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During the 1970s, conservatives
a. continued their overt opposition to the black struggle for racial justice.
b. insisted on more local control and resisted the power of the federal government.
c. employed the fiery rhetoric and direct confrontation tactics of Bull Connor and George Wallace.
d. made little progress.
e. appealed primarily to urban Americans.
ANS: B TOP: The Rising Tide of Conservatism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1034 | Seagull p. 1052
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Discuss the roots of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s.
What triggered the rise of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?
a. the end of the Vietnam War
b. the commercial activities between Cambodia and Vietnam
c. the acceptance of Cambodia into the United Nations
d. the Soviet invasion of Cambodia
e. the U.S. invasion of Cambodia
ANS: E TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 10321033 | Seagull p. 1040 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
Democrats nominated Senator George McGovern for president in 1972. McGovern only won in Massachusetts. What did the results of the elections suggest?
a. that he was from Massachusetts
b. that not many voters went to the polls
c. that women preferred him over the other candidate
d. that the electoral system needed an update
e. that certain sectors of society no longer swore loyalty to the Democratic Party
ANS: E TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 10341035 | Seagull p. 1032 MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
Which of the following accurately describes the Iran Crisis?
a. The American hostages in Iran were released the day Reagan left office.
b. In 1979, a popular revolution overthrew the Islamic state and established the shah regime.
c. The Iranian Revolution signaled that opposition movements in Middle Eastern countries were shifting to religious fundamentalist ideologies.
d. After Carter refused the deposed shah entry for medical treatment in the United States, his exiled internal security force invaded the U.S. Embassy in Teheran and took American hostages.
e. The crisis was the perfect opportunity for Carter to prove his statesmanship.
ANS: C TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 10321033 | Seagull pp. 10501051 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
How did the experience of the 1960s shape Americas neoconservatives?
a. Neoconservatives believed that even the best-intentioned social programs did more harm than good.
b. The expense of the space race convinced them that they had to give up fighting the Cold War.
c. The U.S. experience in the Vietnam War taught neoconservatives to wage wars with all available resources.
d. The prosperity under the stewardship of liberal Democrats convinced them that New Deal economics were the path for the future.
e. Their own exposure to drugs, sex, and rock and roll made them more likely to be libertarians at heart.
ANS: A TOP: The Rising Tide of Conservatism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1034 | Seagull pp. 10521053 MSC: Applying OBJ: 4. Discuss the roots of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s.
When Ford took office in 1974, what occurred for the first time in U.S. history?
a. Ford refused to pardon the former president.
b. The former president had been impeached and thrown out of office.
c. Both the president and vice president took office without being voted in.
d. An American president was censured by Congress.
e. The president held a live press conference.
ANS: C TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1029 | Seagull p. 1047
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
Why did the CIA seek to destabilize the government of Chile after 1970?
a. because it was a strong ally of the Soviet Union
b. because Augusto Pinochet, the leader, was a declared communist
c. because it had not been democratically elected
d. because Chiles geographical position was key to access the Pacific Ocean and the United States wanted to build a military base there
e. because Chileans had elected a socialist president, Salvador Allende
ANS: E TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 1031 | Seagull p. 1038 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
How was Richard Nixon treated by the Ford administration?
a. Ford pushed the Justice Department to prosecute Nixon.
b. President Ford pardoned Nixon.
c. Nixons crimes and accomplishments were expunged from the public record.
d. Nixon was largely ignored by the Ford administration.
e. Nixons accomplishments were celebrated.
ANS: B TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1029 | Seagull p. 1047
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
Under the Nixon administration, the United States
a. denounced Pinochets dictatorship.
b. aided dictatorial governments, like Pinochets regime.
c. assisted Salvador Allende.
d. supported the government in North Vietnam.
e. refused to support the dictatorial regime in Iran.
ANS: B TOP: President Nixon DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 1031 | Seagull p. 1038 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973
a. created a special program for the rehabilitation of war veterans in need.
b. was passed by the House of Representatives but not by the Senate.
c. was highly contested in Congress.
d. prohibited discrimination on the basis of disability in any program or agency related to the federal government.
e. was passed to encourage the improvement of Americans.
ANS: D TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 1030 | Seagull p. 1032 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
President Carters foreign policy emphasized
a. the need to fight communism around the world.
b. the policy of containment.
c. the right of the United States to intervene in Latin America.
d. an increased military presence in Southeast Asia.
e. human rights as a diplomatic priority.
ANS: E TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 1031 | Seagull p. 1049
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
During the 1970s, the Sexual Revolution
a. continued to be discussed only among close circles of friends.
b. formed part of the counterculture of America.
c. only concerned women.
d. started to form part of the social mainstream.
e. sparked a second baby boom.
ANS: D TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 1030 | Seagull p. 1032 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Discuss the roots of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s.
Which of the following best describes Nixons foreign policy of d tente?
a. Nixon focused on domestic affairs, placing less importance on international relations than did his predecessors.
b. He announced the United States would stop sending aid to nondemocratic countries.
c. He tried to democratize eastern Europe through secret diplomatic talks.
d. He stopped all diplomatic talks with communist countries.
e. He inaugurated an era of peaceful coexistence with communist countries.
ANS: E TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate
REF: Full pp. 1032 | Seagull p. 1038 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Which of the following found inspiration in the movements of the 1960s and support across the political spectrum?
a. the disability movement
b. gender rights movement
c. gay rights movement
d. equal rights movement
e. the movement for racial equality
ANS: A TOP: President Nixon DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 1030 | Seagull p. 1032 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
After Nixons 1972 visit to China
a. the United States sent economic and military aid to the exile regime in Taiwan.
b. Chinas participation in the UN was suspended.
c. China drew closer to the Soviet Union.
d. the Beijing government took Chinas place at the UN.
e. commercial relations between the two countries ceased.
ANS: D TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 1032 | Seagull p. 1038 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
In response to the sexual revolution
a. women had children at a younger age.
b. there was a decrease in the marriage age.
c. abortion became illegal.
d. divorce rates plummeted.
e. the birth rate declined.
ANS: E TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 1030 | Seagull p. 1036 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
The Camp David Accords brokered a peace between what two countries?
a. Colombia and Panama
b. Greece and Italy
c. Poland and Russia
d. Egypt and Israel
e. Namibia and Botswana
ANS: D TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1032 | Seagull p. 1050
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
The Three Mile Island nuclear plant
a. proved the success of the alternative energy resource.
b. was the first of its kind to be operational.
c. brought a halt to the nuclear energy industrys expansion.
d. was the first nuclear plant to have an accident.
e. stood as a symbol of American scientific and technological superiority.
ANS: C TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 1030 | Seagull p. 1049
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
Which of the following is evidence that freedom for women expanded in the 1970s?
a. Fewer women sought professional careers.
b. Stay-at-home moms received incentives to focus on their domestic duties.
c. Gender discrimination was banned in higher education
d. Women were now required to be married to get credit.
e. Large corporations refused to upgrade employment opportunities available to women.
ANS: C TOP: President Nixon DIF: Easy
REF: Full pp. 1031 | Seagull pp. 10361037
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Nixons Family Assistance Plan
a. only served black families.
b. did not apply to single women with children.
c. provided assistance to poor families who met the stipulated criteria.
d. was approved by Congress.
e. was supported by conservatives.
ANS: C TOP: President Nixon DIF: Difficult
REF: Full pp. 10261027 | Seagull p. 1033
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
The economic condition known as stagflation was caused by
a. declining oil prices.
b. low inflation rates.
c. stagnant economic growth and low inflation.
d. stagnant economic growth and high inflation.
e. high income tax rates.
ANS: D TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1027 | Seagull p. 1045
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
Why had it been premature for liberals to celebrate the downfall of their political adversary Richard Nixon?
a. Nixon would stage a second political comeback in the Reagan administration.
b. As many Democrats as Republicans wound up in jail in the Watergate scandal.
c. Nixon remained popular with the American public, despite the Watergate scandal.
d. Watergate undermined public confidence in the merits of the federal government.
e. Republicans distanced themselves from Nixon and won majorities in 1974.
ANS: D TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1025 | Seagull p. 1043
MSC: Applying OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
What led to the congressional discovery that the FBI had spied on millions of Americans in the 1960s?
a. the assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem
b. the invasion of Cambodia
c. the revelations about the My Lai Massacre
d. the hearings in the wake of the Kent State shootings
e. the Church Committee investigations
ANS: E TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1025 | Seagull p. 1043
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
What was the purpose of the Office of Minority Business Enterprise?
a. to promote entrepreneurial activities
b. to grant money to immigrants as they settled in
c. to fund black capitalist initiatives
d. to fund initiatives led by women
e. to promote gay rights
ANS: C TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 1028 | Seagull p. 1032 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Richard Nixons New Federalism
a. offered state-grants that could be used however each state government chose.
b. created much discomfort in Congress.
c. closed a few state agencies and declared that no new agencies could be created.
d. demanded full national control of all federal money sent to the states.
e. was clearly moved by a liberal agenda.
ANS: A TOP: President Nixon DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 1026 | Seagull p. 1032 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
What did the busing issue illustrate about America in the 1970s?
a. the existence of white hostility toward a strong and powerful government who they believed was taking away their rights and freedoms
b. that more highways needed to be built
c. that highways and automobiles were key to promoting rural growth
d. that stopping segregation was in the best interests of blacks and whites alike
e. that the Supreme Court would not express itself in terms of racial discrimination
ANS: A TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1028 | Seagull p. 1032
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
The Nixon administration
a. temporarily stopped the food stamps program.
b. gave much importance to the Office of Economic Opportunity.
c. critically reduced all spending on environmental initiatives.
d. reformed the Environmental Protection Agency.
e. created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
ANS: E TOP: President Nixon
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1026 | Seagull pp. 10321033 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Richard Nixons appointment of Warren Burger as chief justice was intended to
a. balance the court.
b. give minorities a voice.
c. continue Warrens legacy of judicial activism.
d. give the Supreme Court an active role in domestic affairs.
e. give the Court a conservative tone.
ANS: E TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 1028 | Seagull pp. 10341035
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
The effect of the lowering in value of the U.S. dollar during Richard Nixons first term was
a. positive, because U.S. exports increased.
b. negative, because numerous treaties were being used to determine currency values around the world.
c. positive, because China exported cheap products to the United States.
d. negative, because the world economy became unstable.
e. neither positive nor negative; nothing changed with the economy.
ANS: D TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1026 | Seagull p. 1044
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
Which of the following comparisons of wage trends for 1953 to 1973 and 1973 to 1993 is accurate?
a. Wages were more equitable for women and minorities in the first period than in the second.
b. Wage gains were typically eaten up by inflation in the first half.
c. Nominal wages gradually sunk in the first half and rose in the second, but real wages behaved in the opposite way.
d. Wages increased significantly in the first period but stagnated in the second.
e. Wages for women grew significantly while mens wages declined.
ANS: D TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1028 | Seagull p. 1046
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
In 1971, what occurred for the first time in the twentieth century?
a. China held free elections.
b. Vietnam had no outside country ruling it.
c. Personal computers outsold televisions.
d. Cell phones started to replace landline phones.
e. The United States had a merchandise trade deficit.
ANS: E TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1026 | Seagull p. 1044
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
In Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, the Supreme Court decided
a. the Constitution did not require equality of school funding.
b. not to interfere with racism within public schools.
c. that white suburbs did not need to apply a desegregation plan.
d. students should not be transported long distances to go to school.
e. that transportation of students was necessary to end segregation.
ANS: D TOP: President Nixon DIF: Difficult
REF: Full pp. 10281029 | Seagull p. 1035
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
What caused the oil embargo in 1973?
a. President Nixon visited China.
b. Middle Eastern Arab countries were unhappy with U.S. support for Israel.
c. President Nixon took the United States off the gold standard.
d. Europe and Japan stopped importing oil.
e. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries refused to set oil prices.
ANS: B TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1026 | Seagull p. 1044
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
Domestically, President Gerald Ford
a. was successful at reviving the American economy.
b. introduced programs that encouraged growth in the manufacturing sector.
c. reversed the economic policies of his predecessor.
d. restored Americans confidence in their nation, as business boomed.
e. failed to revive the economy.
ANS: E TOP: The End of the Golden Age
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1029 | Seagull p. 1047
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s.
How did the War Powers Act of 1973 change the powers of the presidency?
a. It granted the president power to enact military law in emergency situations.
b. It provided the push needed for President Nixon to win the Vietnam War.
c. It empowered the president to manage the diplomatic relations of South Vietnam.
d. It required congressional approval for the commitment of troops overseas.
e. It prohibited the president from negotiating trade deals with warring nations.
ANS: D TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1023 | Seagull p. 1040
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
The Church Committee revealed that since the beginning of the Cold War
a. the CIA and FBI had engaged in abusive actions.
b. the Catholic Church had secretly channeled funds to Third World countries fighting communism.
c. every administration had traded arms for hostages behind the back of Congress.
d. the Ku Klux Klan had been receiving funds from the FBI to sabotage the civil rights movement.
e. the draft process had unfairly drafted the poor and minorities, while white, middle-class men were often exempt.
ANS: A TOP: Vietnam and Watergate DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1025 | Seagull pp. 10421043
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
Which of the following U.S. presidents used freedom as his watchword and invoked an image of America as the beacon of liberty and freedom?
a. Richard Nixon
b. Ronald Reagan
c. Gerard Ford
d. Earl Warren
e. Nelson Rockefeller
ANS: B TOP: Introduction
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1024 | Seagull p. 1032
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 4. Discuss the roots of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s.
Two decades after the Vietnam War ended, which former secretary of defense regretted that the United States had entered the conflict?
a. Lyndon Johnson
b. Richard Nixon
c. Robert McNamara
d. Dean Rusk
e. Eugene McCarthy
ANS: C TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 1024 | Seagull p. 1041
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
The Vietnam Syndrome was
a. the reluctance of Americans to send U.S. troops to an overseas conflict.
b. the idea that the press influences the outcome of a war.
c. the belief that soldiers who suffered post-traumatic stress disorders should be medically treated.
d. the idea that the United States needed to stop all communist nations from expanding.
e. the belief that the United States needed to isolate Vietnam from the rest of the world.
ANS: A TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1024 | Seagull p. 1041
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
Vietnamization was
a. the Viet Congs policy of immediate execution of defectors recaptured from the South Vietnamese army.
b. Nixons term for the transformation of young people into real Americans when they refrained from protesting against the war.
c. Nixons Vietnam strategy to have American troops gradually withdraw and South Vietnamese troops assume the fighting.
d. the State Department program offering fast-tracked political asylum for South Vietnamese military officials and their families.
e. the spread of American culture in South Vietnam to display the benefits of capitalism.
ANS: C TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1022 | Seagull p. 1039
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
What did events surrounding the Watergate break-in and cover-up suggest about Richard Nixon?
a. Despite his involvement after the fact, he believed that even the president was not above the law.
b. He was willing to condone illegal activity if it would silence his political enemies.
c. His refusal to surrender the White House tapes initially showed strength and bolstered his standing with the American people.
d. His paranoia about the power of the Johnson administration pushed him toward crime and corruption.
e. He thought spying, even on Americans, was excusable during wars.
ANS: B TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 10241025 | Seagull pp. 10411042 MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
What were the results of the U.S. invasion of neutral Cambodia in 1970?
a. The Viet Cong lost access to its Ho Chi Minh Trail.
b. South Vietnam gained increasing influence over a weak neighbor.
c. The invasion destabilized the nation and ushered in a murderous regime.
d. The impressive military action convinced communist China to approach the United States.
e. The invasion toppled Cambodias communist government.
ANS: C TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1022 | Seagull p. 1039
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
Nixon was the first president from
a. Florida.
b. Alaska.
c. Puerto Rico.
d. Ohio.
e. California.
ANS: E TOP: President Nixon DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 1025 | Seagull p. 1032 MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Which of the following statements correctly describes the outcome of the My Lai Massacre?
a. The military cover-up of the atrocity prevented the guilty parties from ever facing trial.
b. American public opinion declared the defendants guilty before there even was a trial.
c. The leaders responsible for the massacre were all sentenced to life and remain in jail to this day.
d. One person was found guilty in this killing of 350 civilians, and he was released in 1974.
e. The event prompted Americans to reflect more deeply on the implications of the Nuremberg trials.
ANS: D TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Difficult REF: Full pp. 10221023 | Seagull p. 1040 MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
Which of the following formed part of the conservative agenda?
a. a strong critique of the welfare state
b. a willingness to raise taxes
c. increasing government involvement in the peoples lives
d. the determination to stop the international crusade against communism
e. the advancement of limited individual freedom
ANS: A TOP: President Nixon DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 1025 | Seagull p. 1032 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
What resulted from the Pentagon Papers release?
a. The Nixon administration reassessed the United States involvement in the Vietnam War.
b. President Johnson did not run for reelection.
c. President Nixon ordered a break-in at the New York Times offices.
d. The United States lost the Vietnam War.
e. The Supreme Court reached a landmark freedom-of-the-press decision.
ANS: E TOP: Vietnam and Watergate
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1023 | Seagull p. 1040
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
As a result of Watergate, what happened to Richard Nixon?
a. He became president.
b. He resigned as president.
c. He was impeached by the House.
d. He was impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate.
e. He fled the United States.
ANS: B TOP: Vietnam and Watergate DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 1025 | Seagull p. 1042 MSC: Remembering OBJ: 2. Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government.
The Great Society
a. included new health care, education, and urban development initiatives paid for with federal funds.
b. established the Environmental Protection Agency.
c. actually reduced federal power, as most of its programs were administered at the local level.
d. was the derisive description applied by the conservative press to President Johnsons massive expansion of the federal government.
e. dramatically worsened poverty for rural whites with its Medicare program.
ANS: A TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 983 | Seagull p. 997
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
What did the Supreme Court rulings in San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez and Milliken v. Bradley suggest?
a. The Court found the Constitution requires equality of school funding.
b. The Court recognized a school districts obligation to move its students great distances to achieve racial integration.
c. The Court was willing to abandon the idea of overturning local control of schools.
d. The Court would continue to rule in favor of busing.
e. The Court thought education was more important than housing.
ANS: C TOP: President Nixon
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1018 | Seagull p. 1035 MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
What does the textbook identify as the centerpiece of Johnsons Great Society?
a. Medicaid
b. the National Endowments for Humanities and for the Arts
c. the Public Broadcasting Service
d. the War on Poverty
e. the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
ANS: D TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 983| Seagull p. 997
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
In Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, the Supreme Court ruled that
a. affirmative action was unconstitutional.
b. racial quotas for college admissions were constitutional.
c. fixed affirmative action quotas were unconstitutional.
d. race could no longer be used as a factor in college admissions.
e. gender could no longer be used as a factor in college admissions.
ANS: C TOP: President Nixon
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1019 | Seagull p. 1036
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
The War on Poverty
a. was first proposed by Richard Nixon as a means to gain the support of congressional Democrats during Eisenhowers second term.
b. was not a part of Johnsons Great Society agenda.
c. concentrated on equipping the poor with skills and rebuilding their spirit and motivation.
d. guaranteed an annual income for most Americans.
e. focused on understanding economic changes and responding to them.
ANS: C TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Easy REF: Full pp. 983984 | Seagull pp. 997998 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
In Griggs v. Duke Power Company, what did the Supreme Court rule?
a. Race could be used as a factor in admissions decisions.
b. Admissions programs could not set aside spots only for minorities.
c. Quotas for training and hiring of nonwhite workers were acceptable.
d. The Constitution did not require equality with school funding.
e. Racially neutral job requirements could still be discriminatory and illegal.
ANS: E TOP: President Nixon
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1019 | Seagull p. 1036
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
What did the defeat of Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater show?
a. The success of the civil rights movement had made conventional Republicans unelectable.
b. The success of the New Deal state had made libertarianism unattractive to Americans.
c. The changing demographic image of the United States had made older presidential candidates unappealing.
d. The civil rights movement had redrawn the political map and opened the South to the Republican Party.
e. Americans were not yet ready for a Jewish presidential candidate.
ANS: D TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 981 | Seagull p. 995
MSC: Applying OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues. Barry Goldwater
a. was the 1964 Democrat nominee for president.
b. demanded increased taxes and governmental regulation.
c. critiqued the welfare state.
d. helped crystallize and popularize radical ideas.
e. was a communist.
ANS: C TOP: Political History | Introduction
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1015 | Seagull p. 1031
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Why did the gay and lesbian movement become a major concern for members of the political right after the late 1960s?
a. They understood that the movement could convert millions of impressionable youth.
b. Thousands of new civil rights movements encouraged gays and lesbians to come out.
c. They feared that gays and lesbians might push for an end to the dont ask, dont tell policy.
d. They suspected that many among their ranks were gay and lesbian themselves.
e. They feared that the gay and lesbian movement might push for higher taxes on the wealthy.
ANS: B TOP: President Nixon
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 1020 | Seagull p. 1037
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Which of the following groups was the leading force in advocating desegregation?
a. college students
b. southern blacks
c. the urban working class
d. the suburban middle class
e. business owners
ANS: A TOP: The Civil Rights Revolution
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 982 | Seagull p. 985
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major events in the civil rights movement in the early 1960s.
Explain how Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affected popular trust in the government. What was key to the election of Richard Nixon?
a. his down-to-earth personality
b. a backlash among formerly Democratic voters
c. his commitment to the Democratic agenda
d. his devotion to radical ideas after a period of presidential stagnancy
e. his refusal to listen to any liberal ideas
ANS: B TOP: President Nixon DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 1015 | Seagull p. 1032
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Which of the following statements is accurate of the 1965 Voting Rights Act?
a. Its passage was prompted by fear of violent protests.
b. It upheld the right of county officials to oversee black voter registration in cases where provided for by local statute.
c. It empowered federal officials to oversee voter registration.
d. It was strongly endorsed by President Nixon.
e. Congress was slow to pass the act after the presidents speech.
ANS: C TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 982 | Seagull p. 996
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
Examine the ways in which the opportunities of most Americans diminished in the 1970s. What did Nixons New Federalism do?
a. It abolished international trade.
b. It provided itemized budgets to states so that no federal money would be misspent.
c. It offered federal block grants to states to spend as they saw fit.
d. It attempted to reorganize the national banking system.
e. It put more checkpoints into place to ensure that the right people were benefiting from welfare.
ANS: C TOP: President Nixon DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 1016 | Seagull p. 1032
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Discuss the roots of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s. Affirmative action was
a. found unconstitutional during the Nixon administration.
b. mandated by law only for construction workers.
c. implemented only in Philadelphia.
d. never a priority during the Nixon administration.
e. first pursued and then abandoned by the Nixon administration.
ANS: E TOP: President Nixon
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1018 | Seagull p. 1033 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
Why did King decide to send black schoolchildren to protest in the streets of Birmingham?
a. He believed they were the future.
b. He believed the police would use force against them, and in return, he would use those images to build support for the civil rights movement.
c. They were easily manipulated.
d. He believed the image of children marching would show they had no schools in which to get an education.
e. He knew it was a peaceful city and nothing would happen to them.
ANS: B TOP: The Civil Rights Revolution
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 983 | Seagull p. 983
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major events in the civil rights movement in the early 1960s.
Who was Martin Luther King Jr. addressing in his Letter from Birmingham Jail?
a. Jim Crow
b. a local clergyman
c. white segregationists
d. the president of the United States
e. an international audience
ANS: B TOP: The Civil Rights Revolution
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 983 | Seagull p. 986987 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Identify the major events in the civil rights movement in the early 1960s.
Analyze how the Reagan presidency affected Americans both at home and abroad.
Multiple Choice Why did the fight over busing become so violent in Boston in the mid-1970s?
a. In Boston, the racial divisions were between African-Americans and Puerto Ricans as well as whites.
b. The African-American community in Boston consisted only of very recent migrants from the South.
c. Bostons politicians called on local residents to fight the busing order by all means necessary.
d. The tight-knit Irish-American community in South Boston fought integration violently.
e. Boston was widely understood to have the best public school system in the country.
ANS: D TOP: President Nixon DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 1018 | Seagull p. 1035 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 1. Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.
What event forced John F. Kennedy to take meaningful action in support of the civil rights movement?
a. Selma-to-Birmingham March
b. March on Washington rally
c. Kings demonstrations in Birmingham
d. Greensboro sit-ins
e. Freedom Summer campaign
ANS: C TOP: The Kennedy Years DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 977 | Seagull p. 991 MSC: Remembering OBJ: 2. Explain the major crises and policy initiatives of the Kennedy presidency.
Barry Goldwaters conservative movement
a. marked a departure from the radical conservatism of William Buckley.
b. did not find traction among midwestern and eastern transplants to Southern California.
c. was strongly embraced by the Young Americans for Freedom.
d. essentially ended with his landslide defeat in the 1964 presidential election.
e. rebuilt the traditional conservative voting base.
ANS: C TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 980981 | Seagull pp. 994995 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 5. Analyze how the Vietnam War transformed American politics and culture.
Why did John F. Kennedy consider civil rights a moral crisis for the nation?
a. He saw how racial tensions divided his own family.
b. He had personally witnessed the hardships of Jim Crow growing up.
c. He did not think racial equality in the United States possible without reparations for slavery.
d. He found racial discrimination incompatible with the United States claim for leadership of the free world.
e. He considered civil rights an issue for women and gays as well as for African-Americans.
ANS: D TOP: The Kennedy Years DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 977 | Seagull p. 991 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 2. Explain the major crises and policy initiatives of the Kennedy presidency.
The 1960 sit-in at Greensboro, North Carolina,
a. sparked similar successful demonstrations throughout the North.
b. ended with integration of the Woolworths lunch counter.
c. was violent and ended with the death of 10 students.
d. was not supported by any the white locals.
e. lasted for over a week.
ANS: B TOP: Introduction: Greensboro Sit-in
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 981 | Seagull pp. 983984 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Identify the major events in the civil rights movement in the early 1960s.
The Civil Rights Act
a. prohibited racial discrimination in places of public accommodation, but not private accommodation.
b. was seen by Lyndon Johnson as a fitting memorial to John F. Kennedy, after his assassination.
c. did not include a ban on discrimination on the basis of sex until the original bill was amended two years later.
d. prohibited racial discrimination in places of employment only.
e. was amended a year later to prohibit racial discrimination in private accommodations.
ANS: B TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 978 | Seagull p. 992
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
What best describes Young Americans for Freedom (YAF)?
a. communists who demanded representation in government
b. conservative students who aimed to take control of the Republican Party
c. retired veterans who demanded reasonable pensions
d. young women who wanted to be able to vote
e. radical Democrats who wanted to limit federal power
ANS: B TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 981 | Seagull p. 995
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
In addition to prohibiting racial discrimination, what did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplish?
a. It banned discrimination on the grounds of national origin.
b. It banned discrimination on the grounds of sex.
c. It banned discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.
d. It banned discrimination on the grounds of religion.
e. It banned discrimination on the grounds of economic status.
ANS: B TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 978 | Seagull p. 992
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
During Freedom Summer
a. very few white college students participated.
b. only black activists participated in the voter registration campaign.
c. signers of the Southern Manifesto launched a campaign against integration.
d. a coalition of civil rights groups launched a voter registration drive in Mississippi.
e. there was little violence.
ANS: D TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 978 | Seagull p. 993
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
What was the purpose of Freedom Summer?
a. to bring national attention to the growing strength of Klan members in Mississippi
b. to register new candidates for local office across the state of Mississippi
c. to address the failure of the Civil Rights Act to include a provision on voting rights in the South
d. to provide field experience for new recruits to CORE and SNCC
e. to bring down the Democratic Party and secure the Republican majority in Congress.
ANS: C TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 978979 | Seagull p. 993 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
How did John Kennedys inaugural address strike a different tone?
a. It downplayed the Soviet Union as a threat.
b. It urged Americans to move beyond the consumer culture of the 1950s.
c. It focused on communism in the Caribbean.
d. It talked about reverence for the adults who lived through the Great Depression.
e. It explicitly focused on the topics of segregation and race.
ANS: B TOP: The Kennedy Years DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 975 | Seagull p. 989 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain the major crises and policy initiatives of the Kennedy presidency.
Why did the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) emerge at the Democratic Party convention in Atlantic City in 1964?
a. The MFDP had won local elections in Mississippi.
b. The MFDP was the white supremacist delegation sent to New Jersey by white Mississippians.
c. The MFDP had received a personal invitation from the family of the deceased President John F. Kennedy.
d. The MFDP challenged the state Democratic Partys claim that it represented Mississippi fairly.
e. The MFDP organized white supremacists in Mississippi unhappy with Lyndon Johnsons civil rights plank.
ANS: D TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 979 | Seagull p. 993
MSC: Applying OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
Regarding civil rights during his presidency, John F. Kennedy
a. immediately addressed the demands of black activists.
b. remained completely uninvolved.
c. was reluctant to address the movements demands until 1963.
d. instructed his brother Robert Kennedy to immediately enforce desegregation in the South.
e. proposed a civil rights bill his first week in office.
ANS: C TOP: The Kennedy Years DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 977 | Seagull p. 991 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 2. Explain the major crises and policy initiatives of the Kennedy presidency.
Democrats painted Barry Goldwater as what during the 1964 election?
a. weak
b. anti-intellectual
c. greedy
d. out of touch
e. extremist
ANS: E TOP: Lyndon Johnsons Presidency
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 980 | Seagull p. 994
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs.
Explain the major crises and policy initiatives of the Kennedy presidency. What philosophy did the protesters at the Greensboro sit-in adhere to?
a. militancy
b. Marxism
c. violence as self-defense
d. nonviolence
e. Buddhism
ANS: D TOP: Civil Rights | Introduction: Greensboro Sit-in DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 971 | Seagull pp. 983984 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Identify the major events in the civil rights movement in the early 1960s.
Who ran as a third-party candidate in the 1968 presidential election?
a. George Wallace
b. Richard Nixon
c. Hubert Humphrey
d. Eugene McCarthy
e. Robert Kennedy
ANS: A TOP: 1968 DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 1011 | Seagull p. 1027 MSC: Remembering OBJ: 7. Examine the ways in which 1968 was a climactic year for the 1960s.
Examine the purposes and strategies of Johnsons Great Society programs. In addition to sit-ins, other forms of direct action
a. encountered very little resistance by local white authorities.
b. included wade-ins, where black activists attempted to integrate California beaches.
c. attracted national attention, especially the 1961 Freedom Rides.
d. were limited to marches and demonstrations.
e. included integrated groups riding city buses into the Midwest, where drivers and conductors attacked them.
ANS: C TOP: The Civil Rights Revolution
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 972 | Seagull p. 985
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the major events in the civil rights movement in the early 1960s.