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John is beginning to learn how to write complete sentences in his special education resource class. In his general education history class, he often acts out when he is asked to write answers in complete sentences. John has not reached what stage of learning as it applies to his writing?
a. acquisition
b. proficiency
c. maintenance
d. generalization
When Jacob first learned to add and subtract fractions, it took him a very long time to complete fraction practice activities. However, now he does fraction problems quickly and accurately. Jacob has reached which stage of learning as it applied to fractions?
a. acquisition
b. proficiency
c. maintenance
d. generalization
Mr. Mitchell uses a prepared program to teach his reading class. He likes this program because it leaves nothing to chance. It incorporates all the elements of effective teaching. What is the type of program Mr. Mitchell is using?
a. Direction Instruction (DI)
b. Direct teach
c. One-to-one instruction
d. None of the above
Ms. Sands uses worksheet packets for the individual practice section of her teaching plan. What problem(s) might occur when using these materials?
a. Students may receive little teacher interaction.
b. Students may view worksheets as busy work.
c. Unless carefully chosen, items on the sheets may not address targeted skills.
d. all of the above
Mr. Dale explained the purposes of the learning centers in his classroom to his principal. In his explanation, he said that learning centers provide
a. one or more activities focused on a single content area.
b. activities for multiple grade or ability levels.
c. hands on activities or activities that have high motivational value.
d. all of the above
Ms. Feldman uses direct teach to teach her students math skills. This means Ms. Feldman uses which of the following steps in her lessons?
a. Gain students' attention and review previously learned material.
b. Have students conduct experiments to discover math computation formulas.
c. Present information in small steps.
d. a and c only
Classrooms that have which of the following characteristics are ripe for a wide range of behavior problems?
a. Classrooms that are crowded.
b. Classrooms that have congested spots.
c. Classrooms that have furnishings that are not appropriately sized for the students.
d. all of the above
During independent practice, students should respond at which level of accuracy?
a. 70%
b. 80%
c. 90%
d. Depends upon the task
Rules must always reflect the age and ability levels of your students.
a. true
b. false
When it is necessary to add or change rules/procedures during the school year, teach them just as you did at the beginning of the year.
a. true
b. false
It is not necessary for class rules and procedures to reflect school rules and procedures, as long as teachers can justify their rules.
a. true
b. false
Ms. James teaches a self-contained classroom for children who have severe learning and behavior problems. She schedules each minute of her students' time with various learning experiences. Mr. Williams teaches in the same type of classroom with students who are a year or two older than Ms. James' students. However, he allows students several 30 minute minimally supervised breaks during their time in his classroom. Which classroom do you think has a higher chance of acting out behavior?
a. Ms. James
b. Mr. Williams
c. both classrooms
d. none of the above
Mr. Hardy taught in a school that served many students whose behavior at school was influenced by elements outside of the school. He chaired a committee formed to address this problem. Their focus was on teacher-student relationships. They knew that these relationships would serve as a buffer to many outside influences. Which of the following is an example of an outside influence?
a. individual
b. family
c. neighborhood
d. all of the above
Mr. Graves used a variety of activities each day. His students never knew what to expect when they came to class. Mr. Graves thought that this way of teaching would keep his students from being bored. When he began to have classroom management problems, a mentor teacher pointed out that his planning lacked an important element. Which of the following would help Mr. Graves?
a. weekly exams
b. regular classroom routines
c. more punishment for his students' misbehaviors
d. more homework assignment
Ms. James, a new teacher, wanted to develop positive, respectful relationships with her students. She knew that praise was important. She solicited and used student ideas in class, but still needed additional ideas. Of the following, what advice would provide the most important impact in positive teacher-student relationships?
a. never smile until Christmas
b. always let them students who is the boss
c. respect student contributions in class
d. all of the above
Before school began, Mr. Bright wrote rules and procedures for his classroom. He reviewed the curriculum and developed lesson plans for the first week of school. He created a tentative schedule and class routines. What is the next task that Mr. Bright needs to accomplish before the first day with students?
a. organize the classroom
b. conference with parents
c. plan end-of-chapter quizzes
d. plan free-time activities
Mr. Night teaches a laboratory science class. His students are allowed to talk to students at their lab table during group work. However, they have begun to test this privilege and are talking across tables. Mr. Night should address this problem with
a. developing new rules and procedures.
b. reteaching and developing reminders for current rules and procedures.
c. punishment.
d. none of the above
Which of the following questions will help you plan for activities in specific areas of your classroom?
a. What materials will need to be stored in this area?
b. How will the materials be stored and labeled?
c. What materials will students access on their own?
d. all of the above
Teaching rules and procedures should be a part of your lesson plans for
a. the first week of school.
b. the second and third week of school.
c. each week until students become more independent in following rules and
d. none of the above
Which of the following terms refers to the time that teachers schedule for instructional activities?
a. available time
b. engaged time
c. allocated time
d. academic learning time
Mr. Colins was a new teacher who wanted to develop good relationships with his students' parents. Colins should to do which of the following in order to develop effective parent/teacher partnerships.
a. prepare a booklet of all classroom rules and procedures
b. require strict times when parents were allowed to call the classroom
c. call parents from the principal's office when the student is in trouble
d. all of the above
Academic learning time is positively correlated with
a. academic achievement.
b. positive classroom behavior.
c. student learning.
d. all of the above
A visitor to your classroom should be able to discern which of the following for your class?
a. ability levels
b. rules and procedures
c. students who exhibit the most challenging behaviors
d. all of the above
Which of the following should be removed from a classroom as soon as possible?
a. unruly students
b. unused furniture, equipment, or supplies
c. phones
d. all of the above
A visitor should be able to ask several randomly selected students about the rules and procedures and receive ___________________________ from each student.
a. smiles
b. eye contact
c. similar responses
d. a greeting
Teachers spend an average of _________of their time on non-instructional activities.
a. 0% - 7%
b. 20 %- 25%
c. 25% - 35%
d. 45% - 55%
Mr. Grade's was a new teacher whose students loved to chew gum, but it wasn"t allowed at school. To motivate his students, Mr. Grade created a classroom procedure that stated that students could chew gum during independent work. His students behaved well during independent work time, and their rate of work completion increased. One day, Mr. Grade was observed by the principal. After the observation, the principal asked Mr. Grade to see her during his planning period. From the following what is the best reason do you think the principal asked for this meeting?
a. She wanted to use his procedures as an example for the school staff.
b. She needed to remind Mr. Grade that gum is not allowed at school.
c. She wanted to see Mr. Grade's lesson plans.
d. all of the above
Which of the following statements is true regarding free time as part of the daily schedule?
a. Free time is important for students who exhibit challenging behaviors.
b. Free time can be a setting event for challenging behaviors.
c. Breaks should be structured to help avoid management problems.
d. b and c only
Ms. Jacobs developed five rules for her students: No talking; No leaving seats; and No horseplay. Ms. Jacobs taught the rules and had students practice the rules during the first few weeks of school. However, her students continued to have behavior problems, especially during transitions. Transitions took a long time, and students were usually loud and rowdy while transitioning. Which of the following will help Ms. Jacobs get better behaviors from her students?
a. add punishment
b. state the rules in positive terms
c. create procedures stated in positive terms to complement the rules
d. b and c
Happy, content students are more likely to be cooperative. When your class is a place where students want to be, they will be less likely to exhibit inappropriate behavior to escape. To accomplish this type of environment, Ms. Truman used which of the following?
a. She used respectful talk to students, parents, and professional peers.
b. She displayed quality student work.
c. She adhered to a zero tolerance policy for any off task behavior.
d. a and b only
Role play is an excellent way to teach rules and procedures to
a. students of all ages.
b. pre-k students.
c. elementary age students.
d secondary age students.
Which of the following might be interventions of SW- PBIS at the secondary level of prevention?
a. Mentors to meet regularly with identified students.
b. Small group instruction in social skills, self-control skills, or anger management skills
c. Behavioral contracts
d. all of the above
Rules should
a. apply to multiple situations.
b. apply to very specific situations.
c. apply to only instructional situations.
d. none of the above
A SW-PBIS approach avoids problems that often occur with commercial discipline programs through the use of which of the following attributes?
a. Determining that the majority of a school's staff view discipline as an important concern.
b. Saving the cost of a commercial program.
c. Designing interventions that reflect the unique needs and culture of the school.
d. a and c
The term operational means
a. broadly defined.
b. medical terminology.
c. specifically defined.
d. none of the above
The SW-PBIS team is responsible for many duties. The team is most productive when they have which of the following elements?
a. Structured meetings, including an agenda for each meeting.
b. Meeting times that are flexible, meeting only as needed.
c. Loosely defined roles for each team member.
d. all of the above
Procedures are needed for which of the following activities?
a. getting ready for work
b. transitions
c. individual learning tasks
d. all of the above
Schoolwide rules and acknowledgement systems are main interventions in which tier of SW- PBIS?
a. secondary level prevention
b. primary level prevention
c. tertiary level prevention
d. none of the above
In order to determine the procedures you need for your classroom, you need to
a. consider the learning and behavioral characteristics of your students.
b. consider all of the tasks required during the school day.
c. list behaviors that will make your classroom a positive learning environment.
d. all of the above
Behavioral contracts and small group instruction in social skills might be interventions used in which tier of SW- PBIS?
a. secondary level prevention
b. primary level prevention
c. tertiary level prevention
d. none of the above
One especially useful tool in developing and implementing rules and procedures is
a. punishment.
b. reminders.
c. calls home.
d. none of the above
Which tier of SW-PBIS is intended for the most students?
a. secondary level
b. primary level
c. tertiary level
d. none of the above
Which of the following represents everyday reminders outside of school?
a. stop signs
b. bills
c. notes on the refrigerator
d. all of the above
A school uses a schoolwide reinforcement system. Is this school using SW-PBIS?
a. Yes. Schoolwide reinforcement is a cardinal feature of schoolwide PBS.
b. No. SW-PBIS does not include schoolwide reinforcement.
c. Perhaps. We"d need to know more about this school before determining if they use SW- PBIS.
d. Yes. Any school that uses school wide reinforcement is using SW-PBIS.
Ms. Smith wanted her class to be prepared to begin work as soon as the roll was taken. She needed to develop a procedure for
a. getting help from the teacher.
b. greeting the teacher.
c. preparing for instruction.
d. none of the above
"Differentiation of classroom-managed versus office-managed behaviors means that
a. the principal decides whether the teacher should handle the discipline problem or not.
b. the teacher decides whether he or she wants to handle a discipline problem or not.
c. the SW-PBIS team identifies discipline infractions that should be managed in the classroom versus those that should be referred to an administrator.
d. the school staff votes on which discipline problems they want the administrator to handle.
When Ms. Smith develops procedures for her classroom, she breaks each procedure down into its
a. relationship to classroom rules.
b. effect on classroom behavior.
c. component parts.
d. all of the above.
Teaching schoolwide rules means that
a. all students are taught how to follow the rules in all areas of the school at the beginning of the school year.
b. students are given quizzes over school rules in their first period classes once a month.
c. the counselor holds small group discussions about school rules during the first semester.
d. all of the above
Reliance on researched based, validated practices is a hallmark of PBIS.
a. true
b. false
SW-PBIS is a package program for educators to use as a discipline system for their campus.
a. true
b. false
The instructional focus of SW-PBIS means that students are taught what to do. This means, in part, that schoolwide rules are actively taught.
a. true
b. false
Any SW-PBIS program is a work in progress. SW-PBIS teams must never stop evaluating their SW-PBIS systems and fine-tuning those systems.
a. true
b. false
The "behavioral and biomedical sciences basis" for SW-PBIS means that SW-PBIS systems rely upon medication as one form of intervention.
a. true
b. false
"Operationally defined and valued outcomes" means that SW-PBIS relies upon specific, measurable indicators of behavior, evaluated by multiple sources of data.
a. true
b. false
Because the proactive and preventive elements of SW- PBIS meet the needs of most students, school personnel are able to focus their resources on which of the following?
a. Designing fund raisers.
b. After school enrichment programs.
c. Students who are unresponsive to other school wide strategies.
d. Teachers who need academic mentoring.
Which of the following should be addressed by your classroom rules?
a. safety
b. respect
c. responsibility
d. all of the above
Cognitive interventions focus on errors in _____________ that result in unacceptable behavior.
a. parenting
b. genetics
c. teaching
d. thinking
Mr. Deshner teaches 5th grade. One of his students sleeps each day at about 10:00 AM. Which model would best help Mr. Deshner identify why this behavior is ongoing?
a. psychodynamic
b. behavioral
c. sociological
d. ecological
Functional Behavioral Assessment is based on several assumptions. Which of the following statements is not one of these assumptions?
a. Antecedents affect behavior.
b. Parents are the most influential in a student's school behavior.
c. Sometimes, problem behavior reflects a failure to learn a more appropriate alternative way to behave.
d. Behavior serves a purpose.
Sometimes, events or conditions that are not immediately connected in time and place to the behavior in question may affect the behavior; such conditions are known as ____________________.
a. setting events
b. teaching events
c. coaching events
d. unusual events
Given the assumption that behavior serves a purpose (function), we ___________ what happens when those behaviors occur to develop hypotheses about the purpose those behaviors might be serving for the student.
a. guess
b. ask
c. wonder
d. evaluate
Under a psychodynamic approach the aim is to help the individual gain insight into internalized feelings and emotions, usually related to issues stemming from early life experiences.
a. true
b. false
Antecedents are events that occur before behaviors and that may cue or set the stage for certain behaviors.
a. true
b. false
Consequences are events that follow a behavior that determine whether the behavior will be repeated or not.
a. true
b. false
The biophysical model, also called the medical model, is based on the assumption that atypical behavior is the result of:
a. biological make-up
b. some type of organic dysfunction inherent in the individual
c. genetics
d. all of the above
Cognitive-behavioral interventions are used with the goal of helping the individual better manage his or her own behavior, or to become more independent of external control.
a. true
b. false
According to a comprehensive of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which one of these statements is true.
a. Medication is the only way to address this disorder.
b. Counseling is the best way to work with these children.
c. Medication for behavioral control should always be combined with types of behavioral interventions and positive behavior supports.
d. none of the above
Classrooms that are chaotic are often unclear in terms of what behaviors are expected or allowed; however, this has little to do with unacceptable behavior.
a. true
b. false
Which one of the choices below briefly describes concerns regarding the Life Space Interview.
a. Behavior debriefing may reinforce unacceptable behavior.
b. Students' may use feelings as an excuse for unacceptable behavior.
c. LSI can result in loss of academic learning time.
d. all of the above
Failure to learn more adaptive behaviors creates a setting event condition that increases the likelihood that undesired behaviors will occur.
a. true
b. false
The ecological model relies upon ecological assessment to gather information about the child's behavior and expectations relative to the child's
a. ecosystems in which the child functions.
b. classroom.
c. home.
d. peers.
In the last decade there has been increased criticism of schools for problems with drug and alcohol use among students. Which of the following has also been criticized?
a. a lack of funds
b. a lack of discipline
c. a lack of supervision
d. a lack of accountability
Which of the following is not included in the philosophy of Project Re-ED.
a. People who work with children and youth who exhibit challenging behaviors must believe that positive change is attainable.
b. Some behaviors are caused by genetic disorders and cannot be changed.
c. A therapeutic relationship between adult caregivers and children who exhibit difficult behaviors is an essential prerequisite for behavioral change.
d. Appropriate academic and social expectations, assessment, and programming are critical to a young person's success.
Studies have shown that harsh, exclusionary punishments are disproportionately applied to which students?
a. males
b. minority students
c. students with disabilities
d. all of the above
A behavioral approach is based on the fundamental assumption that all _______________ behavior is learned as a result of consequences associated with those behaviors.
a. appropriate
b. inappropriate
c. school
d. voluntary
Which of the following is NOT one of the four theoretical elements integrated in PBIS?
a. operationally defined and valued outcomes
b. research validated practices
c. punitive discipline techniques
d. systems change to both enhance the broad quality with which all students are living/learning, and reduce problem behaviors
Careless, unsystematic application of positive reinforcement can increase _____________ behaviors as well as desirable behaviors.
a. intelligent
b. undesirable
c. academic
d. gross motor
SW - PBIS focuses on student performance in all systems of the school. If a problem is identified in a particular area of the school, what happens?
a. Positive, proactive interventions to address the problem are developed.
b. More effective punishers are identified.
c. Teachers or staff are taught to apply punishment procedures earlier in problem behavior patterns.
d. all of the above
Here are three of the four assumptions of Applied Behavior Analysis: (1) A person's past learning and biological make-up affect current behavior. (2) All voluntary behavior, both appropriate behavior and inappropriate behavior, is governed by the same principles. (3) Behavior is related to the environment in which it occurs. Which of the following completes the four assumptions?
a. Punishment is the most important technique in ABA.
b. Behavior serves a purpose.
c. Some behaviors cannot be changed.
d. Biologically-based behaviors cannot be changed.
The less time teachers spend on discipline problems, the more time they have to teach.
a. true
b. false