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According to the text, what is the engine that drives the growth of media industries?
a. Consumers
b. Advertising
c. Investors
d. Niche audiences
In 2012, how much money was spent on all forms of advertising?
a. 500 million dollars
b. 2 billion dollars
c. 60 billion dollars
d. 245 billion dollars
What proportion of advertising money is going to online advertising?
a. More than 25%
b. Around 15%
c. More than 10%
d. Around 5%
Why is advertising so important to our economy?
a. Because of the decline in the proportion of farmers and blue-collar workers
b. Because of a high level of employment
c. Because of an increase in the standard of living
d. All of the above
Women who are employed in the media industries are usually in positions of lower status, earn less money, and have less education.
a. True
b. False
Reflecting on media convergence processes helps increase media literacy.
a. True
b. False
Explain how the development of the mass media industries can be understood using a life cycle metaphor.
Radio is a good example of what a mass medium does during the adaptation stage. Explain how radio adapted after losing its audience to television.
Explain the three types of media convergence and discuss how they affect media today.
Discuss the profile of the mass media workforce in the United States today.
Discuss how reflecting on how you are affected by convergence can help increase your media literacy.
About how much money does the average person in the United States spend on media each year?
a. $80
b. $300
c. $1,000
d. $5,000
About how much time does the average person in the United States spend on media each year?
a. 35 hours
b. 350 hours
c. 3,500 hours
d. There are no statistics available.
The most central rule to the economic game is that to play, you must
a. be media literate.
b. have proven your effectiveness in past exchange situations.
c. have resources and a willingness to exchange them.
d. have enough money to break barriers to entry
The players in the media economic game include
a. advertisers and media companies only.
b. consumers, advertisers, and media companies only.
c. consumers, advertisers, media companies, and employees of media companies.
d. advertisers, media companies, employees of media companies, and investors.
At its peak stage, a medium commands the most attention from the public.
a. True
b. False
During the decline stage, one medium loses audience acceptance because another medium provides the messages needed by the audience in a better way.
a. True
b. False
In our current society, the radio is often on for many hours and usually holds peoples full attention.
a. True
b. False
Computers are now in the innovation stage.
a. True
b. False
Today, media companies think about all the ways they can distribute their messages across as many channels as possible.
a. True
b. False
Each of the mass media industries has its own unique history.
a. True
b. False
Each of the mass media industries began as a technological innovation.
a. True
b. False
Marketing innovations are developed in the second stage in the life cycle of a medium, after a technological innovation has been accepted by the public.
a. True
b. False
The three types of convergence are
a. perceptual, psychological, and physical.
b. technical, economical, and physical.
c. technological, marketing, and psychological.
d. technological, economical, and psychological.
Apart from the digitization of messages, what is another important technological advancement contributing to convergence?
a. Laser writing
b. Copper wire signals
c. Analog codes
d. Fiber optics
Q: generates sales of a million copies of books by selling 10 copies each of 100,000 different books targeted at various niche markets rather than trying to sell one million copies of a single best-selling book. This is an example of
a. the least common denominator strategy.
b. the niche sales approach.
c. long-tail marketing.
d. stratified marketing.
Psychological convergence refers to
a. the merging of peoples points of view due to biased media coverage.
b. a change in peoples perceptions about geographic and social barriers.
c. the coming together of small audiences to form a mass audience.
d. None of the above
The mass media workforce makes up less than what percentage of the adult population in the United States?
a. 1%
b. 5%
c. 10%
d. 25%
The expected rate of growth in employment in the media in the United States in this decade is
a. 6%
b. 8%
c. 10%
d. 20%
Which industries employ the largest percentage of women?
a. Newspapers and computers
b. Books and magazines
c. Radio and cable television
d. Newspapers and radio
What is the percentage of men working in the production sector of the motion pictures industry?
a. 95%
b. 75%
c. 55%
d. 35%
What is the percentage of minorities working in journalism in the United States?
a. 20%
b. 30.5%
c. 15%
d. 7.5%
You can increase your media literacy by considering
a. media convergence.
b. media workforce.
c. the future of the media.
d. All of the above
You can increase your media literacy by considering
a. devices you use to access media messages.
b. media companies that create messages you access.
c. types of media you have access to.
d. All of the above
The computer medium can be the delivery system for
a. books.
b. magazines.
c. film.
d. All of the above
The blending together of previous separate channels is known as
a. multimedia.
b. convergence.
c. cross-media.
d. combination.
In the adaptation stage, a medium
a. redefines its position in the market.
b. converges with other media.
c. generates more revenue than any other form of media.
d. None of the above
Repositioning of a medium on the market is achieved by
a. continuing to meet the same set of needs as in the past.
b. competing with a new medium for meeting a set of needs.
c. identifying a new set of needs that the medium can meet.
d. None of the above
When radio lost some of its audience to television, it repositioned itself on the market by means of
a. eliminating general entertainment programs.
b. targeting niche audiences.
c. becoming more mobile.
d. All of the above
What medium reached a peak in the 1960s after taking audiences away from radio and film?
a. Broadcast television
b. Newspapers
c. Cable television
d. Magazines
Broadcast televisions peak stage lasted until
a. the 1970s.
b. the 1980s.
c. the 1990s.
d. the 2000s.
Which media is currently at its peak?
a. Broadcast television
b. Cable television
c. Computers
d. Film
Most of the mass media are currently in which stage?
a. Innovation
b. Decline
c. Adaptation
d. Penetration
Broadcast TV has left the peak stage because
a. books and magazines have entered the adaptation stage.
b. the radio industry has repositioned itself.
c. cable channels have eroded broadcast TVs hold on the audience.
d. All of the above
Cable TVs peak is being threatened by which medium?
a. Broadcast TV
b. Computers
c. Convergence
d. None of the above
The life cycle pattern of the mass media, in the correct order, is
a. innovation, penetration, peak, adaptation, and decline.
b. innovation, penetration, peak, decline, and adaptation.
c. invention, growth, peak, adaptation, and downfall.
d. invention, peak, penetration, competition, and decline.
The invention of the motion picture camera is an example of
a. technological innovation.
b. marketing innovation.
c. adaptation.
d. redefinition.
Which stage of media industry development is equivalent to the birth life cycle stage?
a. Genesis
b. Incubation
c. Innovation
d. Invention
A successful marketing innovation begins with
a. the invention of new technology.
b. the identification of a need.
c. improved content that attracts a new audience.
d. None of the above
The penetration stage of a medium is characterized by
a. a technological innovation.
b. a channel that appeals to a large, heterogeneous population.
c. a medium generating the most revenue compared with other media.
d. a loss of audience members.
The peak stage is reached when a medium
a. commands the most attention from the public.
b. generates the most revenue compared with other media.
c. has achieved significant penetration.
d. All of the above
A peak medium that is challenged by a new medium will enter which stage of development?
a. Competition
b. Challenger
c. Decline
d. Downfall
State and explain the proactive definition of media literacy.
Name and discuss the three key components of media literacy.
State and explain three skills necessary for media literacy.
Discuss the questions we need to address to better understand media content.
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Mass media industries have exhibited a high degree of commonality in the way they have developed over time.
b. The life cycle pattern provides a useful framework for examining the media industries.
c. Each industry has been shaped by different historical influences, technological innovations, and audience needs.
d. All of the above are true.
Media literacy helps us interpret the meanings of the media messages we encounter.
a. True
b. False
Being media literate requires that your personal locus is constantly engaged.
a. True
b. False
Information is the essential ingredient of knowledge structures.
a. True
b. False
Deduction involves using general principles to explain particulars.
a. True
b. False
Synthesis is one of the skills of media literacy.
a. True
b. False
Television viewing always hurts a childs academic performance.
a. True
b. False
Assessing your knowledge structures about the media includes reflecting on mass media industries, audiences, content, and effects.
a. True
b. False
Name and discuss three faulty beliefs about media literacy.
All beliefs about the media are faulty.
a. True
b. False
Media literacy is a continuum.
a. True
b. False
The more perspectives you have from which to experience the media, the more critical you will be of the media.
a. True
b. False
When we classify the content of television messages according to the programmers intention to entertain us, to inform us, or to persuade us, we use which of the following skills?
a. Deduction
b. Induction
c. Analysis
d. Grouping
In public opinion polls, 1 in 6 people thinks that there is a crime problem in their community, but 5 in 6 people think that there is a crime problem in society. This difference in opinion is an example of a faulty use of
a. deduction.
b. induction.
c. analysis.
d. grouping.
Some people overestimate and other people underestimate the effect the mass media have on them. These are examples of faulty uses of
a. deduction.
b. induction.
c. analysis.
d. grouping.
Synthesis is
a. putting elements into categories.
b. finding patterns across groups of elements.
c. assembling elements into a new structure.
d. creating a brief description that surpasses particular elements.
You just watched the latest episode of American Idol. Your roommate missed the show and you explain to her what happened and who got eliminated. You are using the skill of
a. analysis.
b. grouping.
c. abstracting.
d. induction.
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Children with lower IQs watch more TV.
b. Children who do not watch TV do better in school than children who watch a moderate amount of TV.
c. Preventing children from watching television prevents only negative effects.
d. All of the above
You can assess your knowledge structures about the mass media by reflecting on your information about
a. mass media industries.
b. mass media audiences.
c. mass media content.
d. All of the above
Which of the following is related to mass media content?
a. Long-tail marketing
b. Media genres
c. Forces shaping the mass media
d. Manifested effects
Assessing the knowledge structures about media effects refers to
a. understanding the differences between process effects and manifested effects.
b. understanding the differences between attitudinal effects and psychological effects.
c. understanding the factors that influence media effects.
d. All of the above
Joe frequently considers his goal of learning more about the candidates running for public office in his town. He puts a great deal of effort into finding a variety of media sources providing information about the candidates. Joe
a. has reached the social responsibility stage of media literacy.
b. is utilizing his synthesis skills.
c. is utilizing his abstraction skills.
d. has a strong personal locus.
Information is piecemeal, whereas knowledge is
a. unorganized.
b. organized.
c. enduring.
d. social.
Knowledge structures occur
a. spontaneously.
b. if constructed with care and precision.
c. unconsciously.
d. None of the above