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When Adler spoke of individuality, he referred to:
a. the unique way we rewrite our own life script.
b. the unique way we deal with the crises of our development.
c. the unique way we confront our unfinished business.
d. the unique way we develop our own style of striving for competence.
A validity concern associated with the NCVS involves ______.
a. victims overreporting crime
b. its large sample size
c. interviewing household members under the age of 12
d. police officers who fail to disclose crimes in which they are involved
Although self-report studies can be used to examine the offense history of prison inmates and drug users, most self-report studies have focused on _____ crime.
a. adult
b. youth
c. hate
d. school
The focus of this approach is on overt behavior, precision in specifying treatment goals, developing specific treatment plans, and assessing results.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. behavior therapy
c. person-centered therapy
d. existential therapy
e. Gestalt therapy
By considering contextual variables, symptoms are reframed as survival strategies.
Survey research involves _____, which is the process of selecting for study a limited number of subjects who are representative of entire groups sharing similar characteristics, called the population.
a. locating
b. measuring
c. sampling
d. sectioning
Which anxiety reduction technique involves creating a hierarchy of the client's fearful experiences?
a. assertive training
b. operant conditioning
c. systematic desensitization
d. social reinforcement
e. stress inoculation
Which of the following statements is not true about Alfred Adler?
a. He created child guidance clinics.
b. His early childhood was happy.
c. He worked with Freud for at least eight years.
d. He had much to say about child-rearing practices.
The NCVS annually samples more than 40,000 _________ in order to estimate crime victimization.
a. juveniles
b. households
c. police departments
d. offenders
The UCR expresses data as raw figures, crime rates, and changes in the number and rate over time. How are crime rates expressed in the UCR?
a. Rates per 1,000 total U.S. population
b. Rates per 10,000 total U.S. population
c. Rates per 100,000 total U.S. population
d. Rates per 1,000,000 total U.S. population
What shortcoming in the UCR is addressed by the National Crime Victimization Survey?
a. The "Sampling Rule"
b. The nonclearance issue
c. The "Hierarchy Rule"
d. The nonreporting issue
This approach emphasizes personal responsibility, unfinished business, avoidance, direct experiencing in the here-and-now, and awareness.
a. cognitive behavior therapy
b. Adlerian therapy
c. social constructionism
d. Gestalt therapy
e. behavior therapy
Feminist therapists do not tend to engage in self-disclosure because of their concern over unduly influencing the client.
The UCR contains data on Part I and Part II crimes. Which of the following is not a Part I crime?
a. Hate crime
b. Arson
c. Forcible rape
d. Aggravated assault
The Uniform Crime Report is a primary source of crime data collected by the ______.
a. National Institute of Justice
b. Bureau of Justice Statistics
c. Federal Bureau of Investigation
d. Office of Juvenile Justice
All of the following are true about social skills training except:
a. It is a psychoeducational approach to interpersonal growth.
b. It involves modeling and reinforcement techniques.
c. It uses role playing exercises to simulate social situations.
d. It requires clients to engage in catharsis.
Rehabilitation is the current sentencing approach taken to deal with chronic offenders.
a. True
b. False
Adlerian therapy has a phenomenological orientation. Thus, the therapist attempts to
view the world:
a. from an objective frame of reference.
b. from his or her own subjective frame of reference.
c. from the client's frame of reference.
d. from the frame of reference of a particular theory.
e. none of these
This is an application of existential therapy to family systems.
a. symbolic-experiential family therapy
b. multigenerational family therapy
c. structural-strategic family therapy
d. human validation process model
e. Adlerian family therapy
Repeat offenders usually begin their careers at a very early age.
a. True
b. False
Feminist therapy is not static, but is continually evolving.
According to the research on chronic offenders, arrests and court experiences deter chronic offenders.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is not true regarding behavior therapy?
a. The client must be an active participant.
b. The client is merely passive while the therapist uses techniques.
c. Therapy cannot be imposed on unwilling clients.
d. Both therapist and client need to work together for common goals.
Which of the following techniques is not used in Adlerian family counseling?
a. the initial interview
b. paradoxical interventions
c. analyzing resistances between members of the family
d. making an appraisal
e. all are used
Chronic offenders eventually age out of crime.
a. True
b. False
Wolfgang and associates' second cohort study found that 6 percent of female delinquents were chronic offenders.
a. True
b. False
Aging out is a term used to address the ending of a sentence for those convicted of lengthy felony sentences. a. True
b. False
Faulty personality development results from inadequate resolution of some specific stage of psychosexual development.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. person-centered therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. existential therapy
e. Adlerian therapy
Feminist therapists reject:
a. the interactionist view.
b. the androcentric view.
c. the life-span perspective.
d. the relational-cultural theory.
Which of the following interventions is not associated with the third wave of behavior therapy?
a. dialectical behavior therapy
b. relaxation training
c. acceptance and commitment therapy
d. mindfulness based cognitive therapy
Crime peaks in adolescence and then declines rapidly thereafter. a. True
b. False
Adlerians view the use of techniques in counseling as:
a. geared to the phase of therapy and the needs of the client.
b. more important than paying attention to the subjective experiences of the client.
c. against their basic philosophy.
d. unethical.
In relation to property crime, the peak age of offending is believed to be about 26 years of age.a. Trueb. False
Although the gap is narrowing, males have a higher crime rate than females.
a. True
b. False
The view that women who commit crimes have biological and psychological traits similar to those of men is known as liberal feminist theory. a. True
b. False
People experience feelings of anxiety and despair due largely to their irrational thinking.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. behavior therapy
c. cognitive-behavior therapy
d. reality therapy
e. family systems therapy
Racial and ethnic differentials in crime rates are tied to economic and social disparity.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is not considered one of the six core principles of feminist therapy?
a. an intrapsychic orientation
b. the person is political
c. commitment to social change
d. recognition of all types of oppression
e. an egalitarian therapeutic relationship
What is the function of the behavior therapist?
a. to provide modeling for the client
b. to provide a collaborative therapeutic environment
c. to assess specific behavior problems
d. to provide reinforcement for clients
e. all of these.
Most people commit less crime as they mature.
a. True
b. False
The elderly are particularly resistant to the temptations of crime.
a. True
b. False
Racial threat theory contends that as the percentage of African Americans in the population increases, so does the amount of social control that the justice system aims at blacks.
a. True
b. False
Dr. Kane pointed out to her client John that his feelings of inadequacy at work seem reminiscent of the feelings he experienced in his family of origin. It is probable that Dr. Kane:
a. was crossing theoretical boundaries by referring to John's past.
b. was looking for continuity by paying attention to themes running through John's life.
c. was trying to get John to tap into the unconscious realm by having him explore painful memories related to his family of origin.
d. was hoping her intervention would promote transference, which could then be worked through.
Behavior is determined by unconscious forces, early experiences, and by sexual and aggressive impulses.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. behavior therapy
d. reality therapy
e. narrative therapy
The weight of recent research suggests that serious crime is more prevalent in socially disorganized lower-class areas.
a. True
b. False
A limit of the feminist approach from a diversity perspective is:
a. the tendency to impose upon a client personal values that may not be consistent with the client's cultural framework.
b. the lack of sensitivity to individual differences in clients.
c. the broad focus on respect and equality.
d. the emphasis on the use of standardized therapeutic techniques.
Which is not true of the relationship between therapist and client in behavior therapy?
a. The therapist is solely responsible for setting treatment goals.
b. The relationship is considered collaborative.
c. Therapist and client work together in a warm and flexible manner.
d. The therapeutic relationship is an important factor in treatment outcomes.
Those living in poverty engage in disproportionate amounts of expressive crimes, such as rape and assault.
a. True
b. False
According to Adlerians, inferiority feelings:
a. are pathological.
b. lead to depression.
c. keep us from achieving our life goals.
d. are directly related to our family constellation.
e. create motivation to achieve mastery.
Most reported crimes occur during the months of April and May.
a. True
b. False
Humans are shaped and determined by their environment, and behavior is learned via conditioning.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. existential therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. person-centered therapy
e. none of the above
As the number of guns in the population increases, so do violent crime rates.
a. True
b. False
The age structure of the population has a significant influence on crime trends.
a. True
b. False
During the past 20 years ____________ have found classic feminist theories wanting and have offered new theoretical perspectives focused on issues of diversity, the complexity of sexism, and the centrality of social context in understanding gender issues.
a. postmodern feminists
b. radical feminists
c. socialist feminists
d. liberal feminists
e. cultural feminists
Property crime rates have declined in recent years, dropping more than 10 percent during the past decade.
a. True
b. False
The main goal of behavior therapy is:
a. fostering self-actualization.
b. expanding self-understanding and insight.
c. assisting clients in making value judgments concerning their behavior.
d. eliminating maladaptive learning and providing for more effective learning.
Although people are disturbed by media accounts of violent incidents, in reality media reports simply reflect the significant increase in violent crimes since 1991.
a. True
b. False
An Adlerian therapist asks for the client's earliest recollections in order to:
a. discover goals and motivations.
b. reveal their beliefs and basic mistakes.
c. give clues as to the development of that individual's lifestyle.
d. all of these
Critics of self-report studies frequently suggest that expecting people to candidly admit illegal acts is unreasonable.
a. True
b. False
The National Crime Victimization Survey addresses the nonreporting of crime issue inherent in the UCR.
a. True
b. False
The client has a tendency toward becoming fully functioning and moves toward openness, trust in self, spontaneity, and inner directedness.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. cognitive-behavior therapy
c. behavior therapy
d. family systems therapy
e. person-centered therapy
The feminist approach to group counseling involves all of the following except:
a. support for the experience of being a woman.
b. political involvement.
c. providing members a place to reflect on their role in society.
d. empowerment.
e. an opportunity to experience and analyze multiple transferences.
The "Hierarchy Rule" impacts the validity of the National Crime Victimization Survey.
a. True
b. False
Michael believes that he will be able to improve his public speaking skills after completing a speech course at school. Based on social-cognitive theory, one might observe that Michael is not lacking in:
a. arrogance and grandiosity.
b. intelligence.
c. self-efficacy.
d. cognitive functioning.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics is the federal agency that collects data from local law enforcement agencies and publishes them yearly in its Uniform Crime Report (UCR).
a. True
b. False
The process of encouragement in Adlerian counseling includes:
a. helping clients use all their resources.
b. transforming traits that can be liabilities into assets.
c. helping clients recognize and accept their positive qualities.
d. all of these.
In this approach, the person's quality world is explored.
a. Gestalt therapy
b. behavior therapy
c. reality therapy
d. psychoanalytic therapy
e. person-centered therapy
Which of the following principles of feminist psychology is most aimed at advancing a transformation in society?
a. The person is political.
b. Commitment to social change.
c. Women's ways of knowing are valued and their experiences are honored.
d. A focus on strengths and a reformulated definition of psychological distress.
e. All types of oppression are recognized.
Behavior therapy is based on:
a. applying the experimental method to the therapeutic process.
b. a systematic set of concepts.
c. a well-developed theory of personality.
d. the principle of self-actualization.
All of the following are stages in Adlerian counseling except:
a. reorientation.
b. insight.
c. establishing a therapeutic relationship.
d. analysis and assessment.
e. analysis of resistance.
Stan is a man who is quite concerned about what others think of him. He worries that his peers and family members think he's a "loser". What type of therapist would have Stan participate in shame-attacking exercises to conquer his fear of negative evaluation of others?
a. Gestalt therapist
b. behavior therapist
c. rational emotive behavior therapist
d. reality therapist
e. family systems therapist
The feminist perspectives on the development of personality:
a. encompass the diversity and complexity of women's lives.
b. attend to the ways in which diversity influences self-structures.
c. recognize the inextricable connection between internal and external worlds.
d. acknowledge the political and social oppression of women.
e. all of these
Behavior therapy is characterized by:
a. a focus on overt specific behavior.
b. a formulation of precise treatment goals.
c. the design of an appropriate treatment plan.
d. the objective assessment of the results of therapy.
e. all of these.
The statement "Only when I receive everyone's approval will I be whole" is an example of:
a. a guiding self-ideal.
b. something a personality disordered individual would say.
c. a realistic goal.
d. retroflection.
e. reaction formation.
Which type of therapist would view Stan's multiple concerns as the result of the choices he has made in his life?
a. Gestalt therapist
b. reality therapist
c. feminist therapist
d. psychoanalytic therapist
e. person-centered therapist
The relational-cultural theory emphasizes the vital role:
a. that relationships and connectedness with others play in the lives of women.
b. of a spiritual or religious perspective in providing women with strength.
c. in understanding how early childhood is a crucial factor in a woman's personality
d. that siblings play in the shaping of personality.
Behavior therapy assumes that:
a. behavior is the result of unconscious forces.
b. behavior is the result of free choices.
c. behavior is determined by psychic energy.
d. behavior is learned.
The term "social interest" refers to:
a. an individual's attitude in dealing with the social world.
b. a sense of identification and empathy with others.
c. striving for a better future for all humans.
d. all of these.
A counselor using an integrative approach to working with Stan would be most concerned with:
a. holding Stan accountable for his problems.
b. conducting a comprehensive assessment as a basis for determining which techniques to
use with Stan.
c. finding a theoretical model that best explains Stan's condition.
d. understanding Stan from multiple perspectives and developing a thoughtful and flexible
treatment plan tailored to his unique characteristics.
The constructs of feminist theory, in contrast to traditional theories, include all of the following except for which characteristic?
a. intrapsychic orientation
b. gender-fair stance
c. flexible-multicultural
d. life-span orientation
e. interactionist perspective