in Afghanistan was the fact that the country’s national economy lacked the solid base of advertisers who are normally needed to support mass media.
Based on the Napster and Grokster cases, explain how the case against Jon Lech Johansen might have turned out differently if he had been tried in a U.S. court instead of in Norway. Then explain why the outcome would probably NOT be the same even in Norway if he was being tried today.
Which of the following is NOT one of the top-four, global music companies?
A) Universal Music
B) Sony Music BMG
C) Motown
D) Warner Music
Founded in 1912, __________ which is the oldest of the major movie studios has been part of the Viacom media empire for almost 20 years.
Although there were government-supported newspapers in the colonial and later eras of journalism history, they were never as popular as reader-supported papers.
During the 1800s, social Darwinism was used to justify abuses by
A) big businesses.
B) public relations professionals.
C) government officials.
D) corporate advertisers.
Jack Trout devised the concept of __________, which tries to create an identify for its product that links it to specific consumer groups, not the lowest common denominator.
The communication of cultural values to later generations is called historical transmission.
In establishing his Tolo TV network, Saad Mohseni wanted to remain true to the long-standing feudal traditions of his homeland.
__________ is becoming a more critical issue due to the broadening acceptance of the widespread copying and message-forwarding that has been facilitated by digital media.
If Company XYZ produces a magazine solely for its employees, that publication is a
A) general-interest magazine.
B) sponsored magazine..
C) pulp magazine.
D) targeted-subscriber magazine. .
Sound bites in political coverage are getting longer.
A PAC that has obtained __________ from the IRS cannot give money directly to a candidate, but it can buy ads for or against a candidate to try to influence the election.
The __________ is a law the Chinese government enforces to limit news reporting of disasters, ostensibly to ensure social stability.
A written defamation is called A) libel. B) slander. C) hate speech . D) detraction .
The largest jury award for libel up to this point was against A) Ladies’ Home Journal. B) the New York Times. C) Time. D) the Wall Street Journal.
At the core of the mass media infrastructure is __________ law which gives exclusive rights to the originators of creative works to profit from their creations.
The law is much more limiting than the ethical decisions of a mass media practitioner.
The concept of __________ favors the most good for the most people.
Match each concept on the left with the best definition or explanation in the right column. 1) Circulation A) Length of time an ad remains available to reader 2) Endorsement B) Intensively scheduled barrage of ads for a product 3) CPM C) Subtle ads in unexpected places 4) Shelf life D) Number of copies of a periodical sold 5) Pass-along circulation E) Payment by advertiser for people visiting their online ad 6) Click-through fee F) Linking products to specific types of people, not everyone 7) Flight G) Tool to determine cost effectiveness 8) LCD H) All people beyond original recipient who see a periodical 9) Positioning I) Testimonial ad featuring a celebrity 10) Stealth ad J) Message strategy for the broadest audience possible
Press runs are part of the data used to determine magazine circulation figures.
__________ would love to figure out how much of the media audiences they buy is disinterested in their products and messages.
Scholars all agree that media violence leads to real-life violence.
The __________ theory holds that media-depicted violence has a numbing effect on people.
Match each concept on the left with its best explanation or example from the right column. 1) Narcotizing dysfunction A) Rethinking and de-villainizing cultural imperialism 2) Powerful effects B) Watching violence reduces violent behavior 3) Opinion leaders C) Media content is so overwhelming it triggers passivity 4) Agenda-setting D) Tolerance of real-life violence grows from media violence 5) Transcultural enrichment E) Friends, spouses, clergy and teachers 6) Historical transmission F) Subconsciously triggers behavior 7) Subception G) Essentially “status conferral” for issues 8) Cathartic effect H) Bullet theory and hypodermic models 9) Catalytic theory I) Passing culture values to later generations 10) Desensitizing theory J) Media violence is one factor contributing to real-life violence
One advantage to advertise online is its relative low cost compared to other media.
Such mega stores as Wal-Mart have created their own __________ brands to compete with name brands.
The mutual interests of media companies and advertisers have led to the __________ of the mass audience into countless subsets that can be targeted with specially-focused appeals.
Television has shaped the rules for athletic events.
Essayist _________ saw cultural and social value in pop art.
The __________ effectively shut down the movie industry in Peshawar in northwest Pakistan, driving it underground.
Public relations is mostly a tool used by A) sales. B) management. C) accounting. D) manufacturing.
Public relations and advertising are the same thing.
Arthur Page asserted the importance of public relations by insisting that he have a voice in AT&T policy-making before accepting the title of vice president for public relations.
The letters __________ after a practitioner’s name indicate accreditation by the PRSA.
Match each concept in the left column with its best description in the right column. 1) Public relations A) Addressed anti-business sentiment in the 1930s 2) Enlightened self-interest B) A weak substitute buzzword for public relations 3) Social Darwinism C) Often prompted the sneering criticism “It’s just PR.” 4) Institutional openness D) Proclaiming eco-friendliness to cover up shortcomings 5) Puffery E) Societal “survival of the fittest” applied to business 6) Dialogic theory F) Using a pseudo-grassroots organization for advocacy 7) Strategic communication G) Tool for beneficial relationships 8) Lobbying H) Two-way communication to negotiate relationships 9) Astroturfing I) Influencing public policy, usually through legislation 10) Greenwashing J) Admitting mistakes and assisting reporters
Because of the Internet, many newsrooms have opened new bureaus in outlying areas.
Reporters used to have time to think about and assess their reportage. Today, they’ve lost the benefit of this time for self-reflection because so much more coverage is now presented __________.
Match each concept in the left column with its definition or an example from the right column. 1) Balanced reporting A) Keeping news as values-free as possible 2) News B) Reporters and editors 3) Objectivity C) Reflects the consensible nature of news 4) Timeliness D) Watergate break-in scandal 5) Yellow journalism E) Reports analysis and commentary along with facts 6) News beat F) Drudge Report 7) Editorializing G) Belies the notion of values-free reporting 8) Investigative reporting H) Opinionated commentary within news coverage 9) Aggregation site I) Assigned area/topic for ongoing news coverage 10) Gatekeepers J) Being first to report fresh information 11) Ethnocentrism K) Normally good but can be bad in scientific news stories 12) Hybrid news model L) Reports of change 13) Herd journalism M) Sensational, sometimes untrue news reporting
Sports as popular media content can be traced to A) the founding of ESPN. B) the founding of Sports Illustrated. C) regular coverage in James Gordon Bennett’s New York Herald. D) ABC’s Wide World of Sports in 1961.
Which of the following is NOT protected by the First Amendment? A) obscenity B) pornography C) soft porn D) material devoid of serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value
Historically, television consolidated audiences from other media into a truly mass audience, but now its audience is __________ as new options for receiving motion media continue to arise.
Match each media outlet or product on the left with its best description from the right column. 1) Universal A) First feature film with sound 2) I Love Lucy B) Example of movie-television synergy 3) The Jazz Singer C) Joint project of five studios 4) The Black Pirate D) Satellite programming for cable television operators 5) CNN E) Part of the Comcast conglomerate 6) Paramount F) Applied movie production techniques to TV 7) Movie of the Week G) First feature film in color 8) HBO H) Leading satcom operator 9) DirecTV I) Bought Dreamworks from Spielberg and his partners 10) The Help J) Initially funded by profits from superstation WTBS
Unwanted e-mail messages sent indiscriminately to large numbers of recipients are called spam.
__________ is the world’s largest Internet market with over 253 million users.
Compared to __________, bound encyclopedias like the 32-volume Britannica have become a digital era horse and buggy.
Please match the terms with their definitions. 1) Marketplace of Ideas A) Seeking narrower audiences 2) Media literacy B) Knowledge about mass media 3) Cultural identity C) Sending of messages to many people 4) Mass communication D) Free expression of competing ideas 5) Demassification E) Shared experiences
University and military researchers were the driving forces behind the early rendition of the Internet.
Impediments to communication that occur before a message reaches a receiver are called _______.
The Association of American Publishers is an example of a(n) __________.
Match each media organization in the left column with the appropriate person in the right column. 1) Apple A) Mark Zuckerberg 2) Christian Science Monitor B) Calvin Coolidge 3) Facebook C) David Sarnoff 4) Federal Radio Commission D) Rupert Murdoch 5) News Corp. E) Steve Jobs 6) RCA and NBC G) Mary Baker Eddy
In an effort to stabilize both ventures and secure their financial future, Newsweek and the online publication __________ merged in 2010.
Match each publication in the left column with its most appropriate descriptor in the right column.. 1) Wikipedia A) Highly-regarded reference book 2) The Daily B) Trade journal 3) New York Times C)Top-selling shelter magazine 4) Better Homes & Gardens D)Brought a landmark libel case to the U.S. Supreme Court 5) USA Today E) iPad App 6) Wall Street Journal F) Created by Jimmy Wales but edited by readers 7) Playboy G) Emphasis on brief stories and crisp graphics 8) Harper’s Weekly H) Featured Q & A style personality profiles 9) Physician’s Desk Reference I) Published Civil War illustrations as news 10) Hollywood Reporter J) Largest circulation daily in the U.S.
Some critics think the smart, sophisticated conversation featured on __________, a syndicated program hosted by John Hockenbery from WNYC, demonstrates what talk radio should be.
Match each person in the left column with the appropriate claim to fame in the right column. 1) Tim Westergren A) iTunes 2) Shawn Fanning B) Radio talk show host 3) Steve Jobs C) Major benefactor of NPR 4) Adam Curry D) Live radio newscasts of World War II 5) Gordon McLendon E) Napster 6) Joan Kroc F) Pandora 7) Garrison Keillor G) Podfather 8) Edward R. Murrow H) Top 40 and all news radio formats 9) Rush Limbaugh I) Prairie Home Companion
As they did on 9/11, the mass media can help connect and bind people together during a crisis.
__________ is the term used by broadcast media to describe reaching for smaller, niche audiences.
Developing intercultural business communication competence
a. Is only necessary in international businesses.
b. Is not necessary in domestic businesses.
c. Results in new synergies
d. Refers to speaking a foreign language.
Intercultural teams fall into three categories. Which one is not one of the categories discussed in the chapter?
a. Destroyer teams
b. Charger teams
c. Equalizer teams
d. Creator teams
Team building of diverse teams goes through steps. Which is the appropriate sequence of the steps?
a. Creating self-awareness, mapping of differences, bridging differences and identifying synergies, developing an intercultural business communication strategy, assessing results.
b. Creating self-awareness, developing an intercultural business communication strategy, mapping of differences, bridging differences and identifying synergies, assessing results.
c. Developing an intercultural business communication strategy, creating self-awareness, mapping of differences, bridging differences and identifying synergies, assessing results.
d. Mapping of differences, creating self-awareness, bridging differences and identifying synergies, developing an intercultural business communication strategy, assessing results.
Once a merger is completed, the work of intercultural teams is completed.
The creation of intercultural synergies is an on-going task of intercultural teams.
The effectiveness of intercultural teams is influenced by corporate culture
The traditional communication model does not provide details of the complexity of the relationship between people.
As the three variables, culture, business, and communication, interact, a new construct emerges that is bigger than the sum of the three variables.
As the business environment changes, the intercultural business communication strategy will change as well.
With the right strategy diverse teams will always succeed.
Which of the following statements is not true?
a. In the beginning of the DaimlerChrysler merger, intercultural training focused mostly on the how of culture.
b. The corporate language of DaimlerChrysler is English.
c. Since both Daimler and Chrysler are automobile companies, culture did not play a significant role in the merger.
d. To facilitate the merger, the company appointed 28 integration teams.