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According to the routing activities theory, neighbors are considered capable guardians.
a. True
b. False
A limitation of behavior therapy is:
a. the overemphasis on feeling and the neglect of cognition.
b. the overemphasis upon insight.
c. the lack of empirical research validating its techniques.
d. the need for long-term treatment to effect change.
e. none of these
The poorest Americans are also the most likely victims of violent and property crimes.
a. True
b. False
Alfred Adler believed that what we are born with is not as important as what we choose to do with the abilities and limitations we possess.
Males are more likely than females to be victimized by someone they know.
a. True
b. False
The ego-defense mechanisms operate as a way of coping with anxiety.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. person-centered therapy
d. reality therapy
e. both (c) and (d)
The contemporary version of feminist therapy and the multicultural and social justice approaches to counseling practice have a great deal in common.
According to target vulnerability, having attractive possessions may make one vulnerable to predatory crime.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following would not be considered a feature of a good self-contract?
a. It emphasizes the positive.
b. It is a verbal agreement between client and therapist.
c. It is clear and specific.
d. It is based on realistic change goals.
e. It includes a balance of appropriate rewards and sanctions.
Households that have experienced victimization in the past are the least likely to experience victimization again in the future.
a. True
b. False
The Adlerian approach is well suited to multicultural counseling because:
a. the approach encourages clients to define themselves within their social context.
b. the approach has few rigid techniques.
c. the focus on early recollections allows clients to explore their past.
d. the focus on a lifestyle assessment is appealing to most cultures.
Schools are the locale of a great deal of victimization because they are populated by a dangerous segment of society, teenage males.
a. True
b. False
Approximately two-thirds of rapes and sexual assaults occur between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
a. True
b. False
Exploration of creativity and artistic self-expression represent new developments in this approach.
a. family systems therapy
b. Gestalt therapy
c. behavior therapy
d. person-centered therapy
e. Adlerian therapy
Research shows that children repeatedly victimized before the age of 12 are the ones most susceptible to a number of physical and mental health issues, smoking, and homelessness.
a. True
b. False
Today's feminists believe that gender can be considered separately from other identity areas such as race, ethnicity, class, and sexual orientation.
Which of the following clinical strategies is not necessarily employed during assertion training?
a. feedback
b. modeling
c. social reinforcement
d. homework assignments
e. relaxation
Children who are psychologically, sexually, or physically abused are more likely to suffer low self-esteem and be more suicidal as adults.
a. True
b. False
When counseling couples, Adlerian therapists strive to:
a. create solutions for problems.
b. increase the couple's choices.
c. help the couple discover their collective resources.
d. enhance the couple's communication.
e. all of these
Some victims, for instance, the elderly, the poor, and minority group members, develop a persistent and paralyzing fear that they will again become victimized.
a. True
b. False
Until about 50 years ago, crime victims were viewed by criminologists as passive targets who were considered to be in the "wrong place at the wrong time."
a. True
b. False
Explain the concept of early onset and discuss the factors that cause chronicity.
Concepts of political action and social justice are stressed in this approach.
a. Gestalt therapy
b. person-centered therapy
c. family systems therapy
d. Adlerian therapy
e. feminist therapy
In feminist therapy, adjustment rather than transcendence is a primary goal of therapy.
Haley has difficulty turning down dates and consistently allows men to take advantage of her. A behavioral intervention that may help Haley establish appropriate boundaries with others and speak up for herself is:
a. stress inoculation training.
b. anger management.
c. assertion training.
d. EMDR.
e. In vivo flooding.
Describe Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin's cohort studies and discuss the findings that emerged from their pioneering research.
The premise of Adlerian group work is that:
a. clients' problems are usually of a social nature.
b. early childhood disturbances are at the root of the client's current problems.
c. individuals are encouraged to become fully independent.
d. insight, not action is needed for change.
Discuss the age structure of society and the concept of aging out." How do age and aging out impact crime rates?
Explain the racial threat hypothesis, how it begins, and what factors are associated with it. Provide at least one real world example which may demonstrate the racial threat hypothesis in action.
Several factors explain gender differences in the crime rate. Identify and discuss these factors.
Unconscious motivation for client resistance is a central focus of this approach.
a. behavior therapy
b. psychoanalytic therapy
c. Adlerian therapy
d. feminist therapy
e. reality therapy
Discuss the reasons why crime may be considered a lower-class phenomenon. Which factors contribute to this view?
According to the relational-cultural model, a woman's sense of self depends largely on how she connects with others.
Multimodal therapy is a therapeutic approach that is grounded on:
a. cognitive behavior therapy.
b. social learning theory.
c. applied behavior analysis.
d. operant conditioning.
e. dialectical behavior therapy
Which of the following would an Adlerian therapist particularly value?
a. interpretation of dreams
b. confronting the ways the client is living dependently since early childhood
c. modeling of communication and acting in socially minded ways
d. helping the client to work through the transference neurosis
Compare and contrast the masculinity hypothesis and liberal feminist theory.
Patterns in the crime rate seem to be linked to temporal and ecological factors. Identify and discuss these factors.
This approach is regarded as part of the "third wave" of behavior therapy.
a. dialectical behavior therapy
b. mindfulness-based stress reduction
c. mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
d. acceptance and commitment therapy
e. all of the above
Feminist therapists emphasize that societal gender role expectations profoundly influence a person's identity from birth and become deeply engrained in adult personality.
List and describe the primary data associated with predicting future crime trends.
Explain how the economy, abortion, gun availability, and drug use influence crime patterns and crime rates.
List and explain the most noticeable trends associated with crime victimization.
Which of the following distinguishes the cognitive trend in behavior therapy from the trends of classical and operant conditioning?
a. a focus on experimental analysis
a. a focus on evaluating therapeutic procedures
c. the integration of thoughts and feelings in the process of behavior change
d. the integration of mindfulness approaches as a basic part of any treatment procedure
e. a tendency to draw from the experiential approaches as a way to build a relationships
List and describe three of the primary policies and issues with international crime trends.
The client's core experience in Adlerian therapy consists of:
a. working through the transference relationship.
b. discovering their basic mistakes and then learning how to correct them.
c. understanding how their relationship with their parents has shaped their personality.
d. understanding how their birth order has determined the person who they are today.
Diagnosis is not considered essential for therapeutic change.
a. feminist therapy
b. solution-focused therapy
c. narrative therapy
d. person-centered therapy
e. all of the above
What do the UCR and NCVS indicate about the recent trends in crime rates? Include violent and property crimes in your response.
Gendercentric theories propose two separate paths of development for women and men.
Identify and discuss the problems associated with the validity of crime data collection using victimization surveys and self-report studies.
Compare and contrast the Uniform Crime Report and the National Crime Victimization Survey. What are the differences in the way data are collected for these primary crime data sources?
Which of the following behavior therapists is credited with developing the social cognitive learning model, doing much work on observational learning and modeling, and writing about self-efficacy?
a. Bandura
b. Linehan
c. Wolpe
d. Jacobson
e. Skinner
Laws that require offenders to serve life in prison after they are convicted of a third offense are known as ______.
All of the following are life tasks that Adler taught we must successfully master except for:
a. building friendships
b. establishing intimacy
c. contributing to society
d. achieving self-actualization
Diagnosis and assessment are considered important in therapy.
a. behavior therapy
b. feminist therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. person-centered therapy
e. both (b) and (c)
Heterosexism views a heterosexual orientation as normative and desirable, and devalues same-sex life styles.
The small group of persistent offenders who account for a majority of all criminal offenders are known as ______.
In terms of ethical accountability, behavior therapy:
a. does not address this issue.
b. provides a basis for responsible practice.
c. offers a greater chance of abusing interventions than do other approaches.
d. makes use of techniques that have questionable validity.
e. is the only ethical form of therapy today.
_______ is the phrase used to express the fact that people commit less crime as they mature.
Police-initiated action directed at a suspect or group of suspects based solely on race is ______.
_________ crimes are offenses designed to improve the financial or social position of the criminal.
Which child tends to feel squeezed out and may develop a conviction that life is unfair and a feeling of being cheated?
a. the oldest child
b. the second child
c. the middle child
d. the youngest child
e. the only child
Insight can be helpful but is not considered essential for therapeutic change to occur.
a. reality therapy
b. behavior therapy
c. psychoanalytic therapy
d. existential therapy
e. both (a) and (b)
According to the UCR, 70 percent of murders involve this choice of weapon.
The consequence of a lack of income and other resources, which cumulatively, leads to poverty is known as _____.
An andocentric theory uses female-oriented constructs to draw conclusions about human nature.
Which of the following is true about "technical eclecticism" in multimodal therapy?
a. Therapists borrow techniques exclusively from the social learning model.
b. Therapists use techniques from various theoretical models without subscribing to the theory.
c. The client is fit into a predetermined treatment.
d. It is considered confusing to the client.
e. It essentially gives therapists permission to use techniques and strategies in a haphazard and sloppy manner.
The ______ is the view that women who commit crimes have biological and psychological traits similar to those of men.
Which child is most likely to demand center stage, tends to have difficulties in life when he or she is no longer the center of attention, and is likely to become dependently tied to the mother?
a. the oldest child
b. the second child
c. the middle child
d. the youngest child
e. the only child
The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession of another is known as __________.
The unlawful entry of a structure to commit the felony or a theft is known as ______.
The concept that "unfinished business" from our past gets in the way of our current functioning is central to this approach.
a. cognitive-behavioral therapy
b. person-centered therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. existential therapy
e. Adlerian therapy
Gender-free theories explain differences in the behavior of women and men on the basis of true natures, rather than on learning.
Criminologists now use _______________ to create graphical representations of the spatial geography of crime.
Which of the following is not one of the seven major areas of personality functioning described by the acronym "BASIC ID"?
a. behavior
b. cognition
c. interpersonal relationships
d. aspirations
e. sensation
The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another is known as _____.
Which of the following did Adler not stress?
a. the unity of personality
b. focus on early childhood experiences as determinants of later personality functioning
c. behavior is purposeful and goal-oriented
d. a unique style of life that is an expression of life goals
e. feelings of inferiority
The collection of _________________ data involves observing over time a group of people who share certain characteristics.
This approach suggests that understanding the client's problem is not essential in solving it.
a. cognitive-behavior therapy
b. Gestalt therapy
c. person-centered therapy
d. behavior therapy
e. solution-focused brief therapy
A relatively new criminological technique called __________________, uses multiple advanced computational methods, including artificial intelligence, to analyze large data sets that usually involve one or more sources.
According to feminist therapists, an intrapsychic orientation tends to result in blaming the victim.