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What does the adult do in the summing up phase of conflict mediation?
a. Define the problem in mutual terms.
b. Gain control of the disputed object.
c. Summarize all different solutions suggested so far.
d. Suggest ways for children to compromise.
e. Summarize the contributions of the onlookers.
Authoritative adults are low on which of the following dimensions:
1) Communication
2) Maturity demands
3) Control
4) Nurturance
a. 3 only
b. 2 and 3
c. All of the above
d. none of the above
What does the adult do in the first step of the mediation process?
a. Define the problem in mutual terms.
b. Gain control of the disputed object.
c. Summarize all different solutions suggested so far.
d. Suggest ways for the children to compromise.
e. Summarize the contributions of the onlookers.
The first essential component in authoritative guidance is to:
a. State rules in a positive manner.
b. Develop positive relationships with children.
c. Give reasons for rules.
d. Make sure the consequences fit the broken rule.
Which of the following describes the steps that children can be taught to resolve a conflict?
a. Define the problem, suggest solutions, and negotiate a solution, follow-through.
b. Determine whether the conflict is intentional, review the rules, redirect problem behavior.
c. Stop the activity, protect the hurt child, and comfort the angry child.
d. Review the situation in light of classroom rules, show concern about the other child's feelings, discuss the consequences of the action.
How do children learn moral reasoning?
a. Listening to stories about characters' moral decision making.
b. Making decisions to avoid punishments or gain rewards.
c. Observing decisions and the consequences of decisions by peers.
d. All the above
An early childhood educator has been given a set of colorful, attractive posters that she would like to display. However, she is concerned by the lack of gender balance depicted. Which of the following would be an appropriate solution to this dilemma?a. Discard the poster.b. Ask parents of the children to decide whether or not they mind having the posters displayed in the classroom.c. Use the posters as they are but talk with children about the imbalance and how they might address it.d. Paste a new face over one of the original ones to get a better balance and don"t mention anything to the children.
Which of the following reasons is least likely to be one which children in the early childhood years use in determining that an action is bad?
a. The action harms a person (e.g., hitting).
b. The action disrupts the social order (e.g. not putting toys away).
c. The action violates people's rights (e.g., name calling).
d. The action damages property (e.g., breaking something).
How does peer interaction contribute to children's development?
a. It helps children solve problems without adult involvement.
b. It helps children build problem-solving skills by sharing ideas.
c. It helps children learn more about working with peers of both sexes.
d. All of the above
Which of the following statements is a characteristic of preschool-age children's thinking?
a. Children's notions of cause and effect are based on mature concepts.
b. Children's thinking is characterized by centration.
c. Children's thinking about right and wrong has reached maturity.
d. All the above
Which of the following is NOT important to promote diversity in the classroom environment?
a. Make sure that classroom activities and materials represent different cultures, lifestyles, peoples of different ages, differing abilities and in non-stereotypical roles.
b. Cultural awareness should focus on how people live today in our country.
c. Make sure that the ethnicity and culture of each of the families of the children in the setting is represented by pictures, artifacts and classroom materials.
d. Make sure that no holidays are acknowledged in the classroom.
Which of the following is LEAST characteristic of internalization?
a. It occurs at different times for different issues.
b. It happens spontaneously.
c. It involves behaviors and attitudes that become basic parts of each child's personality.
d. It involves some measure of self-condemnation.
Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the research?
a. When children are taught to think prosocially, corresponding prosocial behaviors follow automatically.
b. When children demonstrate high levels of prosocial behavior, they are likely to have high self-esteem.
c. When children behave prosocially they contribute to an environment characterized by friendly interactions and productive group efforts.
d. All of the above.
Which of the following dimensions is NOT a component of self-discipline?
a. Inhibiting negative impulses
b. Delaying gratification
c. Self-awareness
d. Resisting temptation
Which of the following is likely to be the appropriate age range for this description of friendship? Tom and David are good friends who play together often. They take turns and share toys and materials comfortably. One day, Ian approached Tom and said, "I want to be your friend." Tom replied, "You can"t be my friendDavid is my friend!"
a. 3 to 4
b. 4 to 9
c. 10 to 12
d. None of the above
Although most schools have written discipline policies, childcare settings do not require such formal documents.
Which of the following is recommended to promote children's social understanding?
a. The best way to teach young children about caring for the environment is to study The Antarctic.
b. The best way to help children have friends at school is to make everyone play together.
c. The best way to build social studies concepts is by explaining how the government works.
d. None of the above
Children should receive at least four warnings before the adult follows-through on the stated consequences.
Planning activities for which of the following will support children's social development?
1) Making friends
2) Maintaining friendships
3) Prosocial behavior
4) Geography
5) Learning and understanding diversity
a. All of the above
b. 1 & 2
c. 4 & 5
d. 1, 2, 3, & 5
One way to assist children in developing self-discipline is to encourage them to make some of the rules themselves.
Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of children's social development?
a. Children's social competence influences their academic achievement.
b. Children are born naturally knowing how to make friends and influence people.
c. In our society, a high level of social competence means that a child exhibits responsible,
independent, friendly, cooperative, purposeful, and self-controlled behavior.
d. Social development can be looked at as the foundation on which other types of learning takes place.
The children begin crashing cars they have made from plastic building pieces. The teacher is worried the cars will break and directs them to use the wooden vehicles instead. This is an example of substitution.
Which of the following is/are the focus area(s) of the social domain?
a. Social Skills
b. Social Responsibility
c. Social Science knowledge
d. All of the above
The teacher who tells a child to repeat to himself, "I can wait" is using private speech to help the child develop self-discipline.
Cooperation means to do what the teacher requests.
Children who are subjected to an authoritarian program atmosphere often become hostile or withdrawn.
The best place to begin diversity awareness is with examples and contributions from the children's families.
The most mature sense of guilt occurs when children feel guilty over breaking a known rule.
Research shows that children who have difficulty forming friendships tend to have difficulty forming relationships later in life.
A rule described as reasonable is one that children have the knowledge and skills to carry out.
Friendship coaching only benefits youngsters who already have friends and want more.
Warm, friendly and creative are all words that describe the authoritarian adult.
Racial awareness typically begins when a child is about three years old.
Reasons help children consider the impact of their behavior on others.
Concepts related to economics and history have no real place in early childhood education since they are so abstract.
The teacher who offers children more time at recess if everyone completes their work on time is hoping children will respond at the identification level of compliance.
When you focus time, energy and curriculum on social skills, you are simultaneously working on increasing children's cognitive abilities.
The ability to understand and relate to another person's feeling is called egocentrism.
Conflict mediation can be used with some children as young as 3 and is effective through elementary school.
Egocentrism refers to an inability to understand a situation from another person's perspective.
In the conflict mediation process, the teacher's role ends after children arrive at a solution.
Negative commands like "Don"t touch the stove" have no meaning for young children because they are unable to mentally reverse their actions.
Children between the ages of 3 and 5 understand their behavior must please another to be considered a friend.
Explain the benefits of using a center-based approach for both children and teachers. Select at least two limitations and explain why they are limitations. How these might be overcome.
What three components are necessary for children to learn any motor skill?
What is the purpose of adjusting the physical environment during use?
What safety risks should the teacher keep in mind when children are climbing on a climbing frame? Give some examples of what guidance would be necessary to help children remain safe.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of heterogeneous groups?
Why should games for young children be noncompetitive?
What materials should be a part of all centers?
Mr. Pesek brought his own lunch to school each day. It included a half peanut butter and jelly sandwich, several cookies, and sometimes an ice cream bar. There were never vegetables included because he just did not like them. He ate with the children at lunch. Is it likely that this would have any effect on the children and if so, how?
List three or more general guidelines about the storage and display of materials.
Why should early childhood educators be concerned with the fundamental motor skills?
Why should children be encouraged to care for their learning environment?
Describe some strategies that would support the development of perceptual motor skills. Give examples.
What strategy is most desirable in instituting a change in the schedule?
a. Plan carefully, tell children in advance about the change, remind them as needed, and allow time for them to adjust.
b. Simply get the attention of the children whenever a transition is needed and tell them what to do.
c. Change the schedule, write it out for all the adults, and try it out for a few days. If that does not work, go back to the original schedule.
d. Alter the schedule monthly at the same time you move the furnishings in the room to increase interest and variety.
Mr. Nowaske intended to provide an opportunity to practice balance with a moderate level of challenge for a six-year-old group of children. Which of the following activities do you think is the best choice? Direct the children to:
a. Walk to the center backwards, turn, leap twice and return backwards on a balance beam 12" off the floor.
b. Walk forward and turn around on a balance beam 3" off the floor.
c. Walk forward and turn around on a taped line on the floor.
d. Walk forward, squat down, turn around, and return backwards on a balance beam 3" off the floor.
e. None of these would be a moderate challenge for this age group.
How does the teacher provide for security and well being through the daily program?
a. Plan large blocks of time so that children can move at their own pace most of the time.
b. Establish predictable, consistent schedules so that children can reasonably predict what will happen next.
c. Provide opportunities for solitary, small group and large group work and a variety in the program within the schedule.
d. All of the above
Which strategy of structuring activities is most likely to be effective?
a. A group of twenty children line up so that the teacher can see them skip and offer suggestions.
b. The teacher plans an activity in which all of the children are skipping as best they can.
c. The teacher plans 4 or 5 activities for 20 children in centers, providing on the spot coaching and encouragement as she moves from center to center.
d. The teacher sets up a skipping race between the boys and the girls.
If a group of young children are of all the same race, how would this influence the selection of materials?
a. Only materials that are consistent with that race should be provided.
b. Books and materials that honorably represent all races should be provided.
c. The focus should be on materials and books from the countries and cultures from which the children descended.
d. The background of the children is not relevant and should not influence the selection of materials.
What can the regular classroom teacher do to promote appropriate weight in young children?a. Plan the program so that all children have at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day, including ordinary movement from place to place.b. Provide accurate information to parents regarding meal planning and nutrition for children.c. Cooperate with the family in monitoring types of snacks and other meals at the school.d. All of the abovee. This is not a function of the classroom teacher.
Every year in November the teachers of the Mayville Childcare center focused on Thanksgiving related activities. The community is small, rural, and of European decent. Which of the following classrooms are the best ones to emulate?
a. The blue bird room had pictures of teepees and Native Americans in the traditional dress typical of the expansion period of the United States.
b. The red bird room displayed pictures of children in black and white "˜Pilgrim" dress with displays of gourds, and pumpkins.
c. The green bird room displayed photos of modern people celebrating with a holiday dinner and of modern people harvesting, making applesauce and pumpkin pudding.
d. The materials used in all of these rooms are equally appropriate.
Which is the least mature grip on a writing implement?
a. Tripod grip with fingers well away from the tip.
b. Tripod grip with implement resting on the index finger, near the tip.
c. Full hand grasp with the thumb toward the point.
d. Full had grasp with the thumb away from the point
Which of the following strategies is least appropriate when a center appears to be unsuccessful (excessively noisy, disorganized, children unable to do the activity)?
a. Add something to the environment that will help organize the children's behavior.
b. Remove extraneous, irrelevant, or distracting materials.
c. Remove the difficult children from the center.
d. Modify the activity in progress to be more congruent with children's level of skill.
Which writing implement would be the best choice for a young or inexperienced child?
a. Felt point marker or pen
b. Crayon covered with paper
c. Crayon uncovered with paper
d. A colored #3 pencil
Ms. Rosario was concerned about monitoring the progress of individual children in the second grade classroom. What would be the best advice to give her?
a. Use centers only for exploration and practice.
b. Give a test periodically to see if the children have achieved according to the standards set.
c. Use a participation chart periodically.
d. Develop a "˜have to" center and ask children to check with her once they have completed the tasks therein.
If a youngster were having difficulty with figure ground perception, what would be an unlikely behavior?
a. The child accidentally bumps into other children during vigorous play.
b. The child would be able to discern quickly one game from a tightly filled cupboard of similar games.
c. The child would not be able to trace the bird in a "hidden picture" inside another drawing.
d. The child would not be able to identify the theme a violin is playing within a chamber orchestra.
What is the role of the teacher in developing a new center?
a. Planning objectives and materials.
b. Inviting children to contribute some materials.
c. Introducing the center with demonstrations as appropriate.
d. All of these
What is necessary for the child to acquire fundamental motor skills?
a. Children acquire motor skills as an expected outcome from maturation.
b. Efficient, smooth motion is achieved through play in the neighborhoods without much attention.
c. Maturation, instruction or learning by observation, and opportunities for practice are necessary.
d. Qualitative differences in the ways children move exist among middle-income children and Head Start children.
What types of objects should be included in all indoor centers?
a. Tables and chairs
b. Writing materials and books
c. Open shelving and clean up supplies
d. Pictographs or taped directions for the use of the center.
Which of the following statements is NOT a criterion for the establishment of an effective center?
a. The center contributes to the long"range goals of the program.
b. The activity is a cute and appealing one to do.
c. The activity is the best use of the children's time.
d. The materials and methods used are well matched to the children's interests and developmental levels.
Which of the following outcomes is not a benefit of physical activity?
a. Promotes changes in the structure of the brain.
b. Drains off excess energy of the children.
c. Leads to proficiency in the neuromuscular skills.
d. Assists in the development and refinement of perceptual abilities involving vision, balance and tactile sensations.
Which is the best approach to teaching health, nutrition, and safety for preschool children?
a. Develop themes related to health topics.
b. Send home information to the parents and let them teach it.
c. Incorporate this content into most other activities and routines.
d. All of the above
How does the appearance of a classroom impact on learning and teaching?
a. Parents are impressed with how a place looks.
b. Children tend to imitate behaviors they observe and they are more likely to maintain a clean and orderly room, if the adults do it.
c. If materials are in the approximately the same area, children will be attracted to that area without other prompts.
d. If all of the materials that the children will use in a year are visible and available all of the time, the curriculum will be enhanced.
Which strategies are best for teaching motor skills?
a. Coaching and demonstration.
b. Experimentation, followed by correction.
c. Telling children to try harder.
d. Waiting for the motor skill to emerge.
How does a teacher achieve the independent and predictable movement of children throughout the day?
a. Planning a schedule that is balanced between passive and active events.
b. Building routine activities into the program at the same time daily or at least in a regular pattern.
c. Engaging in outdoor play early in the morning to let children burn off excess energy.
d. Telling children when and where to move and what to do whenever there is a change of focus or something new to do.
What is typical health content as described by the Michigan Model for Comprehensive Health at the preschool level?
a. Bicycle safety
b. Effects of tobacco advertising
c. Hand washing routine
d. Effects of illegal drugs on physical tasks
What would be the next best strategy, given the alternatives above?
a. Photographs and pen and ink drawings of community housing alternatives.
b. A field trip to an apartment house and a mobile home, and having a large tent put up on the playground.
c. A storybook about houses around the world, featuring those in Africa.
d. A furnished dollhouse, furnished doll apartment house, and a small or toy tent in the classroom.
At what age can you expect 90% of the children to use a three-point grip on a writing utensil comfortably?
a. About 3
b. About 4
c. About 5
d. About 6
e. About 7
Mrs. Garner wanted children to understand how people were housed in the community. All of the children in the classroom lived in suburban houses on large lots. Which materials and strategies would be most effective in helping them understand that others had different experiences?
a. Photographs and pen and ink drawings of community housing alternatives.
b. A field trip to an apartment house and a mobile home, and having a large tent put up on the playground.
c. A storybook about houses around the world, featuring those in Africa.
d. A furnished dollhouse, furnished doll apartment house, and a small or toy tent in the classroom.