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When daily lesson plans reflect a commonality for the same grade level we have
A. Horizontal curriculum continuity
B. Vertical curriculum continuity
C. Instruction based on curriculum
D. Curriculum priority
With respect to curriculum design the preferred model is:
A. Design up, deliver down
B. Design down, deliver up
C. Design and deliver up
D. Design and deliver down
The statement to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to design and conduct experiments is a
A. Learning outcome
B. Objective
C. Program goal
D. Exit outcome
Once the board has approved a new curriculumA. It is disseminated to the entire district for implementationB. The writing team provides staff developmentC. A textbook selection committee is appointedD. The curriculum director or assistant superintendent plan for implementation
The group processing technique that should be used by a writing team in developing the scope and sequence is:
A. Dialogue technique
B. Fishbowl technique
C. Nominal group technique
D. Delphi technique: comprehension
In developing a scope and sequence the committee must contain:
A. Two parents
B. A secondary school student
C. A community member who is not a parent
D. A principal or designee from each level [elementary, middle, etc]
The Telstar technique is most like:
A. Dialogue technique
B. Fishbowl technique
C. Nominal group technique
D. Delphi technique
Which of the following group processing techniques is characterized by being able to reach consensus without fact-to-face contact?
A. Dialogue technique
B. Fishbowl technique
C. Nominal group technique
D. Delphi technique
Once a subject-specific statement of philosophy is approved by the board of education it is given to the writing team responsible for all of the following except
A. Scheduling the staff development for program implementation
B. Developing the scope and sequence
C. Program goals
D. Learning outcomes
One potential problem with peer-selection of teachers for curriculum development teams is:
A. Committee members feel they have control over their own destiny
B. Groups do not always know the kind of leadership or representation the need
C. Cooperation is less realistic
D. The group has maturity and experience
If you want to get the most competent teachers, with respect to curriculum, to serve on the curriculum development group, the best method for the curriculum council to use is:
A. Evolvement
B. Peer selection
C. Administrative selection
D. Rotation
A major function of the curriculum council is to:
A. Determine graduation requirements
B. Determine membership on curriculum task forces
C. Develop a sequence and review cycle for district-wide curriculum
D. Determine the process for selecting instructional material
The philosophy and rationale statement for a school program must augment all of the following except:
A. School districts philosophy
B. Mission
C. Vision
D. State minimum requirements
Once the Textbook Adoption Committee makes a final decision, what should the district do prior to placing an order?
Assuming the Materials Adoption Committee has identified five texts; describe what would happen from that point to the final adoption.
The text states: "The Materials Adoption Committee should be representative-large enough to include broad representation and small enough to work efficiently." It also states: "At a minimum the committee should be composed of "¦.one teacher from each school who will be using the text"¦" Can you think of any circumstances where the two statements are contradictory? If you can, identify the circumstances and a possible solution.
Based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs what level must be reached for effective curriculum development and why?
You have a tenured teacher with 15 years' experience who has never developed skills in using technology, even though there have been workshops conducted by the district. The teacher wants to have a self-directed development plan centered on her taking an instructional technology course at a local college. What would you do and why?
Describe the staff development model called intensive development.
Two principals are having a discussion. One maintains that a teacher's performance with respect to testing cannot be evaluated because it is not observable. The second says it is observable if you compare a teacher's objectives and instructional plans to the test items. With whom do you agree? Why?
Describe, in general terms, the process suggested in the text for evaluating the performance of a teacher.
We frequently hear terms such as rating, informal, formal, summative, formative, and walk-through. How should these terms relate in the ultimate decision to retain or release a teacher?
A principal uses informal walk-through visits as part of her usual routine. If she is pleased she smiles as she leaves. If she is not pleased she sets-up a meeting to talk to the teacher and place a formal rating in the teacher's folder. Defend or criticize this approach.
Describe the nature and purpose of "walk-through" visits.
Differentiate between formal and informal staff development.
Describe Glickman's Developmental Supervision approach.
The Hunter model was liked by teachers and administrators, but not by professors. Construct an essay explaining why practitioners liked it, why professors did not, and how Hunter answered her critics.
Using a discrepancy model, explain in writing how the Farrell Model differs from the Hunter Model.
Construct an essay in which you explain why it is very important that the principal and teachers work closely in coordinating the curriculum.
According to the text, informal visits to classrooms may also be called ____________.
Scholars posit that ________ has narrowed the curriculum
Historically, lesson design carried the unintended implication that all lessons should contain all ______________ of lesson design.
When adopting a textbook the district should develop a service contract with the _______________.
The final level on needs in Maslow's hierarchy is __________________.
Data derived from, informal observations can play an important part in assessing _________________ needs.
Small groups of teachers work together in a professional development model called _____________________
Some school districts had two rating sheets, standard and intensive. The intensive rating sheet is used for ____________ teachers.
According to Wise, Darling-Hammond, McLaughlin, and Bernstein, the evaluation system must be seen to have utility: It is cost effective, fair, valid, and ______________.
A rating can be formative or __________.
A requirement of NCLB is that schools must show AYP. What do NCLB and AYP stand for?
Most of Hunter's critics were not practitioners, but___________
The direction of leadership and development of school-wide instructional change is from__________ to _________
True or False. Modeling by a teacher may occur after the teacher has allowed students to discuss all they know about a subject.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Both Farrell's Model and Hunter's Model use Independent practice in the same way.
a. True
b. False
True or False. The Farrell Model's main emphasis is on the text.
a. True
b. False
True or False. A comparison of the lesson designs between Hunter's Model and Farrell's Model can be branded as forward and backward.
a. True
b. False
True or False. The various types of processes for professional development do not interrelate
a. True
b. False
True or False. A primary factor for curriculum success is motivating teachers to work.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Coaching is acceptable as part of an intensive development program.
a. True
b. False
True or False. The sample rating sheet provided in the text has a space for the teacher to make comments.
a. True
b. False
True or False. According to Wise, Darling-Hammond, McLaughlin, and Bernstein, the evaluation system must be seen to have utility, even if it does not appear to be cost effective
a. True
b. False
True or False. Walk-throughs by supervisors or principals involve a rating scale.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Differentiated professional development is the same as differentiated instruction.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Cognitive coaching is essentially a form of clinical supervision.
a. True
b. False
True or False. During much of the 1980s the work of Hunter dominated supervision strategies.
a. True
b. False
True or False. Too many curriculum leaders focus unduly on the supported curriculum.
a. True
b. False
In order to gain a clear picture of the quality of instruction in a school, walkthroughs to each teacher's classroom should number?
A. 40
B. 10
C. 20
D. 5
Which of the following is not a way that walkthrough data should be used?
A. coaching
B. evaluation
C. measuring impact of staff development efforts
D. Supporting professional learning communities
When a principal uses a skills based rating observation form, meets with a teacher for a conference, and then they outline a professional development plan, this is called:
A. formative evaluation
B. summative evaluation
C. walk through
D. tenure
Which of the following questions are not the ones to include in walkthroughs?
A. Do student grouping patterns support learning?
B. Are students learning both basic and high-order levels of knowledge?
C. Are teachers asking higher-order question?
D. Do students understand their goals for learning?
The differences between the Farrell Model and the Hunter Model do not include:
A. Backward design focusing on the text vs. focus on seven steps
B. Hunter focuses on emotional hook and Farrell does not
C. Variances from beginning to end
D. Use of technology
A materials adoption committee should
A. Identify five appropriate texts and let each school select the one they like
B. Make a final decision based on the results of their rating scale
C. Make a final decision based on lowest cost among the top three books
D. Allow all teachers who will be using the materials to provide feedback on the top three before making a decision
A materials adoption committee should develop a set of selection criteria based upon
A. Publisher recommendations
B. Board policy and administrative procedures
C. Research
D. Cost analysis
A materials adoption committee should survey or interview teachers by asking all of the questions below except:
A. For which group of students will the materials be used?
B. What price-range is appropriate and acceptable for the text?
C. Will the materials be used primarily in class or outside of class?
D. Will the materials be used chiefly to teach skills and concepts or to provide guided practice and independent practice?
According to the text, a materials adoption committee, at a minimum, should include
A. A teacher from each school affected
B. A principal from each school affected
C. A parent from each school affected
D. At least two instructional material specialists
Although Maslow's Hierarchy is widely accepted, it does have its critics. One criticism is:
A. There are not enough steps to be appropriately descriptive
B. Too few people were involved in the research
C. It was too experimental
D. Self-actualized individuals were only highly educated white males
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is arranged in a sequential manner. Below are the steps in the hierarchy. Which is the first step that is out of sequence?
A. Physiological needs
B. Safety needs
C. Self esteem needs
D. Love, affection, and belongingness needs
Motivated teachers have all of the characteristics below except
A. Satisfactory performance
B. Require less supervision
C. Enjoy teaching
D. Have self confidence
Which of the following models of supervision would be most appropriate for a second -year teacher who is generally competent, but has one area of performance that is not satisfactory?
A. Cooperative development
B. Intensive development
C. Self-directed development
D. Staff development
One reason for a differentiated system of professional development is:
A. Saves money because full staff development is for the entire faculty
B. Teachers differ in concept development and learning styles
C. It allows more than one supervisor to evaluate
D. It allows different rating schema to be used
An essential skill that is not directly observable in classroom instruction is:
A. Uses tests that are consistent with instructional objectives
B. Monitors student learning and uses evaluative data to adjust instruction
C. Keeps students on task
D. Responds effectively to student answers
Which statement below does not belong with the other three?
A. Keeps students on task
B. Ensures active participation of students in learning activities
C. Paces instruction appropriately
D. Communicates realistically high expectations for students
Wise, Darling-Hammond, McLaughlin, and Bernstein identified five conclusions relative to teacher evaluation including:
A. Walk-through observations should be about 50% of the total observations.
B. Quality evaluation models have at least two evaluators observe each teacher
C. The system must be congruent with the background and personality of both evaluator and teacher.
D. Teacher involvement in and responsibility for the process improves the quality of teacher evaluation
The term "rating" can relate to all of the following except
A. Summative assessment of performance used in decision-making
B. Formative assessment of performance used in decision-making
C. Formal in nature
D. Common with a "walk-through" or "instructional rounds"
With respect to "instructional rounds"
A. They help in developing the summative evaluation
B. They are numerous in nature
C. They are used to highlight problems
D. They are used to develop staff development programs
Glatthorn, in suggesting his differentiated professional development approach, pointed to several problems with clinical supervision including:
A. Not all administrators are trained in clinical supervision
B. Clinical supervision is only a quick way of supervising
C. Not all teachers need clinical supervision
D. It is only used for "problem" teachers
If a supervisor uses cognitive coaching, one of the goals is
A. Develop teacher autonomy
B. Improve cognitive knowledge of the teacher
C. Implement action research projects
D. Encourage teacher attendance at conferences
Which of the following phrases does not belong with the other three?
A. High abstract
B. Direct assistance or clinical supervision
C. Providing in-service education
D. Helping teachers carry out action research
In Hunter's original elements of lesson design she included
A. Homework
B. Input
C. Assessment
D. Inquiry
Which of the following is not one of the four major works influencing the supervision of the curriculum?
A. Hunter's Knowing, Teaching, and Supervising
B. Glickman, Gordon, and Ross-Gordon's Supervision and Instructional Leadership: A Developmental Approach
C. Costa and Garmston's, Cognitive Coaching: A Foundation for Renaissance Schools
D. Glatthorn's Supervision for Success