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Curriculum & Instruction
True or False. Mastery is an end point, but rather an elusive goal that remains forever out of reach (Tucker 2013).
a. True
b. False
True or False. The written curriculum should represent a district-wide consensus about instructional objectives and their relative importance for a given group of learners.
a. True
b. False
A unit planning chart should include all but which of the following?
A. Mastery Objectives
B. Themes
C. Length
D. Depth of knowledge (Bloom's levels)
When creating a survey of perceptions of an alignment project, which of the following questions does not fit?
A. The objectives-materials correlation charts help teachers plan and use materials.
B. Tue unit-planning guides helped teachers develop and implement unit plans.
C. The project planned for how to prepare students for college
D. The alignment project improved the professional climate of the school.
Which is not a description of Common Core State Standards?
A. Guide professional development
B. Inform teacher licensure
C. Guide assessments
D. Determine curricula guides
Which of the following describes the curriculum support under the Common Core State Standards?
A. Curriculum defined by the text
B. Standards drive the curriculum, but curriculum development lags behind standards development
C. Standards publication is followed quickly by curriculum development
D. International benchmarks
Alignment Project Planning does not include which of the following?
A. Determining the scope of the project
B. Orienting students
C. Identifying mastery objectives
D. Select texts
One way of evaluating new curriculum centers on the teachers' implementation. Which of the statements below would not be appropriate in this approach?
A. Facilitate professional discussions between supervisors and teachers.
B. Stressing the role of the project in identifying good teachers.
C. Submission of the yearly planning matrix to the principal
D. Submission and discussion of unit plans
Which of the following does not belong with the other three?
A. A rationale for curriculum alignment
B. Monitoring teacher planning and instruction
C. Helping teachers make yearly and unit plans
D. Evaluating the alignment project
In developing reporting materials the text made four recommendations in terms of reports that include:
A. Public access to ACT or SAT test results.
B. Report cards
C. Gap reports
D. Individual student reports
When constructing unit plans based on the annual matrix, which of the subject areas below will find it easier to co construct the units?
A. English-language arts
B. Social studies
C. Music
D. Science
A yearly planning matrix, with respect to being , can be used in all of the following cases except
A. Present the yearly matrix to a supervisor
B. Have the institutional leader and teacher confer about the plan
C. The teacher should not bring the matrix to all supervisor or evaluation sessions, just when s/he is asked to
D. Post it in the classroom so students and visitors are informed.
Which of the following is the best approach when selecting instructional materials for a new curriculum?
A. Stay with the current text book, but look for other materials
B. Develop a correlation chart of materials and curriculum
C. Calculate the budget to see what you can spend
D. Determine in the current materials are appropriate
Once the curriculum-based tests are completed, the next step for the group is:
A. Check validity of assessment
B. Determining how many tests would be administered
C. Determining what publisher would be appropriate
D. Determining the types of tests to construct
Developing curriculum-based tests is
A. Select a test-development firm
B. Survey the teachers to determine the nature of the test
C. Decide how many forms of the test would be needed
D. Determine test scope and frequency
Which of the following is most likely a mastery objective?
A. Understand the concept of set theory.
B. Add two two-digit numbers to a two or three digit sum.
C. Prove geometric theorems.
D. Solve equations
The text identified an 18-step planning guide for a curriculum alignment project. The four items below are all among the 18 steps, which one is out of sequence?
A. Determine alignment with standards
B. Orient school administrators
C. Orient students and parents
D. Orient teachers
The benefits of using the NETS include:
A. Improving thinking skills, problem solving, criterial thinking, and creativity
B. Prepare teachers for the global job market
C. Design classroom learning environments
D. Create collaborative places of learning
Most curricula organization approaches today are:
A. Integrated because it promotes transfer of learning.
B. Integrated because research shows students do well with that approach.
C. Standards-based because high-stakes tests are based on the standards.
D. Standards-based because it is an easier app-roach to use.
Professional development for principals and teacher leaders includes all but which of the following?
A. A rationale for curriculum alignment
B. Orienting only teachers about alignment
C. Helping teachers use assessment and data analysis reports
D. Monitoring teacher planning and instruction
First-District administrators should be responsible for overseeing project management, seeking answers to the following questions:
A. Have necessary instructional materials been identified?
B. Are assessments completed?
C. Are professional development sessions on teacher evaluation?
D. Are principals and supervisors helping teachers plan effectively, teach to mastery objectives, and use assessment results to modify instruction?
Which statement below does not belong with the other three?
A. To develop quality leadership and planning for effective teaching strategies must receive considerable attention.
B. To enhance global understanding
C. To build student competency in using technology to access and process curriculum information.
D. To stay abreast of new curricula developments
In using a goal-based curriculum, there are four questions usually asked at the beginning of the process. Which of the following is not one of those questions?
A. What is the mission of my school?
B. What should students be learning?
C. What role does activity-based learning play in the curriculum?
D. What is our neighboring districts doing?
Multiple measures in addition to CCSS might include all except:
A. Classroom-administered performance tasks (e.g., research papers, science investigations, mathematical solutions, engineering designs, arts performances);
B. Standardized tests;
C. Oral presentations and scored discussions; and
D. Teacher rating of student note-taking skills, collaboration skills, persistence with challenging tasks, and other evidence of learning skills.
Survey of Perceptions of Alignment Project should not include
A. Standardized test
B. Technology-based applications
C. Yearly planning matrix
D. Unit-planning guides
Professional development for classroom teachers includes all but which of the following?
A. Using assessment reports to plan instruction and monitor progress
B. Using alignment to plan instruction for special needs students
C. Requesting instructional materials
D. Teaching for mastery objectives
Interestingly enough, the new standards coincidentally overlap with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) used in the United States. Similar to CCSS, the new Russian standards specify all but which of the following?
A. Goals of education at every key stage;
B. Core content of the main educational programs;
C. Minimum workload (lessons per week);
D. Main educational outcomes of each key stage
When conducting materials selection, what are the main considerations?
Develop a learning outcome and an authentic task that would be appropriate in your subject area or grade level.
A curriculum worker is told that there needs to be decision making clarity and comes to the conclusion that there must be a decision making model to use. Is the worker correct? Why or why not?
Differentiate between long range planning and planned change as used in evaluating the effectiveness of curriculum change.
The superintendent of a school district tells the community that the district has outstanding long range planning because the language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies are all reviewed on a five year bases. Do you agree? Why or why not?
A school district undertakes a curriculum revision and asks for teachers to volunteer their time. Due to budget restraints the district is not able to provide adequate secretarial support. Once the board approved the new curriculum they were not able to fully fund the instructional materials. What indicator of effective curriculum development is being violated and what do you think will happen?
Examples of resources include online and mobile devices, applications, software and courseware, textbooks (digital or standard), activities, novels, nonfiction books, anthologies, collections, handbooks, dramas, selected readings from reserved material in the library or classroom, printed handouts, kits, periodicals, transparency sets, video recordings, and audio recordings. Which of these do you believe will be most interesting to today's students? Why or why not?
Differentiate between vertical curriculum continuity and horizontal curriculum continuity.
Describe the process after a curriculum writing team completes the draft of the new curriculum.
Distinguish between the Fishbowl and the Telstar techniques.
Describe the Fishbowl technique.
Describe the Dialogue technique.
You are working in a school district that is unionized and has strict rules about seniority in terms of class assignment. Talks are currently underway for a new contract, but they are not going well. Unfortunately the state has mandated that the social studies program K-12 must be revised this year. The text identified five ways of choosing teacher representatives on curriculum development teams. Which one would you use and why?
Describe the second through fourth steps in the process of developing a new K-12 curriculum using a subject-specific program committee.
The text discusses the steps in structuring a subject-specific program committee. Describe step one and indicate who would be on the committee. Include what is meant by a cooperative approach among districts and what type of program that would be easiest to implement.
Describe the recommended composition of a district curriculum council and indicate under what conditions the composition may be changed and how it could be changed.
When educators focus on __________ practices, risk taking, and a rich curriculum, schools can accomplish great things (Burris & Murphy, 2013-2014).
Preparatory activities prior to the explicit teaching and learning are called __________________ stage.
Putting together to form a new whole could be called ___________.
When controversies that occur during curriculum development are based on the nature of the decision, not the person who made the decision the indicator of effective curriculum being met is _____________________.
When all buildings in a district have teacher representatives on curricula committees it shows the indicator of effective curriculum called _______________ has been met.
When teachers have access to curriculum above and below their grade level we say there is ________ curriculum continuity.
For every learning outcome there should be a(n) ___________task
When a writing team completes the draft document it is distributed to certain non-writers. The maximum time they should have for comments is _________.
The best time to develop and write the scope and sequence is ___________________.
The group processing technique that is used to encourage divergence by individuals is ________________________
The recommended timeline for return of the statement of philosophy developed in the first step of the subject-specific program committee and distributed to the schools for feedback is_______
Identify two disadvantages of using volunteers for curriculum development teams.
The recommended length of time for a typical curriculum cycle is _______
True or False. Maintenance stage means provisions are made to reinforce learning outcomes and authentic tasks.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Verbs that can be considered those that evaluate would also be those used to judge.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Using learning in new and concrete situations is called application.
a. True
b. False
True or False. A program goal does not contain specific content and behavior.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Exit outcomes are the same as instructional objectives.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Members of a curriculum writing team should serve on the materials selection committee.
a. True
b. False
True or False. The work space for a writing team should be compact and efficient.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Effective evaluation is an integral part of the learning process.
a. True
b. False
True or False. The development of a rationale for a new curriculum is done only by the subject-specific program committee.
a. True
b. False
True or False. All subject-specific program committee members must have a thorough understanding of the mission and exit outcomes, and at least a little understanding of the district's vision.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Administrative selection of teachers for curriculum development teams is recommended when peer selection is not practical.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Setting priorities continues to be an important role of any successful leader as is the ability to delegate leadership in formulating curriculum change.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is a stage for the objectives scope and sequence?
A. Elementary
B. Description stage
C. Analysis stage
D. Emphasis stage
When evaluating a text physical features which of the following is not one of the characteristics?
A. Is clearly written
B. Attractive cover
C. Well-designed page layout
D. Durable binding
Verbs used for analysis does not include which of the following?
A. Characterize
B. Examine
C. Construct
D. Dissect
Which of the following is an advantage of using peer selection?
A. Committee members feel that they have control over their own destiny
B. Committee representatives may be chosen for the wrong reason
C. Groups may not know the kind of representative needed
D. It tends to legitimize a committee member's position.
Which of the following is not an advantage of using the voluntary method for choosing teacher representatives to the curriculum process?
A. People who volunteer are interested in the program.
B. Not all volunteers are competent
C. The use of volunteers is an open, democratic process
D. None of the above
Which of the terms below is the first out of sequence?
A. Learned curriculum
B. Recommended curriculum
C. Written curriculum
D. Supported curriculum
Which of the following is a characteristic of effective multicultural curriculum?
A. All buildings have teachers on curriculum committees
B. Home-school partnerships
C. A philosophy of education and curriculum theory permeates the entire school district
D. Community members are involved in curriculum planning
As part of developing curriculum and working to close the achievement gap, school leaders need to demonstrate a unified belief in the families who reside within their communities. Which of the following is not a way to help celebrate community diversity?
A. Acknowledging names of students
B. Promoting home language
C. Posting historical Caucasian figures
D. Creating culturally responsive classrooms
Which of the following would violate the indicator of planned change?
A. There is a five year cycle for curriculum review
B. All buildings are represented on curriculum committees
C. Tasks that are developed are not authentic
D. The district has to determine how to develop a course
When a philosophy of education and theory of curriculum permeate the entire school district the indicator of effective curriculum addressed is
A. Planned change
B. Curriculum priority
C. Positive human relations
D. Long range planning
A school district revised its K-12 social studies program, but funded only 80% of the required instructional materials. The indicator of effective curriculum most strongly violated is
A. Broad involvement
B. Long-range planning
C. Supported curriculum
D. Positive human relations
A district elected to revise only the third grade mathematics program. The indicator of effective curriculum development most strongly violated was:
A. Horizontal curriculum continuity
B. Vertical curriculum continuity
C. Instruction based on curriculum
D. Curriculum priority