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Which of the following is one of the ISTE's National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S)?
a. Traditional Approaches to Teaching
b. Individual Approaches to Teaching
c. National Citizenship
d. Research and Information Fluency
Loren W. Anderson and David R. Krathwohl created a revision of the:
a. Karthwohl Taxonomy
b. Bloom Taxonomy
c. Simpson Taxonomy
d. Marzano Taxonomy
When engaging students in a Problem-Based Learning lesson:
a. teachers should have students work independent of others.
b. teachers should consider if student groups will be heterogeneous or homogenous according to certain criteria.
c. students should not be involved in determining how groups will be formed.
d. teachers should minimize student interaction.
The Bloom Taxonomy of the cognitive domain features:
a. three major levels
b. four major levels
c. five major levels
d. six major levels
Which of the following statements is true about the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)?
a. The ISTE is a group of education leaders from the U.S.
b. Members of the ISTE have been working together for roughly five years.
c. The ISTE seeks to improve education through innovative and effective uses of technology.
d. The ISTE primarily achieves this goal through textbooks resourced out to teacher educators.
The psychomotor domain includes primarily:
a. intellectual skills
b. emotional skills
c. physical skills
d. memorization skills
A "good" problem to address in a Problem-Based Learning lesson plan:
a. has one ideal solution.
b. is not necessarily encountered outside of the classroom.
c. may or may not be interesting to the students.
d. motivates students to want to learn more.
A sensitivity to spiritual and philosophical questions about humankind's existence has been labeled:
a. primary intelligence
b. existential intelligence
c. introspective intelligence
d. intrapersonal intelligence
The P21 Framework emphasizes the importance of which major areas of student outcomes?
a. 1. Reading, 2. Writing, and 3. Arithmetic
b. 1. Math, 2. Language Arts, 3. Social Studies, 4. Science
c. 1. National Standards, 2. State Standards, 3. District Standards, 4. School Objectives
d. 1. Core Subjects and 21st Century Themes; 2. Learning and Innovation Skills; 3. Information, Media, and Technology Skills; and 4. Life and Career Skills
A subset of social intelligence is known as:
a. spatial intelligence
b. bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
c. emotional intelligence
d. naturalist intelligence
During the fourth step of evaluating the results of the implemented plan:
a. only the teacher evaluates the results of the implemented plan.
b. students determine the implemented plan's effectiveness and/or accuracy.
c. students should have limited time to assess the outcomes of the plan.
d. the teacher should emphasize the most correct solution to the problem addressed.
Howard Gardner's conception of multiple intelligences include all the following except:
a. interpersonal intelligence
b. social intelligence
c. musical intelligence
d. linguistic intelligence
The P21 Framework highlights the importance of engaging students in the 4Cs as a mark of 21st century classrooms. The 4C's include the following:
a. Creativity, Caring, Collaboration, Critical Thinking
b. Creativity, Caring, Communication, Critical Thinking
c. Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking
d. Caring, Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking
Examples of differential aptitudes include all except:
a. intelligence quotient
b. verbal reasoning
c. spatial relations
d. language usage
During the second step of developing a plan for solving a problem:
a. the students work independently of the teacher in developing the plan.
b. individual student learning needs are not a consideration for the teacher.
c. the teacher scaffolds, monitors, and reviews students' progress.
d. the teacher makes sure not to work too closely with any group.
Guidelines for writing instructional goals and objectives include:
a. specifying all three domains of learning when applicable
b. specifying low and high levels of learning when applicable
c. relating specified curriculum goals and objectives
d. all of the above
Which of the following statements is true about the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)?
a. P21 advocates for 21st century learner readiness.
b. P21 is an organization based in Europe.
c. P21 is composed of educational leaders only.
d. P21 was formed in the 1970's.
The steps followed in the Problem-Based Learning model are as follows:
a. Identify the problem, Develop a plan for solving a problem, Implement the plan, Evaluate the implementation of the plan
b. Lesson introduction, Divergent phase, Convergent phase, Closure, Application
c. Introduction, Presentation, Guided practice, Independent practice
d. Pose question, Make hypotheses, Gather data, Assess hypotheses, Generalize about findings, Analyze the process
Problems that some people attribute to behavioral objectives, as cited in the text, include all the following except:
a. employing dogmatic approach
b. reduction of communication
c. resorting to formulas
d. deemphasizing affective objectives
One objection to the use of behavioral objectives is that they:
a. complicate sequencing
b. complicate evaluation
c. decrease preciseness
d. restrict creativity
Which of the following describes how digital technologies are distinct from mechanical ones of the past?
a. Digital technologies are manually powered.
b. Digital technologies perform functions confined to a limited local space.
c. Digital technologies often connect to some type of data network.
d. Digital technologies have little impact on our understandings of community.
At the top of the hierarchy of outcomes is:
a. curriculum goals
b. educational aims
c. curriculum objectives
d. instructional goals
The Problem-Based Learning model is effective in helping students to:
a. engage in a competitive, independent learning process.
b. operate as self-directed learners able to work cooperatively in a group.
c. complete standardized test-like learning tasks.
d. follow prescribed learning tasks to solve a problem identified by the teacher.
The planning phase of the instructional model presented in this text features all the following components except:
a. specification of instructional goals
b. selection of evaluation techniques
c. implementation of strategies
d. specification of instructional objectives
What is not one of the major trends marking significant worldwide changes of the 21st century ?
a. Increasing use of digital technologies
b. Increasing homogeneity of mindsets within nations
c. Increasing globalization and access to information
d. Increasing accountability across and within institutions worldwide
Due to the intensity of reform efforts over the years:
a. gains in student achievement have been more than satisfactory
b. gains in student achievement have been less than satisfactory
c. our nation's dropout rate has decreased
d. students find themselves better equipped for the 21st century
The Problem-Based Learning model often cultivates cooperative social skills in that:
a. it allows students to learn from and with one another.
b. students must agree on and divide up responsibilities to solve the problem.
c. students may engage in cross-cultural communication to work together to solve the problem.
d. All of the above.
Reform movements in education include:
a. emphasis on cognitive skills and minimal competencies
b. infrequent testing
c. minimal standards
d. none of the above
Which of the following statements describes an educational designer?
a. An educational designer develops a traditional mindset and sets traditional learning objectives.
b. An educational designer draws from an expanded skill including systematic approaches to instruction
c. An educational designer employs common technologies that are not too difficult to learn.
d. An educational designer looks primarily to old methods that have worked in the past.
Problem-Based Learning should be applied primarily to:
a. solve authentic problems
b. teach academic vocabulary
c. teach concepts
d. teach metacognitive thinking
The approach known as team teaching:
a. allows a weak teacher to work with a strong teacher so as to assure a strong classroom environment
b. capitalizes on the strengths of teachers, using their varying expertise in different ways
c. allows students to access technology more in the classroom especially if one of the teachers is a technology teacher
d. None of the above
The senior high school is involved in efforts to establish:
a. a quality comprehensive model
b. a number of alternatives both within and outside the school system
c. higher requirements for graduation
d. all of the above
In the Broad Fields curriculum:
a. teachers select certain general concepts and principles that should be taught each year
b. effort is made to unify and integrate content of related disciplines around broad themes or principles.
c. an emphasis of covering the content is prevalent instead focusing on depth of content
d. all of the above
The Subject-Matter curriculum has been popular for years with many curriculum planners because it lends itself well to:
a. a mechanical type of curriculum development: dropping, adding, or splitting courses, rearranging or extending sequences, updating topics, and changing textbooks.
b. all stakeholders for it is easily understood
c. "a" and "b" are correct
d. none of the above
The most common form of curriculum organization in the world is:
a. the activity curriculum
b. the subject matter curriculum
c. core curriculum
d. liberal arts curriculum
Core curricula, as described in this text, possess the following characteristics:
a. the content centers on problems that cut across the disciplines
b. it constitutes a portion of the curriculum that is required for all students.
c. the primary method of learning is problem solving, using all applicable subject matter.
d. all of the above
The educator that was responsible for introducing the concept of a subject centered junior and senior high school was:
a. Marzano
b. Havinghurst
c. Conant
d. Tyler
Flexible scheduling, unit teaching, problem solving, project method, nongraded schools, and open education owe a debt to:
a. the activity curriculum
b. the essentialists
c. the progressivists
d. "a" and "c" are correct
In the activity curriculum the teacher develops the curriculum in cooperation with:
a. the administration
b. the school district
c. the parents
d. the students
In a self-contained subject oriented classroom:
a. little or no effort is made to integrated diverse subjects
b. separate subjects are scheduled at specific and regular times during the day.
c. "a" and "b" are correct
d. none of the above
Dividing students largely on the basis of chronological age was a product of the:
a. community school
b. graded school
c. magnet school
d. open education school
Today's elementary school continues to maintain its emphasis on the basic skills while at the same time addressing the:
a. Educational, physical, social, and emotional needs of pupils.
b. Reading deficiency of the students
c. Social, emotional and learning disabilities of pupils
d. Needs of the community
Over the years, administrators, curriculum experts, teachers, and the public have accepted the following number of years of schooling as a norm:
a. 11
b. 12
c. 13
d. None of the above
A resource unit presents a:
a. year's plan
b. particular topic
c. course outline
d. fixed schedule
Of the curriculum plans listed below the least flexible is:
a. sequencing format
b. test-coding format
c. course of study
d. resource unit
Of the curriculum plans listed below the least prescriptive is:
a. test-coding format
b. sequencing format
c. comprehensive format
d. course syllabus
An outline of topics for a course or grade level is referred to in the text as::
a. learning unit
b. resource unit
c. overview
d. syllabus
Holding least weight in determining curriculum goals is the representative group of:
a. parents
b. students
c. teachers
d. nonparents
A task of a school's representative curriculum committee is:
a. prioritizing curriculum goals
b. recommending teaching techniques
c. selecting evaluation techniques
d. writing curriculum guides
Deciding whether curriculum goals and objectives are appropriate is referred to as:
a. confirmation
b. justification
c. validation
d. determination
Horace's school would demonstrate curriculum objectives through:
a. multiple-choice tests
b. essay tests
c. written reports
d. exhibition displays
According to the text, characteristics of curriculum goals include all except:
a. programmatic direction
b. degree of mastery
c. relationship to philosophy
d. reference to groups
The level at which curriculum goals are specified is:
a. school
b. district
c. state
d. all of the above
Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan on maps of the Middle East is an example of:
a. instructional goal
b. instructional objective
c. curriculum goal
d. curriculum objective
All you need to develop salable skills is an example of:
a. instructional goal
b. instructional objective
c. curriculum goal
d. curriculum objective
The text presents the relationship of curriculum goals and objectives to instructional goals and objectives as:
a. identical
b. related
c. unrelated
d. repetition
John W. Gardner in Goals for Americans viewed education as serving most directly:
a. equality of opportunity
b. liberty for all
c. justice for all
d. self-fulfillment
The various types of educational outcomes presented in this text are:
a. independent
b. hierarchical
c. indistinguishable
d. prescribed
In strengthening career education, curriculum planners must include:
a. an analysis of the business and industrial needs of the community
b. integration of academic and career education
c. school-to-work transition programs
d. all of the above
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, requires all children to perform on grade level as determined by state content standards and performance measures, by:
a. 2014
b. 2015
c. 2016
d. 2017
A well designed needs assessment that is implemented with integrity will:
a. identify gaps and overlaps in the curriculum
b. point to specific pedagogical practices that exist in a school
c. identify deficiencies in a schools curricula
d. "a" and "c" are correct
When data are collected in a needs assessment it is important to obtain it from the following sources:
a. student records
b. surveys of parents students and teachers
c. instructional materials
d. all of the above
When a school conducts a needs assessment survey of parents, students and teachers it is known as:
a. a Survey of Stakeholders
b. a Perceived Needs Approach
c. an Inventory of Needs
d. a Needs Approach of the Stakeholders
A curriculum needs assessment is:
a. a process for identifying programmatic needs
b. a means to determine if a school is failing
c. a way in which politicians can determine how a school is performing
d. is a single one time process in which a school undergoes to identify problems with the curriculum
Benchmarks are:
a. the curriculum guides developed by teachers in the field
b. the stated sequence of the unit
c. the measureable learner expectations
d. none of the above
Subjects contain certain essential areas or topics that, if the learner is to achieve mastery of the field, must be taught at certain times and in a certain prescribed order. This is known as:
a. the sequence of the curriculum
b. the scope of the curriculum
c. the standards of the curriculum
d. "a" and "b" are correct.
The curriculum worker is able to identify the needs of the community because they are usually aware of significant changes in:
a. the demographics of the community
b. the politics of the community
c. the major businesses and industry in the community
d. "a" and "c" are correct.
In analyzing the needs of society, the curriculum worker must bring a particular set of skills to the task. Two skills that are necessary are:
a. understanding and training in the behavioral sciences and social sciences
b. understanding and training in psychological and biological sciences
c. understanding and training in finances and industry
d. understanding in behavioral and biological sciences
Another dimension is added when the curriculum planner analyzes the needs of students by types. An example of a type of need is:
a. emotional
b. financial
c. physical/biological
d. safety
Levels of needs the curriculum planner may identify are:
a. human
b. state or regional
c. national
d. all of the above
The classification scheme presented in Chapter 7 includes:
a. teachers as a source
b. subjects as a source
c. students as a type
d. teachers as a type
Ralph Tyler states there are 3 sources of general objectives. The sources are:
a. teachers, students, and administration
b. teachers, administration, and district
c. students, society, and subject.
d. students, subject, and teacher
According to Wagner, students need to demonstrate survival skills in the following:
a. communication, entrepreneurialism and problem solving
b. research, communication and problem solving
c. communication, research and entrepreneurialism
d. none of the above
The reconceptualists look to the following field to support their position:
a. science
b. humanities
c. technology
d. business
Concentrating on wholes is a premise of:
a. gestalt psychology
b. perceptual psychology
c. constructivist psychology
d. experimentalist psychology
A strong advocate of essentialistic philosophy was:
a. John Childs
b. William H. Kilpatrick
c. Boyd Bode
d. William C. Bagle
The Great Books of the Western World contain truth as perceived by:
a. essentialists
b. reconstructionists
c. perennialists
d. pragmatists
Among educators espousing the philosophy of reconstructionism was:
a. John Dewey
b. George S. Counts
c. Robert M. Hutchins
d. Thomas Aquinas
Of the four philosophies below the most liberal is:
a. reconstructionism
b. progressivism
c. perennialism
d. essentialism
Race to the Top funds are part of
a. America 2000
b. Goals 200 The Educate America Act
c. No Child Left Behind
d. American Recovery and Reinvestnent Act